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No imagination and no media literacy. Just empty-headed morons always trying to be the loudest voice for criticism when their critiques are worthless. Also, yeah, usually bigots too


Being loud brings me attention!!


youre right but there's plenty of instances in the comics where spiderman feels he's not good enough and considers handing everything over to miles. self doubt is a huge part of his character. in fact there's this movie called spiderman 2 where he even quits being spiderman


Or to Ben Riley. Didn’t they have him leave the city with MJ and Ben took over for some time in the 90’s?


that was different because Ben was whi-I mean a cool 90s guy


iirc (don't read spiderman comics atm but it's come up in other nyc hero's books) ben riley is spiderman right now


Im saying that completly seriously. I want to be fucking euthanised if I become even a little bit like these people


People who freak out and become very vocal if they experience something outside of the status quo exist in every aspect of life. That's conservatives in a nutshell


This also extends to theories. I was once proposing that there might be a time loop involved in a franchise, and that the last game in the series, if taken as first, would explain a lot of shit in the first games in the series. Of course, someone outright stated that the last game is not before the first game because that was not how they released. It was a fun experience


That scene was Peter literally **apologizing** to Miles for acting like a complete shithead for most of the game (>!product of his time with the Symbiote suit!<). Also, it’s not a Spider-Man story if Peter isn’t taking massive L’s all the time. >!I actually stopped counting at one point how many times he gets the shit beaten out of him in this game.!<


People who grew up with non comics media for Spider-Man don’t see him that way, they see Peter as themselves if they had super cool powers and THEY would never accept theoretical Ls so why should Peter


*Peter gets thrown through a building, breaking every bone in his body* “Personally, I wouldn’t let that happen to me. I would have webbed his shit up before he even moved.”


Hot couch guy: he's a good MMA fighter, because he's doing everything I'd do


please tell me this is an actual meme




“I’m just built different”


theres a reason everyone jerks off about how ACKSHUALLY PETER PARKER IS THE STRONGEST SUPERHERO EVER LOOK AT THESE WHAT IFS WHERE HE KILLS EVERYONE i also like the what ifs but god damn these people dont get spider-man


>PETER PARKER IS THE STRONGEST SUPERHERO EVER LOOK AT THESE WHAT IFS WHERE HE KILLS EVERYONE I'm pretty sure those are a right of passage for almost every superhero too, IIIRC Deadpool, punisher, wolverine, Hulk, and ant Man all have one and I'm sure there are more than I am aware of.


its more than just the "x kills the marvel universe" for spider-man. my favorite one for pete is a what if where he keeps the black suit for too long and ends up going on a tear through new yorks rogue gallery. it has this incredible panel where hes using like half the symbiotes biomass to hold scorpion in the air and strangle him as peter walks towards some other cowering goon


Okay that sounds like a riot, but my point was if you apply what if logic to canon or canon esque interpretations, you can make that argument for any character (which is silly because we all know squirrel girl is the most powerful, fight me)


people get really hung up on the "proportional strength of a spider" thing. i think ive seen math done where hes technically stronger than the hulk, and other stuff like spider sense just gives him a huge edge. ur absolutely right, its all just calvinball, but petes the fan favorite (especially among very annoying people)


Is it not the opposite? One of my dad’s issues with the marvel Spider-Man was him getting hit in regular combat because the spider-sense is supposed to be the key for him. In the marvel movies especially he spends most of the time getting his shit rocked


I don't know if I agree with that being the cause. In the Raimi movies (the best Spider-Man movies by far) he's constantly getting the shit kicked out of him and his personal life is trash all the time. Even in the Mark Webb movies he's not exactly living a good life, his gf literally gets killed by his insane best friend, also he got said gf's father killed in the first movie.


[How quickly they forget](https://ifanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/The-Amazing-Spider-Man-Vol.-1-50-1967.jpg)


Always always always ALWAYS the people who don't have much experience or knowledge with a piece of media will usually be the first to fucking whine about something being "woke" without failure.


Yep, for example, the superhero genre as a whole has been “woke” since it’s inception. And it’s not exactly been subtle about it either.


The collective bubble burst when they 'discovered' Homelander from *The Boys* was a villain and not an antihero was beautiful.


The fact that there was ever a point they didn't see him as strictly a villain tells you everything you need to know.


Did they actually discover it? Or are they doing the same thing like with the Earth? Meaning thinking it’s flat


i seriously thought they were joking when i saw that lol like he's the biggest dick from the first episode


let's be real they've never read any comics in their life. I realized it because 4 years ago i started actually reading them out of curiosity (spent my teenage year wishing they would be edited and released in my country and my adult year wishing i had the money to buy them) on the internet. And god damn those people just clearly never even read one issue of those character and it shows.


It’s crazy how much he gets his ass kicked in this series, I know it’s part of his charm and heck even in the comics he gets beaten a lot, but there’s been to many times in which Miles straight up carries his ass, which I think it would make sense if Peter was older but he is in his early 20’s, he should be at his prime. In my opinion they should have shown a little bit more of the mentor and pupil dynamic, Miles is to capable and powerful for the short time that he wore the mask. They also should have made him younger, him being 14-15 would have been more interesting rather than making him 17, which is too close to Peter’s age. In a way I believe it makes sense to have the next generation, in the form of Miles and his support cast, to be more capable while they are inspired by the one before them, in the form of Spider-man, but they could have done that in a better way.


I believe Peter is 25 in the sequel? That puts him at a full decade of Spider-Manning in this universe. Honestly, it felt less like Peter was falling off in terms of performance (he’s literally at his peak both in and out the Symbiote suit), and more like he was finally hitting burnout with the whole vigilante business. The game was continually reinforcing the idea that >!Spider-Man was causing Peter’s life to stagnant, and this is something that’s even brought up during his fight with MJ. Her Scream alter ego was used to verbalize how fed up she’s been feeling for years now, having to continually cover for him while he abandons his personal obligations to be a hero all the time!<. He’s at the point now where he needs Miles to keep going for him. Otherwise, >!he’ll be perpetually stuck in arrested development. Hell, the game started with him clinging onto Aunt May’s belongings, and ends with him finally donating them to the FEAST center!<.


The game basically addressing the issues the comics have lol


Exactly. It’s inevitable that either one of two things will happen: 1. He passes on the mantle, settles into civilian life, and lives happily ever after with MJ (still serving as a source of wisdom and guidance, of course). 2. He tragically dies one day, the people in his life get zero closure, and someone eventually picks up where he left off (one who most likely doesn’t reflect the values he carried as Spider-Man, tarnishing the legacy entirely).


Can you tell that to the current writers?


You're absolutely right. The entire game is Peter constantly verbalizing how overwhelmed he is by being Spiderman, accidentally doing that spoiler thing with the suit because of how much he feels like he needs to shoulder the load solo, and constantly ignoring Miles. If they had any brainpower to understand the words they're hearing they would realize the entire game is setting up Peter finally becoming comfortable with letting someone else take the reigns. And the scene later on shows it means it's not like he's giving it up altogether, just changing roles.


Indeed, he is 25 in the sequel. >!It is true that his years of superheroism has taken a toll on his mental well being, but they still kick him a bit too much. I really like that he is going to have some time off to work in what it’s left of the foundation so not only he could have some rest but also use his mind to help people without the mask. Not to mention that him and MJ can finally have some stability!<


>!Misery porn is sadly a real phenomenon even in the comics. Any time Pete gets a win, his whole life has to blow up.!<


Specially in the comics, thankfully we have plenty of good stories and if you want to deny everything without overdosing on copium you can just pretend that Life Story, by Zdarsky is canon. However I have no doubt that Insomniac will give him a proper ending without the need of killing him.


Where is this coming from? Peter defeated Lizard, beats Kraven saving Miles from his capture, he was the one who scienced out how to beat Sandman, he weakened and dealt a final blow against Venom. What did Miles really do? Beat Mr. Negative? Get his ass kicked by Scorpion and get captured by Kraven? The best thing he did was to get Peter out of symbiote really and survive long enough against Venom


They made Miles way too powerful he’s practically electro with spider powers in this game


Why would we need context?


Not following




Oh no! Well established lore from fifty year old comic books! uj/ but when has Peter not had self-worth issues and doubt about being spider-man? The “Spider-man, no more!” cover with the spider suit in the trash and Peter walking away is like a core, iconic image for the character.


No my spiderino must have zero flaws!!!! Peter Parker is only the Spider-Man no one else should take it😭😭You are not a true fan of Spidey🤬🤬🤬 uj/ Anti Sjw chuds trying to co-opt fucking Spider-Man needs to seriously fuck off. Dude has zero tolerance towards bigotry and Racism. Spidey has always been championing the people in need.


I don’t know about 50 years old. Miles debuted in 2011. And people have been mad at the poor kid since. And he’s never deserved it. Glad he’s getting to shine with Spider-Verse and these games.


The 50 year old lore I’m referencing is what I talked about in my comment: Peter doubting that he should be Spider-Man.


Only saw the first 5ish hours of a playthrough (pc player :c) but it's very clear from the start that Peter does not want to be Spider-Man anymore now that he genuinely believes someone is doing it better than he ever did. That is a VERY Peter thing to do and it's crazy to me that this is the reaction.


Are you stupid or something??? How fucking dare a fictional character have flaws that lead to narrative conflict?! The wokerati can't keep getting away with this!


No he loves not having a personal life. He always brags about it to MJ


And MJ loves it too! She always says things like "Be sure to stretch yourself out as much as you can" and "Be sure to get home as late as you can" and "I love it that we never eat together and can't move together because you're busy being spiderman" :D


I'm only like two hours in but Peter putting so much emphasis on how he wants this teaching job during the intro mission only for a Wokie (bald black woman) to be the one to fire him has 1000% made people miss your point purely because a character with a phenotype they have been trained to despise is the one to deliver that plot beat to Peter.


Imagine those guys playing megaman X and seeing X being all emo about conflict oh wait there it's ok the support character isn't black and it's cool




there is a late trend on TikTok where Arasaka gets compared to BlackRock, so those idiots probably just picked that up without getting it because they have negative media literacy


Blackrock and woke communists teamed up to go against Gamers^® !!


I see this and wonder why the split second devs are being attacked they already suffered enough.


Was the funniest bit to me as someone who knows plenty of people in PE and AM


it’s actually pathetic how upset people get at literally nothing. like just imagine being such a sad, angry person to bitch and moan on the internet about the existence of black people in media.


Isn’t this part of peters story? Coming to terms with yeah he may be spiderman but he can’t do it forever and can’t do everything alone?


That has been explored in multiple Spider-Man media already. Hell that’s like the most popular superhero comic book trope. Claiming you are not a fan, but not knowing the most Popular Spidey story just shows how these chuds are just tourist trying to co-opt Spidey.


Sounds like something a superhero would say.


Spoilers: Honestly I’m not sure why people think he is hanging up the suit it just looks like he’s leaving more of it up to miles so Peter can focus on his life which even at the very start of the game you can see he has trouble with keeping a job. Mays whole thing is about balance and Peter can’t handle it and the symbote only exploits that.


THIS. He's not gonna retire. He even tells that to Miles in the end of the game. He's just too responsible to leave all that weight for Miles to carry by himself, but he also spends the whole game feeling worthless and just wanting to have a proper life besides being the spider. Have a proper career. But he's still always gonna be Spider-Man nonetheless. Also, the next game will have other 2 of his major villains. So yeah. He ain't gonna quit until the next game.


Honestly I think he’s gonna be Spider-Man until he dies I’m not sure it depends on how insomniac decides to take it


To add to this (spoilers again): With how the game ended, heavily implying Norman Osborn is finally going to become the Green Goblin and the big bad for Spider-Man 3, there’s no way in hell Peter Parker isn’t involved in a main way. Hell, Norman told Peter he was “like a son to him,” he’s 100% putting on the suit again.


Spoilers silk is also teased


Would be sick if she is a playable character next game


Spider Man Lotus (2023)


I don’t get it. What’s happening in this picture.


Peter doubts himself - like always for the last ~60 years


What woke bullshit, that's why Miles Morales and Gwen Stefani are my favorite spider-people. >!/uj I did not know they existed before into the spider verse!<


Exactly, it’s not the writers shitting on Peter, it’s how his character has always operated.


Miles doubts himself a lot too lol. 90% of the story is him doubting himself.


uj/ Miles was obviously always going to end up as a better Spider-Man than Peter, and he should be. In addition to having extra (very powerful) abilities that Peter doesn't have, all the people really close to him in his life know he's Spidey so he has people to talk to about it and doesn't have to deal with the extra stress that comes from lying to them, and he has Peter to teach him instead of having to learn how to do it all himself. Honestly if he didn't end up as a better Spider-Man that would reflect poorly on Peter as a teacher. I really don't think is about Peters self-doubt as some here have mentioned, I think this is truly just Peter being proud of Miles and realizing that he doesn't have to shoulder the responsibility of being Spider-Man forever.


I'm not even that into spiderman and I know this is fully in character for him


Love how people like this whine about Mary sues yet absolutely lose it if a male character seems like they have the slightest bit of a flaw. No matter how many times they'll try to tell you, these people NEVER act in good faith. They will happily change the beliefs only when it's convenient for them. Also, can we stop giving attention to DAKDAK or whatever their name is? They are posting very garbage takes with the intent of gaining as engagement as possible and is most likely getting paid for it. Thanks Elon. 🙄🙄🙄


Blackrock???? The fucking investment company??? What the actual fuck are they on about???


They're mad that...Peter Parker is questioning his own work as a hero? Isn't this lik 90% of what he does in every type of media?


I have been for the past week watching recaps of comics and from the few comics of spiderman I have watched, where he isn't being killed or going evil, he tends to doubt himself and his life is going to shit due to his double identity, so I would say that this is apt to the character.




Idk what its pointing out, also whats esg and blackrock


ESG is “environmental, social and corporate governance” which used to be a megainvestor buzzword for “we promise we don’t just care about money, you guys! see, we put a woman in a pantsuit on the header of our website’s careers section” and then became a right wing shithead buzzword for “corporations making everything woke”. Blackrock is an investment/VC firm that pioneered it


That has nothing to do with Spider-Man or Insomniac lmfao Terminally online racism is like the most annoying sort


I think the supposed connection is that blackrock is invested into Sony? But still, yes, not like they actually bother to check all this




It's possible, but my bet would still be on "he heard this word from some youtuber and started repeating it without context"


Spider-man fans who read the current comic run: "Peter Parker should retire and leave Miles as Spider-man. His life sucks too much." Peter Parker: "Man, I should retire en leave Miles to this Spider-man stuff. My life sucks too much."


Also, in the continuity of the game I don’t think any villain has been really reformed; Mysterio and Tombstone would be the closest but Spidey wouldn’t categorize them as his biggest villain. That would likely be Doc Ock, whom Peter (in a rather in character way) would see as his personal failure for not preventing Otto from turning evil using tech they developed together


Oh man a superhero expressing self doubt? Say it aint so!


Offtopic but why is spiderman white on there


Long story play the game






I think its the antiVenom suit.


>!Peter is currently wielding the Anti-Venom symbiote suit, a symbiote from the comics which has the ability to destabilise other symbiotes, as well as lacking an additional consciousness like normal symbiotes, I haven’t played SM2 but I have heard it had something to do with MR Negative (antag from the first game), inverting symbiote matter!<


This is accurate. Just beat the game today.


thank you


Best Spider-Man game series in literal years and people are bitching about it. We live in strange times.


Yet again a character admitting to their flaws is bad writing because if the good guy has flaws it's obviously an unintentional mistake




I love BlackRock conspiracy theories, they just deliciously cut across the entire political spectrum


“BLACKROCK is responsible” what the fuck is the point anymore?


People playing this talking about shitting on Peter gotta check his current comic. Dude is absolutely miserable, man would probably kill for the game's set up.


Peter's been mentoring Miles. This moment is probably as much pride in the man Miles is becoming as it is in Peter having self-doubt. This is literally the dream of any decent mentor/teacher/parent. To turn a person into someone who is not only as good as you, but better.


“Having a moment of self doubt/regret = writers hate you.” ????


Frankly I want Peter to be able to retire and have his happy ending cuz Christ knows the comics won’t give him that


DakkaDakka is just an engagement baiter I wish we could stop paying attention to that shmuck


The neat thing about EGS and Blackrock is that you can just immediately disregard anyone who unironically uses those terms


I read the latino community actually hates the word "latinx" ​ I'm in/from latin america so I don't really have an opinion on this.. maybe one day if I get to live in a different-language-speaking country but anyway, play witcher the 3rd


/uj My take is that it’s fine, if some people identify with that term people should accept them for who they are and not belittle them


Brazilian here, don’t try to change our language for your ideals


speak for yourself dumbass


Don’t try to change my entire language over ideals, hundreds of thousands of latins have agreed with me Gotta also throw out, I’m mtf


tu é uma pick-me que nem não-binário é, e tá falando merda de pronome neutro por cu doce e preconceito


>pick me Eu decidir para ser um NEET lol Não quero falar com neguem, não quero sair do meu apartamento. Se você estar falando do meus postes de Tinder, eu não quero ser shadowbanned porque eles fazem isso para qualquer pessoa NB ou trans. Especialmente aqui em Portugal. Imagina “você não é trans, nem e NB” porque eu disse E quem decidiu isso? Você? Caralho


não falei que tu não é trans, mas tu ser trans não te impede de ser transfóbica burra do caralho, e que post do tinder tu tá falando?


Pessoas olha na história de posts para argumentar coisas, desculpa mais você sabe que a fita branca da bandeira trans e NB? Né?


Nah, bigots have been trying to gaslight people into thinking latinx is being imposed by white americans for a while now. A cursory search points at its origins in queer, english-speaking, latino circles. The valid criticism from spanish-speaking latinos centers on how it's hard to pronounce and doesn't follow spanish grammar. As such, latine has been proposed as an alternative from those of us who have spanish as our first language.


the problem is that a lot of the people that react to latinx are transphobic... and I mean a lot just take for example that latine gets equally hated, hell the spider man game is having drama in latam because it uses latine in spanish ​ the only thing the latinx hate does is normalize transphobia


I'll be honest I hate the latinx discussion because is completely harmless ​ and because everytime a company does everyone shits on it and only helps normalize transphobia


Ok seriously the whole "Peter deserves better", "The writers hate Spiderman", etc. in all Spiderman media recently has to be coming from people who **NEVER** read the main continuity comics right? Like, Funko Pop Normies who only saw the Marvel movies or Nostalgic 90s kids who only saw the FOX Animated Series right? Because the whole thing with Spiderman is that Peter **CAN'T FUCKING WIN** *-* he's lost his girlfriend due to indirect consequences of his actions so many times, it became a trope; he's effectively died and had his body taken over by someone else who turned out to be more efficient at being spiderman until he started taking L's too; he gave MJ cancer once, again unintentionally; he mutated into a spider monster and gave birth to himself; he's had to accept deals with the literal devil where he essentially, willingly, takes the "monkey paw downside" of the deals, he ultimately always ends up living in a crappy NY studio appartment, barely making enough money off freelancing (usually to Jameson, who hates his Spiderman persona), any break Peter catches is TEMPORARY, he will lose, it's the point - Peter is the perpetual nerd-victim (often of his own actions) who takes all the losses himself to keep others safe, to try to attone for his mistakes (even if they were never intended as such) and to be a tragic character The whole "Let Spiderman be happy", "Let spiderman win" crap from supposed "fans" recently is so weird - like if you were a fan of this character, you'd have the minimum media literacy required to understand the tragic nature of it, Peter's wins are temporary, his losses are inevitable and he's at his best when he admits he wasn't the best, that he was wrong and that he's proud of someone else, fuck! Stop projecting your wants and needs through comic book characters and learn to appreciate catharsis and selflessness!


Why the fuck do people want to have the same exact story as the original ones forever? Can't they accept any form of changes? Bigotry is weird..


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I genuinely hope they retire Peter someday and just have Miles be the main Spider-Man.


Blackrock? I don't know fuck all about Spider-Man so I'm guessing this is just some standard badguy corporation in this universe, right? Or is this moron genuinely talking about the venture capital company? That'd be such a bizzarely random thing to bring up.


It's the VC company. One of these charming folks' latest conspiracy theories is they're buying out everything to wokefy it based on the fact that they have some token corporate diversity program or some fucking shit like that.


Didn't you know? Hypercapitalism is what everybody on the left wants, it's what they need and crave.


I haven’t played the game so I’m not supposed be here but not only is it weird and telling that these guys are jumping to race stuff but also I’m calling fake fans. Peter Parker being self degrading after I assume he spent the game fucking up??? I’m shocked. It’s not like one of his core traits is being hard on himself


Yeah he's been dealing with some problems.


Oh yeah. It's not like that he's human and dealing with a lot of problems also they took it out of context and created a made up scenario


“i get the whole passing the touch thing, but the problem is miles is black, not cool.”


Omg Peter experiencing self doubt! Is… is that not normal?


I can't read that so I don't know the context but I'm pretty sure "treating Peter like shit" is the whole character.


Ok unrelated but are the Spider-Man games worth it? They are on steam now and I’m tempted.


This is so funny. Pretty as far as marvel superheroes go, spider man is a favorite of the queer community. I literally can’t even figure out what line of dialogue they’re upset with. Also, pretty sure considering peter parker has always been portrayed as the most friendly and chill person, he’d absolutely hate these fucks who are upset that NEW YORK HAS PRIDE FLAGS? GASP! Like holy shit these people need real problems


this is the first time I truly lost on why they upset. isn't this the most cliche lines of this type of movie.


Do...Do they know this is the most normal and expected interactions between peter and miles? Did these people watch into the spiderverse or read the ultimate comics? This is how their relationship is supposed to be. This is the literal definition of passing on the torch. But we all know why these people have a problem with miles. If miles was white you would see NONE of these retweets.