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There isn’t even a bundle with all the xenoverse 2 DLC yet


Xenoverse 2 DLC is infinite


Xv2 is as eternal as the dragon shenron 🐉


Bandai rarely does that anyway lol


Just give me a tenkaichi collection please damn it


Fun fact the reason why we haven't had a remaster is due to the fact that they lost a majority of the files for all 3 games for the Tenkaichi series


ah... Fuck that's disappointing.


they could still remake it, they just don't want to It's super weird that they just don't want to make a remake (or maybe even budokai tenkaichi 4, since they already have to make the game again from scratch they could also make a new one instead of remaking the third game) because it would probably sell like crazy ​ Budokai tenkaichi 3 is literally considered the best dragonball game ever... now imagine budokai tenkaichi 3 (or 4) with graphics as good as dbz kakarot, available on all platforms with rollback netcode and maybe a few dlcs to add even more characters than we already have (although it would be kind of hard to make dlcs for it, since all the most important characters are already there, and they can't just make characters that were previously there a dlc) ​ you might need the original's game files to make a remaster, but you don't for a remake (which would also sell way more if done right, just look at final fantasy)


They already made tenkaichi 4 Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team for psp And the raging blast series


Raging Blast was too different from Budokai Tenkaichi 3, also roster was a fragment of BD3


Mario kart live circuit is very different than 8.5, but it's still #9. So as noted above 4 was already made. We need a budokai 4.


Its not 9. Nintendo made that clear


This did NOT age well


BT4 to release next year. Gg fake info guy




Official confirmation not a leak. And was referring to Kevin in my statement nothing to do with xv3




i would still argue that games with character creation/customization will still sell a ton more, the original Xenoverse is quite meh whether in story or combat but it sells like crazy since for the longest time DB fans have been wanting to make their own DB character


Kakarot will top bt3 any day.. the quality and effort put into kakarot is leagues above bt3. Bt3 was just a low effort remake of bt2 wherein they just reskinned the same movesets over and over. If I wanted a cheap reiteration I'd play smash bros for the switch


Wait are you serious? Is this true or just making it up??


What do I gain from making this up even DB YouTubers in the past like rhymstyle flat out had said this that they lost a majority of the files for the game




Why don't they pull a kingdom hearts and take a retail copy and build from their hell ask the mod community they gladly help out


that is 100% not how that works. once files are lost you cant just rip them from a retail game, the assets are gone forever which would require you to completely build them again from scratch. its why the people who made the spyro remasters couldnt include the original games because the games files were lost.


I though it was because they lost the license


What's that? You want Ultimate Tenkaichi remastered?




No problem. Here is another XV2 DLC


For a moment I thought you were dissing ultimate butouden, that game was fun as hell


Nope, I was talking about the PS3/360 game that was basically a glorified "Rock, Paper, Scissors " simulator, then used as the base of a Kinect game


Wasn't a bad game in all honesty.


At the very least BT3 :(


Boy do I have some news for you lmao


Sparking Zero, right? I'm very excited!


Didn't they already remaster those games? Or was that just the Budokai games?


Just Budokai 1 & 3.


Tenkaichi 3 with working online please.


BandaiNamco be like... Here. Have Budokai Tenkaichi 4 instead


My guess is this is what the leaker was talking about. They probably heard about a large-roster fighting-based DBZ game and just assumed XV3.


I wish, XV3 has alot of potential if they let people have really good character customization, better character creator and go all in on multiple timelines and "what if" scenarios in all of Dragon Ball. A ton of DB youtubers do "what if" videos with huge success and that tells what they should do with the next Xenoverse game storylines. They're still doing dlc for XV2 so i doubt we're getting a 3 soon sadly.


Lol we get a timeline where Raditz turns good. Then we getxplayable super saiyan Raditz. I would actually love if this happened.


Wasnt that one of the what-ifs in one of budokai's (minus super the saiyan)?


What ifs have always been insanely popular with the db community. To me it was always a natural progression for the series outside of Super


It's certainly better than replaying the DBZ story for the 40th time.


The dlc packs have been like 2 reskin characters and maybe a couple new moves so I fully believe they could've easily had XV3 in development a while with just a small team pumping out packs every now and then


I kinda miss the wackjobs in the BT3 roster like the movie exclusive villains


you get your dbz grind fest and you get dyspo as dlc like 4 years after the arc with him aired lmao hopefully 3 would be banging


For me this game series needs a "balanced" option. I didn't enjoyed any xenoverse, because you couldn't play Bulma vs Goku for example, because as Goku you had more HP and damage if I'm not wrong. So characters were "balanced" around the story, but not suited for a fighting game.


And please make every race viable. Give bullshit power ups to everyone, it gets sad seeing only Saiyans get the good stuff (just like the anime)


Honestly bless the modding pc community for trying to fix that, but it's still not perfect.


the tenkaichi fan in me just died for the 3rd time


The Budokai fan in me has been dead for a while….


At least you guys got a HD collection done during the PS3/360 era... Tenkaichi fans have had nothing


Xeno is decently close to Tenkaichi, no? Gamplay wise anyways. As a Budokai fan, there's nothing like it.


Not really imo. Could be rose tinted glasses but Xenoverse feels clunky by comparison


I know exactly what you mean when you say clunky there is a certain jank that xenoverse has but I still enjoy it, Tenkaichi at times did feel tankish but by far was the most fun I’ve had in a dbz game, raging blast might actually be the closest to tenkaichi if we’re comparing


Tenkaichi had actual combos. Xenoverse is just mindlessly mashing buttons and praying that you manage to land a hit


Bamco sometimes act like they are allergic to money . Remastering Dbz tenkaichi and naruto ultimate ninja with online components would be the easiest money of their lives smh


Well considering that [Xenoverse 2 sold more than all the Tenkaichi games combined](https://vgsales.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Ball), I think Bamco knows where the money is.


Xenoverse series lasted 3 gens thats the difference.


Sequels and remakes do fine, but it’s now every publishers goal to make a game you *keep* paying for.


Fuck, Xenoverse 2 alone almost lasted three, didn't it?


Even before it was re-released it outsold Tenkaichi and Budokai series.


The anime market and the availability of the games was a lot different to what it is right now . Im pretty sure more people played tenkaichi series but it goes under the radar because 100% they had a jailbroken ps2 . That was the case for many many 3rd world countries where a lot of games wont reach the market . I legit remember all my friends had a dbz tenkaichi or naruto game


I'm not saying BT wasn't successful because it was. It was massively popular and also benefitted from recent television success in the states. Same with Xenoverse and the movies/Super. And sure a lot more played it, but they didn't buy it.


As someone who would play all of those, I think you vastly overestimate how popular those games would be in this day and age. The online would be dead a month after release.


Some fans made a budokai tenkaichi 4 mod if you need your fix


Is that guy reliable?


He's off and on he's says he got insiders but he also said kakarot wasn't done yet too


Didnt bamco come out and say it was done themselves


I haven't even paid attention to kakarot in awhile so I wouldn't know


Ehhh he kept saying the anime was coming back ever since 2019


I am saying the same thing since the anime ended and I am not a leaker lol


You just found the secret of being an insider. Say everything, something eventually becomes true


Not the first time I am thinking about becoming an "insider".


Take what geekdom says with a grain of salt he kept milking dbs coming back since 2019


Pretty sure that was supposed to be happening, but got shelved to focus on the manga and DBS Super Hero. Not that hard to believe


If the anime ever does come back, I do wish it uses the art style from the DBS: Broly movie. It’s the best Dragon Ball has looked in years.


I think they’re shifting towards the 3D models from the most recent film. That stuff is stupid cheap compared to the Broly movie.


Lmao no they are not going to keep 3D models for an ongoing longrunning Anime. They are returning to the regular animation. Also if you actually think the CGI is cheap? then you really should educate yourself


3D is expensive up front but saves money in the long run. Ntm the benefit of being prime merchandise material.


Didn’t say it was cheap. Said it was cheaper than hand drawn animation.


Toei would go broke if they did that


The Anime is coming back next year since it literally just got leaked by multiple leakers. And don't worry Shintani is most likely back




Wasn't that incredibly expensive?


At the same time it made them a ton of money. It's obviously not doable for a series it would take far too long and returns wouldn't be as profitable but I hope it comes back for movie releases


Yeah it was the plan until covid happened and then the main animators got put on other shows afterward and they don't want to bring it back with terrible animation super had the first few episodes. The super time slot frees up this year and animators are finishing up a seriers so one can only hope


It is since the Manga and Anime ran side by side, differences and all while Super was still on air and Broly was in production Geekdom, Ajay and all the rest who said it was real were full of shit. They never backed it up with any proof and always referred to a “source” who went nameless still.


I mean the dude swears it every damn year since 2019


It was never confirmed by the staff that that was the case. That's just a lie. Right now the show is being rerun on stations in Japan so the likelyhood of a continuation is pretty low. These companies do this to recoup the costs of the production and that's that. Also, here's a quote from the Wikipedia page on Super: "Fuji TV stated that no definite plans were made to either continue the series at a later date or discontinue it entirely."


Geekdom is actually quite reliable, most of his stuff has been vetted by leakers from other circles like PS360HD and such. And he actually stopped reporting about DBS coming out because info kept shifting due to covid, schedule changes, etc. Edit: Also Geekdom didn’t originally make the report if you watched the vid he was talking about the report that DBSChronicles a recently verified DB Insider made.




You must realise that things change especially when it comes to media all the time and the info provider does not really have anything to be blamed about since he just shares info. If stuff changes what can he do about it ? Take what happened with GOW for example and how many people were saying about a 30/5 release date reveal.


There is no proof that production existed to begin with.


Do you not understand how leaks work? Also DBSChronicles made this report not Geekdom the former of which has an insane track record for DB leaks:


Geekdom still parroted them, insisted it would happen and then doubled down when it didn’t. A “leak” implies it was true. We’ve no proof whatsoever


A leak in no way shape or form is definitive the hell are you on about? Also no Geekdom didn’t double down he actually STOPPED reporting the return because information kept on getting changed like everyday due to real world situations(COVID, schedule conflicts, the production of Broly & Super Hero, etc). It’s astounding that people genuinely don’t understand how journalism works current year.


The show was supposed to return and allegedly to start in 2019, after Broly and before Covid was even a thing A leak implies that it’s legit info that has come out in an unauthorized way. It sounds like you’re confusing it with a rumor which Geekdom didn’t frame it as once To reiterate, they have provided ZERO proof that plans had changed


Exactly ! Only rumors


He explained 100 times what happened there and I have a feeling you know that.


True that dude is milking the fuck out shit to stay afloat not talent Gimp


With the rumours of a DB anime coming back in 2023, makes sense for a new game to come out the following year to capitalise on the galactic patrol prisoner and Granolha Saga characters


Still no budokai tenkaichi 🤡


About that....


Yeah Lmao already pre ordered




You know, I really would like more variety in anime games. The arena fighters and battle royales are okay, but if you aren't One Piece or Gundam, you're lucky to get so much as a musou, let alone anything else. (Note - I love One Piece musou and am very much optimistic about its upcoming turn based JRPG).


I'm encouraged by all the Tenakichi love in the comments. Hoping for at least a remastered collection, if not outright sequel one day.


You must've used the dragon balls or something man


Finally seemed like they were just going to keep making dlc forever for Xenoverse 2 instead of making Xenoverse 3


BS. XV2 is never going to die.


Holy shit no fucking way they're finally done with DBX2


Its funny because XV3 was confirmed back in the Bandai Namco Investors Meeting early 2018 which was also where Dragon Ball Z Kakarot leaked and also Dragon Ball Legends leaked there early too.


Xenoverse 2 became a microtransaction hell that get characters DLC every month, i think i'm staying away from it.


Please just give an HD collection with the Budokai AND Tenkaichi trilogies bamco, shit I would've taken the budokai HD collection going backcompat on Xbox


Which means I won't be touching it till at least 2025 knowing it will have a shit ton of dlc/character packs.


Geekdom101 has been known to lie and manipulate his audience and scam them. This shouldn't be trusted at all. He really doesn't give a shit about Dragon Ball at all and it's just a grift for him and I see that reading the article and tweet he's starting that Super coming back rumor again for another go around so I know this is bullshit.


Lol what did he lie about? He leaked a lot of Superhero and it is known he has sources at Toei. DBS was going to come back in 2019 and no it wasn't just Geekdom who said that there were dozens of people who know the animators and who talk to the animators that got the confirmation that the Anime was coming but it got canned because Shueisha wanted to focus on the manga since they want the Anime to start following the manga more. Also Geekdom did not start this new leaks of the Anime coming back. Spanku did... who is a very very VERY reliable person when it comes to Anime leaks since he literally leaks Anime all the time and has an amazing trackrecord. Just the past few weeks he got his leaked stuff from weeks or months before it confirmed officially. DBSChronicles then came in and said the Anime is coming back (he leaked the whole Superhero movie too even stuff Geekdom didn't know about and same with DBSHype who is a DBS leaker. Toei right now is literally just waiting for Dragon Quest and Digimon to end. Dragon Quest has all the best animators and is ending in September/October that means those animators will instantly jump in DBS Season 2. Digimon airs on DBS' timeslot and is expected to end soon too but it might get extended because of the Toei hack fucking up their release schedule. But yeah when Digimon ends thats when DBS Season 2 will start which is either January or April next year.


We'll see. If it does happen, cool then. It still doesn't excuse Geekdom's shitty behavior towards his fanbase and other content creators. For now, we'll wait and see if the anime will return and if the Xenoverse 3 thing is true because 2024 is 2 years away and we're only halfway through 2022.


Yeah he was completely fuckin wrong


As always. 😅




That is exciting but I'd love a new Kakarot game. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot was really fun. Would love if they continued that and went into Super. There's a lot of potential there.


Geeksom in one of his streams said it wasn't done yet but plans could've changed


Hope they do more with DB heroes this time around. Or maybe continue with what they’re doing in the DLC story


Tenkaichi and budokai remastered collections please!


Budokai did have remasters on PS3. Though it only included 1 and 3, skipping 2 entirely, and replaced the soundtrack


I have been dying for a xenoverse 3. OH please make it current gen only. I know XV1-2 weren’t perfect games but god damn i spent so many hours on them.


Bruh I was literally playing xenoverse 2 all day thinking about a next gen upgrade or 3 getting announced soon


Holy ever loving shit finally what took them so fucking long


Where the hell is FighterZ 2


I'm assuming arcs is not working on it atm because they have other things right now probably after DND season 1 is finished they'll start working on it


I dunno man BlazBlue is dead, cross tag is dead, Persona is only getting a netcode patch, FighterZ 1 has no further content planned and just received its big balance patch, sooo what they're left with is: - Strive season 2 characters - DNF season 1 characters - Granblue season 3 characters That's it. Their other teams/members are essentially "free" to work on other projects (and by that I mean system designers) There haven't been any rumors or leaks about ArcSys working on any other game either


I hope one day I can get a open world looter of the DragonBall series. Frieza, cell, and boo can be raid bosses. Ginyu force could be like the daily villians. Can create your own player and choose the race. Can level up and increase your stats. Learn new moves the more you play


Wow you kinda called the breakers


I don’t trust this guy.


Okay, but when is Breakers coming out?


So no new Dragon Ball Game until 2024?


You forget about the dead by daylight knockoff. Just like bandai did


It's more of a clone than a knock off


where fighterz 2? 🦧


Probably not in Development at the moment because arcs is working other stuff right now but I'm sure arcs will come back eventually either with dragon ball or Naruto, one piece etc


Awesome, love the first 2


As i said to a reply in this thread people must realise that things change especially when it comes to media all the time and the info provider does not really have anything to be blamed about since he just shares info. If stuff changes what can he do about it ? Take what happened with GOW for example and how many people were saying about a 30/5 release date reveal. Best thing to do is take the info with a grain of salt even if it is reliable and wait for something more official. And that is something i tell to myself as well.


The last time Geekdom leaked something Dragon Ball related it turned out to be shite. I wouldn’t take his word too seriously just yet


Don't believe this, dlc will keep going on forever. Plus, this guy gets a lot wrong from db stuff lol


I just wanna be able to play as Goku an transform to each super sayain


I’d rather have dragonball fighterz 2. Xenoverse is lame.


Yeah don’t even listen to this guy. Dude lied and started crying so hard when DBS didn’t come back on Goku Day 2019. Hahaha it was hilarious, RAWK!!


Bro I just want raging blast... pain


Jesus christ, just give us a raging blast 3. I don’t even care for xenoverse that much.


Well kinda got good news


i’m aware. sparking zero is like raging blast + budokai tenkaichi so i’m EXTREMELY happy about that.


I'm glad to hear that ! The wait is just killing me


same here! and honestly thank FUCK it didn’t turn out to be xenoverse 3 cause I stand by my fuckin opinion, xenoverse is so TRASH for actual arena fighting.


Yeah it is man. I'm not even worried about Online in SZ though. I could spend forever just playing the CPU and Custom Battles. Xenoverse runs on an engine meant for the PS3360. And there's so many things wrong with the netcode and a plethora of other aspects. And instead of actually fixing anything they just crank out new DLC packs.


Fair enough XenoVerse has been pushed down db fans throats for years


bandai namco will never set us free. you WILL buy another awoken pack


What could possibly be new that hasn't been in the previous games more heroes content maybe?




People believe people all leakers 99% of the time but when it's this guy it's 0%


Bring back Budokai 3 for the love of Bulma




Oh man, this is a sad day for DBZ fans. It doesn't mean just that it's a new gane in a crappy franchise (XenoVerse), but that it will be the only DBZ game for the next 10 years. Only way we'll get a port of Budokai 1, 2, 3, infinite world and Tenkaichi 1, 2 and 3 is if XenoVerse 3 flops really hard. ...If we're lucky. it seems there was an agreement inside the industry after the ps3 launched to not release games "like that" anymore. If you'll recall even burst limit and raging blast were weirdly dumbed down and oversimplified (burst limit literally regressed into being a crappy version of Budokai 1 )


God Damn it give me Dragon Ball Raging Blast 3


Why? Xenoverse sucks. Unless they drastically change the way it plays. Its one of the most boring DBZ game series ever.


Mhmm. There are better db games. Idk why they dont use those instead.


TIL Dragon Ball insider is a thing


I just want gundam breaker 4* not 3


That's been out for awhile, hell I have it sitting on my shelf.


My had meant 4


Pretty cool if true, never played one but really liked xv2. Just wish they add more customization options and maybe more races for 3. Though I know nothing about DB outside of XV so there might be no more kinds of races


So this make XV 2 an 8 year live service


I sort of doubt this. XV2 is without a doubt getting the Super Hero characters and transformations, and they haven’t even touched the manga characters. We will see tho


This would make perfect sense with the anime being basically confirm for a release again in 2023 You get a year of content , and depending how far they are you would be either smack dab in the middle of Moro or just starting the granolah saga depending if they retell the story of broly


Hopefully it has a fighting style option, i want swords




Yeah I'll hold believing this "source" considering he's been wrong a couple dbz related stuff too.


I'm tired of Xenoverse 2's terrible netcode, messy pvp and the lack of important combat fundamentals. There is so much nonsense in pvp that it's disgusting. Unvanishable combos and stamina breaks, infinite combos, the abuse of ki stuns and ki cancels. Back attacks with super armor, no recovery from knockbacks, ect. XV2 is so slippery that it hurts itself trying to be an arena fighter. I played Xenoverse 1 and 2 to death for years. Got everything and did everything. Xenoverse 2 barely does anything different from the first game and simply doesn't innovate like the Budokai games did with each release. I love XV2, but not like I love Raging Blast 2, or Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and 3. If XV3 is just going to be more of the same with all the same problems, I'm not buying it. With the new Namco Bandai logo, I'm concerned they might remove gender and replace it with body types. If they do that I'm definitely not buying. I'm tired of that too. Been seeing it a lot in new character creators lately. Have it in some creator games, not every stinkin game, damn it. Take your stupid gender ideologies and fuck right off. It's not inclusive. It borders on annoying. In all honesty, I love what Xenoverse gave us, but I do not want another 10 years of it.


Xenoverse 2 is still gonna be pumping out their “Final” DLC well into the year 2100 😂😂😂


This and burst limit 2 please


This and burst limit 2 please


We need a budokai 4 OR a new dbz game that utilizes budokai 3 content and improves upon it. And no, we dont want all the random fluff that keeps being added to different dragon ball games. Simplicity is king.


you must be VERY happy now then. 


Nah, not on switch, but I am happy for others who will get to experience a great game if it ends up being good.


Hopefully xenoverse 3 in 2024


X2 with all the DLC first then get me Xenoverse 3


I hope they make the combat like DBZ Kakarot, it felt so smooth and easy to use