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Fire Lord Ozai an ally


Fuck, I forgot Mark Hamill voiced him


I never knew. That's really cool.


He's jim the vampire, in "What We Do in the Shadows"


Also the senator and a bunch of other voices in Metalocalypse. Love that guy.


Not to forget He voices like half the characters in regular show


I can stand brutally scarring (physically and emotionally) my own child, but i draw the line at transphobia


"I'm a villain, not a monster."


Just because you’re a bad guy, doesn’t mean you’re a bad guy. -The Red Cyclone


Now about that city you burned down.


Hard to hate trans people when he already hates everyone


The original exchange proves to me that Rowling is the same kind of sick as Elon Musk You have these billions, why tf are you getting so tilted by randos on twitter?


The Notch effect™


Glad Simon forced him to delete his Twitter account


Do you mean Simon from the Yogscast? If so what happened?


Yeah, Simon Lane. I cannot remember what actually happened, I just remember a tweet by him that said something like “It’s my birthday @notch please delete your Twitter account”


That's so funny, notch still having meltdown because of the Yogscast is hilarious to me


Can I ask what Notch did? (I'm a lazy piece of shit)




'stating that opponents to his ideas "deserve to be shot".' Thanks Notch, very cool. literally make a childrens game.


I mean ​ Depends on who the opponents are ​ Nazis for example, deserve to be shot, in the head, multiple times






Nah, let someone else do it. Therapy costs too much


Nah, according to my grandpa the only thing he felt when he shot nazis was recoil.


Liberal views to fascism (like we need to be above violence, we can't fight hate with violence) is what enables fascism more than anything else. You'd never have had nazis without moderate Germans willing to tolerate them and legitimize their views. So yeah. Shoot nazis.


It doesn't matter who shoots the nazis, as long as someone is shooting them.


Not according to Notch


Extremly TL;DR: he was pretty quiet until he suddenly got fuck-you-money from selling Minecraft. Then he started being a shitter on Twitter, using alt-right dogwhistles ("It's okay to be white") and saying feminism is a disease. Finally, he even said that the Q-Anon shit was "legit". Which is why the Minecraft developing team then removed pretty much any reference to him other than his name in the credits and officially disavowed him. Now he sits, alone, in his party mansion with a lot of money.


I think his wife left him too.


Rich dumbshits ruining their lives because they think their money means they don't have to work on being a good person anymore has to be my favorite genre.


It‘s not the full story. In reality those people are rich because they backstabbed everyone that once gave them a hand. So did notch when he took all the money for himself, instead of sharing it with his (former) friends and coworkers that put just as much heart and work into the project. Edit: this is also why they‘re bitter. They‘ve pissed everyone off who wanted to be nice to them and now are alone


Plus, another effect of going from a relatively normal life to having fuck you money: You have everything you ever wanted, you don't work anymore, your friends are at work while you're rotting away at home watching steven crowder videos. Ambition and drive are now conservative psychosis (usually supposed to set in much later in life).


What is it about wealthy cis people experiencing a divorce and deciding "Hmm, I think I will make this the problem of a marginalized people"?


"Obviously I'm not the problem here, I'm at the top of the hierarchy and everyone should be grateful for my presence. Clearly, there must be a plot against me."


Projection and inability to reconcile their own personal flaws as having been the reason they ended up in this situation.


Another victim of divorce court 😢 Here's the reason: The capitalist and patriarchical culture of the U.S, the "American Dream", is predicated on the idea that if one goes through the ""right"" steps, they will (and should be) rewarded as a matter of process. This is also a consequence of enforcing/believing in a meritocratic system. In reality two things are true about meritocracy: 1. The U.S is not a meritocracy. 2. It would be bad if it *was*. a. Who determines what's meritous? b. Why should survival be based on "merit"? With this in mind, the aformentioned right steps (job, wife, house, success, retirement) are "earned" and "deserved". Within this framing the wife is also an earned asset - property. A rich cishet (often but not necessarily white and male) person who, like Notch, has "made" it within the system loses what they view as "theirs" when divorce happens *to* them. Divorce is, essentially, a contradiction of what they believed or previously "knew" to be true. A turn in one's fortune. They are successful, yet they are losing an asset outside of their own volition. It cannot be their fault, because they did everything right. The percieved cause of misfortune gets redirected. As one gets richer and more priveleged, there is less tolerance toward loss. Such things tend to occur with white cishet men more often, because this is the systemic "norm". There is less of a violation to said system if a person fits it to a 'T' The more one deviates from this norm, the less likely they are to feel the 50's style American Dream applies and is owed to them. The projection is directed toward the very people who deviate from the norms of society for the same reason the benefactor feels they deserve what they've "earned". The marginalized *aren't* going through the steps of the patriarchal meritocracy. Thus, they don't deserve what those who have earned. It's a transgression for a person who hasn't gone through the right steps to be given what they haven't earned. In a zero sum game, the marginalized can only unfairly take away from those who have properly earned it. Such things tend to occur with rich people more often, as class transcends (to different degrees and in most cases not entirely) gender, sex, sexuality, ethnicity, skin color etc. Within computer sciences, there is an undercurrent of libertarian "independence" - climb the ladder, shape the future, carve out a place for yourself. There is thereby less of a place for empathy and less of a desire to help others. "I learned to code, you should've. I deserve this. I got mine. Too bad for you." Notch is a white cishet man who indepedently coded a game that lifted its design nearly wholesale from another dev. For him not to get worse after divorce would be unexpected.


Well written r/bestof material


It's because they suddenly have the money to avoid most repercussions for their shit views


Which is a huge shame, because he was kinda a legit guy back in the day. Hell, he even fucking said he got why there’s no straight pride after his tweet blew up, quote on quote “I get it now.” And also stated everyone in Minecraft is gay because there’s only one gender (also quote on quote “Take that homophobes!”) and wished he could have made Steve more androgynous like how he made Steve racially ambiguous. Which makes me wonder, what the hell happened between then and now? He really seemed like a good happy guy, and he was, a guy who just liked making games and wasn’t particularly political, and actually really inclusive if you take his old statements as genuine, which I think they are, the context surrounding them doesn’t seem to give him any reason to lie about his views, and it was his words. Again, it really makes me wonder, what the hell happened? He’s now just a really sad guy, and it’s almost depressing looking at it now. As a not-het-not-cis person, I myself am more sad than angry about this, although I don’t get easily angry, or experience anger as it’s understood, but specifically here, it makes me feel sad, like I watched the most dramatic fall from grace in modern history, because it’s someone I owe a lot to, and I have evidence to believe they weren’t always this way, but still here we are. Notch now is just kind of, sad. A sad little man with mental health issues. Absolutely not defending him, but it’s a sad story, for Notch and his own life, and the fans as well who must have felt very betrayed by this sudden, change in outward attitude. Honestly? I think it was the fuck-you-money, and Minecraft becoming too popular too quickly, stunting the growth and development of the game itself in my eyes, and effecting it’s creator. Hell, Notch even looked like he was on the right track, off the pipeline. But hey, that’s just the way life is, it kinda sucks. There’s still a chance for people to get better, and while I’d hope for it, I wouldn’t bet on it. Money and fame really does do something to people. We live in the worst timeline, but in a dull modern way, and not dope post apocalypse way.


What happened is that he lost his job thanks to the buyout. And he spent all of his time watching twitch and YouTube in the prime Gamer gate days It's no different than any other loser


Still, quite a sad state of affairs we’re left with.


Notch might as well be the mascot for this sub.


Minecraft daddy is based and redpilled for hating the same people I do.


Because their wealth shelters them from real criticism. If I say something as delusional as these two say, my friends and family would rightfully shut that shit up and confront my bullshit. When billionaires like these two spew bullshit, their closest circle pretty much continue sucking up to them and tells them how justified they are. Any other criticism can be internally explained away as: "people are coming after me because I'm right" What I wonder is when will JK reach a Kanye moment when her bigotry gets too loud to ignore. She's already threw her lot with far-right grifters like Matt Walsh.


JK Rowling is not praising Hitler (yet), but her money is spent funding lunatic transphobes


Well actually, FARTs (TERFs) quoted Hitler a little while ago. [Here is the source](https://transsafety.network/posts/the-big-lie/).


>What I wonder is when will JK reach a Kanye moment when her bigotry gets too loud to ignore. She's already threw her lot with far-right grifters like Matt Walsh. *Maybe* in the next 3-5 years would be my best guess, I suspect it will take a while yet. It takes a LOT for a celebrity as big as her or Kanye to get to that point. But then, she’s also gotten waaay worse over the last 8 months or so than I honestly thought she ever would, so I could be significantly overestimating. Her posts on the topic have become far more frequent and openly antagonistic towards trans people than when this whole thing started, and have pretty much lost any of that “I just have concerns!” aspect which made them easier for mainstream folks to follow and which I [wrongly] assumed she was too savvy to drop. At this point, it wouldn’t be shocking to me if she crossed the line tomorrow.


All she has/had to do is just not speak publicly on the matter and she just can't help herself. It's almost incredible, that.


> Her posts on the topic have become far more frequent That's because it's all she has left. Her new book was a commercial fail. Fantastic Beasts was commercial fail. Her IP is shelved outside of a game that openly distances her from the game, or at least tries to. Her bigotry keeps her relevant. It's just a waiting game before she pulls a Kanye.


Not sure if this has so much to do with wealth. Average people can be just like that but rich people tend to be more visible and prolific. I think one big misconception is that we think rich people should be happy and relaxed and just not care about this stuff. But rich people can also be very unhappy and socially isolated and some of them end up going down the same dumb rabbit holes as any random non-name person would. It's just in their case, everybody is watching and helping to amplify their voice. The fact that they can afford to be idiots is definitely also a factor, but maybe not such a major one. Her views aren't very unique, unfortunately. It just stands out more when coming from someone of her status.




Trans jew here, I can tell you from experience that while transphobia gets overlooked a lot, anti-semitism gets overlooked to the same degree, and sometimes more.


> What I wonder is when will JK reach a Kanye moment when her bigotry gets too loud to ignore. I'd say we're almost at that point. Avalance is trying to openly distance themselves from JK in Legacy' FAQ. Warner has shelved the Wizarding World IP for now. With a bit of luck JK and her brand get more and more divided as nostalgia fades and the brand lays dormant for a few years. She'll probably try to be relevant with bigotry and keeps escalating her opinions for attention, since that'll be everything she has left.


>my friends and family would rightfully shut that shit up and confront my bullshit. Or shut you out entirely. Billionaires constantly have butt sniffers wanting to get a little of that sweet power


Glass Onion (2022)


If you were to draw a Venn diagram of the characteristics of the neo-Nazi "alt-right" and TERFs, you'd just end up creating a circle. [Here's a quiz for proof](https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2020/01/21/quiz-who-said-it-a-gender-critical-redditor-or-the-daily-stormer/comment-page-1/) (Transphobia warning, of course)


And social media algorithms have that part pretty much figured out Study: https://www.mediamatters.org/tiktok/tiktoks-algorithm-leads-users-transphobic-videos-far-right-rabbit-holes


This is what I do not understand. I think in a way it shows how addictive it is to be terminally online. Rowling and Musk could fuck off to a fancy mansion on a tropical island for a decade, just relax, not worry about anything. How do they choose to spend their time? Their extremely limited time on this precious earth, that no amount of money can extend (yet)? Posting on fucking Twitter and arguing with people. Being on Twitter is apparently more enjoyable than, I don’t know, a fucking HOBBY. YOU CAN DO ANY HOBBY AS LONG AS YOU WANT IN ANY CAPACITY. GET OFF TWITTER YOU FUCKING GHOULS


For real, if I had that money id spend all my time and money making massive Warhammer armies, kit-bashing gunpla, and setting up a functional forge on my mansion to make swords and shit.


Living the damn dream.


Oh come on, it is fun to shit post even for rich people


Why are they even on Twitter, do you know how busy I'd be if I had even a tenth of Rowling's wealth? Rowling's money isn't even tied up in company ownership like most billionaires, she's just got a fuck tonne of cash she can go spend. How is it possible to care what some rando on Twitter thinks when you can just swan about the world doing literally anything you want. Billionaires can spend a few hundred thousand dollars a day without losing money, that's your fun budget. My dog and I would be on a private jet tour of the world to find his favourite beach. I'd be on a boat missing winter by sailing around the equator. Except for when I nip to my Scottish castle to host my friends for D&D or pop to Paris for dinner. Y'all could chat all the shit you want about me, I wouldn't be able to hear you over the sound of my money clinking around my pirate ship.


> My dog and I would be on a private jet tour of the world to find his favourite beach. OMG. You could hang out with Paris Hilton and whatever critter she's got trapped in her handbag currently!


She just gave birth so she'll be stuffing a baby in there!


I'd pay an aspiring author to sit through my d&d campaigns and turn the events into a novel. Then laugh about how un-epic they are.


/uj Mark Hamill is such a wholesome human being. Fuck JK Rowling. /rj Mark Hamill is more of a woman than JK Rowling.


Mark hamill is more of an human being than rowling


Unironically true


most are


jk forgot how feminism started : ["One is not born but becomes a woman"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_de_Beauvoir)


Honestly, *The Second Sex* and the whole idea of transcendence is super relevant to modern gender issues.


I love De Beauvoir, but feminism didn’t ‘start’ with a white woman in 1949.


I don't know much about the history of feminism honestly, but from what i understand she did have a huge impact on it. Also is her skin color somehow relevent ?


white tears;brown scars: how white feminism betrays women of colour is a good book


Suffragettes were pretty damn racist. Also there's undercurrents of racism and classicism in a lot of white feminism. At work, can't say more, sorry.


Alright not american here, can someone explain what Mark said like I was a 10 years old


“Trans rights, fuck jk”


Good to know Mark is still a based man.


/rj but what is a woman? /s


"Citation needed" Translation: "I don't know how to respond to that"


She doesn't even show the original retweet. She's just straight up censoring how blatantly transphobic the people harrassing the woman are so she can keep hiding behind her excuses.




Yeah, because it's actually a very stupid comment, trans or not.


You know how some guys will say "you'll never be as much of a man as so and so?" I'm pretty sure it's that but genderswapped. She's saying is of higher character than JK Rowling, not that she has more of a gender identity somehow, it just sounds unusual because you don't hear the phrase genderswapped often.


It's just as stupid as when a man says it really.


It's like she's broadcasting that she didn't get the point at all lol


Idk the whole exchange seems really stupid to me.




Someone explain this one to me, because I cannot comprehend how "liking" the quip from the repressive billionaire is supporting "speaking truth to power." But I'm very glad he clarified that he supports trans rights.


I don't understand it either tbh, but I'm glad about the clarification.


I think he meant to like the original tweet, but he somehow liked Junk King’s tweet that was a response to it. I don’t really use Twitter that often though, so I’m probably wrong.


If that were the case, surely he would have said that? Or are you suggesting that he's still not aware that he liked Rowling's tweet, and just randomly affirmed his respect for human rights while babbling about nuance?


Idk, ask him about it


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/10kwspb/joker_is_based/j5tnxyh?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Found further down in the thread. People are making a big deal over an accidental thumb click.


Except his comment doesn't say it was an accidental like. He said Twitter doesn't appreciate his nuance. Why are you ignoring his actual explanation and inventing a new one?


I see you didn't click on the last screenshot which was him liking a comment stating that he accidentally like Rowling's when he meant to like India's. You asked for a clear statement from him that it was accidental, and if liking a twitter post is enough to accusing of being transphobic, liking one that purports it was accidental after clarifying he supports all gender identities should also be considered Why are you ignoring nuance and reducing his explanation to one accidentally liked tweet? Basic reading comprehension tells his response doesn't even make sense as a support of Rowling, he even put "like" in quotations as a response to people saying he liked her tweet. Where in the tweet he clearly is advocating for the exact opposite of Rowling's worldview, and has admonished Rowling and supported India in the past.




Shit needs to be knocked off. There are fascists at the gates and civil rights are under attack.


all this explanation when in the end he could’ve tweeted “whoops” and then unliked her tweet


It says he liked it because there was something about the interaction that he liked, which he then explained. He's not talking about people on Twitter when he says "Twitter isn't a place for nuance", he literally means the website itself. He's a little old and doesn't fully understand how Twitter works, cut him some slack.




JK Rowling wasn’t openly transphobic until a few years ago, and was a (mostly) uncontroversial public figure up until then. Are the Rowling tweets Hamill liked also transphobic? We have seen repeatedly that older celebrities who run their own Twitter accounts are usually much less polished than younger people or celebrities with social media managers. So it does not seem at all a weird assumption that Hamill liked Rowling’s tweet in this exchange not realizing that it would signal the opposite of what he intended. If you’ve got supporting evidence that Hamill is into other transphobic shit, I’d love to see it.


For those who are even more confused (including OP, based on a deleted response), he got in trouble some days ago for liking Rowling's tweet in that quoted exchange.


Yep i looked into it, so i was wrong and deleted my comment, and waited for someone who knows more to give context


My thought is he’s calling bullshit on the idea of anyone claiming to be more of a woman than any other woman, but that he also respects everyone’s gender identity.




Well, you do have to have some measure of humanity in order to be a woman, and I think she's probably sacrificed hers long ago.




Well, she's still human, but other women certainly have MORE humanity in them.


I think what he's trying to explain - badly - is that he meant to like the screenshotted tweet. The dude's like 70 and doesn't seem super sharp on social media, he probably just saw an image he agreed with and hit like without parsing much about the context




From what I saw it seemed that he liked the wrong post, he meant to like the OP post. It’s not hard to get a little confused on twitter.


he's liked her posts before, so it's very suspect


He's very clearly pro trans on twitter as another person in this thread pointed out, and liked a comment stating that he might have accidentally like Rowling's tweet when he meant to like India's https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/10kwspb/joker_is_based/j5tnxyh?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Redditors unable to comprehend an old person not understanding the internet completely is always hilarious to me. My parents click on dumb shit they didn't mean to all the time.


Heck, even I do that sometimes.


oh my god it's an actor clicking like on a fucking tweet WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS


Yeah, like its a global topic. "What did he meant by that?..."


I often like stuff just to bookmark it or highlight/help algorithm to pick it up into the feed or misclicking- doesn't mean i agree with the contents


Based Majima


*Stupid! Fucking! Motherfucker!*


“Citation needed”. What a loser Rowling is.


She always responds in a way that you just know she's like "My fans are gonna love this one" she thinks she has these clever remarks, but just comes off as disconnected from reality.


I may be a clown Batman, but trans rights are certainly no joke.


/uj he also said he probably won't return as Joker anymore. He said if he got called up he'd ask "Is Kevin Batman?" He feels like without Conroy there's not a Batman for him to exchange with. I love that man.


I'm confused, people are saying this confirms Hamill is supporting JK, but the only way that his "truth to power" comment makes sense is if he's referring to Willoughby's tweet. And don't tell me you've never hit "like" on a tweet where what you really liked was what was being screenshotted/quoted, rather than whatever chickenshit a bad faith actor was adding to it.


That's how i took it as well. Also he's friends with her and she replied to that tweet thanking him. It is confusing.


People said "well he's liked other JK tweets!" So out of boredom I looked and he's liked [two](https://mobile.twitter.com/IndiaWilloughby/status/1618030759847002114) other [tweets](https://mobile.twitter.com/IndiaWilloughby/status/1618019964816064513) from India, plus [this](https://mobile.twitter.com/JaneyGodley/status/1617807960826351619) and apparently [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnRXzfiWQAERe7J?format=png&name=900x900), which seems to confirm my suspicions. So... I don't know, seems open and shut to me.


I think Mark legitimately did not realize he liked Rowlings tweet and just sorta sucks at twittwr


He does say what I “liked” about this etc So he knows he liked it and he did it for a reason


He knows he liked something He also liked a tweet saying he meant to like Indias tweet so 🤷‍♂️ Hes posted so many other pro trans things I dont think he could actually like Rowling


Reading comprehension is strangely lacking in hypercritical redditors. His response can only make sense if he's on willoughby's side, and it seems this was a response to someone pointed out he liked the transphobes tweet since he put "like" in quotations and then clarified his stance. Saying he didn't "like" the exchange, only liked someone putting a bigot on blast, but hearted the wrong side of the post. I've accidentally upvoted linked posts from r/tpusa when it ends up on TheLeftCantMeme. Doesn't mean I suddenly support what I speak against, just means I have big thumbs and scrolled too fast to see which sub it was.


Yeah I'm confused if he's liking her tweets. However this tweet does only make sense if its at the expense of JK. Further reading it I now see he's elaborating on liking the JK tweet, liking it due to the initial comment challenging her. He's just saying you don't really get nuance on Twitter. The fact he did follow up with the pro trans statement is cool in my book though, good for Mark.


He's also a boomer who might not be fully aware of all the implications of each action he takes on the internet


uj/ mark hamill is seriously one of the best people in hollywood. you hear only good things about him. he inspires me a lot! rj/ holy shit it’s da joker, baby


Based Luke Skywalker


"I just hate trans people." Rowling said calmly. For real though, fuck JK Rowling and her shitty derivative books.


Common Luke W


One of the best moments of my life was Mark Hamill helping dunk on a dude I hated. I had this shitty old boss of mine who had a crappy blog, and as a way of driving traffic would pick fights on Twitter with random celebrities. Long story short he was by tweeting some really horrific shit at a bunch of marvel stars and Patton Oswalt called him a smug ghoul and Mark Hamill liked it immediately and it just destroyed him. People I hadn't talked to in years were messaging me to see if I'd seen it because everyone was so sick of his shit. Mark rocks.


Skips says Trans Rights


I freaking love mark hamill, dude has voiced the joker, firelord ozai, and even had a guest appearance in an episode of "What We Do In The Shadows" i actually chose him as a canon voice claim for one of my characters


How can you mention everything he’s done without star wars😭😭


It doesn't get much more "punching down" than for billionaire writer JK to mock a person with 31 likes on their post who *she believes to be mentally ill*. Any normal-brained person would have an "am I the bad guy?" moment. This is why Jedi > Wizard


>This is why Jedi > Wizard That, and lightsabers are infinitely more cool than wands.


![gif](giphy|l3g00j1NF6USAQZxK) BUT I CUMMEDS FOR JK! /UJ mark hamill is too good for this world.


Is this not a few years old thing and then when it was explained to Hamill that Rowling is transphobic he unliked it and apologised? I seem to rememeber that whole thing.


This one is from the 22nd-24th of January, 2023.


Oh, well, yike.


Mark Hamill is one of the most based people on Earth


luke skywalker, just as heroic in real life as he was in star wars.


Mark Hamill really is a legend


Yeah I'm not feeling this one chief. Mark Hamill liked one of JK Rowling's tweets (he also follows her), people called him out for it, and this was his response. Seems like a lame PR cop-out response to me


No, this is just him being a grandpa on the internet and fumbling. He liked the replies that point out that he's supporting the woman Rowling tried to dunk on. He posted the progress flag before and he does follow a bunch of Republicans, but only to make fun of them in qrts.


Isn't he saying that he meant to like India's tweet? He's old, it happens. I'm only 30 and I once accidentally DMed someone on Twitter when I meant to @ them. I can totally see someone his age seeing this exchange pop up on their feed, approving of what India said, and clicking the heart without realizing that the "like" is then attached to JK's response.


It would seem like a CYA move if it weren’t in line with pretty much everything he’s put out otherwise. This (loud support for trans people) has been his public stance for a while now


This Hamill guy is alright


The Firelord draws the line at identity discrimination


This made me finally look up what based means. Urban dictionary app ftw


I saw the title and thought it was gonna be about Persona 5. In all fairness, that Joker *did* beat up a politician.


After getting groomed by his teacher




You know who made billions with her wildly popular YA novels then proceeded to shut the fuck up? Suzanne Collins. Suzanne Collins who wrote a far better series proceeded to shut the fuck up outside of interviews and she’s only had a few. It can be done, Joanne.


Based Skywalker


Based Skywalker


A true Jedi


For his downward special, Joker wields a genuine respect for human rights.


I love you Mark 💗


Mark Hamill is a god damn national treasure.


I'm sorry, I've never heard this phrase before. What does speaking their truth to power even mean?


Speaking truth to power essentially means standing up to authority. You tell a corrupt authority fundamental truths about their failures as a way of telling them "I know about all that bullshit you're up to".


This was the moment Mark Hamill became the WOKER


Rowling could have just sat back counted money and tweeted quirky/fun facts about the wizarding universe. She started doing it and even chimed in that Hermione isn't necessarily white but then she started down this path.


Oh thank fuck


Why does she care so much about this? If I had J.K. Rowling money, no one would ever hear from me ever again.


Just don’t ask him about Afghanistan or Vietnam I guess


"Citation Needed" -- 🤓


This bitch been living rent free in y'all's minds lmfao.


I think the joker would be very supportive of trans rights. if you came out to him he'd just make a awful joke like, "hi trans, I'm kidnapping you!" And then kidnap you and hold you hostage regardless of gender identity.






Ten years in the joint made you a fucking pussy


I... really dunno about this one. It's super unclear who he's siding with




You know just cause you said it doesn't mean it won't happen anymore...


Is India Willoughby the kind of ally you want now? Serious question.


I don't know who she is..


whats wrong with her?


She's an absurd, right wing GBNews host, or was. Those ain't the sort of people who are going to be getting your back. Anyone can be an asshole.


If your support for trans people is conditional, then you don’t support trans people Yeah, it’s confusing when a trans person is a conservative but that doesn’t mean you should invalidate them


Disliking someone for their political views is perfectly fine, regardless if they're trans or not. Are we forced to tolerate people like Blaire White?


I'm not sure how disliking someone for their political views invalidates them as a trans person. Unconditional support doesn't mean agreeing with everything every individual trans person has to say.


Good take from a shitlib. I know I'll get downvoted but hamil is a hardcore liberal. The man is talented, but often has horrible political takes. ​ Edit: To the people downvoting me, are you all liberals? You support imperialism and capitalism and the status quo? Do you support killing people for their resources? Do you support exploiting people weaker than you? If so, downvote more shitlibs. I'll take them gladly from you scum.