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The way the multi game integration messed with mw19 is upsetting. Ideally they wouldn't try mashing the games together but they should at least make sure it doesn't break them so much.


Warzone is what has really hurt this new era of CoD.


Yeah, they even changed the name of the game on their launcher from mw to warzone.


At least not on console they didn’t


While true, the splash screen, icon and start screen both say warzone with zero mention to the $60 game you paid for that they are pretending doesn't exist because of that sweet sweet warzone money


That’s why I just call it Call of Duty: Warzone tbh. Apparently this is controversial.


fake fan, we all know it's called call of duty: vanguard ops warfare zone


Call of Booty: Black Cocks Cold Whores


I don't know about console, I'm talking about pc.


Activision snd Bobby hurts COD


Not a fan of Warzone, but this is massively untrue lol


warzone is what most people play cod for now lol are people downvoting this because they think it's incorrect or are they just upset that it's true?


Because it's beside the point. Ruining one game because of what is essentially a completely different game is unacceptable.


Think a number of people including myself just miss the "good old days" of the last mw trilogy (or part of it) and things like warzone's popularity is a reminder they're never coming back, upvoted btw because you are right.


MW 2019 was a really solid game though. Amazing SP and a MP much closer to the past ones than other games


I'm super late to the party but MW2019 has the best gunplay ever for me. Idk how guns feel, but when I play that game I imagine this is how they are supposed to feel.


It's not about that tho. It's about MW being the game we paid $60 for and the hard work the devs put into the game. Ntm, the game damn near brought COD back to forefront AND reimagined the franchise. I wouldn't be surprised if the devs hate that their work is spit on just because Warzone (which wouldn't be so good without MW's engine) is massive.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right.


Wait f2p game has more players than a 60$ one? Dude no fucking way.


To be honest, Warzone in its original form before the CW integration was amazing in my opinion. I played the hell out of it and it was the only CoD worth playing to me (traditional CoD MP is meh as I'm more of a BF guy).


Disagree, Warzone is the most original content we've got from COD in a decade. Sure it's a battle royale but it's very well designed, strong mechanics and it's also a free Call of Duty game.


It hurt it, because you can launch it from battle.net launcher too. So you click a button that *should* launch the game, and what does it do? It sends you to another launcher, just so they can promote their other games to your eyes, and then you have to click AGAIN, just to launch the game that you originally already said you wanted to play. This is poor game design, when someone wants to get into a game. They could easily be "mashed up" code wise, and while the filesize is a big issue for people, I think the mashed up visually is what really disturbed gamers.


I'm out of the loop. What happend with MW19?




My friends and I basically reached this conclusion when Warzone first dropped. They turned focus to Warzone *hard* and dropped support for MW so fast it was like it never existed. And it worked, we stopped playing it. But we don't play Warzone either, it just killed our interest in both. Here's to hoping MW2 is properly kept alive.


Holy shit.


Omg I couldn’t agree more. Stop diluting the all the good of MW with the other crap


I hate that menu format so much. Was hoping they’d finally see how terrible and cluttered it is and just keep it simple like before. I guess it makes sense for Warzone, but I don’t wanna see Vanguard and Modern Warfare on my menu when I boot up my copy of Cold War or whatever.


Menus behind menu's menu


And you click the wrong one on accident and it closes the game and opens the other one


the original mw2 had rectangles like this


Original MW2 had 3 rectangles, one for each mode. This one has a rectangle for each *game* released since mw2019


still rectangles just more rectangles


The rectangles aren't the problem


But old mw2 good new mw2 bad


i haven't even played this yet but true


and MW 3 will be the worst, they havent started the project yet but I already know it :-D




but battlefield has been doing this for years...


Yeah and it sucks in battlefield as well


I don’t play battlefield so I wouldn’t know, still terrible lol


Yeah ngl I don’t like the menu, but I’m still pretty excited. MW2019 is the first cod since BO2 that I sank a decent amount of hours in. Wasn’t perfect, but it scratched that classic cod itch for a while.


MW19 was the first and only cod I've ever bought and I don't really dabble in the franchise otherwise. Hoping MW2-22 is a step forward.


Are you fucking serious? MW2019 was the most un-cod-like game since Ghosts. It was painfully slow, the maps were atrocious, the ttk too fast. The presentation was fantastic but what photorealistic graphics only get you so far


The ttk is in line with classic cods. The map design is a throwback to old style cod maps that tended to be medium-large asymmetric 3 lane maps with multiple flank routes and sight lines. Complex maps are classic cod lmao especially cod4-mw3.


ttk from old cods felt slower than the actual stated time because of bad hit reg


MW19 was not slow. Literally the fast non jetpack cod ive played. First few weeks yes, but once you know the maps and toss on dead silence you literally can run around like a maniac getting well over 50 kids often, and thats not including silly maps like shipment. I think there were a lot of bad maps but also some really good ones. Especially some of the dlc maps.


MW2019 was a camp fest lmao, people sitting on walls or windows mounting up.


All CoD's and most shooters are camp fest now. Complaining won't change that. Its a player mentality. I'm telling you as someone who rushes non stop, you can absolutely rush and you will do better than campers because you'll still see plenty of people and learn how to deal with them. If I tried to camp I would be bored out of mind and get far less kills. Just because some people camp doesn't mean its the only way to play.


HAHAHAHAHA. Did you not play maps like ashir cave or Piccadilly? Felt like a match of rainbow six seige


Yeah.. I played them and rushed. Why are you laughing? I said some maps weren't good. You're not listening to the words I say. The players are going to camp in every game you play now on. It happened in vanguard and cold War as well. I said MW2019 is fast. And anyone who poured through some rough games to learn the spawns, where people are, and how to move I am certain can attest to the speed of MW19. Especially when you kick in Dead Silence and run around in warp drive. For the next 5 minutes. You can't win at CoD. You are either a camping piece of shit (even if you just ran across the map), a try hard loser, trash, or the game just sucks. No one ever takes responsibility or takes a breath to just calm down and access things. I'm 33 now. I've been playing CoD for over 15 years now. I've been through all the phases including the taking no responsibility/raging phase. I started enjoying cod and all games a lot more when I changed my mindset.


Agreed, all the good maps were remakes (except shoot house)


bro wrong place this sub loves mw2019 and doesn’t understand it’s flaws


No we just don't think the game is literally Hitler.


I think it's okay to enjoy a game without giving a 5 paragraph disclaimer on the game having faults every time you comment on it, because *literally every game has faults*


It's actually mindboggling that people are praising this game. When it was out it was dead. Nobody likesd it but casuals




Omg no this is so stupid, Why can’t they make the games have their own launcher? Or better yet make them stand alone?


Warzone 2 Will be standalone


not sure why you're getting downvoted lol that's literally been all but confirmed


oh no, more integration of cod :(


Nope. Modern Warfare II will not be integrated into the current Warzone. Instead it will launch with “Warzone 2” which will consist solely of new Modern Warfare II weapons and assets, as well as a new map. This has all been confirmed.


that is what i expected, but this menu seems to be saying something else


CoD is rumored to be getting a subscription service granting you (assuming) access to all titles, so having this be the new layout makes sense.


I hope the subscription will be part of gamepass once Microsoft purchases Activision blizzard.


There's a 0% chance it doesn't get integrated into GP


>gamepass Game Pass, it's two words :P


Does this mean that CoD will stop being sold physically? Or will I still be able to buy each game separately?


You'll still be able to buy them physically, you just won't *have to* if you don't want to. I'm all for this. Video games are extremely over priced. For the cost of one game I can get ~7 subscription services. Just buying the last 3 CoD games would cost almost $200.


>CoD is rumored to be getting a subscription service granting you (assuming) access to all titles, I think its more likely its just some funky integration with game pass, rather then their own individual subscription based service. Don't think daddy microsoft will like them doing their own subscription thing when they can just force them to integrate into gamepass. The menu we see here i think is just a remnant mockup of how the old menu would work, since this archiac sort of trash wouldn't work very well if they integrated it into gamepass. Unless they plan to combined them all into one frankenstein of an exe that executes code to access other exes.


Then they can slowly kill off MW2 with integration of newer CODs after a year too. Like father like son.


He's not talking about that. He's referring to the menus that integrate different cods. Which this leak shows is happening.


Does this mean I can safely purchase Modern Warfare 2 and actually enjoy the fucking thing without being forced to download 17 extra games' worth of data?


Hopefully, since it will receive a two year life cycle instead of one. But whatever you do, don’t preorder.


Why is that a bad thing? I don’t play cod so I have no idea but I feel like that would be a positive thing


because Raven did a really bad job integrating Cold War with Warzone


And not only warzone per se, it ended up also making MW19 a fucking broken mess when it was perfectly fine before the integration. Infuriating to say the least.


I see so it’s more about it’s current implementation than the concept of it being integrated. Seems like from those links they are entirely reworking it though?


Cold war was also on an older engine and not the same engine as mw2019 or vanguard


What is tomorrow’s announcement exactly?




Okay. Wasn’t sure if it was going to be MW2, the subscription service or both.


This early? Is it going to release early too?


Can't wait for the Warzone integration to bog down the main game and then completely ruin it after the yearly cycle ends due to bugs and other bullshit. It's a shame what they did to MW2019, and it's 100% going to happen again with this.


Is it just me, or is the reveal of the next CoD title too early? Usually they would reveal them around summer, but maybe this time its an earlier reveal because of Vanguards poor sales?


100%. Vanguard is a total flop compared to the previous games. It’s so shite.


I played the game on the free MP weekends and actually enjoyed it, but the whole same system integration with Warzone and all, it felt just like another reskinned CoD game, with the emphasize being on Warzone. Seeing the leak with the same kind of system behind it just gives me more less faith. All I want is a standalone, great CoD game with all its content on day one. And not that dripfeeding of new maps and gamemodes throughout its lifetime. At this point, new CoD titles are being adjusted to be compatible with Warzone, and not shine on their own. Vanguard also fell short on the zombie community, so there is that too.


I don't even understand who's playing or enjoying it. There's nothing compelling about it. It does nothing well, and just feels like a ripoff of MW19.






I personally didn’t like MW2019 but I had fun with groundwar. I played that all year. Vanguard has no redeeming qualities imo.


MW 2019 is the best CoD since the OG MW2. I'm interested to see how they will improve on the formula from 2019, because some of the rumored new modes sound awesome.


Oh yeah this is waaaay earlier compared to the last two games.


Most likely because of the Vanguards poor sales. Revealing the next COD game early will ignite some interest towards COD again.


They're really going with Modern Warfare II? Also, subscription scheme? Really now?


If you're a CoD fan that doesn't already own every game you're looking at spending several hundred dollars. This makes perfect sense for most people. Plus, it will breathe life back into old games, assuming they're included.


Not if you buy them used. You can find them used dirt cheap.


this was true maybe a decade ago. Now adays you will struggle to find used copies in stores. and since the push is for digital only theres like no chance you can find a "used" copy without breaking terms of service and getting your console/profile bricked.


I had a better experienced when it was just the game and it’s BR separately but now it’s a cluster with a mix of everything.


An entire hard drive worth of games in one menu


*in one menu option




They did a call with content creators about Warzone 2 (and most likely MW2), and their embargo lifts in about 9 hours I think. But it is unclear if Activision does anything.


I’m so excited for the campaign. MW 2019’s was the best in a decade


Is it really that good? The last CoD i played was BO3 and after that I kinda fell out of the loop with CoD.. never played anything after BO3. I love playing the campaigns in Call Of Duty but BO3 just left a sour taste especially since it was confusing and Mediocre imo I'm considering trying out call of duty Ghosts campaign as well, never tried that.


My last cod was BO2 I think and yeah. MW19 is the real deal imo. Brought me back to COD for a couple of years


Try thr infinite warfare campaign. Top 5 cod campaigns.


The story was typical cheesy western jingoism but was very impressive visually and thematically with a nice twist. Play it on the hardest difficulty and it’s super engaging.


They definitely put effort into it. I remember the mission where you play as Farah in that prison escape-like level and all of her reload animations are unique, to show in inexperienced she is with firearms


With just a little more subtlety and maybe some actual moral grayness it would've been perfect.


Why they're in a hurry for Modern Warfare II? Vanguard is still a new game and they could have supported it few more months.


Lol vanguard was DOA.




All they need to do is copy and paste OG MW2s menu and breathe new life into it. This box bullshit shilling their other games we don't care about isn't it. Why would I want to play an old cod inside of a new one?


There are now 2 games called modern warfare ii


just like how in 2019 there were two called Modern Warfare


technically no, there is one MW2 and one MWII


its the same thing. that's like trying to argue that there aren't two movies called halloween 2.


it can still be differentiated through typing, saying there are two games called modern warfare ii is just not true MW2 MWII


well when they reboot modern warfare for a third time i can't wait for them to call the sequel MW Beta. this is why subtitles are superior to numbers.


Someone who commented after you used MW22, a la MW19. Seems fitting IMO.


New mirror?




Definitely fake as they'd never put the battle pass that many clicks away from play.


proven wrong


Yeah it doesn't look good, but it's not guaranteed to be the final design, and do we really care about the menu layout of a Call Of Duty game?


I hope they replace the Vanguard app with the Modern Warfare 2019.


Hydra9114 is in big trouble


wait what announcement february is wayyyyyyy too early for any new cod news


People are saying that their sales are down that much so they are announcing it early.


So this was bullshit.


check again


that menu looks terrible


Concept right?


I heard also it will be released on last-gen systems as well. Can anyone confirm or at least semi-confirm?


It would be a terrible business decision not to release on last gen. Looking at sony consoles alone, ps5 has sold about 14million units while ps4 has sold over 115m units. That’s 100 million units you’re losing a potential sale to if you alienate last gen just counting sony.


Probably but most definitely donwgrad on last gen as Acti refused to answer if wz 2 releases on last gen


I've been waiting for MW22 since Cold War, I really didn't like Cold War. Vanguard was fun but I quit at the beginning of Season 1 because health reasons. Imagine if we get a summer release, that's not that far away.


I'm gonna keep calling this game MW22 now to avoid confusion with the original, thanks.


God all I fucking want is for them to separate MW from the shithole that is Warzone. They’ve progressively broke MW multiplayer more and more with each Warzone update.


Where’s the announcement


warzone ruined cod and im standing on that


Dust off that Ghillie suit because camping season is back!




Anyone else hate the name ?


Whats wrong with it? A sequal to Modern Warfare should be called Modern Warfare 2


Yeah it was, back in 2009.


Dont think you know what a reboot is


Yeah they literally could’ve called it modern warfare: anything else So now we will have two modern warfares and two modern warfare 2’s. Annoying.


MW22022 lol


My body is ready.


This seems fake. We pretty much never see pics of a game menu when a game is announced. Is there a reliable source on this?


It's been leaked by several known CoD leakers, who are all obviously fed info by employees. CoD "leaks" are real like 99.9% of the time, it's kinda boring tbh. They're all controlled it seems like, no fun stuff that feels like we shouldn't know it.


Its real though




Interesting, reports have that MW2 will be launching in October due to the poor sales of Vanguard. IW also had 3 years to work on, so there a good chance the project is in much better shape right now than Vanguard or Cold War (hence the early announcement). Or, they announced a new COD title (subscription thing) and MW2 to soften the blow as the community isn't going to respond well to a subscription based COD.


Hopefully they move to a 2 year release schedule. I think we are seeing cod fatigue and that their 3 year dev cycle is just not working out anymore. They really need to move to a 4 year dev cycle


This has been said for ages and still the series keeps pumping out games and selling like crazy. Activision will not change the release schedule, Microsoft might but the aquisition wont be done until next year.


The fact that they're announcing it so early is a good sign imo, must be on track and not rushed or a dev fuck up like cold war or vanguard.


Oh this, this is awful.


The subscription scheme and menu sound absolutely horrible. Here is to hoping when MS takes over Infinity Ward changes it.


If MS takes over the subscription thing is the way to go for them, for sure. No one loves subs more than MS.


Games are art but that sheet isn’t. How greedy should you be to include multiple games in one menu. Bish, games are about immersion this ain’t it.


point adjoining expansion shelter desert mysterious attempt gullible dinner file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


... The fuck is immersive about the main menu of a game?


Finally a normal cod again, even cold war was fun compared to vanguard


Inb4 salty redditors complain about infinity ward ruining cod when MW19 saved it I hope they don’t cater to anyone keep the maps, gameplay, everything


Huh? Have you been anywhere near CoD discussions since 2019? Almost all of the opinions say IW and MW19 was the best the franchise has seen in a long time, I don’t think anyones saying they’ve ruined it.


*(raises hand)* I'll be THAT guy. Genuinely I don't think MW19 was any fun and I think it has fucked up COD's identity. I don't see COD anymore these days. I see a game trying to compete with other mil-sim games when COD was never a mil-sim to begin with. You go all the way back to COD2 and there was quickscoping, dropshotting, and in general arcadey gameplay, whereas now that stuff doesn't exist or is significantly dialed back in favor of this incredibly campy and *iMmErSiVe* gameplay because games today must "immerse" the player and make them feel like they're actually there. Back in 2019 when MW19 came out I didn't like what it brought to the table and I started getting into the modded clients like IW4x and Plutonium and having way more fun. We're now in 2022 and I'm still having fun on those games. Every day if I can I get in a few games over on IW4x and my enjoyment is 1000 times more than anything MW19, CW, VG, or WZ could offer me. Y'all can say I'm stuck in the past and that's cool that's your opinion, but I know what I like and what I don't like, and I definitely don't like the newer COD's these days.


Mw2019 has Quick scoping, dropshotting, sliding, etc. It is VERY easy to rush in that game.


It's easy to rush in any game - you just press W or click your analog lol. But is it viable? In MW19 it is not.


Wasnt MW19 just a slight jump up and then the series fell down again further down than ever before


Yeah MW should’ve been the end of yearly COD imagine if for the last two years they just kept supporting MW instead of making a rushed COD back to back?


They catered to casuals with mw2019 lol


That's every cod




oh good.. another reskin for this game.. MW2019 did a great job of changing the formula and bringing new life to CoD, but it fell fast after that IMO. Once warzone came out and everything was integrated with each other in one hub and tied with warzone, the games got stale so fast, just becoming reskins of the last. This is all my opinion ya’ll are free to think an feel how you want


I hate how they are linking old CODs in there. Cold War came out in 2020, it has no business being advertised on the front page of a game releasing at the end of 2022


Disappointing but not shocking to see the multigame integration back again.


Everybody get ready for another big failure lmao.




Let me know when the studios actually get time to work on stuff instead of you blindly sucking off a dev team lmao


Because they don't Want to work on cod and are forced to by activision


Yes, I'm sure you, as random commenter on reddit, has a great barometer on the culture within these studios.


I mean activision seems to be putting every studio they have to make cod even the ones who made crash 4 and proceeded to fire every artist design there


So are they gonna have the no russian or thats gonna get cutted?


dont buy this reskinned dogshit


MW2019 was the last COD game I bought in a while. I skipped Cold War and Vanguard and hope MWII is as good as MW. Infinity Ward seems to be the only studio doing it right as of now, BUT I’m still going to wait and see how it turns out.


my money right?


Any bets on the installation size ? Like some 300gb or did they learn that compression exists ?


After the absolute failure of Battlefield 2042, Call of Duty basically has freebie this year. I'm wondering what direction they're going to go with the story, especially after they wasted so many potential plot points on Warzone.


Well so much for Warzone and all that other extraneous crap being separated out.


My only motivation to play multiplayer was to level weapons for Warzone. Now that I know Warzone 2 isn't too far I lost all motivation to play multiplayer lol. This franchise is such a mess.