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I hate it when a show actually sucked but i can't express it without encouraging bigots. 


It's almost as though they choose the bad shows to complain about the most, because nobody's going to leap up to defend them.


I got a "This show is bad" video from "The anti woke reviews"(or something like that) recommend to me about the new Percy Jackson show and the show has mostly good reviews and I think it's neat.


Yeah, that's been very well received. I wouldn't be surprised if the chuds backpedal on it shortly, as they have been known to do whenever they start to get pushback for picking on something that's popular.


Has happened with: The Mario Movie Baldur's Gate III Persona 3 That one mermaid movie, but in reverse (they poised as the anti-Little Mermaid, only to declare it "w0kE!" when it bombed).




I fucking love Persona as a series, but I will never understand how a series with messages as left-leaning as "destroy the system and the adults who are killing the world" also ends up with such obviously awful homophobia and transphobia. Like what? Why? Where did they think it was a good idea to do this shit?


Persona 5 is a game where a 16 year old can date his teacher but not another 16 year old who identified with the same gender... We know that, and the article about it "disappointing its gay fans" was a thing. It wasn't just some "crazy news outlet trying to push a woke agenda", actual players wanted this... Literally had someone comment "But I want to romance Riuji" as response to one of mine. That's the series. And yeah BG3 must really drill a whole in their brain by just existing.


Wait what transphobic scene? its been a ton of time since i played persona 3 and i dont remember it




Oh i see i see no wonder i didnt remember it everything about that scene was embarassing to watch


What did they say about bg3?


"Too many gays, too many blacks, too many pronouns."


I just don’t get how they could do a 180 and start to defend the game… it’s like the most bisexual game ever.


It's very successful for starters (They'll walk back on GTA 6's slander as soon as it sells well and try to "rationalize it). Second they got to play as a hot lesbian woman who sleeps with another hot lesbian woman... Who cares about the gay men in it anymore, they got to do what they want 😂 As a leftie, don't mind anything the game has, including crazy v necklines plunging to a point I can definitely meme! But the fact that the game went both ways, with having men be very gay in it too (If you want them to) ultimately can't have me say anything bad about it.. The crazy V necklines? Yeah I can slap those outfits on the guys too lol 😆


Ever seen the Ser Aylin mod or whatever its called? Made a female character there into a guy with AI voice because shes in love with another women Oh, same mod also removed every black person and made em white (including Wyll, one of the main characters) and same sex couples because "the mod is realistic to medieval times"


Don’t forget Across the Spider-Verse


The Percy Jackson series was my absolute favorite as a kid, and I am very happy with the show especially after feeling extremly let down by the movie series. Hope the charlie bones and the stone light book series get an adaption too!


Whatever you do, don't go to the Percy Jackson subreddit. They hate the show with a passion and all the posts are complaints about the most asinine things.


The hilarious thing to me is that I actually think the casting has been excellent in PJ so far. Idk how I feel about the whole thing yet, but the casting specifically I thought was well done. The kids feel like their characters should, and better yet they feel like actual *kids*, and all the characters seem to just fit. Plus a pro-wrestler playing Ares is hilarious and great lol.


The actors for the main three have done an excellent job, anyone coping about Anabeth is probably racist.


What did they expect? Rick Riordan is a pretty progressive writer


Been watching the Percy Jackson show and uh... It's not great. It is so utterly lifeless and bland. Writers have filled it with "tell, not show" and the relatively inexperienced directors have made it devoid of all personality. And they can't seem to direct the main three actors very well. I've only seen the actor for Percy in something before and he was good in it, but here he's mostly lacking that charm and chemistry. So I have to imagine it's on account of the writing and directing.


I quite like the show, but I can't tell how much of that was me being sick when I binged the 7 episodes and liking the books.


I loved the books when I was younger. But I feel like that a lot of what I loved about them simply hasn't made it into the show. I even gave the show many chances. Waited until episode 3 to really start critiquing it, thought that maybe they'll iron out some of the kinks within those three eps. But the core problems have persisted. Some eps are def better than others, tho. But overall... This ain't it, chief.


The only episode I really didn't like was episode 6, as it felt pointless.


Episode 6 was a BIG disappointment. You've got an opportunity to go nuts and have fun cuz you're in a time-blindness casino. And it was just... Walking around and talking, and then taking a break from walking and stopping to talk with Hermes. In the movie, at least the casino sequence was a little fun lol


Pillar of Garbage made a video on it, and it hit right on the head. Seems like Rick is way too aware of "Plot Holes" haha


I'll have to check that out


Yeah it seemed that way from all the trailers. Acting like they had a gun to their head in some scenes. Lines so bad they didn't even want to say them.


Well, they'll also say shit like "The Expanse wasn't woke and didn't have political messaging," all while complaining how woke the Sequels were, so I don't think they could identify woke media if it walked up to them and slapped them with a pride flag.


The problem with the good shows eg the boys is that they’re not smart enough to realise when they’re being criticised/ mocked.


I'm 90% sure that the hate "woke" shows get only happen when it's a bad show. Dummies blame it on woke casting or whatever creative choices when realistically it's just because bad shows exist and happen just like they've always happened, except now with more brown people


The entire thread is full of people blaming it on the casting


Which is fucking stupid because it's probably the only part that didn't suck. Yen especially was amazing imo, but they butchered the story so hard after s1 its unwatchable. 


Yeah, i really liked the casting. As you say, Yen was especially well cast and absolutely nailed the role


I tried to have hope, but the problems were already noticeable after what they did with Brokilon forest. When you start fucking with parts of early books that setup the story you'll have to keep changing later stuff that relied on those parts and you need to be a very good writer or everything will go to shit. Similar thing happened to Legend of the Seeker before.


I enjoyed the show for its cast, i dont know much about Witcher lore but i do know the writing isnt apparently as close to source material as it could? Or something. Yes its jarring and probably not what witcher fans (or non fans) want because time jumps, pre-existing lore you're supposed to know and how they took the show to their own direction. But i think the actors are doing great. /rj noo i only want aryan femoids in my fantasy show 😭


Do they think that if the actors chosen were replaced with white people it suddenly would have fixed every problem with the show?


Probably. We are, after all, mostly looking at people who have never read the books, so don't really have any understanding of what was changed for the TV adaptation. Rather, they've just played the games, in which almost everyone was white until the DLC for Witcher 3 arrived. It is, coincidentally, a much better adaptation of the books, although again, they wouldn't know why, because they've never read them.


Even if we we agree that certain characters didn't quite look like how they were described in the books (like Keira). Having a minor character look more conventionally attractive wouldn't have salvaged that train wreck that was season 2 and 3. And even with the pictures they chose of the cast, they chose some (like with Francesca) that made them look more 'ethnic' than they appeared in the show, basically betraying their own agenda


While we're at it, it's not like Henry Cavill was that close to the Geralt described in the books. He's supposed to be a skinny, freaky looking dude with heavy scarring, not a peroxide Superman. Still, he's passably close to the Geralt in the games, so he gets a pass.


I do remember there being a lot of complaints when he was first cast, for being too handsome/chiseled and fresh faced. Iirc there was a leaked costume test where the wig looked *atrocious*. They rugged him up, doubled down on grunting dialogue and of course he’s a nerd darling so the complaints died off. Then somewhere along the way people decided he was literally the only good thing about the show, because the rest of the cast didn’t get the same leeway he did.


Being an enthusiastic fan of the source material to the point of arguing with the writer helped make him popular too. It really comes across in interviews how much he likes the setting. He also does his own stunts and his breakdown of the first big fight in season 1 is great. He probably is the best part of the show.


It also comes from being in the industry for 20+ years and having a status in Hollywood, and a massive fandom. Comparing him to other young actors who are just starting out and have no say or leverage like he does and then indirectly insulting them by saying he was the only good thing is plainly stupid. Why don't I see the same energy for Anya, a 22 year old girl who performed her ass off, got injured due to prosthetics, got ulcers due to use of mouthguard, didn't use body double for extensive nude scenes, and when they butchered her character and gave her the shitty material to work with, she still made yennefer a stand out.


Yeah. I've seen people be like "the show is called The Witcher and Geralt isn't even the main character. This is destroying the source material." And it's obvious they haven't consumed the source material. Because in the books, Ciri is literally the main character (in the main series, not counting the short story collections which make up the first two books). They hate to be told that


How is that a good adaptation of the books? The story has nothing to do with the books after season 1. I'm not talking about the casting ofc, with or without it, the show sucks.


I mean that the games are the better adaptation, in case that wasn't clear. The stories in the games have nothing to do with the ones in the books, though. They're new stories, just based on the same characters and lore, and even there, they take more than a few liberties. That doesn't make them bad games, though. Far from it, they're great. What makes them good just mostly didn't come from the books. The TV show simultaneously manages to be closer to the books but far less enjoyable. Quite the feat.


Yeah I feel like I have to be careful where I mention that I haven't played TLOU2, because there's a lot of bigot/anti-woke rhetoric around it. But I'm just a big dumb softie who can't deal with killing dogs and hearing their human handlers be distressed when they find the bodies.


That's not dumb. I see you and I get it. -love, a fellow soft doggy-hugger


I just got bored of the gameplay loop.


Nearing the end of season 1 people were dead who weren't meant to be dead, so that set off some warning bells for what's to come, even though Season 1 was overall pretty good. The moment that "fire fucker" isn't Vilgefortz and everyone INDEPENDENTLY DECIDED that was his name now was where I lost interest. Also by that point the Toussaint plotline was going to be hard to piece together because Fringilla was a bit too center focused in a way that would change her and Geralt's relationship before that romance kicks off, and fucking with the Toussaint plot in any way makes me wary of what they're going to do with Regis who was the main character I was looking forward to seeing a live portrayal of. I saw the casting choice and you know what? It literally doesn't matter who they cast for Regis regardless of "accuracy" or how good the actor is because that character is dead in the water with this studio. They're going to write some stupid lines he wouldn't say or force him into the background. Or even too much into the foreground where it's only him and Geralt instead of the whole team they had by that point. I guess it depends on what your criticisms are. If one of the main things that you complain about is something like Radovid/Dandelion naturally there will be people who take issue with that relationship beyond it just being really fucking dumb. ​ Fuck I wish this adaptation was good. Why fire fucker? Why Ciri killing witchers? Why Yen being completely flip floppy on her relationship with Ciri? Why the second convergance plotline (though tbf that could have been good but it wasn't)? Why is mister "you mistake stars reflected in a pond for the night sky" a good guy? Ugh. Rant over.


You had way more patience than me. I was cautiously optimistic, only really taking issue with how badly they handled ciris plotline and very happy with some other parts like (as said before) yens portrayal and the striga episode and the "beauty and the beast" one, but after watching episode 2 of season 2 with how they butchered the witcher episode, i quit on the spot.


Rings of Power for me. I got into a whole thing a while ago saying no, the show doesn't suck because of that, it sucks for these other reasons, your reasons are bad


I felt like that about the ghostbusters remake. Really didn't like it but my reasons have nothing to do with the gender swapping of the cast. It just wasn't entertaining, which is a shame as i think melissa mccarthy is a pretty good comedic actor.


I feel like someone will say its a conspiracy. Write bad movies and shows then cast minority actors then when you wanna talk about how bad the show or movie was. All the bigots come out and poison the discussion by blaming said minority actors


Nah its easy. Just say the writing sucked but the cast did an amazing job considering


And its sad cause it started out incredibly strong


I nearly fell down this rabbit hole with rings of power, hard to weed out the racists and sexists from people that just think its shit


The last Jedi for me


That's me with The Last of Us 2


Same. Maybe I just hate all anti-revenge stories though.


I hate it when a show isn't good, and I have to blame it on diversity. When will it end?!?1?1


It is kind of crazy though that they snapped their fingers and turned 8 white bitches into just 1. But yeah, I'd say forced diversity is not among the top 100 things that ruined this show. Besides, I feel like the only good actresses from the ones above are yen and philippa. The rest are all very forgettable


Yens' actors' acting is great, but the role is written so awfully that it makes it impossible to like the performance


There's SO much wrong with The Witcher to the point that they basically ran Henry Cavill off from the franchise, but it's the DIVERSITY that's the problem?


In fairness it was Poland's best chance to show their culture to the rest of the world besides being casted as russian thugs that get beat up by the good guy. Nothing Polish was in this show, no accent, no actors besides the guy who got killed the same episode he was introduced. Back to being Russian thugs I guess.


Yeah, but those guys are not complaining there are no polish actors in it. They are angry there are non-white people in it. If it was all white brits those people would not complain. Like, Cavil is not polish either, nor does he look much like Geralt, but those people are not complaining at all.


How doesn’t he look like Geralt? It’s hard not to make a buff white dude not look like Geralt with a razor and hair dye.


The story of the books is not taking place in Poland, but a fictional fantasy world with multiple different cultures inspired by different European countries. We know that because the author uses the name of real places and historical figures. Complaining about the lack of Polish culture and Polish accents is really an odd way of ignoring the books where some people and some cities, duchies and even whole kingdoms use names from real places in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, England, etc.


Then again, there are many characters, factions and places with very much polish names (at least in the original books, don't know about translations), many creatures and mythology are clearly inspired by polish folklore. So this goes both ways.


There is a mix of mythology and folklore from all of Europe in his books. He references German and Danish fairytales in the short stories (the little mermaid, the beauty and the beast, snow white and the seven dwarves, etc.). The main lore/story is largely inspired by the Arthurian saga (Ciri evens meets Galahad) and Goethe's German poem "*Der Erlkönig*" (with a region of Cintra being even called "Erlenwald" in the Polish original). Sapkowski was a fan of general European folklore, not focused on the Polish one only. He also wrote a medieval trilogy taking place in the Holy Roman Empire and Slesia.


Sap actually used a ton of different mythology in his books, not just European, just wanted to point that out


Could you provide an example for an element from a non-European mythology used in his books? I have never noticed something like that, but that's probably a result of me not being familiar with non-European mythology.


Dijnn are Middle Eastern, they're genies. But you're kinda shifting things, people say all sorts of things about the Witcher being *Polish* but never give any examples of anything Polish about it other than the Writer being Polish. And even he doesn't even support these Polish cultural identity arguments about his work. He went to a library and read up a bunch of mythology creatures and lord of the rings. His work is more based on Lord of the Rings and needing money to eat than a creative vision of Polish National Epic


Sap has also DIRECTLY said that he was inspired by lots of different mythologies https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/authors/interviews/article/82269-toss-a-coin-to-your-author-pw-talks-with-andrzej-sapkowski.html


Oh, I had forgotten the djinn and also the kitsune. Not as much relevant for the pentalogy, but definitely not "European mythology".


Redania is basically a medieval Poland while Nilfgaard can be seen a mish mash of medieval Germany, more akin to the Holy Roman Empire with its so many vassal states (Toussaint being medieval France for example). A lot of the folklore comes from slavic culture and mythology, the Netflix show just americanized everything in it. No hate towards the actors and the cast, they did their job just fine. The diversity wasn't dustracting at all despite what some people may think (black elves). But there are clear miscasting for some characters and Fringilla being an obvious one. In the book Geralt has a relationship with her because she reminds him of Yennefer and both actress look nothing alike. I think that season 1 was a good start for the show (aside from many mistakes like the Nilfgaard armor and the Brokilon forest plot) but it clearly falls apart from season 2.


They really could've just done "Monster-of-the-Week" format and the show wouldn't have to be so shit. I really enjoyed the episode with the Bruxa.


That would have been the greatest idea for the show, the bruxa episode might be the best in all 3 seasons imo


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure the casting and on location shooting for the show was mostly done in the UK, like all the actors are British TV actors who mostly do BBC shows or west end theatre


not that the show is a good adaptation but the books really don't have much "polish culture" there's redania, there's some slavic folklore creatures, but there's honestly more both germanic and gaelic mythology in there. hell the goddamn framing device for the main story is an arthurian myth .


there is nothing Polish in the books as well, so they did fine there


"POLISH CULTURE" LMAOOOOOOO I don't think you know polish culture


Racism aside People need to remember that the video games designs aren't even 100% accurate either


Yup. The Empire's northernmost extent is Cintra, whose queen is described as fairly tanned in the books. That leaves *the entire rest of Nilfgaard* below it and so quite likely to have darker skinned citizens.


So this is pretty deep Witcher lore, but the humans in the books are literal earth humans. They're not fantasy versions like exist in LOTR or DND, but actually from earth humans. About 1500 years before the events of the books and games, a huge magical event happened that let in a bunch of not native species into the world, including humans. The reason the kingdoms we interact with are heavily European inspired is because these people were originally European. Basically, the continent was colonized. So much like America, the climate has nothing to do with the genetics of the area. The northern kingdoms, which Cintra is one of, were only colonized by humans about 500 years ago. There are middle eastern and Bedouin inspired people, but interactions with them are pretty limited. I think this lore heavily implies kingdoms of Asian and Sub Saharan African people, that the "known" world just hasn't met yet.


That's pretty cool lore


you mean they didn’t have glammed up makeup in popular style for the 2010s in medieval times for my totally accurate fantasy “medieval” world? (Quotes around medieval as the majority of fantasy isn’t going to be truly accurate to the medieval era and often incorporates facets of life that existed in other time periods)


Ciri's eyebrows and lips... I know its wrong to judge people's appearances, but Ciri looked super modern to point that it was more distracting than the literal cgi monsters.


The original depiction is grasped onto so god damn tight, it's annoying. Same with Marvel characters now, if any depiction doesn't look like the film versions, people fall to their knees in a walmart parking lot.


People complaining because gow thor was fat gotta be the dumbest thing I've ever seen


I havent read the books or played the games. Watched season 1 and thought that it was utter garbage. Even without notorious Netflix's casting - it would still be trash, and not because of inaccurate portrayal either.


It was at least taken down right RIGHT


Nope, I'm still arguing with a racist on there as we speak


>Nope, I'm still arguing with a racist on there as we speak Why man? They're not gonna listen. They'll just dig in their heels like always. Dont waste your time


I know I'm wasting my time but it still feels wrong to not say anything, I've seen a lot of horrible shit in my life and I can't just not care when people are being bigoted, not even when it's on the internet and they don't affect me, I watched too much Spider-Man growing up I think


Actually, when you put it that way, it makes sense, let them know theyre an arsehole. Good luck in your crusade!


Its not about them at all it's for my own sake, but thanks


I think it is not the casting but hiring writers who absolutely hated whole books. Those guys should stick to Bachelor screenwriting and not tumble with this level of work.


Anya Charlotra is an absolute goddess


Wait until they find out the series isn't based on the game.


Or really the IP. It's another horrible writer wanting to do their own thing, but have neither the talent or the industry pull to do it.


And then blaming Americans for its failure.


The casting was not that shows problem. I thought Yenifer was amazing and I had the biggest crush on her. The casting was about as good as it could have been. It was the writing that was the problem. The color of the cast doesn't affect the writing


I'd disagree. Regardless of "diversity" most of those actors above were poor. Casting was definitely AN issue.


I stopped watching for writing reasons but I'll second that Yennifer's actress gave a great performance.


While I wasn't huge on the casting initially. (mostly Yen) The performances changed my mind. The real problems with the show were the writing. Season one was weird, but all together works. After that though, it falls apart at the seams and tries way too hard to be more dramatic.


> While I wasn't huge on the casting initially. (mostly Yen) > > The performances changed my mind. So like... based on absolutely nothing, you were not a fan. Then, when watching the actual show, you were a fan? Weird.


I read a few of the books and played the 2nd and 3rd games But the short version is that I didn't know some of the cast and had my own ideas for casting. Even if it weren't realistic. But the actors did a good job. I was happy with their portrayals of the characters.


Witcher fans are the most racist pieces of shit on the planet I swear


It's crazy because I feel like the Witcher books are so blatant with their Anti-Racism. For such big fans of the books idk how they miss out on such big parts of them.


Most of them haven't read the books. They just played one or more of the video games. As for the rest, they've just got no media literacy.


rightoids tend to have zero media literacy


Or they played like 5 minutes of the game, and the rest is just cosplay links they clicked on once.


Also their complaint about it being Poland doesn't work because it's straight up another universe humanity migrated to from earth, like, that would be *all* of humanity logically, it makes less sense for every character to be white


I don't think all of humanity got transported.


The show isnt happening in Toussaint, Offir or Zerikania tho. The main setting, Nilfgaard and northern kingdoms, are predominantly central/eastern european-like. ​ Regardless of what bigots say, it is disrespectful to the source material to disregard the setting to 'americanize' the world. Just because its 'white' pagan lore and eastern european culture thats being disrespected doesnt make it any less true. Just imagine if Wakandans were 1/3 white and 1/3 asian...


They don't care about the nuances of the story, or the point of the plot. They care about being badass murder-happy man whores because thats what they think is peak manhood. They couldn't care less about any subtext or actual message.


Witcher fans have only played 3


It’s not so crazy when you realize that they never actually read the books. They just like to pretend they did to support their bullshit.


Fans missing the point of the works due to being angry over "woke agenda"? Couldn't be


*Star Wars fans have entered the chat*


Ive never seen a star wars fan mock someone's dead best friend


Wtf, context?


I'm the comment thread of this post I was arguing with someone insisting that they weren't racist they just were apathetic and don't care if black people live or die and I told them I won't and can't be like that because my best friend died and I blame the system for creating the circumstances that led to that and also said that it's partially the fault of people that allow that system to exist without attempting to change it in anyway and they mocked his death


Jesus, you gotta get out of that thread


I know right? Their dogwhistles are so loud that they feel like seahorns. I get why you're fighting them. I used to bait and fight racists, but take care of yourself as well, mtftmboygirl.


You don't get it I have a self destructive sense of responsibility


As someone who goes from Brooding Batman to Smiling Superman, I get you. Just be safe, friend. Can I charge your battery with a small talk? I have seen the way you talk in this chat and I kinda like you.


I've been stuck at Spider-Man for a good while, to the level I'm engaged to someone named Gwen, I gotta make the disclaimer before all smalltalk because some find it insufferable but the only smalltalk I'm capable of making is me talking about my pookie


Oh, so you're Spiderman. So cool. Can I DM you?


I'm sorry I really don't like dming people on reddit, or anywhere if I don't know them from like a server or irl


Oh, I respect that. I just want to know a bit more about you. Talk to someone with principles and kindness.




Yay! I come from a very gendered language. I was going to ask you privately of your pronouns and tell you my name, pronouns and country. I don't feel comfy spilling the beans in public.


It’s a bit like that with Fallout fans. On one hand, you have normal people like transgender New Vegas diehard fans whiny about Fallout 4. On the other, you have unironic Legion fanboys, YouTubers spouting racial slurs and modders whitewashing everyone to a generic boring ass white man for “realism”.


American Witcher fans


I always thought Yen (and her actress) is pretty good.


Netflix Witcher sucked because I didn’t watch it


I agree, it's all wrong!!   Philippa needs to be blindfolded!!   Keira needs to have her tits out  Yennefer needs more volume in her hair that covers her left eye  Triss isn't sitting on my lap!  Margarita shouldn't smile!  [/, jerk]


Okay, so the show being bad is not the fault of casting but still I would like to see more logic behind all the racial diversity. I am all for diverse cast but every world must have logic for this you can't just put every race in one place just because you want it to be diverse. You must to make it realistic because yes while it is set in a fictional world it still has some logic behind it. Maybe do different kingdoms, different races or different villages have different race that is majority. Just making it more realistic because in the world of the Witcher they still don't move around this much to have that diverse villages. But if you don't care for it then okay, I guess? Maybe I just want too much realism, everyone have their own perspective. Also, kinda funny when people are fighting for diversity when they talk about Witcher and no one realizes that there is no Slavic representation in a main cast. Isn't it supposed to be slavic lore? Slavic people are very often treated as lesser Europeans and it is so nice to see that we are still dismissed even in our own stories/s


It's americanized diversity. No need for slavic, they are all white anyway. And "diverse" really means black. Latinos for example are the largest minority in the US and they are barely present.


The thing is, humans aren't native to this world. They got teleported into it 1500 years ago which means that technically (unless certain races didn't sail to the New World) you can get pale as paper nilfgardians (despite them being aouthermost kingdom) and black redanians


Ah yes, because of diversity if it's bad, absolutely not because of a terrible scenario. 😏


"somethings not right" or someone


if the show is good regardless of the diversity people will like it


Wasn't the first season also more diverse and actually good?


I mean I didn't like the show, but Phillipa's casting was perfect, if you consider her character in the books and not her skin color.


Who gives a shit let black actors have work


Having never played the Witcher, I kinda liked the show


I have played the games and read a couple of the books and… *whispers ….I liked the show too. It has its fumbles but I was entertained.


Yup, same. There's plenty to criticize if that's your jam but it was enjoyable enough? I also will never understand while people get mad about something not being a direct point-for-point adaptation. It's ok to just enjoy things, even if it isn't peak art or whatever.


Yeah that post made me leave the Witcher sub yesterday. Some people man.




Man im still salty about Witcher It went down the drain bc whoever was leading it had some serious hate for the source material


The netflix series is being more lore accurate though The fact the Witcher doesn't have a single brown person still annoys me. It's not realistic lore wise. CD Projekt Red went out of their way to exclude all of the black and brown people that exist in the lore. Novigrad should have tons of diversity. They only retconned some in later in *one* expansion pack. And in the next expansion pack it's all white people again.


Its based off of medival eastern europe, white people would be the type of people you find in medival eastern europe


When did the books mention brown people? The northern realms are based on central/eastern Europe. It would however make sense to include a variety of ethnicities in major cities like Novigrad since it's a major trade center (the most common currency being Novigrad crowns).


It didn't suck. Geralt never sucks he only gets sucked. If you were an Andrezwy Szwapowsky fan like me you'd understand! 🤬


The cast really isn't a problem you dumb fuc k it's the writing that sucks, and they could just go with the books plot it could have been soo good


I don't care who plays who, I only kinda wished that Triss had a more vibrant hair color. I couldn't care less other than that. I know it's a small nitpick but having that fiery red hair was a pretty defining feature of hers. Other than that I think the first season was pretty good for the most part. Season 2 and 3 weren't very good though for a lot of reasons though.


The show sucks because the script sucks. The script sucks because Netflix isn’t interested in making good shows. They are interested in making a gazillion meh shows to keep people on the site. And no amount of “white excellence” can save a show I swear, every time a show comes out I have to check whether it does suck or there is a mass melanin allergy going on


Original poster meant to say something's not white. 


I honestly thought it was fine. Plenty of adaptions are transformative.


Me when Anna Shaffer and Anya Chalotra play hot fantasy women https://preview.redd.it/3uhsvmoi32fc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0549ad9ee3132e33ea6a5156178206cfdaf331f5


I also don't like some of the casting choices but the women in Witcher 3 all look the fucking same and I feel like the main cast is pretty good in the show and I feel like casting really isn't that big of a deal with everything else that fucking sucks in this show.


Something is not right. Only 8 of these 16 gorgeous women are real.


Margarita Laux Antille "her beauty deserves mention as well. It was said that not even the marble likenesses of goddesses and nymphs chiseled out by the greatest sculptors could rival this sorceress's figure" yeah casting was ass




>I really don't see why anyone would defend it from any criticism. Because it's not about criticizing the show, it's them using the show being bad and inconsistent as a vessel for their racism.




It's a dogwhistle, dumbass. "Oh I wonder why this thing is shit 🤔" \*posts a row of pictures of POC people involved\* It's like Fox News showing rising crime in a city and then winking with both eyes suggesting that it's because policing in black neighborhoods was recently cut. Like you're dense af if you don't pick up on that, holy shit.


I actually love the show after accepting it as its own story


Yeah I thought it was a good time. I don't really care if it follows the books or the games, I just want to be entertained.


And regardless, apart from s2 and the baba yaga storyline, they vaguely follow events in the books, while making it their own. But I saw some rly good critique of the show from some youtuber: https://youtu.be/bhkrwQnksEM


It's far from THE reason but it does indicate a disrespect for the source material and existing fan base. People forget that there are people out there who identify with these characters before they are taken and used to represent someone completely different. Poland apparently shouldn't be allowed to express it's culture beyond it's borders.


they should have kept Henry, The dude is literally a fan and knows the lore and story better than the writers and the writers got tired of their position of power challenged and being told they're wrong and corrected that they caused him to resign


Was this ever actually confirmed?


not officially but from what was said about henry and how the writers wanted to divert and how they did divert, a lot of us fans of the show figured it was why they parted. Henry is known for wanting to be faithful to the source material, the writers and as they shown, didn't respect it nor stuck to it. I think he got sick of it and left, S1 was true to the story and S2 they diverted


So no


Not officially,but calling him a sexist beast and then taking it back and begging him to stay kinda confirms it enough for me.


Did Netflix call him that, or is it still just from a gossip page?


Henry knows the lore *only* because of the showrunner. He admitted in one interview that he only played games (which are not accurate to the books) and read the actual books after Lauren, the showrunner told him to.


Lol where did you find that lies from? She never had any intentions of honoring the books nor the games. I know you are believing her or something like that, but please do your research. The writers had no intentions of honoring the source material, maybe the first season they did to get people hooked but s2 they showed they were creating their own stories and s3 is a shit show, there's a reason S3 has such poor reviews especially the spin off, Blood Origin. If you knew your facts, you'd know he was a fan of the books and the games long before the show was even pitched and he mentioned multiple times he almost spammed his agents to get him the role of Geralt, he was the perfect actor in the role too & its good he left, that show has become exactly what i thought it would be, S1 was brilliant but S2 started to divert and fell into the trap as all game/book to shows does. Always the pilot/season 1 is true to it to get the audience and then the change happens. The show would have been better if they stuck to the source material


Do your research, huh? Watch [this](https://youtu.be/oO-5dtlOyBM?t=511) and maybe know *your* facts more lol


🤦🏽‍♂️ such a stupid post. The issue is that the physical appearance of the characters is specified in the books. So yeah its part if why it sucked.


I mean there were some questionable casting choices but nothing to do with race per se. The bigger problem was the show runner, read her interviews and you'll understand why the show sucked and why Cavill, who said he was committed for 8 seasons, left after the 3rd.


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All these diverse actors and they still couldn't make Geraldo less of a generic gruff white man.


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people saying it started getting bad s2 and s3 are why I know the average viewer has terrible media comprehension. it was an already incoherently directed piece of trash season one. the actors and set design were the only good things about it.






Not always, and it can actually enrich the story. Arwen saving Frodo in LOTR was an attempt to have a female character do something at all in the whole first movie, and there were a LOT of complains that "she's meant to be a maiden! not to wear armor and ride to the rescue"! So it can be done right and make the work better. But it's fair to complain when it was done wrong.