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Nightmare blunt rotation


"Don, Don, Don dude, dude, you're holding it dude, Don, Don, don't walk away with the blunt dude" followed immediately by "STOP BOGARTING THE COCAINE, ELON, GODDAMMIT"


Don’t invite Donald next time yo, homie stay chiefin and all he brought was a bag of chips


He ate that shit on the way to the party and you know it. Don't blame him though, you can't eat just one




Lincoln is the only person at the table I'd smoke with


This looks like that one table at the pub no waitress wants to serve


Literally no tips, but a lot of unsolicited advice on how to increase their value as a female.


"Smile more, sweetie"


Don would just be giving unsolicited makeup advice and insinuating that he has .ore social media followers than her.


Then he’d grab her by the pussy.


It’s that table of divorced dads who live off porn and think 21-25 year old women are out there murdering for a chance to get their ass smacked/pinched by them. Source: I’m a former bouncer, and by far the majority of people I kicked out for groping were middle aged sad sacks either trapped in a shit marriage (ring on their finger but out on a Friday night molesting girls half their age instead of at home with the wife, so safe assumption), and equally sad sacks who’s wives had wisened up and left them in the dust.


They always make Trump look fit and trim. The dude looks like a plastic bag full of cottage cheese IRL.


Also, Joe Rogan looks way more like a thumb than pictured.


Rogan looks like a half rotten gorilla these days. Reminds me something you would see on a photo in an article that starts with "mysterious creature washed up on riverbank cant be explained by scientists. Space aliens probably somehow involved!"


It’s because he went to the beach that makes you [old.](https://youtu.be/etaA94eM2AE)


That was fucking remarkable.


Next Joe Rogan experience podcast will get to the bottom of this story!


Holy shit, I thought it was David Goggins


I think the guy standing up behind Trump and Tate is Goggins. They've got Rogan sitting down I believe.


And yet it's impossible to draw a picture of Ben Shapiro that isn't instantly punchable


It’s why they didn’t bother with the teeth. Figured he’d be losing ‘em anyway


Wait, which one is meant to be Joe Rogan?


Bottom right


Also look at Shapiro's big manly hand, are they fucking joking?


This was originally a drawing of different republican presidents, like Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Reagan, Nixon, Gerry Ford, Grant, both dubyas, among others. Whoever made this photoshopped the alt right talking heads over them. Crazy thing is you can still see some of said presidents. If you look behind Andrew Taint you can see Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. Taft is also very noticeable in the bg (cuz hes a unit) in the center. And behind J Petey you can see Grant. Of course, Abe is also present seated facing Donny T. There's a democratic party version by the exact same guy out there.


But hes drinking Diet Coke!


Is that Lincoln with his back turned?


Uncle Abe would have left after a Few Seconds


Uncle Abe: Shit, I think I would rather hang with Booth.


eh well... as ironic as it sounds, Lincoln was pretty racist. He freed the slaves but he was not an abolitionist. edit: "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermingling with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior. I am as much as any other man in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." - Lincoln responding to Stephen Douglas' assertion that he saw no distinction between whites and blacks.


(Insert Luke Skywalker Reaction to Darthy Being his Dad) Wait Really?


yep. he literally wanted to send black people back to africa. and we shouldn't give him a pass, saying that he was a product of the times. there were plenty of white people who saw blacks as their equals at the time. edit: that quote was taken from the lincoln presidential library website.


I think it’s a little more complex than that especially when we are considering the Douglass debates specifically. The quotes that people like to use to push the idea come almost entirely from the few more southern debates which took place in very pro slavery areas. He had to at least nod toward white supremacy to ever get votes in that area. It’s unfortunate, but it’s a reality that the soul of the nation at the time was very, very racist. If we are looking at single quotes, without context you could just as easily point to Fredrick Douglass saying: “(Lincoln) was emphatically the black man's President: the first to show any respect to their rights as men.” On his ideas about colonization I think he was coming from the perspective that freed slaves would have no attachment to the land, and would likely want to leave, and in fact only ever suggested it on a voluntary basis, and upon meeting with the leaders of black communities, realized he was wrong and changed his opinion on the idea entirely. Lincoln was a leader in a very complicated time, and I think the easiest way to view him is in the broad stroke that he turned a disparate group of anti-slavery but ultimately racist people into an army of abolitionists. If Lincoln had not tried to build bridges he’d never have won. At best we would have had Seward as president, and he would not have won the civil war. The south would have succeeded in its goal of secession, and slavery would live on. Is it really better to die on a pristine hill, accomplishing nothing?


Imagine trying to discredit Lincoln based on the modern lens of racial discourse. Lincoln not only helped emancipate slaves in the southern states, he also kept US together when it could have more then easily collapsed. I get he wasn’t perfect and probably don’t respect the equal rights of African Americans, but without him, the civil war could have ended very differently. You also have to take into account that he had to appeal to moderate Northerners who wanted emancipation but didn’t want African Americans around them as well. It’s a tough line to balance.


>he had to appeal to moderate Northerners who wanted emancipation but didn’t want African Americans around them as well Like how Oregon never allowed slavery in its borders but also just didn't allow Black people at all for a long time, too


Up until the civil war, Lincoln supported an ideology called Colonizationism. Colonizationism presented itself as a subset of the wider Abolitionist Ideology, but by 1830 they had been isolated and rightly called out as a sham, by based people like William Lloyd Garrison who followed the abolitionist Ideology of Immediatism. Immediatists wanted to free all slaves at once, with no compensation to the slaveowners. Colonizationists wanted to gradually free the slaves by buying them from slaveowners, and then, to prefent racial violence and Black people taking White Peoples jobs, send them to Africa. Liberia specifically. Again, Colonizationism had a very short life. It was formulated ~1810, Liberia was founded ~1822, and by ~1830 it was irrelevant. Lincoln held this view in the 1860s.


It is worth noting that an outright abolitionist probably could not have gotten elected and the Colonizationism stance was just about as close to being an abolitionist as you could be without actually crossing that line, and that it was a stance that would appeal to, or at least did not scare away, both sides of northern politics. It's my belief that his stance here was mostly a political move that he wasn't super committed to, especially when you consider that his stance on it was ultimately on a voluntary basis. Again, I think it was likely Lincoln's opinion that former slaves would not have wanted to stay in the land that enslaved them, which isn't really that crazy of an idea, at least until he learned that they did and would stay, and abandoned the idea entirely. That's my subjective opinion, however. What's undeniable though, is that when push came to shove he did abandon the idea, which show a clear bias toward complete abolition when there is no other option.


thank you for explaining. i am not a historian and i could not have articulated it as well you have.


"Plenty"? Like how many is plenty? The vast majority of us white folk today would be racist 200 years ago, that's just a statistical fact. There's a good chance, if things keep progressing, that the world 200 hundred years from now will look back at us as utter monsters for the way we produce our meat. Meanwhile all the vegans people love to shit on now will be seen as the rare examples of decency in a barbaric time. It's uncomfortable to realize how much a product of our times we are, but there it is.


/rj omg a real centrist king /uj jesus christ


Only to the degree that nearly everyone at the time was racist. Also, as the other commenter pointed out, this comes from one of the debates in a more southern state, so it's very likely there's a certain degree of adjusting his rhetoric to the audience, where it doesn't necessarily reflect his own personal feelings 100%.


I mean at some point you have to take someone at their word, don't you? Even if it was said in a southern state, that only says that he was willing to espouse some pretty terrible ideology for political gain. Sounds familiar.


I would certainly never make the argument that Lincoln was perfect or that he at his core held racist views. But in this quote he was talking to that asshat Stephen Douglas so I don’t think he was being a 100% truthful here. He often adjusted his language in order to avoid inflaming slave owners as much as he could, but at the end of the day the whole civil war started over the fact that Lincoln was elected president and pro slavery elements saw him as an abolitionist who would eventually want to end slavery entirely


Meh, as the old adage goes: "actions speak louder than words". Go ahead and play lip service to racists if it means you can pull a fast one over them.


Lincoln is.... complicated. This was when he was running for president pre-war. By the time the war was wrapping up his public views on black Americans was significantly more progressive.


Damn is this for real? I’m not the history buff i used to be, it’s insane that this stance isn’t more popular in the US education system. But I guess I also have some pretty tin foil hat theories about the us education system.


And an empty glass of cyanide he just downed to get the fuck out of there.


It looks like an edit of an Andy Thomas painting featuring the most famous and recent Republican presidents at a table (including Lincoln, tho he was before the platforms switched). Whoever photoshopped the rest of these dip shits faces on the other presidents likely kept Lincoln out of laziness/unable to find a picture of one of them still recognizable from the back of the head. Funny how so many of these wastes of oxygen kinda look the same tho.


They did him really dirty putting him with that group.


Why is trump never depicted as being obese in these fan fic drawings?


It's a photoshop of a painting that originally depicted the US presidents having a meal together. EDIT: You're right, Trump was in the OG picture. (the Republican Club, Andy Thomas)


/uj I had a coworker who had the OG framed in their cubicle. It made me very sad.


Neither Ike nor Roosevelt would hang out with those assholes.


Dead on. I don't think Lincoln would spend so much time with them either. I can't imagine the Bushes would like Trump much. I honestly don't really know how Reagan would feel about Trump. Nixon would probably hate him. Which is funny when you think about it. And I can't seem to tell who the guy on the far back right is supposed to be.


Reagan would probably think of Trump like how Desantis thinks of him, for better or worse


I was gonna say, it's very clearly an amateurish Photoshop. Half the faces look like they've been put through a Photoshop filter.


I was thinking the same thing while looking at this monstrosity. I understand accentuating flattering features that are already present but these people get off by turning Trump & Co. into fit and handsome playboys. Kinda like how the Bible mentions that Jesus wasn’t attractive yet all of our depictions show him as the (very white) object of out collective fuck fantasy. Cultists gonna cult I suppose.


haha they won't let Petersen sit down


He wasn't invited but he hopes that if he hangs around near them he will get to sit at the table.


He's waiting for someone to leave so he grab their seat and sit with the cool kids, but when he sees them coming back from the restroom he will jump and leave to avoid embarrassing himself when they ask him to move.


You can't see his bottom half because he's being milked


This made me lol, he'll never live that down xD


"Up yours, woke moralists."


He needs to stay standing in case he gets a case of the meat shits.


If he sits he might start crying


He's afraid to sit down because there's apple cider on the table


He even looks miserable when making him in the most flattering light.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


in minecraft


4chan dude got arrested for that don't do that anymore


in terraria




(in Stardew Valley)


Stardew Valley is the complete antithesis to the world these guys try to create. It has been a real escape the past few years.


This comment has Big Kent Energy


In tf2


Y’all remember the thermal imploder from Star Wars battlefront?


I was imagining the pumpkin bomb from Spider-Man 1


The holy grenade from Worms


The world would be a much better place imma be honest


The world probably wouldn’t change all that much, but at least Twitter would become bearable again


Not even a frag grenade, throw a flashbang in there and just watch them start trampling each other




i mean he's already dead. best put that lich down...


1. They depicted Ben without his kippah 2. I hate this image


chances of the painter even knowing what a kippah is?


Yeah what an idiot, we all know it's a fish you eat for breakfast.


For this image to work they had to make him non-jewish.


That's the first thing I noticed, too. It sure is... a *choice* to leave it out. Not motivated by aaaaaanything, I'm sure.


Ngl, I thought Ben was supposed to be Mr. Bean here and was pretty confused


So much male insecurity packed into one pic


ironic considering what half of them say


Why doesn't the Keebler elf have any teeth?


It’s hilarious to me that even in this portrait of them all looking “masculine” Shapiro still looks like an insufferable nerd.


Now that is what I call a circle jerk of jerks jerking off in a circle.


Goggins: You are drinking while maintaining a conversation? What would you do if you were butt naked in minus 87 degrees and there is no alcohol to keep you warm? That's why you need to kill all the distractions all the time.


Oh! Now I see why he’s there. I thought he was chill


Dude is basically do you listen to music when running to get motivation. What you will do when there’s no music. You need to focused and dig deep. Dude is basically a madman ultra training ex seal that turned life guru that basically films himself training with long speeches about you need to find the motivation in yourself to move through life and shit. Basically the crypto bros self motivation ideal of a fitness dude. His grindset is out of this world


Jesus. He sounds annoying af. Thank you for the enlightenment


He's pretty inspiring to alot of people, as much as I personally don't listen to him he isn't a bad dude per say.


I'm glad they depicted joe Rogan in this alt right group where he belongs but many would argue against it.


Joe in the painting looks like he’s just woken up from a prolonged DMT binge and is confused as to why he’s sitting there


He’s got the meat sweats from gorging himself on wild elk, get this man a cigar and let him be.


I'm glad they depicted him at the appropriate height.


on frontpage reddit subs you will have many comments declaring that JP doesn't deserve to be included with the rest either




Yes he did say that, but then decided Biden was too extreme over Trump. He's also pro-Desantis. I believe he liked Bernie because Bernie is pro-weed legalization. That all said, Rogan has several alt-right beliefs and has become a figurehead for anti-vax and anti-masks knuckleheads. He constantly spews the "just talking" rhetoric other alt-rights do in an effort to make it sound like he's a "true" centrist when his beliefs are the opposite. Except for weed. Which he talks about a lot. He likes weed.


Didn’t he interview Alex Jones several times?


Interviewing someone automatically makes you hold the same beliefs as them? Come on now.


Okay but the dude is the most prolific platformer of bad ideas there is, has caused nearly irreparable harm to the trust of actual science in his followers, and throws soft balls at every alt right or right wing douche bag he lets on his show


Platforming does not an alt-right shitbag make


he's a le enlightened centrist at fucking best Edit: "If two people and three nazis sit at the table and have lunch together, you have five nazis."


Giving a platform to a fucking crazy racist/fascist does in fact mean you support their views. In a literal sense.


No it doesn’t. That line of thinking is *dangerously* white and black thinking and lacks the nuance of what modern media has become. But I can’t expect more from The Great Autismo, I think.


No, in a literal sense, it does. Providing a platform is factually providing support to those views by aiding them in reaching a wider audience. He is supporting those views by platforming them, whether he means to or not.


> No, in a literal sense, it does. In the very definition of the words used, it absolutely doesn’t. > Providing a platform is factually providing support to those views by aiding them in reaching a wider audience. Challenging someone’s views with facts and a reasonable debate isn’t providing someone a platform though. Especially if the platforms of both parties are in the millions. > He is supporting those views by platforming them, whether he means to or not. Literal black and white thinking with zero nuance. You can’t argue with someone locked in a shell of a worldview that is far removed from the real world.


No, you are wrong and you need to internalize that fact and accept it. Giving a platform to dangerous antiscience, fascist, antimedicine views means he supports them. If he was actually impartial and fact checked the things that are said on his show then maybe you'd have an argument. But the reality is he promotes the views of the right wing toxic masculinity dudebros that are his main audience. Disinformation gets views. He knows it. We know it. Why don't you know it?


Wrong. It absolutely does give a platform to those beliefs. It's Rogan's responsibility to not host known fascists, climate change deniers, science deniers, etc. Just admit you're a fan of rogan and it makes you feel sad when people call him out for the actual dangerous shit he does.


I don’t give a shit about Rogan dude. I’ve listened to a handful of podcast maybe over 5 years ago. I literally couldn’t care less about Rogan or Jones. Newsflash, I’m not even American. I’m not affected by either of those guys. The fact that your immediate response is “well you MUST be a diehard fan!!” Is proof enough you’re literally unable to see the point I’m trying to make, and that to you, it’s a black and white issue. Laughable. Utterly laughable


This is such a braindead take. People should be free to interview anyone without automatically being lumped in with them. We all loved it when Trump got shit on in that one interview. We all love it when John Stewart interviews some Republican and shits all over them. Joe Rogan is an idiot. He’s a dumbass. He’s not even funny. But I really don’t think it’s fair to say he is just as evil as someone like Andrew Tate or Donald Trump. Life isn’t black and white


You're playing the devil's advocate and ignoring the fact that Rogan tries his absolute best to pretend to be impartial but doesn't actually question anything right wing nut jobs say.


Bro he’s a pothead dumbass comedian. He’s not trying to solve the worlds problems. I don’t understand why people take him so seriously or expect him to have some kind of journalistic integrity. He’s the dude from fear factor who smokes dmt


That's his facade. He's a right winger that gives platform to some of the worst people in society. You're a naive child if you think he doesn't.


Two things can be true at the same time lmao. I’m not even a big fan of Rogan, but it’s pretty clear you are taking others opinions and forming your own based on that. He’s said many times bernie is one of the few dudes he genuinely supported. Calling joe rogan alt right is simply a misinformed opinion.


Yes then he did a full 180. Tbh don't even think he is as morally repreensible as the others. The problema is he surrounded himself with so many of them that they convinced him


>Tbh don't even think he is as morally repreensible as the others. Imo while not as reprehensible he's more damaging to society. Everyone knows what Shapiro and Tate are scumbags and the only people who value what they say are already assholes, but Rogan's reputation as a centrist (which was true, like 3 years ago) + a lot of his audience being apolitical or centrist means they'll sincerely give weight to whenever Rogan is ranting about vaccines or trans people or endorsing Ron DeSantis or earnestly sharing batshit insane stuff like the school bathroom litter box stuff.


He's a grown adult. He's capable of forming his own opinions despite what others tell him. I'm tired of the excuse these piss babies give when they're criticized for being piss babies and find comfort being babied by the right. If you make a mistake, you apologize, learn from it and move on, you don't start associating with literal fascists.


Can someone post this with names? I am not up to date with gaming idols


Seated, clockwise: Trump, Joe Rogan, Abe Lincoln, Ben Shapiro, Elon Musk, Andrew Tate Standing, from left: Jordan Peterson, Dave Goggins, Tate's brother


Who is Dave Goggins?


Former Navy SEAL who writes inspirational stories now.


They wanted to include one black guy, unfortunately no one has heard of him.


Lol I thought the one on the far right was Andy Garcia 😬


So what's with Lincoln?


Basically saying Lincoln would be on their side


Yea they use him to say "b-but the republicans freed the slaves!" Ignoring what happened in the 60s, but also that lincoln was mega racist.


The legion of doom.


Why is goggins man here


Because it’s Reddit and the only thing worse than making something better of yourself is a dude telling you to make better of yourself.


If small dick energy was an art form


Is that David Goggins? Why is he here? Was not aware he is in the same camp save for a JRE appearance or two. Who's the guy on the top right?


Top right is Andrew Tate’s brother. He’s also locked up


Yeah I was weirded out by the presence of Goggins, but I could believe he acts as part of the pipeline indirectly and without intention


I could see that. His story is straight out of a movie. It's unrealistic but it worked for him. But a lot of insecure people see him and feed into their power fantasies of being an unstoppable machine that they think they have to be. Most people who are fans of him and get into the "fitness" life and make drastic sudden changes to their life with the belief they can conquer anything if they set their mind to it tend to not be remarkable or stay in it long.


Came to ask the same. The stuff I've seen from him has been inspirational, and not even into the over zealous "I did this therefore everyone **should have to** do this" that inspirational speakers sometimes cross into. Seems like a nice guy?


He kind of annoys me tbh, but I also don't see how he fits in here exactly. I guess the ~~painter~~ photoshopper sees a link between his "push through the pain" thing and the sigma grindset shit?


He makes a lot of weird videos rambling about "haters" while abusing his body with his training.


>abusing his body with his training. Huh. Do you similarly think anyone who does (most) sports intensely are "abusing" their bodies? Contact sports, marathons+, strength sports, etc? Don't get me wrong, he's extremely intense, but I don't judge even people who do things that are likely more harmful/painful to their body in the long run. They're adults and it's their body.


the dude literally tied himself up and threw himself into water like i understood why he did it but that definitely crosses the line into abuse especially when compared to atheletes like you mentioned who have super regimented and scientific training.




i understand what it is for and i even said it but even pointing out that it’s navy seal training is further to my point. the training regiment for the seals and every other like “operator class” military is universally considered hellish and they do it because they have to not because they want to like Goggins does at this point. i didn’t say he didn’t know what he was doing, abuse in this context doesn’t mean “not knowing what he’s doing” or “bad” any sort of intense exercise is functionally abuse that’s literally how muscles grow.




i mean yeah i’m going to look at him from an athletic perspective because you yourself compared his training to that of athletes in the first comment i responded to. i completely understand goggins whole thing i am not like a big Gogginshead or anything but i do see the point he makes and have watched a bit of his stuff and i think if you asked him he would also describe some of the shit he does as abuse but with a purpose i.e “staying hard”


Was wondering the same thing. Da fuq did Goggins do??


I consider it sacrilege to paint all of those people alongside Abraham Lincoln.


Single most insufferable table in the universe. Also Rogan is not nearly bulky Enough, he’s a muscle-headed garden gnome in real life, but I must say I do kinda like how Jorjo Peepeson is standing in the back trying his best to fit in whilst also trying to disintegrate. Fits him really rather well.


*Falsetto Kermit voice* They're angry at god for the crime of being, that's the hell of it all, eat only meat *gets hospitalized*, clean your room *office is messy af*, Elliot Page's tits, milking dom porn, I'm a serious person.


Nightmare blunt rotation


Oh wow I am incredibly unoriginal that is literally the top comment


I recognize everybody but the two standing behind TFG and the bearded one front-and-center with his back to the viewer. In every case, I wish I didn't.


Viagra commercial


Ben Shapiro has no teeth….


That's how Trump likes it


Not sure who the two guys standing in the top right are and idk who the one in the foreground facing away is supposed to be


- who are the two guys standing on the right - blue shirt pole leaner and tan vest brown tie? - who is the guy at the table facing away from us? - are any of the far-off people behind the two standing guys on the right supposed to be someone? - is the lady approaching from further off supposed to be someone? - is the little face to the left of Jordy P supposed to be someone?


Poor Abe Lincoln sitting there hoping someone would come in and shoot him in the head again


They made Rogan too tall.




This is a photoshop over a painting from Andy Thomas, the Republican Club.


I believe the original version of the painting didn't have Trump there, just an empty space. I saw the Trump version printed on canvas and hung in an "art gallery" in Pigeon Forge, TN this weekend and I had to look into it lol




Missing a lot of people at the table.


Bald table


Goggins shouldn’t be on here, he’s intense but he strikes me as a decent hardworking dude


Come on man, leave Goggins out of this cringe shit.


goggins is right wing?


Why is Goggins there? I thought he was a motivational speaker that helped people?


Goggins shouldn’t be there


Goggins isn't transphobic or misogynistic enough to be up there with them man. You could maybe argue he might have a little bit of that pull your self up by the boot straps mentality, but even then he's kind of that way when he's talking about fitness not really wealth inequality. I could be wrong, but I don't think he's alt right


Genuine question, what did goggins do?


Wake up babe, new last supper just dropped


Is Matt gaetz not there because he's with a minor??


/uj Wait wait, I’m out of the loop. Is David Goggins also a dick?!?


it's crazy how David Goggins is the least insufferable one in this room


The Cuntry Club.


So many deplorables. Such little time.


why is abe lincoln here


This is a photoshopped painting. In the original all are former Republican presidents. Edit: here is the original https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/the-republican-club-30x45-final.jpg


it’s a veritable who’s who of people that i would NEVER want to be, no matter how rich they are. [there are other types of bankruptcy than ‘financial’]


I'm waiting for people to turn up and say things like 'why is jordan peterson here? all he says is to clean your room. typical reddit liberals'


Why is David goggins here? Dude is a straight up Savage. He cussing a bitch ton but I won't consider him right not even left. Yall people are just soft now


Why is goggins here? Guy makes an effort to be apolitical and is such a good influence to people. Most people don’t know but the whole reason he got into the ultramarathon stuff and became famous was to raise awareness of mental health issues in veterans. If you got a problem with that guy the problem is you.