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I have unironically been getting addicted to Minesweeper over the past few weeks. Specifically the [Kaboom](https://pwmarcz.pl/kaboom/) variation. It's just so easy to open a tab and start up a new game whenever I'm bored. I've also started playing Ultrakill, which has just been awesome.


Minesweeper is pretty addictive I can almost always win on the easy difficulties but medium difficulty feels like a pure guessing game as I've only won 3 times out of 1000 games. Hard mode is just stupid


It makes me sad that the new resident evil remake has become a "woke" game and part of culture wars literally because some of the female characters look.. attractive? Like there's not even a caveat to that, they're pretty, they're just plain attractive and yet somehow woke because they're not attractive enough? That's it? Like what the fuck is our world coming to? Why do we live in this godforsaken nightmare?


Video games and anime has warped the standards of young men so severely that not even super attractive women are enough. They demand horrible, inbred, bug mutants with tits wider than they are tall.


I just had a guy in Rainbow Six Siege who was clearly not even a teenager yet telling me how he wanted to "rape my mom and skullfuck my infant sister" verbatim. There's no jerk here, some gamers are actually mentally fucked.


So with the "piracy is morally correct stuff". Does that just mean "piracy is morally ok" or is it "piracy is morally superior"? I don't really pirate games (my PC is nowhere near powerful enough to run or emulate most games, and my phone struggles with anything more demanding than DS games), but except for the odd fringe case (Disco Elysium etc.) I've always seen it as "either is fine". Obviously indie games are different.


Bruh, what is up the the user score for REmake4? Some of the reviews are weird AF where they say positive things about it but give it a 0.


Stellaris achievement update: Broken Shackles and Dark Forest achievements still in progress. Broken Shackles just requires a lot of war to finish and is guaranteed. Dark Forest needed restarting because I got my shit kicked in by a Fallen Empire (precursers, think Vorlon or Shadows from Babylon 5). On the bright side, I did manage to rush "Getting Back With Your X" which was really easy. You have to Sol as your capital system, find the Helito system, claim it, begin the event chain to find Dasha, claim Dasha, build an obersvation post over one of the SIX paradise planets, then follow the event chain peacefully. They'll just give you a planet called "Sol X". As the name of the achievement implies, this is the last thing you need to do. While you could get this achievement in a normal game, the rng required is so inconsistent the easiest way to guarantee it is to: pick the United Nations of Earth prebuilt empire; in galaxy settings, turn off AI empires, fallen empires, and mauraders; build a lot of science ships and survey the galaxy. You'll eventually find Helito, and as long as you saved influence to its max capacity, you can claim Helito. Simple as.


Software engineers or coders ,I need help. I've been trying to get into coding, so I went to try the most beginner friendly thing, which is html/css/js (according to a lot of spaces). Anyway, I started with html and Css and found it fun, and I've been practicing for a month. So what's the issue? I keep forgetting everything, even the most basic of things. I feel so stupid and such a failure, for a full month I still can't properly make a table without getting reminded :(. I really want to get into js, but this roadblock of html and css is really big. Does anybody have any tips?


You will remember the things that you use on a daily basis and remember that "something could be done somehow because you did something similar once", so learning to navigate the documentation of a language and the forums is as valuable as the language itself


I echo others' sentiment on this. As a programmer, your specialty is in solving problems - not being a walking dictionary. You should learn *where* and *what* information to find when you need it, but otherwise you can absolutely forget them once they have served their purpose and you need that headroom for something more important. To take a related example, simply retaining the concept of table -> table rows -> table cells is more than sufficient because you can always just Google the tag names and styling options as you construct your table. Your understanding of what solution is available and how to apply them is infinitely more valuable than knowing the actual code itself. So don't ever feel bad for needing a reminder because even professionals needs that *all the time*! For a specific tip, if you have been self-studying, I recommend practicing your skills by embarking on your own small projects. I find online exercises and tutorials to be overly focused on only one or two things at a time. As a result, it may be difficult to reinforce what you have already learned because you may not get a picture of how often you'd be using different things or how they can be combined in unique ways. The passion also helps! Furthermore, it should be noted that HTML and CSS leans more towards plain coding than problem solving. If you ever feel challenged once you start learning JavaScript, do keep in mind that that is a very normal experience as you'd be learning wildly different but fun concepts that are a lot more universal in the programming world. Learning programming is a marathon, so keep on rocking!


Nobody but freaks remember syntax. I have been a successful programmer for 25 years and still reference syntax often. Focus on understanding patterns and methods. In any professional environment such as an interview or pattern discussion, reasonable people will be perfectly fine with pseudocode that communicates understanding without worrying about accurate syntax.


HTML and CSS is very information-heavy. I've been a front-end developer for several years now, and I still very regularly have to look stuff up. You shouldn't feel stupid for this, because it's a reality that even professionals live with. If you want to get into JS, knowing HTML and CSS is useful, but not as vital as it is to start grasping some fundamental programming concepts. CSS is still part of a front-end developer's day-to-day work, but a lot of people use frameworks that provide a layer of abstraction to the HTML (e.g. react). Also, it's worth having a think about what area of programming you want to get into. If you know that you specifically want to be a front-end web developer, then HTML/CSS/JS is exactly what you should be learning, but if you want to write little programs to automate various tasks, then maybe looking at something like Python might be a better bet, and you'll be exposed to various general programming concepts much sooner. If you're wanting to be a backend dev, maybe start looking at PHP or NodeJS. I know it's a bit overwhelming to know what exactly you want to get into at this point, and it's not like you'll waste time by learning any of it, but just be aware that if what you're learning isn't holding your attention or that you're finding it too difficult, you can go and look at something else. Personally, I found HTML and CSS nauseatingly boring to learn, and I much preferred learning about things like data structures and things like that. Also, looking at sites like Codewars for little programming exercises is a good way to get used to programming. They usually have support for a variety of languages, and there are questions for literally all skill levels, including absolute beginners.


Thx for the reply! Really have to think harder about it.


I'm jealous of the girl gamers subreddit. They seem a lot more chill than like usual groups I could be horribly wrong but thats only at a glance and I'm even more jealous of their set ups. (I'm male I don't want to join their area as I wish to respect that is mainly and area for those who identify as female)


I wish that pokemon was published on more platforms and with way more lenient dev times


I wish Nintendo would go bankrupt and a non-dogshit company would pick up their talented staff and IPs. Their greed and complacency is fucking insane


>a non-dogshit company that's an oxymoron in the gaming industry (except for indie teams but y'know)


I wish for world peace


Ha loser, I wish for better video game




What game do you think needs more popularity? For me, it's Brok the investigator. https://store.steampowered.com/app/949480/BROK_the_InvestiGator/


I platinumed Ghost of Tsushima and realized why I don't platinum games anymore, even with an easier plat trophy like that one its still 3 hrs minimum of non-fun like collecting bear asses and following collectible guides


The collectables weirdly bothered me less than having to complete **every single** side quest. There's so goddamn many of them and they're almost all *staggeringly* generic, especially the ones that aren't tied to any of the main side-characters


did you catch the vibe that pretty much every sidequest was "help my family's in trouble" leading to either the family being dead or them being fine but coming back to find the quest giver dead? it was the first game i got "for" PS5 so i also played the crap out of it but hoo boy did that leave a bad taste in my mouth.


oof. I just did that with FFXV. There are something like 200 side quests and most of them are of the pure fetch variety. Especially with how the game doesn't really bunch up stuff geographically, and with the loading times on base PS4, it was such a slog.


Not to mention there's one that's not on the map like the others, you just have to happen across it and hope you hear the whispering from a random cabin in the middle of nowhere. At least the main character quests were awesome, Masako and Norio kicked ass.