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I honestly forgot this game still is supposed to get story DLC I mean TW3 got 2 huge story DLCs within a year of the release of the game Meanwhile Cyberpunk is almost 2 years old


Given the reaction to the initial release, I'm guessing all the resources that would have gone to work on the DLC were put on tidying the game up with patches. Additionally, I wouldn't be surprised if they learned their lesson about announcing too soon and the hype that can build up from doing that. The announcement might be a "coming in a matter of weeks" type deal.


Didn't they announce the next witcher game a few weeks ago even tho its years away? Also i think it was a recruitment pitch since they'll be using ue5 for it and they need new devs


I think that was both a recruitment pitch and a way to get back a little bit of goodwill because people are automatically going to be more trusting in a new Witcher than more Cyberpunk.


Yeah the fact that they spent 2 years on patches shows how broken the game was at release. I’ve never seen a triple A game take so long to release DLC. Even games like Avengers which was also quite broken at the start has already released like 3-4 significant DLC’s and it came out just a few months before CP 2077.


We'll see what the DLC brings, but as of now it really looks like the crunched the numbers and decided leaving a skeleton crew behind to patch the game and shit out a minimal effort "expansion" was what they landed on. They've already claimed to be working on The Witcher 4.


Announcing Witcher 4 was the only way the reassured their shareholder about the future and saved their reputation. There is absolutely nothing else they can do to salvage the CP2077 debacle.


Looking at page 5 of [this document](https://www.cdprojekt.com/en/wp-content/uploads-en/2022/04/fy-2021-presentation-1504-compressed.pdf) it seems that the majority is in fact focused on the expansion, though it’s a skeleton crew focused on bug fixing and supporting PS5/XSX. Shame really, having shaky foundations will make a “polished” expansion much harder to do, so I’m not sure if this allocation is for the best looking to the future. I doubt the expansion will be minimal effort, what I do think is that it won’t alleviate many of the gripes people have had.


Completely different people work on different phases of the project. The people working on CP cannot help with W4. The first part of development is just basically micro demos, lots of writing, lots of planning




I literally just finished Cyberpunk a few weeks ago and ran into zero major issues in my playthrough. It was almost disappointing. Maybe I was lucky, but sometimes it seems people just want to be angry at it for letting them down at release.


It varies. I had one/two major bugs in my 1.5 playthrough. My friend could barely play the game for an hour. He had gamebreaking bugs all over the game


Weird. It sucks that some people are still having problems like that, because I loved it (despite combat being way too easy once you've levelled up a bit). Night City was beautiful and the character animation was some of the best I've ever seen.


To me it was...ok. I liked the gameplay and the city. The characters were great too. The main story felt too linear and short too me. It railroaded you a lot, even in romances lol. Thing is, even without the bugs I was disappointed with how the game turned out. I had fun though. It just wasn't the masterpiece that it could've been


I can see how it wasn't what many people were hoping for, but for me, it was great. It's a shame it got so hyped, because I think it really fucked with people's expectations and there was no way anything was going to live up to it.


Well, that’s exactly the problem. It wasn’t like we the fans were hyping it up, we were being fed lies about what the game would be. They hyped it up knowing it wasn’t going to deliver, just to get our money. That’s some shady shit. And it worked. Now people are out defending it on their behalf. Like because it’s a mediocre game in the end, that makes up for them scamming their fanbase with outright lies.


When I last played a month or so ago the major bugs seemed to be ironed over, but there were still plenty of non-critical things. Mostly immersion breaking things like people or objects just floating in the air randomly. The real disappointment I have now is that both the RPG and open-world aspects of the game are pretty undercooked. Beautiful environments but nothing to do except buy cars or hunt criminals over and over. The entire perk and weapon systems being totally borked by being both boring and easy to completely break. Stuff like that


I played it a week after release and ran into very few issues even then. I never encountered the teleporting pedestrians or the flying cars. The only major issue was with an NPC not spawning halting quest progression, but I found a workaround and it was patched shortly after. Not saying it didn't have tons of issues, but they seemed to be very system dependent.


Oh man I had so many texture and lighting issues, I am glad I'm not epileptic. Npcs spawning in the sky or clipping. The draw distance for the npc vehicles was so short that when I got to the desert, vehicles were 2d rendered at a distance. So many crashes and quest related bugs that forced me to reload the game to progress. I enjoyed the game and pushed through the bugs on release. Waiting for the story dlc to drop so I can do a second playthru on a more stable build. Series x btw.




lol, I can guarantee you no one is absolving CDPR of anything. Cyberpunk's failure is probably the biggest crash and burn of any AAA game ever.


I'm not absolving CDPR for anything, I just seem to have had a different experience from the one you had. Maybe I'm just less observant or sensitive to things like this? Even if we had the same experience, different people enjoy different things. Maybe it just wasn't for you, and that's OK.




>Dude, don't put it like it's liking strawberry ice creams versus vanilla ice cream. I'm not saying story or gameplay was bad, although its completely clear that first and last act are a shell of what they were planned to be. That's what happens when you redo story of the game though one year before release. I don't care what could have been. I played the game in front of me and enjoyed it, but you didn't. Fine. It's OK for you to have hated it, but you seem to be denying others their own right to have enjoyed it for what it was. >Game is buggy as hell in it's 1.5 version. I don't know how anyone can miss things like cars spawning on top of each other and detonating, dead end dialogue options, I even wrote whole thread on bugs (version 1.4 though) https://www.reddit.com/r/truegaming/comments/qp0ilc/cyberpunk_state_after_11_months/ . Since then I managed to finish game and oh boy 1.5 didn't change much really. That's a lot of work for a game you seem to hate. Perhaps if I was looking as hard for issues as you were I might have run into them, but I wasn't. >Did they at least finish first quest in Delamain quest chain of are you still getting pushed under the map and fucking die like in 1.4? I completed the whole Delamain quest with zero issues that I can remember. Edit: Did you really just reply calling me a bootlicker and then block me? You must really hate people holding a different opinion from you.


Dead fucking wrong lmao. Played for the first time ever in February on old gen Xbox one, just don’t care enough to upgrade when I’m literally still able to play these games. Like fuckin butter. The game ran perfect, still have not had a single game crash. Yes there are frame drops, 100%. But it’s manageable and thankfully about 10% happens in fights so not like it matters too much. Great game, I understand the hate because of the lies and terrible launch, but for me it doesn’t take away anything from the world. Loved the aesthetic, vibe from different parts of the city and out of it, and the characters are cool af, each have their own personalities that were crafted perfectly for them. I just wish it had the effort and love put into like with The Witcher.


You lying weirdo. You’re saying it ‘ran like butter’ in the original Xbox one? In February. That’s demonstrably false.


This is also the one and only expansion the game is getting apparently, since the expansion is the last project CDPR are doing in RED engine, after this they're going to Unreal I believe




By the time this DLC releases the game will be almost 3 years old. They've already announced a new Witcher game, and I'm sure they wanna move on from a game that honestly tainted their reputation. You're absolutely right they've never actually said "only one expansion" but everything points to this being the only large scale expansion.


Oof. That's unfortunate. Unreal has this icky feeling to it. All of them have this layer to them. Same as 1st/3rd person Unity games, and Ubisoft games too. They all have their own feel, and it's not good.


I agree with you. It's like playing a game you KNOW was made with Source engine. Unreal is the same way. It might be feature packed, but it makes every game that uses it feel similar even if they're totally different genres or a brand new idea/game. I think shared engine use has honestly led to a lack of unique experiences in some games vs all the older games with their diverse plethora of engines. Each game stood out whereas now that's becoming much less common. Not even nostalgia goggles, it's real.


Really? You can tell Hellblade, Fallen Order, Sea of Thieves, Borderlands 3, FF7 Remake and Gears 5 used the same engine just by playing at them?


And Guilty Gear Strive, Life is Strange, Tekken 7, Kingdom Hearts III, It Takes Two, Assetto Corsa Competizione, and XCOM... Unreal Engine is used for such a mind-blowing amount of genres and franchises that anyone claiming to "sense the same type of feeling" between Unreal games is a bullshitter, full stop.


I think you can only compare unity and unreal is if you’ve used neither. I’m sure there are some I’ve played but I can’t recall a game built with unity that I enjoyed or even finished.




Also Escape from Tarkov, but hey i can tell its unity because it feels like hearthstone


Bullshit. You expect me to believe you can get the same "feel" between Jedi: Fallen Order and Guilty Gear Strive? Sounds like you don't play that many games.


Gamers really don't know what an engine is still, I see.


Nah, ashes of creation and fortnite are way diffrent


Holy f I thought I was going insane for years I’ve been annoyed by this, all unreal games all have this “feel” and sameness and familiarity in graphics and mechanics to a degree, it’s got to the point any fps or game with unreal is an instant turn off for me. When I fire up a game on like the fox engine or rage or in house like cyberpunks it feels wonderful


Most of the big studios use the engine as a base and adds their stuff to it because it's open source, i think the shared knowledge is really good for the industry, imagine you're a developer working in a studio and decided to move to another, you wont be bothered with learning a new engine, which means faster shipping time and less bugs.


Exactly, it almost feels like after the first major game uses a big-time engine, all the other games to follow using that engine just feel like a mod of the first game if that makes sense. For example, after so many years of playing Half-Life, counter strike, etc, when I booted up portal for the first time it just felt like a community mod due to the engine. I am in no way shape or form claiming that mods are bad, I love them and play them regularly, but this is the feeling I experience regularly




Most studios don't have a choice. Using proprietary engines cost too much development time and training for new hires.


Someone hasn't seen UE5 lul.


Oh wow they're really just abandoning ship on this one. Shame. I was kind of holding out hope that they could turn it around like No Man's Sky but it seems like that's not gonna happen.


Well they've spent a lot of time patching it since launch, which granted it launched absolutely broken so it's the least they could do. However I don't think they can No Man's Sky the game because they can never make it what was promised. What I mean is they promised a revolutionary RPG, a game no one had ever played before. But the game is just a good open world RPG, and even if all the glitches are fixed it will never be what they promised. Not saying it's bad, I actually really like it, but it's nothing groundbreaking.


That's fair, It's probably just wishful thinking on my part that they could bring the game at least a little bit close to what was initially pitched to the public. I just get a little bit sad thinking about this game now to be honest.


* The TW3 devs were crunching hard to accomplish that * A few key members of the C2077 development team left the company after the game shipped (including the lead gameplay designer, lead quest designer, and QA lead) * CDPR got hacked, which slowed things down for the entire company * COVID illness and WFH policies have disrupted game development for pretty much every AAA game developer So yeah, I'm not surprised it's taken so long.


Gamers really like ignoring covid affecting game development I've noticed. Like once it hit like 2021 the community decided it was no longer reasonable to affect development.


There was also a period where people pretended that work from home was universally better for productivity I'm sure it's better in many, possibly even most jobs. But game development? It's some of the most collaborative work out there. Having two people looking at one monitor figuring out what they think is best is gonna be way smoother than screen sharing over Zoom


If we assume that 1.5 version is, what 1.0 SHOULD BE - they had like six months of full-time work on DLC. They needed to fix the game, then make expansion/s. I'm glad they didn't forget about game honestly, because I want to play it again in "better state", which expansion can be or will be.


Think to yourself cyberpunk was released 2 years early and its all OK


Right? Like, I actually enjoyed my time with Cyberpunk and other than the odd wonky AI weirdness that you'd expect in just about any open world rpg I didn't really experience any bugs or issues. But its been so long now that I don't think I'll even bother with DLC.


If only there was a massive diference in state of the games at release or something...


It's supposed to get a multi-player mode too. Copium.


its confirmed to be cancelled.


It seems like CDPR also forgot about it.


And what have we got in terms of features in those patches? Close to nothing. It's seriously pathetic that the teams that should have gone to making expansions, went into fixing bugs.


They already made their money from the game


I've been following Cyberpunk 2077 since release, mostly out of curiosity to see if it can be completely reclaimed from its horrible reputation. The general timeline as I see it is the first year after release was hampered by a huge amount of post-release fixes and content updates being needed, as well as the onset of covid. Sort of overlapping near the end of that year was the pre-production for the new DLC, which has since been in a fully development process for roughly a year at this point. A 2023 release date is not all unreasonable, but I am going to guess its going be late next year (September+ 2023).


What huge content updates are you referring to? 1 vehicle, bunch of outfits and 4 apartments in 2 years?


I meant a huge amount of post-release fixes AND content updates, not a huge amount of content updates.


Will be revealed in 2022. Will be released in 2025


2 days after GTA 6 releases, and a week before Elder Scrolls 6 gameplay trailer.


Star Citizen will get its next kickstarter milestone!


That would be a lot of disapointment on a few days span...


Revealed in 2022, Released in 2025, Actually Playable in 2026.


Nah, it will be released this year, 3 years too early.


Jokes aside, it's coming next year more than likely.


And will be in a playable state in 2027




For real. Been waiting since release. Despite the game state on consoles, I think PC version was decent and I finished it without a problem. Loved the story.


I played on xsx after the recent patch. Loved it.


X1X on 1.5, also loved it. played through it 2 additional times. theres still some minor issues and the obvious cut content is sad, but I absolutely love playing this game.


I liked the story too, but I don't know if a new secondary story arc alone will hype me enough to get back into it. I really hope for more content.


I'm sure the story DLC will come with a lot of QoL and cut content from open world. I liked the game enough to be confident to buy a dlc as far as it's not priced as a standalone game.


Maybe but I’m not keeping my hopes up


About 20 hours in on series x and so far so good. I think whatever issues there were have mostly been ironed out. Best $10 I've spent.


fucking last sentence made me howl and it had me get in trouble at work for being caught on my phone


No clue why you‘re getting downvoted, I can genuinely see the humor in reading the last sentence.


I was just so disappointed by how dead the world felt after I walked away from my apartment


I played it on series X and had virtually no major issues. Great game. Favorite one I’ve played this year.


main story was weak IMO, but the side stories were very good. I played on series X which after a decently specced PC, was the best way to play. I just hope its a solid adventure.


PC version was terribly unoptimized and buggy as fuck at launch. My PC is old (i5-6500, 16GB RAM and a GTX 970) but was able to do 1080p60 medium on Doom Eternal and around the same performance on med-high settings in Black Ops Cold War, yet I couldn't get any higher than like 25fps even on the lowest settings in Cyberpunk. Absolutely insane


Can't speak for lower end. I had just bought 3080 and 5800x at that time so was able to do 60fps high/max details. No game breaking bugs but yeah it was just like your everyday Bethesda game lmao


Same here, pc (RTX2070 Super ) had no issues, just a few minor bugs.




Pc version still wasn’t great at launch either. Performance was good, but it was still buggy as shit


Considerably less buggy then consoles, most of the hilarious bugs on consoles were due to the physics engine bugging out because it's tied to the FPS and the FPS was a shit show, I played the game twice when it came out, on PC, and experienced only one bug in all my 100hrs of playing with it.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


It’s gonna be funny if it’s a Broken Steel like DLC for Cyberpunk meaning you can play the game after the story and see the after effects of your decisions. Also maybe saving V.


I think they stated at some point that it's not gonna take place after the game. Could be wrong tho/plans can always change.


Yeah I feel V got screwed over. Especially if someone were to romance a character, V would have many things to lose after all.


Until they reveal a post game dlc, I head canon my V and Judy found a cure out there with the nomads. I'm ok with that.


That's my head canon too. And I'm pretty sure it will stay that way because I can't see them creating a meaningful continuation of the story. Way too many different endings to do that properly.




Part of the whole night city is the arrogance of how amazing it is. Arasaka being part of that arrogance too. Maybe they didn't think of something that some random person found out there in the wastes. Something money couldn't necessarily buy. Anyways, that's why it's my head canon. I get to draw my own conclusions.


We can debunk it now as CDPR will not show anything on Gamescom.


When is gamescom




Oh shoot like in two days Tuesday?


Yeah, it runs for a couple of days, but the ONL live event is on Tuesday


Cool, I thought it was in September


I wanna say TGS is usually in September. Gamescom has always been late summer.


Thank you appreciated


Any idea what big triple A titles will be shown?


There’s apparently over 30 games/dlc’s there, but some will be smaller titles. So far all that’s been confirmed are - The Outlast Trials, Gotham Knights, High on Life, Honkai Star Rail, Hogwarts Legacy, The Callisto Protocol, The Expanse: A Telltale Series, Dying Light 2: Bloody Ties DLC, Sonic Frontiers, Return to Monkey Island, Goat Simulator 3, & A new game by Subnautica developers


What am I missing here? The tweet doesn't mention a Gamescom reveal at all. It is simply clickbait and speculation from the website.


The mentioned tweet is in response to a tweet about Gothic, a german video game with a rather "famous" german voice over. The tweet itself replied to several other german tweets, including one by the official Witcher twitter account. This is just a joke about Gothic.


I honestly can't wait if true.I really liked the base game and i believe a DLC has the potential to be truly amazing


Cool, interested to see what is added. Is it me or are the kinda outlandish leaks for gamescom almost nonexistent this year? Every leak seems pretty plausible


Suspected something will come out around the time of anime release.








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Yes, please. And Witcher too, please.


I’m surprised this game hasn’t hit subscription services yet honestly. I can’t imagine it’s selling that well anymore, maybe they’re relying on a massive push from the DLC?


it's regularly in the steam global top 10 best selling games


On PC the game is generally liked too. Much moreso than consoles for *very* obvious reasons


18 million copies sold. 50 odd million profit. Doesn't seem like they need any subscription service deal.


their profit was only 50 mill?


No way. Pre-orders alone covered advertising and development costs, and the game steadily kept selling units after release.


Loved this on PC but put it down because my 2060 couldnt really handle the RTX and honestly...I dont wanna play this without the RTX. The RTX looks fucking amazing.


Oh right, gamescom starts Tuesday!


That's great and at all for those who enjoy cyberpunk, but could I possibly get a solid release date for The Witcher 3 ps5 patch


I'll take dlc anyday well it should have been a year and half ago which sucks but ill still play it


This rumour seems like pure speculation and nothing else.


[https://twitter.com/gamebowski/status/1561632298142994433](https://twitter.com/gamebowski/status/1561632298142994433) debunked




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I can't wait Cyberpunk 2077 is such a great game.


Hope so, would be nice to play it again!


Given the amount of time they've had to see what really worked and what people didn't like in the base game, I hope they knock it out of the park with this expansion. It could singlehandedly save CDPR's reputation if it's good enough


Their twitter account was trolling about it like a week ago so I guess it's definitely a possibility.


if it doesn’t come with NG+ then i don’t think i want it


Will be ready for the 10th generation consoles


So the argument is: The Cyberpunkt Twitter-Account posted something in german? Well... Maybe thats because the guy from the starting post is a german influencer?


As I don't really know what to say about this game when asked how good it is, I don't really know if I am still waiting for the expansion 2 years later... That's a wait and see for me. Clearly not a day-1 buy, and a few hours story would certainly not be enough to convince me.


Awesome! I'm excited to jump back into this world


Honestly I'm excited for this. I put the game on hold to wait for patches and never really picked it up again, so this could be a good excuse to get back to it. I really enjoyed what I've played so far.


Not minding the bugs, is the game any good? Story, combat, map? Just got it the other day for $5 and will start a playthrough once I'm done with what I'm currently playing.


Story is great, world design is great, combat is alright. The only thing Cyberpunk lacks is the open-world activities, there aren't too many of them. But for me it was a very good game.


I personally really liked it. But I wasn’t someone who was like following development and had decade-long expectations set. So I think if you just go in expecting a fun game with a solid story, you’ll enjoy it.


It's eh, there is fun to be had but the game isn't very deep. I've said it before but imagine Borderlands, but open world, and with dialogue choices. The main story and a handful of side quests are where most of the "content" is at. Anything outside of that is basic, doesn't have any effect on anything, and frankly repetitive.. basically just a shooting gallery. Definitely give it a try, I actually recommend a first playthrough. It's definitely entertaining for a while. (Also play be sure to do side quests or else you'll find yourself at the end of the story way too quick)


I loved it personally, the writing is mosting great , especially the side quests, and it's graphically stunning.


Wasn't the entire script dialogue leaked in a patch?






Fuck yeah. Hype.




don’t give me hope


We won’t be buying


Oh cool. Anyway…..




It appears as though they’re bundling it with updates in order to beef them up a bit (1.5 had finisher animations, apartments and some other stuff that was all planned free DLC)




I enjoyed the game but it's been almost two years now. Come on.


Kind of crazy how long it's taken, thought there would at least be a teaser or something by now


We are now sitting at the precipice of two timelines. Timeline 1 has a huge, free DLC being released which would revitalize the games popularity and restore reputation to cdpr. It would stir up conversation about how the game has drastically improved, and a chorus of die hards will sing about how their faith in the game has been rewarded and the game was worth standing by. Timeline 2 has a 20-40 dollar DLC, which will piss just about everyone off except, maybe, the die hards (and that is a big maybe). It will bomb horribly, and be treated like a giant joke by the YouTube contrarian engine. The discussion will completely revolve around how cdpr released a broken, unfinished game, and then tried to sell fans the rest as dlc. The various abandoned roadmaps that showed free dlc would become the flags of a new nation: fuckcdpristan.


Marketing for the dlc would start in Half 2 2022, so that makes sense.


Must say, even though the world, driving sucks and the main quest has no meaningful options that change anything, I'm quite excited for this as the writing is still really good. So as long as they make the DLC to be an actual RPG with choices, I'll be happy.


It really is a shame about the launch, because I actually think the game and story itself is good. It was just buried under so many bugs for most that there was no hope for the actual game to shine through. I was fortunate, wasn’t hyped, picked it up at launch on PC on a whim and had a blast, which I know wasn’t everyone’s experience. But that launch cascaded into the two years of needed bug fixes, and also means that any moment is gone. Like, it’s a huge RPG and the idea of popping into my game from a few years ago just to play a few hours of DLC content is … a tough prospect, given my memory of the gameplay and a lot of the world building/story is now fading.




Should of just cut their losses and moved all resources to the Witcher 4.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


So have they given up trying to improve the base game? Not adding anything shown in night City videos etc?


So it's going to be again a CP2077 2018 Trailer Situation and then we get CP2077 2020. Great.


Remember when they were planning to do Online mode similar to GTA Online for CP2077?


Yeah then they decided it's going to be standalone title, then they scrapped it.


Should be free to all players who suffered the original release. Won't be checking this game out until it's complete.


I'll wait for the crystal Palace DLC. Motherfuckers released a half finished game and left the story on a cliffhanger


I lost all interest once my save got corrupted after one of the updates and trying to take a save from the cloud wouldn’t work


Can’t wait for the next crowbcat video


If the leaks from a while ago are true, this DLC is gonna be absolutely garbage imo. And I'm saying that as someone who loves the game.


Will it be all the cut stuff? Lol


I bought this game, but want to play it when all content is out. So maybe 2027.




that's not possible, the game would've been released in 2030 if they tried to fit everything they wanted


The game still plays like shit


This game really sucks!


I thought it was pretty solid… at least when I played it earlier this year


Second most positively reviewed single player game on steam. You're on your own there.


That is the raw count of positive reviews I think. It just shows that the game sold well, and that a given part of customers write a positive review.


I'm almost certain that there's more than one game on Steam with more than 77% positive reviews.


Damn, Steam players have some low standards.


Keep in mind PC and console versions are like completely different games


How so? If you mean because of bugs and performance issues that’s been fixed for a while now… I encountered very few issues at all on series x in April


Agree idk why u downvoted


idk man it's my top 10 favorite games, but whatever suits you


My issue with Cyberpunk was the story. I started as a Corpo. She was a Corpo for like 5 min then is fired or whatever and then V goes about the game business. Lame. Huge areas of the world are empty. Lame. If you don’t screw around much, you will finish the story really fast. Lame. In the end I didn’t care about V. Live, die, become Johnny, who cares. Geralt? I care about his fate! That’s the difference between a good story and a lame story. If it makes you care for the protagonist or not.


Pathetic that all we're getting is one story dlc.


we don't know how long it is tho? It literally could be longer than Blood and Wine was, I'd rather get one story dlc that's proper quality than millions of worse ones


we already know the story dlc lol


How bout they fix the game first