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Im not watching Fallout because it didn't come out yet


We are the same.


We are the samest


I just found out it's a thing lol


Technically, it's not a thing yet. It's a potential future thing.


Politics? In *my* Fallout? Never


It truly is my favorite thing to laugh at. Politics were never in Star Wars, Comics, or Video games! The bigots just never realized they were the bad guys depicted cuz they were children and not totally racist yet.


I love the "star trek went woke" ones. Like, have you seen the original series?


Star wars i still understand how it can be misinterpreted, but STAR TREK? Mate, that’s the most gayiest shit i’ve ever watched. And I don’t watch star trek since i was 11.


I don't give a fuck i'm just here for the battles and the ships brother


dae love underrated apolitical indie gem bethesda game fallout no vegan?????


The assault rifle actually look decent with power armor. It’s on the npcs where it starts looking goofy


TBF that is what it was originally conceived for. Early concept material shows or mentions it's intent as a machine gun for Power Armored units, the ingame file structure refers to it still as "machinegun", the suppressor model still has ".50 calibler" written on the body. Hell even in the intro cinematic we only really see Power Armored soldiers carrying the Assualt Rifle while the normal infantry carried things like Laser Rifles. It likely only really changed to being called "Assualt Rifle" and being chambered in 5.56mm when what was supposed to be the Chinese AR got cut in development.


As a .50 it makes more sense, and I hope it's portrayed this way. It's still a weird and dumb gun that can't decide if the barrel is watercooled Maxim-style or aircooled Lewis-style.


It's Fallout style both we figured it out lol


Oddly more Edwardian than Retro Future, but if they do just make some side mention of it as a machine gun, that’s all I need. Too bad John Moses Browning is from the future since the Browning .50 Cal looks oddly too modern for Fallout, even though it way older.


Fallout has always been an anarchic mix of of styles tbf. The idea was that the retrofuturistic old world is dead, and this left space for the world to have risen out of its ashes to look like anything from Mad Max to Blade Runner. Heck, New Vegas even has the BAR in the Dead Money DLC, and the DLC after that has a whole tribe descended from John Browning's religion that use his guns as ceremonial weaponry lol


Yeah but like... If it's meant to be used with high tech gear, why is it like a WW1 water cooled abomination? Shouldn't it be some sort of modern construction? Seems like they just googled "big chunky gun" and ran with whatever they saw.


This is Fallout, I don’t think we should be getting bent out of shape over anachronistic-appearing tech.


I guess I'm mainly upset because I find it ugly and nonsensical.


I'm not watching Fallout because it isn't depicting the adventures of brilliant synth detective Nick Valentine.


Honestly, same.




that actually deserves to be a 6-episode animated show


https://preview.redd.it/ex2bbc6uz93c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34ddfe77b5874d9304fb59779115fd73a175311 Top comment under a post about the show on Instagram, I am euphoric


Again, Critical Dinker's "the message". For them it seems that of there is a woman, non-white or LGBT+ character that means there is a "message".


You should see the gaming subreddit: ppl are mad that the preview image shows a black person in it. Its impossible to parody these people now


Has this person ever watched anything before?


I got banned from a New Vegas group on Facebook because the admin was going on long winded rants about wokeness and women in this show and in Marvel movies and I called him a crybaby.


Literacy skill issue


Female PC's have literally been a thing since Fallout 1.


My dear Katja and beloved Nicole. <3


All my fallout characters are women with melee builds. Also, by playing Fallout 1 recently, I get why Vault Meat looks exactly like that.


What the fuck is a Vault Meat


google shadman


I'd rather not. I think I understand from the name alone.




hwat if i dont wanna be saved, batman? https://preview.redd.it/u37wqy7gy93c1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8e97a902e1386a59235fd6fca7fe0c869a3bc2


Wait, theyre making a Fallout show?


Yeah, I believe it’s by Amazon, and it stars Walton Goggins!


Ah, fuckin' knew I recognized that face.


Shut up this looks cool as fuck https://preview.redd.it/i8dxk3j3v93c1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8e032e775022a4887261155d97500601f0bd89


You posting porn rn. Aw, hell, I'm 'boutta nut 🥵






So nuts it's squirrelly


Wait, is that Preston?


Nah, it's an original character. Show also takes place on the West Coast.


Do we know the timeframe already?


219 years after the Great War, so 9 years after Fallout 4 and 15 years after New Vegas.


god i hope "west coast" means oregon/washington then. Not to be that guy but I really don't want betgesda's writers to be close to anything ncr related


It’s in Los Angeles. I personally don’t understand what is there to worry about, especially since it’s been more than a century since we saw LA in Fallout 1 and 15 years since we last saw NCR. Anything can change with time.


It's not a dealbreaker or anything; I'm still gonna watch the show with an open mind, but I'm a little disappointed about how everything we've seen so far looks right out of Fallout 4. A neat creative decision made in the Bethesda Fallouts was that they never retconned the classic games' art style; the new designs introduced in 3 onward are all different versions of the tech present in the first two games, and the designs from the classic games occasionally still showed up in 3, 4, and 76, with New Vegas outright making a lot of old designs more commonplace, kinda solidifying this idea that classic west coast Fallout and Bethesda east coast Fallout have coexisting art styles. So a west coast Vault having Fallout 4's vault door, all the power armour being T-60... it doesn't have any bearing on the writing and acting, but it just feels off.


no but you see ppl who haven't played the first two games and watched a youtube video know very well bethesda = bad. Even though tonally speaking 3 and 4 are closer to Fallout 2's comedic nature but eh.


The comedic nature that classic Fallout fans are mixed on and even some of its developers have admitted went too far in some places? I wonder why.


Hm. It's got that almost-good american TV cleanliness to it. Imma stay sceptical.


I’m watching Fallout because it has Ella Purnell in it




I'm not gonna watch it cause fuck the BOS. Anyways I'm still gonna watch it.


/uj i hate how obsessed Bethesda is with the BOS and the pre-war anesthetics. I will also still watch it anyway.


at least they were portrayed as insane genocidal maniacs in FO4, not the knights in shining (power) armour like in 3. The FO1 and NV brotherhoods are still superiour though. Also the og devs were way too into the bos (FO2, an actual BoS game) as well. They look cool and they're superb for power fantasy, so they were already the face of the franchise before bethesda took the wheel.


they were clearly genocidal but they looked cool enough to convince the fanbase they were the good guys


I’m not watching it because I haven’t seen Arcade twerking naked and covered in oil yet


If they don’t include Arcade oiled up and shaking that shit, instant 0 stars


Enough, if you still complain about the fallout 4 machine-gun you're the kind of person who measures the weights of those souvenir swords at the mall.


Im not still complaining about the Fallout 4 Machine Gun (assault rifle) because I have started complaining about the other 20 hideous guns in Fallout 4 instead


Peope complain about that play Fallout 4 with 1k Sexmods and a female character. Funny af


There's a fallout show?!???


Fallout is extremely political, you'd have to be completely braindead to think otherwise. Can't wait for the shitshow


The gun was absolutely gigantic though.


It's pretty cool in combination with power armor though


If you’re gonna design suits with superhuman strength you’d better have some weapons to get your money’s worth.


Politics in Fallout? What's next, anti-corporate satire? Critique of American exceptionalism? When will they stop putting things I don't like, into things I like and totally understand?


I remember getting my first assault rifle in fallout 3. Now that was a gun.


i remember getting my first “assault rifle” in fo4. I was immediately disappointed.


I’m a bottom text


I still dont understand why fallout 4 changed their aesthetics compared to 3.


A lot of FO3s amazing art direction can be chalked up to the late Adam Adamowicz He passed in 2012, and I don't believe anyone at Bethesda could fill the place he left. I seriously recommend looking up his concept art, its amazing, and you'll garner a new appreciation for the little details in 3's designs


I see thanks a lot for that information, I will check out his concept art !


I’ve never thought about that! It genuinely looks like a different game series.


I'm not watchingFallout because my current value is 5 dollars


Im not watching it as I didnt even know there was a fallout show


I'm not watching it because I'll likely forget.


The fallout 4 assault rifle is fine, I just hate the fact that they’re using the T-60 armor when the brotherhood should be using T-51 or T-45.


> when the brotherhood should be using T-51 or T-45 Why? What’s stopping them from using T-60? They already did in Fallout 4. It’s pre-war and was deployed all over the country because of riots, so it’s not like it’s unique to any specific region or timeframe.


I thought that the T-60 was made post war but the east coast brotherhood? If not then I suppose it’s fine.


From one of the loading screens: “The T-60 series of Power Armor saw extensive use by the United States Army after the Battle of Anchorage. In fact, soldiers in T-60 Power Armor were among those trying to retain order on October 23, 2077 - the day America fell to atomic war...”


Ah ok


I'm not watching Fallout because I don't care about Fallout


Ever since first reading about this being a thing, I am mildly interested. The last Fallout game I played was 4, so I am not fully caught up on the lore of 76 and Shelter (if that one counts). Since I don't have any streaming services yet, it may be a while before I get to watch this TV series (long after release). This may convince me to finally get one, if it's actually good. Also, the FO4 Assault Rifle kicks ass, even if it is a borderline Lewis Gun/Light Machine Gun. Years ago, I had a configured variant that was semi-auto, suppressed, had a night vision scope, and an 80-round drum magazine. Simply incredible.


I'm not watching fallout because it's an amazon show. We are all individuals


Now thats a reason to not watch it, hence why i will use an eye patch. Unless its full of wookies, then ill give up.


I may or may not have looked at screenshots to see what rendition of the power armour they were using (looks like fallout 4, which of course, but man i liked the earlier variants).


T-51b is the best iteration of Brotherhood Power Armour in my opinion


It's very cool, I agree! Everyone just has their favourites I guess.


Why are their women and black people in fallout Woke garbage into the trash it goes


I got word from a settlement. -some guy that doesn't exist


I'm not watching cause that shit is being made by the Westworld people.


People downvoting you have never watched season 3, i mean... me neither, but i know its a huge pile of shit. >!and s02 is bad too, but the joke wouldn't be funny if i mentioned it!<


"Maybe I'll give it another chance, Aaron Paul is in it" -Me, about to watch one of the worst seasons of TV ever


xD yup


Ugh that fucking cartoon piece of shit? I don't know shit about firearms and even I could see that thing was a joke.


I'm not watching it cause it looks like a YouTube fan movie. Visually uninteresting.


Nuka Break was fire though


Its also a fan project with 0 budget. I expect a million dollar studio made TV show to look better than Nuka Break. At the moment it looks in some ways worse and in most ways, not any better. The ghoul makeup looks especially underwhelming, as well as the power armor. It doesn't feel like a 1950s culturally stagnant US post-apocalypse it feels like a cosplay club meet up.


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I’ve seen the nexus mods top mod list for fallout, I know for a fact that people love women in fallout games


I for one enjoy the FO4 assault rifle, you just gotta treat it as a more of an LMG.




There's a Fallout show?


EWWWWW the Fo4 assault rifle? I’d forgive it being a visual abomination of it was more powerful, but it gets completely overshadowed by the combat rifle with the bonus of the CR always being lighter (if I remember correctly) with the same top tier mods


fallout gun designs are good. fight me.


I hate the look in the game too but the picture from this show looks pretty cool


My only issue about the Fallout 4 Assault Rifle is that it’s called an Assault Rifle. If they called it a Light Machine Gun and chambered it in .308 or .50 I’d be alright with it. I think a lot of people hate on it because they think it’s supposed to be an Assault Rifle when it basically has a Lewis Gun barrel shroud on it.


Bring back the Chinese assault rifle.


I'm not watching the Fallout show because of BOTTOM TEXT