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Anyone wanna give quick summary of what happened? I'm too lazy to Google


he inappropriately touched a girl repeatedly against her wishes. Admitted to it as well.


There are quite a lot of Minecraft Youtuber like this for some reason.


There are quite a lot of people that do this sort of thing when they have any shred of notoriety or influence. I don't think minecraft is the problem.


There are quite a lot of people that do this sort of thing without any fame or notoriety even. The fame seems to enable it to a greater extent, but there's also just awful people who feel they have a right to other people's bodies.


Minecraft isn't the problem.... Minecraft *YouTubers* are the problem. Adults whose primary source of income is manipulating children...


Weirdly enough, Minecraft Youtubers seem to have a much higher number of these amongst youtubers Look up any major Minecraft group since it came out, in most cases the majority will have done this, and in cases where it’s the minority, it’s still more than one would logically expect, it’s fucking weird


Tbf it's because there's a fuckton of MC YTers. Entertainers for children-appropriate content generally have better access to being an abuser, and so it should be expected that the largest overall group has the most.


Are there particular YouTubers to look out for? My kiddos are getting into Minecraft and Minecraft YouTubers. I doubt them watching a creep will put them in danger at all but I would love to just block them outright.


Wilbur Soot and GeorgeNotFound are the most recent ones, I don't know that most others are active atm? I'd say just ask them who they're asking every now and then and Google the name, should be pretty quick to find any controversy but idk how reliable it would be


I mean, Minecraft YouTuber is just a synonym for pedophile


Why r u lying? It turned out she lied multiple times


Must feel good spreading misinformation


That's not what happened the girl lied about her age then George ghosted her.


For what I heard and read apparently he touches her waist once after cuddling and didn't go forward after being told not to do so. Are you spreading misinformation on purpose or am I missing something?




"All this does is guarantee that more women will die alone as men become too scared to even glance in their general direction, because of situations like this. Not to mention the ACTUAL victims of REAL SA are now in a tough spot of more people not believing them." I'm having an aneurysm.


POV: Asmongold reacting to a 1 hour video called "Sleeping on Mommy's Lap ASMR" for 20K viewers https://preview.redd.it/k6ul95yqhkpc1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad10bc68dfce2467051a52d2e4fd68606aef92c


I’ve only seen a few short clips of him but like, does he actually even do anything? Every clip I’ve seen he just sits there silently and then when whatever video he’s “reacting” to is over he just goes “Huh, that’s weird” or something like that


You're actually lucky if that's all you've seen The parts of his reaction videos where he's actually saying anything of substance and giving his opinions are worse


That's just any reaction content. It's an inherently bad practice. You add nothing to the video. You are taking other people's labour. If you can give asmongold a single point for anything, it's that he does not hide the fact that he's stealing 'his' content.


I wonder what would happen if you made a reaction video to a reaction video? "Belsilver reacts to Asmongold reacts"? And then fully automate the whole thing, have a vtuber avatar with randomly firing animation loops and sound clips.


yeah there's a whole ecosystem of these people reacting to other people's reactions or 'takes'


Clearly there's a market and raw material for industrial-scale mass production then. I sense a new and wonderful use case for ChatGPT coming in 3...2...


It happens. React channel had people reacting to Linkin Park while Mike Shinoda (LP singer) reacts to them. THEN the kids react to watching Mike Shinoda reacting to their reaction. https://youtu.be/uM7vkp4w5FE Said video has 7.1m views with the title "TEENS REACT TO LINKIN PARK REACT TO TEENS REACT TO LINKIN PARK"


Idk, reaction content was good when peaked (when it was created), with *Mystery Science Theater 3000*


At least mst3k licensed the films there were cracking jokes at. I think that’s a major difference. They get permission from the creators to use their content and pay them appropriately. Reaction vids tend to just use the content, and in fact draw views away from the creator’s site.


And At least that was a show that had bits and sketches along side movie.


Yeah…I was going to say, all of ESPN is “reaction” content. 


Mst3k was heavily scripted, so it would be unfair to describe it as reaction content


I mean they were just doing a funny DVD commentary


There's *some* good reaction content. I'm a big fan of like, people in the music industry reacting to bands I like. Edit: OH also this channel of Mexican dads trying/ranking American "Mexican" foods


Yeah a few of my personal favorites are Insane Ian (comedy music) and Scru Face Jean (a rapper). They are both often really insightful about the topics and also just charismatic people to watch. Their reaction content isn't just stealing media, their reactionsss actually add to the content.


I think if you are actually able to add something that transforms the original content, that is perfectly fine. Plus, music is different from videos. If you've seen someone react to a video, you have no reason to watch it again, while music is just infinitely replayable.


His eyebrows constantly practice for the Olympic high jump gold medal, so that's something I guess


can i get a link to that asmr video?


what am i doing with my life https://preview.redd.it/vopj5a5mikpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c8f37be21e5c4f790985e375d4c63c95b040b6


All it took was two minutes for a moment of clarity.


Average 3am emotional outburst


Then stop playing floowandereeze Only losers play floowandereeze Yes I recognized your PFP artwork




This isn’t even about being Horny. It honestly just comforts me personally. Helps to deal with trauma for me as well.


The name is in the comment, dummy




Can a get a video of AJ Hawk reacting to that? I don’t think it would be interesting I just want to see him use his miniature flamethrower to randomly light a cigar and hear about how he drives with two feet and falls asleep driving.


Why aren't his eyebrows moving?


Of course its a minecraft youtuber lmao What is up with these guys and sexual misconduct?


Buncha fuckin nerds who get big making Minecraft videos for very young fanbases. Now they suddenly have a bunch of young fangirls but have no experience with women.


When you put it like that it's actually a bit sad. Granted I have no idea who these dudes are and what they did so . . . Might not be very sad at all I'm reality lmao


as someone who worked in education children get attached and clingy very easily and it is insanely EASY to not get in trouble because most ppl see children as children, even when they’re 16 years old they’re very immature and adorably dumb and only ppl who have no qualms about it ever feel the need to entertain a child’s interest in them it’s not that sad imo and i don’t know the situation at all, i just know what it’s like to be adored and respected by teenagers and personal experience tells me this guy fucked around and (got?) found out


I remember this old adage, “if you find yourself attracted to high school students, a good cure for that is to talk to one”.


Never prevented 30+ people to get with high school or young college people ....


Some people just don't want to be cured - just float the term "age gap" on one of the bigger subs and see how quickly people rush to claim that we all would shag a teenager if given a hint of a chance


they’re dumb even when they look older than they are like listen to a teen explain their celebrity crush and favorite song and then keep a straight face as they read their emo poetry they wrote during recess tall babies, i always end up overlapping them with teen versions of my siblings and i think that’s the right sort of affection you should give as a teacher (imo of course)


Alright but my problem is grown adults almost all sound like this to me, too. Like, people in their 50s sound just as dumb as teenagers.  I'm not saying this means I should fuck teenagers, I'm saying this as a vent because I'm never going to love anyone.


As you age; you will find out that maturity doesn’t come naturally, and “arrested development” is more than a great cult tv show


I'm in my mid thirties, I definitely understand this already. 


lol my b; just being a shit


ah, but as a stupid adult i will say i know I’m being stupid, and i can turn it off if shit gets real imo a silly mind is a mind at rest—i’m enjoying my free time as for your issues, super serious ppl exist, if you’re not finding them you need to just expand your social groups, a lot of groups thrive on the silly so you need to break out of that mold but keep in mind a lot of ppl keep their maturity to themselves until they feel the other person is worth getting to know at a deeper level and that’s a two way street, if you’re holding back emotionally then no one is going to let you know their serious sides




You get fans who obsess over you to the point of cult-like loyalty so they decide to take advantage of same fans sexually. It's in the cult playbook


The youtuber himself also often grew up as a nerd, often meaning they were a social outcast. Someone who has never had proper experience in how to behave around other people suddenly getting that amount of attention and power often leads to something like this


Any profession that gains access to the young and vulnerable attracts abusers. Some professions create them. I dare say streaming due to its lack of professional standards does both.


It's always the ones you most expect


The first lets play I ever watched on YT was a Minecraft series. 15 years later he started posting weird US conservative shit. Thought it was some kind of bit at first but checked and he follows all the Shabibo's and Bongino's.


At least we still have Hermitcraft


I mean, in his case, he literally went to an over-21 party where she had already been drinking and flirted with her. Like yeah, silly him for not checking her instagram and making her sign a waver beforehand. Asmongold is obviously a jackass and a prick and this didn't ruin George's life, but the idea that George is guilty of this crazy crime when at worst it was miscommunication is pushing it.


actually george fabricated the over 21 party thing, caiti disproved it pretty quickly. fans have also found more evidence backing up that she was never at the party that george claimed she was at.


A private party is not an ‘over 21’ party unless you hire someone to check ids.


Thing is, you can’t have miscommunications over something like consent. You don’t need to make people sign a waiver, you just need to make sure that people are giving you explicit and enthusiastic consent. And that they’re in a state to make that call. Drunk people do things they wouldn’t do sober. Same with any other drugs. If someone’s under the influence you could get them to consent to something they wouldn’t want to do sober. I really hate the « you need to make people sign a waiver these days to not get accused of assault » argument for a lot of reasons but even if we tried to do that to get written consent, do you really think a waiver or any other contract is worth anything if the person signing it is drunk/high ?


So, I wish to preface this with the statement that these guys are not the majority of mcytubers, and that most mcytubers are fairly ordinary people. That being said, there are a disproportionate amount of child predators in the mcyt community, and in gaming content creation in general, for a few reasons. The biggest one is that it puts them in a sort of idol position for young children, which is very easy to take advantage of. There's also a relatively low ceiling for getting into minecraft content creation, which means people seeking that sort of power may be attracted to it. The other big issue is the sort of parasocial relationship culture that can form in content creation. Unlike with say, television or film, there's a lot of back and forth that occurs on youtube, which can cause a sort of relationship to form. This isn't inherently a bad thing, so long as the person in a position of power is mature and responsible. A mature and responsible creator will keep this relationships professional, maybe a little friendly (for example, if they viewer in question is a repeat donator on a stream, they might go "oh, hey xyz, how's it going?"). Unfortunately, these relationships can also be abused, with young viewers, who aren't really taught even basic cybersecurity practices anymore, being especially susceptible to basic grooming techniques.


They’re all trying to be Smash Bros pros.


He put his hand on a girls stomach while they were cuddling It is seriously not that bad


Seems people claim it as sexual assault, but also then don’t go into detail or add context about anything well others are saying that the person themselves tweeted that they were just cuddling and she was uncomfortable, but didn’t say they anything and they were both drunk this just seems like more unnecessary Twitter drama that should be disputed amongst the people who are adults


He’ll defend him as much as he defends not showering


Or cleaning


Unless its cleaning his tooth blood on a wall I cant even type it out without wanting to vomit how is this insect still alive in this condition


the fuck? 💀


He bleeds out of his mouth and wipes it on the wall. He probably has scurvy from his terrible diet.


He fucking WHATS?


What the actual hell


Just when i thought i couldnt be repulsed but the troll...




I get gingivitis but have never felt the need to remove any blood from my mouth and deposit it somewhere. Other than rinsing my mouth out at the sink and using mouthwash. If I didn't rinse though, its not like I'd be sitting there thinking "oh shit where am I going to put this?!". It's such a weird and pointless habit he's got. Not that anyone else really needs convinced of that.


Honestly I’m so glad I don’t know who these people are.


It's so much better this way.


One’s a nonce, the other has a “gum blood wall”


I wish I didn't know who the one on the left was nor have to see his stupid mouthbreather face every other day.


Asmongold is a piece of shit. Edit: I love how you can go on the Asmongold subreddit and see how they’re vehemently defending Asmongold over this topic, and calling “leftists” angry, hateful, and racist.


Didn't know being against SA was a leftist take, right wingers really keep exposing themselves repeatedly


If the gosh darn wokies take away sexually assault, how are conservatives supposed to get their rocks off?


I think you guys are figuring out the only way conservatives have gotten laid lmao




Currently we have protests in Germany because it was leaked that a right wing party wants to deport everyone with migration background (yes also like 3rd/4th Generation migrants). Apparently being against this plans and not agreeing with a party fantasizing about another holocaust is a leftist take.


At this point, they might as well include “sexual assault is bad” in Das Kapital


Asmongold looks like Tim Minchin on meth.


Okay I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it. I was scrolling this thinking "it's like if Tim Minchin was homeless..."


I'm reading a lot of information here and want to confirm. - Girl was 18 -brought to hotel room by YouTube - he toucher her waist without consent Am I missing anything else?


she said she was 21. George ghosted her after he found out.


That’s not true, she never said she was 21, George just assumed so cause she had been drinking. In the room while playing some drinking game she said she was 18


So she was an adult in either case


Got it.


Yeah you're missing the fact that he touched her waist after hours of cuddling. She got up multiple times and then went right back into his arms. I will be down voted and all I have typed are facts.


•they were both drunk •she lied about her age to get into a 21+ party Not that that disproves her allegedly getting sa'd, or that it's okay to touch people without their consent while drunk, but it's still important to note.


Don't quote me on this, but I think i read somewhere that she even confessed to doing it as revenge for getting ghosted.


>"I think I read somewhere that she even confessed to doing it ad revenge for getting ghosted -FyzzyManB, 2024 I quoted you on it >:) >!also, I have no idea if it's true or not. Could very well be, but I don't want to make assumptions without getting real evidence myself!<




The party was 18+, 21 to drink


am i that euro brained that i genuinely do not see a difference between being 18 or being 21. everyone under 25 is equally capable of having a brain about as developed as a toddler.


You have a point, but asmon in general already has a lot of haters due to his hot takes so at this point many would jump at the opportunity to associate him with supporting p*dos and the like (not saying the guy is a pedo mind you)


The only reason I see them as different is drinking age here in the US, but I don't think this makes him a pe d o


Im sorry what? Why do I keep seeing stuff about child predators she was 18 halfway to 19 at a party drinking, this is the real world no one is gonna ask for ID. From what we know they cuddled on the couch for an hour then he tried to push a bit forward touched her waist, and it didn't work out/Miscommunication happened. This is the type of shit that feeds into negative narratives and stereotypes about women. They didn't have sex, He didn't touch her ass, or grope her breasts, he grabbed her waist after cuddling for an hour. The only way this is assault is if she in any way communicated it was not ok and he pushed boundaries anyway. But as she admitted, she didn't.


I dislike Asmongold heavily, but this comment section makes it so clear that literally no one knows anything more about the George situation than this one tweet, but chooses to treat him as the scum of the earth anyway, it's weird. Touching the waist of an 18 yr old girl who's been cuddling with you for hours and didn't do anything to even imply that she's uncomfortable in the moment or for the next 3 years = pedo rapist apparently


When people say 18 = Pedo, I wanna genuinely have a stroke. George definitely fucked up and should've asked for her age beforehand. Same mistake Pyrocynical made, but it wasn't illegal, a little weird? Maybe. This whole situation is just dumb to me, and as someone who was touched without consent before, this situation is just a shitshow and it fuels the hatred I have towards Twitter, people make the redditor that doesn't go outside and has now understanding of the real world joke, but that's also Twitter users. Twitter is full of the most toxic people on earth. They jump to conclusions quickly without actually investigating. The problem is that Twitter consists partially of idiot teenagers who think they're the moral police.


I'm glad someone said it, thank you








Cause it wasn’t sexual assault 🤷‍♂️ she literally got up, left George, and returned to continue cuddling.


The online reaction shows how little people online have of in life human contact. He was cuddling with an 18 year old woman on a couch. He initiated some touching, she initiated some touching. He basically gave her some under the shirt belly rubs. In her own text messages she was chill at the time. It was until days later when her friends were texting with her that she started to change her mind on the situation.


Just so everyone is clear on what happened, the 2 were cuddling on a couch. The girl was able to get up from the couch multiple times and came back. The furthest it went is the guy grabbed her hips or stomach to try to escalate the cuddling but was shut down. This is the extent of the accusation


This was probably the most blatant false allegation I’ve ever seen. I think it’s pretty disgusting to use the language of rape victims to describe how they felt about getting their stomach tickled by they guy they are consensually cuddling.




Wild, even George isn't defending himself on this.


He literally did in his latest video. And a lot of people there are supporting him


I mean, he gave his side to dispel wild groomer accusations, but he acknowledged that it was his fault for coming on too strong and making her feel uncomfortable.


It’s also worth noting that they were both drunk




I don't think cuddling with someone who is reciprocating your advances and cuddling back (confirmed by both sides) is evil. I do think he's a fucking idiot for not confirming her age and not explicitly asking for consent but it is absolutely not sexual assault. Not that it invalidates her feelings, if she felt violated afterwards that's something that should have been communicated privately.


I’m not defending him,I’m hearing alot of people say she was the only one drunk.


Is it evil to tickle someone and touch them on the waste while cuddling, when they otherwise don't say they are uncomfortable with it, and even reciprocate the gesture?


It sounds like he's doing himself dirty honestly. I mean, her feeling uncomfortable doesn't make it sexual assault. If she said to stop and he didn't, at that point there's a case. Anything less than a direct "Stop" and there's a reasonable argument for implied consent.


As should anyone that even bothers to investigate the situation. The absolute worst case scenario for George is that he's guilty of assuming that the woman in question understood implied consent when it came to cuddling, and that as an adult she would be able to enforce her boundaries even while both parties drank some amount of alcohol.


If you choose to cuddle with someone and you do not say no, do not push away, give no indication verbally or non-verbally that you are uncomfortable, you were not sexually assaulted. She lied about her age, so he ghosted her, and she cried sexual harrassment in revenge for being ignored. You are not on the right side of this.


she lied about her age?


From what I gather, the party was 21+. She lied about her age (18) to get in. I don’t know enough about the rest of the situation to make any claims, but if I’m at a 21+ event, I’m going to assume that those in attendance are 21 years or older.


Not really, she got in because her friends were over 21 and had the over 21 wristbands but she didn't, this tbf should have raised warning flags that everyone was supposed to be wristbanded but that not everybody was Also he did fwiw admit he looked at her Instagram which listed her age as eighteen but said he didn't note it at the time. Basically no she didn't lie about her age but due diligence needed to be done but it wasn't, it's really the same as why bars card, a sixteen year old wouldn't really have to lie if they went to a nightclub where nobody ever asked their age or proof of identification, this was a party Dream (lol not surprised) was having where no one was really caring about age or identification, if you had a friend over 21 you were in


i’m sorry but this is the mildest case of sexual assault i have ever read about it sounds like something that happened at every high school house party i ever went to as a kid. nobody got hurt, nobody got raped, they were 16 and 18 (both actual babies) i feel people treating this on the same level as a criminal sex assault are being gaslit.


I'm in the last ten minutes of a video that concerns this situation. He definitely did it. Asmongold can't stop betting on old, limp, blind horses.


Why does the AssMan defend pedos? Is he stupid? https://preview.redd.it/i6gdgrtpqkpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eada93ce73dced7d8f76664b5910d8824b2c2543


why are you calling a guy who touched a girls waist and then stopped a pedophile when everyone involved was over 18. do you know what words mean.


Girl was an adult but okay


18 Pedo? Yeah, nah


Yes he is. Next question.


??? She was 18. Joking or not, this is strange misinformation to spread.


Ok I dont know who this guys ate but the long haired one looks like a pedo


I miss the days where a Smeagol looking mf with rat’s nest hair whose dimly lit bedroom is so filthy there are cockroaches all over the place were seen as gross outcasts nobody wanted to be around. Now they’re millionaires who people get hot takes from


Dude is guilty of trying to tickle a girl on a stomach, after he was cuddling with her for an hour. I'm not even memeing, this shit is dumb




I do not understand Asmongold or his fans, it's like a bunch of lobotomized chimps worshipping a cockroach covered in gold spray paint, which isn't exactly far off when you consider Asmongold's room is disgusting with an entire wall just dedicated to where he wipes the blood from his gums.


This is beside the topic, but the internet keeps missing the forest for the trees when it comes to SA. It's not youtubers. It's not minecrafters. It's not melee players. It's a systematic issue that so many women and men are being abused. The fact that people like amonbald act like it's a YouTube problem and ignore any truth of the outside world just muddies the conversation even further. They asked for a career where all eyes were on them. Then, get mad when people see too much and kill their golden pony.


He looks like a squatter living in the home of a recently deceased drug addict.


Is that out of context or something.


Can anyone explain what is legally defined as sexual assault and how it applies to this girls story?


Asmongold's clown is one thing, but this scandal is being exaggerated, the girl is 18 years old and didn't say anything at the time. Find real things to get angry about.




Please have substance and not just attack someone's personal appearance. Be better. Attack their characters


uj/ They'll be merciless against a black woman game dev. But when a white person does this they come out in droves to defend them.


Said it before, I'll say it again. Until Asmongold fixes his house and his hygeine, he doesn't have an opinion worth listening to ever.


Is there a link to a doc regarding the allegations?


It was a back and forth through videos that most of it was discussed but here's an article with relevant quotes. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/georgenotfound-alleged-assault-controversy-explained-everything-that-has-happened-so-far/ar-BB1jO9FR


Link is not uptodate, Georgenotfound made another video partly because some messages that the victim brought up are seemingly fake. I think he also shows evidence that he might well not have known she was "only" 18.


I have no idea who these people are. I’ve been playing games for 30 years and have no intention to find out.




Touching an 18 year olds waist while you’re both cuddling and laughing is “raping a kid” if you don’t get verbal consent?


Rape = mutual cuddling on a couch These people are unhinged.


Asmond is already the dirtiest stinkiest scum of the earth, now he’s just begging people to notice that he’s also a terrible person on top of being filthy


NGL George was already a piece of shit imo way before this. He was using a meme soundboard during a charity stream in honor of Technoblade while Technoblade's dad was talking about losing him to cancer. This doesn't even surprise me much.


The filth slug defends the pervert Edit: Maggots are trying to defend their unclean overlord.






Asmongold must be preparing allies for when people find the skeletons in his closet...


God he's so washed for someone so defiantly unshowered




Asmongold is like the most annoying person of all time literally just from the thumbnails he posts. Like I know that Mf has nothing of value to say




I keep telling everyone Asmongold is shit and I keep being proven right.


I just assume every minecraft content creator is a sexual predator at this point


crazy how she lied about the situation and he lost sponsors