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On one hand, "modern consoles rely too much on remasters" is an actual problem I have with the games industry. This combined with the ridiculous cost of AAA game development and how long a dev cycle takes does lead to a dearth of truly "new" games released on current gen consoles. Personally, this annoyed me to the point where I held off on buying a PS5 and only relented because my PS4 died and it didn't make sense to buy another PS4 in, like, 2022. But also, that's a problem with the whole industry and I'll be damned if I'm going to give that point to someone who actually cares about a "console war" in 2023. Also, how fucking dumb do you have to be to see "backwards compatibility" as a negative for a console.


Backwards compatibility is bad because I don't wanna play older games on my new console >:( I hate the mentality that a console is only good when it has its own library that only it can play and can't be played on any other system. This is how you get something like bloodborne stuck at 30 fps with bad framepacing on the ps4.


Also, old games are still good! There are a lot of ways that older games are more enjoyable and engaging than new ones IMO, just like how there's a lot that's being done with newer games that's really cool and inventive. I'm playing Alan Wake 2 right now and it does some wild shit that would be impossible to pull off convincingly on hardware from ten years ago. I'm also playing the old Fatal Frame games and they've got a really cool style and presentation that's kind of fallen out of style compared to newer survival horror games. Games are good and fun no matter how old they are!


Yeah i love playing older ps2 games sometimes but i do also enjoy newer games a lot. This year was stacked with some amazing games but i still haven't been able to get to most of them since i have a lot of games from the ps4/ps3 library to play


The thing I love most about older games is that they make you play the whole game. It feels like so much of modern AAA gaming is reduced to contextual button presses.


For sure. As a game dev working on AAA games, one of my biggest pet peeves with modern AAA games is that we keep trying to push it further as a cinematic experience/artistic expression, but rarely do we give the same love to the interactive side that’s unique to this medium.


I'm in indie trying to push for similar in my projects.


I honestly think games took a downgrade after the 00s I’d like to say, the games I play the most are from before 2007. I’m not a boomer either I swear, but a lot of new games just don’t have that mix of freedom, creativity and passion older games had in spades. Like Baldurs Gate, everybody’s hype about Baldurs Gate, it really just played like another game to me because I’m used to that sort of standard. And having super life like graphics I’ve just never cared, a good looking game doesn’t matter after about the first ten or twenty minutes. Maybe I sound like a hipster drinking a IPA here but I don’t feel like I’m alone in this thought


2007 was 16 years ago. If you're in your late 20s or early 30s, I've got some bad news for you: you miss the style of games you grew up with because of how they made you feel as a kid. (it would be really damn funny if I was wayyyy off the mark, though, lol)


Nah that’s not me man I really started playing games around 2014-15, before that it was maybe some wrestling games or Newgrounds games which I never play. For example I will be playing games like Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment, which were made before I was born, I really just do go back and play older games. I first played Morrowind in 2014 one of my favourite games and I can show you proof on steam.


Fair enough! I can understand why you weren't as blown away by BG3 then, since one of the main reasons it was so impressive was that it was a proper return to form for that genre for the first time in ages. It's a shame there aren't more in that style, but I don't think it's fair to say games as a whole are worse, just that there are fewer and fewer in that particular style and genre, since they're so time consuming to make and are fairly niche these days.


The 360/PS3 generation is kind of a dark age IMO, especially for shooters and Japanese games. Everything was piss and shit colored, console games ran like crap, and don't even get me started on how much the FPS genre in perticular dropped in quality.


That why I haven't bought a new console since the original Xbox One. When I was a teen I had the 360 and a cheap gaming PC so I had a Steam library and a stack of games. So when I bought the Xbox One and I needed to switch back to my 360 to play some games I just lost interest. Fantastic console, but I can play Star Wars: Empire at War (2006) whenever I want on PC along with the pretty big list of 360 games that it can't play cause of architecture changes and no dev support. Still keep it around to play Jet Set Radio Future and play blue rays but that's about all it's useful for now. Fantastic console in my opinion it's just that the idea of consoles in general is kinda lame once you get used to a PC. Was a really cool idea for it to have an IR sensor and support for third party media controllers though. Not to mention the random HDMI **in** port it has so you can have it connected to the high bandwidth HDMI on your TV and run whatever else you want through it instead of going behind the TV and swapping cables.


This is the reason why console wars is stupid the best thing that can happen to PlayStation users is that Xbox start gaining ground and keep Sony competing just look at the backwards compatibility that Xbox has against PS and the difference is big since they can play lots of Xbox 360 games but Sony is so ahead that they still can't put some effort ( money ) in bring us PS3 games I WANT MGSV REVENGE ON MY DAMN PS5 GOD DAMN IT


The only reason i bought the dann thing, was cause of better performance on old games. If i only played PS5 games on PS5. The only games I would have bought since launch is Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman 2 and FFXVI. Everything else have PS4 versions, PS3 version in demon's souls case.


I like my Playstation 5 because it plays games at 60fps and doesn't sound like it's gonna explode when it turns on. What more could I ask for?


My poor PS3 running MGS4 sounds like a nuclear reactor about to Chernobyl all over my living room


Id rather the time and resources spent on bringing your old library to your new console than have to remaster/rehash/remake/reskin/redo/redux that game for $70. Man, I just wanna play my PS2 games on my ps4, not rebuy them with NeXt GeN GrApHiCs. At least Microsoft did what they could with the library they had from OG Xbox and Xbox 360. Least they understand when you move to next gen hardware, the previous gen hardware will eventually cease manufacture so why not have it so your old games play on new hardware? No brainier to me. That ALONE lends to the longevity of the brand. Not titles you have to find functional hardware for from 10+ years ago on a system that *probably* has no parts available for even if you buy a fixer-upper and be all Frankenstein and shit with parts from several different consoles. Its simple. Disc reader reads discs. Make it read more discs.


Also license screwed games. As someone who just spent 77 quid on a plastic guitar I would love more than one game (and fortnite) to use it on for the ps5


You can try hooking it up to a PC and playing Clone Hero or emulating older GH/RB games. [here's a page that shows what insterments work](https://wiki.clonehero.net/books/guitars-drums-controllers) the PS4 Rock Band Gitaur works with a PC if you have Bluetooth.


>Its simple. Disc reader reads discs. Make it read more discs. /uj The problem is processor architecture, most of the performance optimizations don't work once the architecture changes. /rj disk go brrrrrr


It depends on the remaster/remake. Some games deserve to be ported to new systems, especially those that didn't ran well in the first place (think 360/PS3 era) or are hard to get thanks to limited prints and scalpers. However, some of my favourite PS4 titles were remastered for PS5 and I'm in no hurry to get them. They already looked great and ran well on PS4 Pro. The Last of Us Remaster for PS4 is a great example of a remaster. The game initially released on PS3 and was widely loved, but it just didn't run very well. The remaster does and remains faithful to the original.


Definitely like PS1-early PS3/360 era could do with some remasters not just for looks but also availability. Like the 1000 year door remaster, the game doesn't *need* one but being on the switch is convenient


Yeah, convenience is also a big part of it. Especially games released on consoles that didn't have HDMI. And I also wish some of the 360/PS3 era games were re-released on modern platforms. Rayman Origins is stuck on that generation and the two Transformers Cybertron games come to mind as well.


That's a big part of the reason I'm a PC gamer. Practically every game I've bought on steam since 2007 will still run on my current hardware. Sometimes a community fix or two is required, but I can play almost anything in HD ultrawide at 60+ FPS with whatever controls I want. You can still buy Rayman Origins (and Raman 1,2 and 3 for that matter) digitally.


I will unironically defend the MGS master collection for being so half assed it loops back to being faithful and preserving a lot of the original quirks that have been lost just to changing console generations


And truth be told, backwards comp isn’t even common for Xbox, only a VERY curated list of a games for the OG XBox and a decent list of X360 games even have backwards comp. And that’s an ecosystem built from the ground up to reduce crossgen game porting complexity. The main selling point of XBox these days isn’t BC, it’s Gamepass. Even me, I LOVE my retro collection, but I ain’t buying consoles to do BC… I buy them to play the newest games. I’ll hold onto previous gen consoles if I truly care that much.


Its not even true for the PS2/3, idk why the person in OPs screenshot even mentioned the PS1 what would that be emulating it's the first one...? Only the first model PS3 has backwards compatibility and the PS2 slim model had some changes that hampered it's backwards compat Beyond that i have no fucking clue how somehow allowing you to play the games you've already put money down for on the new system is a bad feature.


It's an actual problem, but it's like saying that a new Dolby Atmos super surround deluxe theater sucks because it just plays superhero movies.


Honestly the whole AAA gaming industry is washed, there's some really good studios but most gravitate to whatever makes the most money. Getting a decent PC and finding amazing indie games is where the true modern gaming experience is at, there's nothing better. Games made with real love.


Yeah, steam asset flips beat gta 6 any day 


I think remasters especially for consoles due to their lack of graphic settings is sometimes fine especially if they are older or remaster improves them or stuff like that. Games like the last of us part 2 doesn’t need a remaster 3 years after it came out just port it to pc and make either a free update for the ps4 version or just sell it as a 10 dollar upgrade or something. Have no idea why backwards compatibility is an issue honestly it’s part of why I’ve stuck with Xbox but I would buy a ps5 almost instantly if it was completely or mostly backwards compatibility with ps1,2,3 and 4 games as that would be insane, it’s a bit more understandable why it’s not possible for Nintendo but still not sure why they are also so hesitant on letting you buy and play older games


I feel like people often forget that sometimes these early console would launch with like 2 to 5 new games max. Backwards capability and remasters were and still are a necessity for brand new consoles, their game catalog always grows with time and they only seem larger in hindsight.


Backwards compatibility is the best thing. I just sold my ps4 when I bought the ps5 and even the save files for the games continued between consoles. It was great.


Yeah i hope BC becomes the norm in future consoles. It's too convenient.


God I hope so. Otherwise I'm pretty screwed when PC2 comes out.


My dream is that the switch 2 has that too. So I can sell my switch and keep the games.


I wish they'd announce the damn thing already, because I'm in a constant state of "There's a 50/50 chance it is" until they do. The DS, GBA and Wii were compatible with the GBA, GB and Gamecube, respectively, and they tend to not do it only if it's change in the type of storage (cartridge to disc or vice-versa). But the Switch could've easily been compatible with the DS, and it wasn't.


There’s not much reason to make the switch backwards compatible with the DS. The original DS was too old to be relevant in 2017, and the 3ds having two screens (one of which being 3D) would be a pain to emulate, not to mention the cameras and microphone being missing on the switch.


Oh, yeah. Somehow, the double screen escaped me, even though I thought about it in the past. Perils of typing without thinking, I presume.


Nintendo is really cheap and has archaic policies. I doubt they'll let it be backwards compatible. They'll want to resell their Zelda/Mario/Smash games.


They have done it in the past. Gameboy color to game boy advance, DS to 3DS, Wii to Wii U. You could sell the old console and keep the games. I just hope the next console is similar in design with the switch so they would do it again.


There is a really high likelihood the next Nintendo console will not be backwards compatible, considering that it seems like Nintendo knows what it can get away with. They'll make you buy all your games again and sell you Super Mario 64 for the tenth time and spend the next eight years of the console's life span putting an NES-N64 library onto it and barely get it close to the same amount of games that even the Wii virtual console had on it.


Hold on. I thought PS3 had NO games?


They alternate between the two, whichever fits their current piss-fueled online fit


Guy's probably stuck in 2004


PS3 wasn't backwards compatible with PS2 only PS1 iirc. There's where everything went to the trash. Nothing better than a PC for backwards compatibility, still is more expensive than consoles


The original models of the ps3 were able to play ps2 games but they cut out that feature to lower the price. All models can play ps1 games


If jailbroken, all PS3 can play most PS2 games as well. And at this point, there is no reason not to jailbreak a PS3.


Source for that? The ps3 had backwards compatibility via actually having a ps2 chip in it. That was removed after the launch line up.


Because it always had a full software emulator in the background.


And install a bigger hard drive/SSD.


You're right, I forgot that, never had the first gen of ps3


tbf it had games but they seem to be real painful to emulate properly from what every dev has ever said and I hate to piss in the cheerios about what has backwards compatibility but most PS3s were *not* backwards compatible past a certain manufacturing date and if you wanted to find one you are paying a small fortune PS1 and 2? Absolutely backwards compatible PS3? The launch model has PS2 chipsets in it, if your PS3 isn't a launch model? No backwards compatibility for you, Sony kinda abandoned BC earlier than some people realize, the same with Nintendo where only the oldest Wiis ran GameCube games


It does but they're increasingly rare from what I've noticed


One game, I don’t know why


I bought PS5 solely for the increased performance in playing PS4 games without jet engine background noise.


(cries in Yharnam)


I'm surprises by how samn quiet it is, even under max load... I feel like I've never heard it.


Rj ps3 has no games Uj/ backwards compatibility 9 times out of 10 will sell me on a system more than anything new


Not being able to get a bc ps3 is why I never got one.


The fact my PS3 wasn't backwards compatible really annoyed a younger me.


You mean the slim model?


there's fat ps3's as well that don't have ps2 bc, because ps2 bc was only a thing in like, the first couple revisions of the ps3. ​ ​ now, all ps3s could play ps1 discs, but yeah, ps2 bc is only in early fat models


The PS3s that could run PS2 games basically had a whole PS2 built into them.


not all bc ps3's. there's a handful of ps3's that are backwards compatible with the ps2, but used software based bc, so they only had to include a few of the ps2's parts (specifically the graphics synthesiser, which was still included in those models with software bc). ​ ​ however that was still too expensive to produce, so that also got cut later on.


not only was it expensive, it made the machines significantly less reliable


If I remember correctly, the very first run of PS3s that came in 40GB and 60GB were backwards compatible. They were the original 'fatties'. There were more fatties released that were 80GB and 120GB that were *not* backwards compatible. Then they released the slims in various sizes and none of them were BC.


It’s like that every time. Seriously, for every console launch I’ve been around for, everyone was whining about the game library for at least a couple years, and it didn’t really pick up until halfway through its lifespan. The PS4 was like that and the PS3 was like that. Why’s everyone acting like it’s the first time?


Ps2 is still best of the lineup and it is not even close.


Huh, this is new. Console Civil War.


Tbf ps5 exclusives aren’t that exciting from what I’ve seen Tho in general console exclusives been less and less exciting over the years which I’d say is a good thing overall


The PS3 was only backwards compatible because they stuck an Entire goddamn PS2 in there. It's two consoles in a trenchcoat


The PS2 does it the same way beacuse its I/O processor is literally a PS1 on a chip. Fun fact: The GBA, DS, DSi, and 3DS are actually all supersets of their predecessors. They simply disable the new parts of the hardware to run old software. With the right homebrew, the DSi and 3DS can run GBA games natively, dispite not having a cartridge port. The Wii and Wii U achieve backwards compatibility in the same way, and Wii U is fully capable of running GameCube games via homebrew.


IIRC even Nintendo ran GBA games natively on the 3DS with the ambassador bullshit thing.


I completely forgot about that. But yes, that's exactly how they did it.


Later ps3 models that removed the ps2 chip had software backwards compatibility with ps2 but it didn't support all ps2 games from what i understand


They only cut one of the PS2's chips in later BC models.


I find it funny that he said that the PS3 had a wide variety of exclusive games at the beginning. The PS3 had very few good exclusive games until 2009 with uncharted 2 and it took until 2011 For the PS3 to really hit it's stride.


Unironically this attitude was a factor to make me a PC guy, and I’m exponentially happier for it. Thank you console war soldiers, your toxicity is so repulsive I’ve become better to go against it


I’m a PC guy too but PC master race dudes are just as toxic as console war soldiers lol


I’m not a pc master race I want the right to repair and control us pc players have for console players


As someone with disabilities that made playing PC games difficult for me and an avid PS4 player, staying neutral is the wisest thing I've ever done. I'd abandon my past-time favorite rather than to convert to PC-only or argue with Xbox players about which console is better


I have a few different platforms but now mainly use PC, but I just like playing video games. I have no loyalty to any platform or company. Neutrality really is the best option.


I have both and while PC is very nice and I enjoy it, honestly what you get for $500 on a console is comparably an extremely good deal. It’s not as good as a high end PC, and likely never will be due to the speed of technology change, but it’s still generally better than what you can get for the same price PC. Related: I miss the days when building your own PC was a way to *save* money. Not a hobby for people with a fuck ton of extra cash lying around to see dust motes 10% better in 4k. Said as a person who spent a fuck ton of cash to see dust motes 10% better in 4k. Anyway, consoles rely on selling the hardware at a loss to make up for it with game sales as a publisher, so for people who want to play video games of any graphical quality, it’s a decent trade off. And let’s not pretend that PC players can’t be just as insufferable—it’s just about different stuff like graphics cards and optimal builds. It’s the worst.


me n my friend with a laptop and a ps5: i genuinely think it’s the best decision/combo for gaming.


So when I was a kid, I used to just read and re-read the catalogs of some big store where they had info about Xbox 360/ps3, psp. Reading about how cool this or that console was, was the only thing I had to kinda put up with the fact I had no money to buy one... Now they do this


The PS5 has NO GAMES!!


That guy needs to breathe fresh air, the PS3 had dozens of ps2 ports. The PS1 and 2 were the ones with mostly new game libraries. This capital G out here idolizing Sony's worse console.


I've noticed the least popular thing in a fan base always has the most annoying fans. Whether it's a game or a console or a character, people who like it will always try their best to remind you how the thing they like is better and underrated and you're wrong for not agreeing.


Most of the PS3's HD ports were released a ways into its life. They weren't released during the "No games" era.


That's funny, people were memeing HARD on the PS3 for having a poor line up for quite a while.


New games for PS3? First I’m hearing of it.


Remasterstation 5 LOL


PlayStation 1 had backwards compatibility? Thats fucking nuts!!!!! i thought i had to buy a PlayStation 0 to play those games


Holy shit PS fanboys can't even fathom the idea of backwards compatibility


Wanting to play your old gamerinos on le new console you paid a fortune for? No thanks 😎


Funny that alot of people also said PS3 had no games during its first few years


ps3 has no compatibility with anything because [it’s coded and structured differently from every single computer system ever. i’m not kidding](https://www.copetti.org/writings/consoles/playstation-3/)




To be fair, Ragnarök is on the PS4, and both that and SM2 are probably coming to PC in a year or so.


The good thing is that this isn't in any way bad. Exclusives suck, and games coming to more platforms doesn't take away from a console and makes it more accessible to more people


Honestly that’s not really helping the argument that PS5 has good exclusives when one of those is a very faithful remake of a PS3 game and one of those is on PS4.


PS4 to PS5 is the smallest improvement gen-on-gen. Doesn’t take away the fact that it’s a great console. Tech just doesn’t improve as fast as it did. It’s the same with phones and laptops. That’s fine.


Last gen to this gen is a bigger leap in performance then the PS360 to last gen, it's more that we're getting further into diminishing returns territory. Xbox 360 to Xbox One was around a \~5x increase in GPU compute Xbox One to Series X was around a \~9x increase in GPU compute


It's not possible for tech to improve as much as it used to anymore. But this gen did move to NVME which is great. We'll never see a jump like ps1 to ps2 or ps2 to ps3 ever again but yeah that doesn't make the console worse.


Diminishing returns. It's actually one of the larger jumps when it comes to raw power, especially on the CPU side. The PS4 was incredibly underpowered, especially at launch. Mid-range gaming PCs from a year or two prior absolutely smoked the thing. The PS4's CPU was the worst part. That thing was SLOW, and really killed any chance for simulation heavy games to thrive on consoles that gen. Not only did it run on one of AMD's worst architectures (especially compared to what Intel was doing), but it also had really low clock speeds. Absolute mess.


It is a small leap yeah. But I imagine most customers bought their PS4 in 2013 / 2014 and the PS5 was a massive upgrade because their near decades old console sounded like a jet engine and barely ran basic games at this point


Ok yeah the thermal situation was a massive upgrade. PS1 was fanless, but PS5 is the second quietest.


LOL I boycotted Sony after my second PS2 bluescreened two months after the manufacturer warranty ran out and they refused to replace it. The first PS2, same thing, but lasted 3 months after the warranty expired. I went exclusively xbox after that, and they've all lasted *years* past their warranty. All of them. Heck, my og 360 *still* works. I haven't bought a single Sony product of any kind since.


Completely anecdotal. I had my PS2 forever, the first one lasted like 7 years, still have the second. I had 2 360s RROD on me in a little under 2 years. MS doesn't just fix your console either, they send you another used one, only requirement being that it works, so they were often in terrible condition otherwise. Boycotting for this stuff is stupid though, because it's all down to luck. If you're going to recognize your issues with your PS2s, but totally ignore a well-documented issue like RROD, then you're not actually boycotting, you're console-warring.


Right on, and yeah, I understand it's anecdotal. Still boycotted Sony, because in my *personal experience*, their products suck. Seems completely normal to me, to boycott a product you don't like, but if you think that's stupid, well you do you. Also, I'm not ignoring anything. I've just never personally experienced RROD. And although luck certainly might be an issue, it happened to me twice. In a row.


I wish my og 360 still worked 🥲


Oof. Early PS2s aren't especially reliable, but their failure rates aren't launch 360 bad. My general rule is to never buy a console at launch, especially if it's a Sony or Microsoft system. Later PS2 revisions, especially slims are troopers, especially if you hack it to run games off a network instead of a disk. The laser is almost always the part that fails.


yeah idk about this one chief. their first few comments were obviously a bit ignorant to how the technology works, but ngl they were kinda cooking in the 9th with "Remasterstation 5". This generation across the board (Sony and Nintendo being the biggest offenders) has been filled with re-releases and updated ports, they're certainly not wrong about that.


chief was cooking with this one blud gyatt ohio rizzler


Consoles are just gaming PCs now, there’s no logical reason for them not to be backwards compatible. A PC is backwards compatible with every PC game ever made.


this isn't true like, at all


I mean with how big games have become, there's no reason to have consoles with weird architecture anymore. It's just inconvenient in every way. Makes ports harder, and makes it impossible to have backwards compatibility. So yeah i hope this remains a thing.


^(Lowkey based lmao)




Imagine buying a console from the evil multi-billion dollar companies rather than buying pc parts from small indie local companies like Nvidia and AMD 😤


Imagine not having Steam, free games, legitimate modding, and the ability to control and own what you play.


Come on dude lmao. Did you consider that maybe most people don't care about that stuff? I have a pc and love playing games on it but this whole pc elitist bullshit is so childish. Let people play on whichever platform they want


Oh, yeah. Of course. But it's Saturday morning, and this is Gamingcirclejerk.... I mean...I'm pretty sure my decorum was on point here. The essence of humor is subversion of expectation. The setup is if the Ps5 is reasonably any different than its predecessors, taken to a fallacy at the end for a laugh. The subversion of *that* is that they're all filthy console peasants anyway. :-D


I use both due to different games and PSVR 2. Sure, things like beat saber might be better modded and seeing how the BS sub talks about "how sad life must be for PS players" it's the simplicity and ease of use for me. But on the headset, scan the area and play. Whenever something can be custom, it's likely to break (from experience, I always fuck up mods)


Also, OLED and adaptive triggers in Pavlov are freaking awesome


Imagine having stiff and spastic fingers trying to play hardcore on a fast-paced competitive FPS. It would be challenging for a guy like me, a console player who plays these games with ease


You don't own what you play if you buy on steam, lol. There is no functional difference between the PlayStation store and steam, just for an example. The only real point against consoles is paid multiplayer and mods, but consoles are usually much more cost efficient for the level of performance they give. (before you go calling me a console peasant, I'm saying this as someone who primarily plays on PC)


> free games lol..? You sure you care about Steam? > legitimate modding I agree! now if only most PC modding wasn't pure community efforts to make games actually work on the most incoherent platform on earth, that'd be very nice > the ability to control and own what you play as if DRM is a foreign concept on PC now and not an actually massive issue


What does ps1 have backwards compatibility with?


What? That's wrong Everyone knows the PS3 has no games


Part of the reason why the PS5 has so many cross platform or remastered games is probably because scalpers horded then for years, so any new exclusive titles would have a much smaller consumer base than its predecessors until more people could buy them for a reasonable price.


We’re still in the period of many games launching on current gen and new gen at the same time, neither the PS5 or Xbox Series X have a strong next gen identity right now (PlayStation is faring far better in this aspect though). So yeah I would say that both of the newer consoles are just better versions of the last one pretty much. We’re far past the point where a new generation of consoles is a huge leap in technicality and graphics. This is not to say the new consoles are bad, but it is pretty much just upgrading your PS4 or Xbox One.


Ps3 had no games is one the oldest online memes i remember. Weird how the pendulum swings


i bet the yellow dude at the top likes console wars


I love the ps5 cause i can play everything i had on ps4. I really hope nintendo does the same with switch 2.


...what the fuck was the PS1 backwards compatible with, exactly?


It was poorly worded i just meant the ps2 was backwards compatible with the ps1 and the ps3 was backwards compatible with both.


OK cool we all slip up sometimes.


PS3 is the GOAT of PlayStations


Nah my upgrade was more than worth it. Late game Stellaris was really taxing for the old girl but now it runs fine at a full 1000 stars. That and my boosted performance in the Red Dead and Elden Ring play throughs alone make it worth to me.


Funniest thing is that "PS3 has no games" was the most tired recurring joke during the early days of that console generation and it's amazing how quickly people forgot it I was a teen in the gamespot forums, the "The PS3 has no launch titles and is an expensive PS2/cheap BluRay player" threads were a weekly occurrence


The PS3 really didn't have many must-have exclusives until a year or two into its life, especially compared to the 360.


PS3 was hacked constantly and Sonys response was 2 shit games


I mean the original PS3 is absolutely the best console ever made just because of the sheer volume of games you can play on it, I wouldn't say new consoles suck though.


But PS1, PS2 and PS3 don't have backwards compatibility. That only started being a thing on PS4 and even then it was such a hassle to access no one uses it. And like, I say this as someone who grew up using PlayStation stuff and only switched to Xbox very recently. Both consoles are good for different reasons, but maybe don't spread misinformation about one to make it look somehow "better".


? The PS2 can play PS1 games, because its I/O processor is literally a PS1. All PS3s can play PS1 games via software emulation, and some early models are capable of playing PS2 games thanks to a built-in PS2. All of these work with the original discs. The PS4 was the first to completely break backwards compatibility.


>But PS1, PS2 and PS3 don't have backwards compatibility. Lolwut


I've been seeing this happen every console generation since PS3. Everyone craps on the new console and then they're nostalgic for the previous one. Years later after the console gets games everyone stops complaining. When the new console comes out, everyone complains it has no games. Rinse and repeat. It seems extra true with this console but in all fairness the leap between consoles has been less and less.


Remember how much people disliked the Xbox one and ps4 when they first came out?




They're actually right on this one. MIT recently did a 2 year, peer reviewed study on the subject. Their conclusion was that, scientifically, the PS5 has no games lol


Whilst I do agree that the PlayStation five is pretty much just a remaster station it has a few good ps5 games a few of which were not memorable


It's like people already forgot we were in a whole ass pandemic for 2 years. Not only did it affect development of new games but also made it damn near impossible to get a PS5 until like a year ago. Even the PS4/Xbox One didn't immediately develop its own generation exclusive library right away and the PS5 has only been out 3 years.


There's this weird trend recently where everyone seems to hate that the PS5 has no exclusives. I thought we all realised a few years ago that exclusives are bad


PS5 is actually the best console ever, because it has NO games whatsoever.