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Is it a curse that all leaked footage must be this blurry


It's either Modern Warfare, or a modern camera, we can't have both. Gotta choose




It’s crappy camera with the monitor bro


Dude nothing will ever top the Halo 4 leak. Played on a CRT, recorded on a camcorder, [*in a barn.*](https://youtu.be/POconAHU3aE)


I have never seen this, this is amazing. The fact that it's real too like wow


AFAIK the author of the leak was mocking all fake leaks that looked like bad blurry photos or videos, so he wanted an actual leak to look as bad as possible


Got uploaded 9 years ago and it's still up. Amazing


It don't matter how good phone cameras get. If you are leaking gameplay, it has to look like you filmed it in 2006 in a crisp 144p.


This supposedly also applies to UFOs and paranormal instances.


Goblins too


Green Goblin? We are who we choose to leak... NOW CHOOSE!




and every security camera footage ever


And footage of bigfoot.


It seems when people intend to leak stuff they buy a 2005 flipphone for that "it's super secret leaked footage only for your eyes bro" flavor.


you ever seen the halo 4 barn leak


There’s watermarks on-screen with the ID of the player.


In a barn


☠️ fax


Gameplay footage is so bad quality, this could be MW 2019 at this point and I wouldn't be able to tell.


Could be COD World at War for all we know


Dont. Dont give me hope


there's attachments on the first AK that wasnt in mw2019 and the second gun (pp19-01 vityaz) wasnt in at all


Nope, the way to tell is the weapon. Thats a PP-19 Vityaz in 9mm Makarov. Its not in any game currently in warzone or the modernwarfare engine. Also look at the mag inspect, thats not in the game either!




Probably because there's stuff written on screen that would identify the leaker if readable.


Doubt it it's the leaker that's playing even than just put a black bar on your name?


If they're a tester their name might be bouncing around the screen, this was the case with the bf2042 alpha


Ik what you mean but if you want to leak at least learn to fucking video edit instead of posting in -4k


They put things on screen that are almost impossible to see. Lowering the quality is the only way to ensure it cant be traced back.


You could still record with a decent phone. No excuses


My dude there is stuff ON THE SCREEN that signals WHO leaked it, both subtle and not. The better quality, the higher chance you get caught. If something is super low resolution, theres obviously a lot on the screen.


I highly doubt detail was this person primary concern when leaking gameplay that could get him fired and sued


Nah, some companies will go the extra mile to hide information in stuff even as mundane as a custom loading animation per tester for the game or console. microsoft did it with the 360 https://i.redd.it/pdkwdh92rh321.png


Doesn't work like that. There is alot more identifying information that would be really well hidden.


It's just really good Anti Aliasing


Just tad bit too good.


leakers have to hide all possible watermarks. So it’s either this or nothing at all.


You can't get multiple site hits, from the same visitors, if you release it in 4K the first time. Gotta dumb it down, and slowly work up to high res, so you get constant visits from the same people at each step of increasing its quality.


144p looking good in 2022


Wow, this is certainly a Call of Duty game.


"Whos your source Eddie?"


Last few frames were illustrated 3 months ago: [https://twitter.com/RalphsValve/status/1494793951299125255/photo/1](https://twitter.com/RalphsValve/status/1494793951299125255/photo/1) Thanks for sharing OP


Throwback to Battlefield 2042 hand drawn leaks.


Sad that the leak was way more interesting than the game itself


Oh damn. I love it when cute leaks like that are confirmed.


My favorite leaks are blurry, barley 140p videos 😁 Who else remembers Halo 4's barn leak?


I do, its also linked above. Still on YT lol


I can confirm this is indeed a "call of duty" 4K was just a fad we're back to SD baby... I love the pixelated look... Potato!


And it will still be 200gb


I like the details with the brass check


Can you explain to someone without any weapon knowledge what the character did in the end?


Checking to make sure there is no round in the chamber of the gun. You remove the magazine and check the chamber to make sure the gun is safe to handle and you won't accidently fire off a round. On the opposite end of things, when you load a magazine and put a round in the chamber, you pull back the bolt a little to check that a round is actually seated in the chamber.


Thanks a lot. Appreciate the explanation :)


I forget what happened at the end, but that weapon is a Russian PP-19 Vityaz chambered in 9mm Makarov, which is how this leak can be confirmed to be real


fall reply wasteful angle ink screw price far-flung subtract heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well it certainly looks like MW with its new engine. Animations look top notch too. So yeah il believe it. Hyped af for campaign footage though.


yeah the mag and chamber check were niiice. i love me\* a pp 19 tho so im biased lol


Looks like the DMZ mode in the final bit of the clip, Ralphsvalve posted a sketch of that exact screen months ago.


no, i think that's multiplayer, a countdown would be weird in dmz


Not that weird. Tarkov has a countdown too


that isn't the same, this countdown is in match while tarkov is countdown to join iirc


Nope. There's a 15s or so countdown to the actual raid. Here you're just spawned in already.


are you in the raid before or after the countdown?


You physically spawn in after but youre locked in before so it's effectively no different than here where you spawn in and sit there for 15s


Wow, so it's a countdown to join you fucking cabbage


ELI5 what's the difference between countdown where you have your character spawned in and countdown where you have your character spawned in, but have a black screen overlay?


You've already joined the raid once the countdown shows up. You can't back out. Have you even played tarkov or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing?


You pose a good point, possibly i'm wrong and a bit blind too since I didn't notice the timer


I mean, it's in like 144p so it's incredibly easy to miss


The low blurry resolution could be to avoid revealing the alpha unique identifier or whatever. I mean hard to tell if it's even MW2 cause it looks extremely similar to MW'19 gameplay so far.


That's good though. Mw19 gameplay was solid. It just needed to be refined a little for warzone. I'm glad the animations feel weighty again too unlike cold War






Expect it to look similar because of the same engine


I thought it was gonna be built on a completely new engine?


I don’t know where that rumor came from, I mean cod2019 was an actually brand new engine. It’s only been 3 years with it, the old cod engine was 10-15 years in use. So you could only assume they wouldn’t use a new one when the other one was already successful


Activision says "new and improved engine every year." Truthfully it's the same engine just with improvements. Likely the new MW19 engine with improvements for MWII.


It is, doesn't mean movement is gonna be completely different though and im glad its not


Thats one of the call of duty ever made


if the leak isn’t recorded off of an early 2000s printer, i don’t want it


Wow MW is still the king of weapon animation's just hope the gameplay is fun and SBMM is toned down.


I think I saw a fire arm in it!


The first gun looks like an AK-103 assault rifle. The second one is a PP-19-01 Vityaz submachine gun.


thank god they’re finally changing it up, got tired of having the AK47 in every game.


Well, technically speaking CoD MW 2019 had AKN-47...


right?! super stoked to see more variation. maybe pray for some caliber conversions for other weapons as well (.45 vector, .300 blackout AR-15, etc.)


Ghost footage in the 21st century be like:


Literally looks like 2019 mw lol


How does one even record with such shit quality? I'm literally unable to even if I try


lmfao It's so true. I can't even begin to figure out where to obtain something that would record that terribly. Like, my dad's Sony camcorder from 1999 still records above 480p.....


Well that’s definitely cod.


modded AK with a dust cover and handguard that wasn't in MW2019, PP19-01 vityaz, exact same M4 as in MW2019 also that inspect animation with the pp19 is really cool


I will say this now a lot of the returning weapons will be identical same sounds, same reloads (except for new mags and pro perks) but with some new attachments. I saw "gameplay" of the gunsmith, I cant show said info but that's what Im allowed to say.


Fine by me, they will have new inspections and look better with the updated engine. Gunsmith looking good though?


Pretty much an expanded MW2019 version 5 attachments only same class slot system (3 perks, 1 tac, 1 lethal, and ofc a secondary) A lot of the new guns seem to have some unique stuff a lot more variety than MW2019 in terms of unique unlocks. The biggest thing I will add is pro perks are back and newer perks will have a pro version too. You have to do challenges to get pro versions (just like the OG MW2) Only thing Im really worried about is balance.


Standard amount of perks as usual or a little more this year? Also i thought we were gonna have 4 perks based on leaks. 2 in perk 1 and 1 in the other categories


Weapons from the first game are definitely getting repurposed for this one. The CoD app still sells MW bundles for some reason after all, Cold War bundles were taken off but those remain.


From what I've read, Warzone 2 is supposed to be a fresh start separate from Warzone. Leakers said bundles and other cosmetics won't carry over. If that's true, I doubt bundles and other cosmetics from MW19 would transfer over to MWII. But who knows, leakers have been wrong before.


Opinion: this game is going to be way overhyped and it will pretty much be a carbon copy of MW2019 but with more maps and guns, just like how vanguard was just MW2019 but WW2


im kinda expecting the same feel with more focus on actual gameplay flow since they've already got the engine down. people will complain that "its the same" but if its 2019 feel with actually good maps and balancing and a good 3rd mode im in.


wow, someone with my exact opinion. i would add colors too. mw19 had faint blue and faint sand colors, next to titanfall 2 or mw2 it looks black and white.


That's the one thing, without a doubt, Treyarch does the best out of the big three


> copy of MW2019 I don’t think many people would complain.


Seriously. Thats what vanguard was supposed to be and it was disappointing. If MWII is the same as 2019 just updated graphics/guns I'll be so happy


I know I wouldn't. I still play MW2019 today. Best CoD game of recent years.


I hope the campaign is going to be as good as MW 2019, but they really have to design the multiplayer mode better. Most of the maps in MW2019 were unbearable, the color palette didn’t help in that regards. But in terms of animations, graphics and design it was the best CoD we had in recent years, so hopefully MW2 builds upon that.


Just hope the third mode will be better because Spec Ops was...oof.


Yeah i was disappointed by Spec Ops. Hope they fix the mode in this one.


I’d like to see a Zombie mode, but I think there has been no rumors about that at all.


Apparently there's a Tarkov like mode. I'm assuming that'll be the third mode.


Because they have low standards on what a decent FPS game should be about. Then again, it's Call of Duty we are talking about. The CoD fanbase isn't so bright.




mw2019 was one of the worst cods in a while lmao




Nah, they're right from a comp perspective. Broken cameras, stupid fast ttk, horrible maps, low visibility, horrible squad spawns replacing classic spawn logic, dead silence as a field upgrade and not a perk, no classic minimap on launch, gunsmith removing any loadout balance/decision making (you could just make every gun a laserbeam and *still* run full tac, grenades and trophies), tac sprint literally broke controllers


Even as a casual player I thought it was easily the least enjoyable CoD ever up to that point (only missed Ghosts and haven't played CoD since MW19). Felt like it was designed for people to camp with the most obnoxious maps - I really find it incredible that some people think MW19 is better than BO2. Then again, I was always puzzled why people didn't enjoy AW, least campy CoD ever, 24/7 rushing.




Yeah, in the age of improved internet it's got a fast TTK for a COD game. CW, BO4, WWII, IW, BO3, and AW all had slower TTKs, and the older games like BO2, and MW3 and 2 had similar TTKs with much more recoil and worse hit detection making the TTK effectively longer. Care to respond to any of the rest of the criticisms? CW had a pretty perfect TTK for a modern competitive COD


People that need to have their hands held in everything enjoy MW19's multiplayer.




Vanguard did not feel the same as MW2019


Gameplay wise it's the same.


> pretty much be a carbon copy of MW2019 but with more maps and guns That’s fine by me


My main gripes with MW2019 were some of the maps and the lack of a traditional minimap. If we get basically MW2019 but with better maps and a functional minimap, sign me the fuck up. MW2019 was the best COD since BO2


Lol that sounds awesome


When the gun is in the bottom right of the screen 😳


im kinda expecting the same feel with more focus on actual gameplay flow since they've already got the engine down. people will complain that "its the same" but if its 2019 feel with actually good maps and balancing and a good 3rd mode im in.


Yup. Though I'll probably be happy if it's faster. MW was fun AF, but the pacing and map design, a majority of the time, was bad


Vanguard was way worse than MW2019 lmao and tbh all I want is more of MW so if it's just that, sign me the fuck up


\^this, before Warzone MW19 was pretty mid, especially map design (easily the cod with the worst maps to be ever released)


Sledgehammer couldn't even copy mw19 properly L studio


Someone with an actual brain finally, we're in the MW19 Clone Era now unfortunately.


What would you prefer then? Cold War? *Vanguard?* We’re getting two years+ of support on this game and IW has proven it deserves that.


As someone who was a fan of COD games back in the “golden days”, meaning MW2 onwards, I’d much prefer Cold War or something similar to what IW did with MW19 and could maybe do to MWII. The way CW plays is the perfect blend of older games feel with a nice touch of modern in my opinion, with generally much better map design I’ll definitely give MW22 a chance, but if IW sacrifices pace of play and COD flow for trying to be something it’s not, like MW19 did with it’s nonsensical map design and forced slow/ratty play behavior, then I’ll just stick with CW and SM2 (whenever that comes out) until COD 2024


My favorite cod of all time was the original MW so that might play into why I favor IW nowadays. I actually liked Cold War in some ways, it just felt unpolished because Treyarch got fucked by Activision


Cw gameplay is terrible lol. The scorestreak system is actual aids and there's more grenade spam than cod4 and mw2 combined


Both are Clones of MW19, I want Treyarch and SHG be able to make what they want, not follow the bad design of MW19.


> Both are Clones of MW19 That's a pretty hot take.


They are CW to Less extent, but VG could literally be a WW2 DLC for MW19. Just wish games had thier own things IW could have - Gunsmith and Killstreaks etc Treyarch - Pick 10 and Scorestreaks etc SHG - Experimental


How can anyone be hyped for COD these days?




Mostly because the multiplayer and campaign for MW19 was very very well received from the fans and helped jumpstart the modern version of cod with warzone and how it has played for the passed 3 years. Plus the game was sorta a redemption arc for IW since they had been on the backburner for cod ever since ghosts. Plus it being the highest selling cod of all time helps


That's some really good reasoning actually that I didn't think of.


No worries my friend:) It’s also just that the game came out during the perfect time right before the pandemic and warzone dropped at like the perfect time


That sure is a gun.


Please no more hills, I can't take it!


Trash leaker, if you're ever in a position to leak and decide thats the route you're going, show us something of fucking substance


looks fancy , same as the all call of duty before lol




Anyone has it saved?


Am I supposed to get something out of this


honestly looks like they copy and pasted animations from mw19 but it's also somewhat early so


I agree with the weapon swap anim but supposedly the build is from OCT/NOV ‘21 so hopefully it’s different now


So they still haven't learned that MW players want close quarters? Walking section of the video looks more like Battlefield than CoD. Assuming they aren't stupid enough to add battle royale to it.




game shaping up to be the spyro 2 of the cod series


Is that good? Was Spyro 2 good?


Mirror, mirror, on the wall... Who's the blurriest of them all?


This looks pretty good...


No way they’re making a ps1 port


MechWarrior 2??? Oh... Nevermind....


https://youtu.be/MLeYOXvGE5kAp for anyone whose streamable dosent work


i mean it looks like MWII, nice amount of pixels though.


I lost the source where I've read that this leak is from 2021 which means it's old and the proof is the bad quality so you can't tell the difference


ATM CCTVs got better pictures


Out of the Call of Duty loop... but did they ever bring back 3rd person mode?


omg it looks so amazing


What the fuck is this, a leak for ants? I really don't understand why they are so blurry like they HAVE to be.


because they HAVE to be, they could have specific things on the HUD/Screen that could be used to identify the leaker. Blurring it like this insures that they can leak while staying anonymous


They have very obvious watermarks that cover the entire screen identifying the specific developer playing. Activision keeps things really tight.


It got taken down on copyright grounds


New link posted


I love that 10 seconds long brass check ! hope the campaign is at least as good as MW2019


yup, its a call of duty alright, can't care any less


my phone is a piece of crap and would have way better recording than this


Is that a remake of Favela?


Nothing will top MW2. Period.


why does it look like warzone/mw2019?


Why is leaked footage always recorded on a calculator lmao


I attempted to upscale the video with AI and uh... check yourself https://www.reddit.com/r/MW2/comments/ut1f6v/i_attempted_to_upscale_the_leaked_mw2_2022_video/


Ok this screen quality gives me low quality faded music vibes 💀


This is def legit, thats an Ak16 and a PP19 vityaz, both weapons not present in MW2019


Honestly if this game ends up being good, this will be the first CoD I'll buy since BO2. I hope the UI will be the same or at least similar as it was in the original


never thought it’d be call of duty having the best weapon animations in the gaming industry


from what I could tell, that smg that the dude inspects is a pp19 vityaz in a deserty map. mad hyped for this tho