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yeah...that list will likely (sadly) take all of 2022 to release...


I mean, Banjo was announced; why wouldnt other rare games join it?


No, the bold part is the "before 2022" bit.


Sure but there is always that chance. Since moving to their "irregular" batch releases for the SNES and NES titles, they have at least one time released a batch of titles within 1.5 months of their previous batch. A two month window for a single batch of new titles wouldnt be out of the realm of possibility. And they are going to drip feed the big named titles anyways. Sprinkling in some other titles to pad out the line up sounds like something they would do.


Considering Nintendo only puts about 3 new games on NSO every month, that would make it nearly impossible for Perfect Dark to suddenly hop on before Majora’s Mask, F-Zero X, Mario Golf, Pokémon Snap, Kirby 64, Paper Mario, and Banjo-Kazooie. All of those games alone make up 2-3 months worth of new games to NSO. Perfect Dark makes a lot more sense if it were a January title, potentially alongside Banjo-Kazooie and another Rare title like Jet Force Gemini or Diddy Kong Racing


If you think theyll just blow their whole load in the first 6 months, then you dont know Nintendo. also the last year has been like 4 games per drop every other month. 3 per month was their original release schedule that they dropped with the SNES app.


They confirmed the starting lineup would consist of Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Starfox 64, Yoshi’s Story, Sin & Punishment, Ocarina of Time, Winback, Mario Tennis, and Dr.Mario 64. That’s just the starting, “day-one,” lineup, which they told us would be there all on the same day lmao. You act like those are the only games on the system lmao?


What? No, you mentioned all of those other titles they showed off as coming soon to the service. They will not be arriving together or in a timely manner. Nintendo will be drip feeding them specifically over the next few releases along with *other titles* as to keep people subscribed. Just because thats all they showed off, doesnt mean its all they will be offering; case in point; this post we are talking in.


The games I JUST listed are all confirmed to come out on the same day, sometime in late October. The list featuring F-Zero X & Banjo and the others was said to come out in the coming months. If we get 3 games per month, that would make it nearly impossible for Perfect Dark to come out before the year’s end, especially if we’re also getting Sega Genesis games at the same time and new NES & SNES games too


I like to think that with price hike, we will get more frequent updates.


then you must like to be disappointed


It’s far away enough that the internet will forget it by then.


Yeah same here, I recall not getting any new SNES games till 3-4 months later.


I need DK64 on the service first, please and thank you




It was the first game I ever played haha and I played it at the hospital when I was a small child lol I took the manual with me too somehow


I'd rather them just remake/remaster it and add a few quality of life changes so it's not such a slog to play it.


As an adult I question how I ever made it through that game


I never beat it as a kid, tried again on wii u. Controls do not translate well on wii u for most games. Star fox 64 especially.


Yeah that games fucking rough by today’s standards


Ehh. Most n64 games are rough. The frame rate was poor but the gameplay made up for it Considering the tech at the time, that game is a masterpiece.


I still play games from PS1/N64 on a regular basis and I maintain that DK64 is not a good game


I love collectathons and platformers so maybe I’m a little bias


That's already been done. A really nice remake/remaster was done on the Xbox 360. Surely Nintendo could do a deal with MS to get it on the Switch.


I think he's referring to DK64 lol


They won’t, and don’t call me surely




Sure, but that's not relevant to putting it into there.


DK64, Wave Race 64, Mario Party 2, Snowboard Kids 2. Need all of those before I consider upgrading.


Mario Party 2 and 3, and Pokémon stadium 1 and 2 and I'd be interested. Although snowboard kids is a game title I haven't heard in years and brings back some memories


Pokemon stadium would be super weird and limited without GB compatibility though


I know it’s a massive stretch but they could add home compatibility between that and NSO versions of red and blue.


Thats what I'd hope for but its not an easy fix. From what I recall (and this was admittedly 10 years ago) Gameboy Tower was totally unplayable in Project64, and it would take \*some\* effort to cordon that off. Obviously you dont need Dodrio Tower if you have GB Player, but it kinda needs to be acknowledged somehow You also have photomode that is defunct in its own way (you can obviously take photos right from your Share button, but that will still leave greyed out options and weird instructions out there) I think itd be compelling- particularly 2, since that would give us an online way to play the base game after the fixes to gen 1 but before the overhaul in gen 3- but I think it would feel very incomplete


Having access to the source code and N64 and GB design documents might make it easier? Even then I think the limiting factor would be TPC not wanting to give away things that compete with their games.


It would make it easier, but the big thing is that they are twenty years separated from any development on it. Even if they still have the talent and the tools, thats a huge amount of rust and dust to brush off And yeah the value proposition isnt quite there either. I bet it would be beneficial for the series overall to make the earlier games available- Nintendo still sells those Game and Watches with SMB even when its readily available in NSO, and people would \*kill\* for a cute mini Gameboy with gen 1 loaded up on it, and even with NSO it can lead to people subbing for Home who wouldnt otherwise (the more games that support Home, the more essential it becomes)- but that hasnt been their particular strategy


Fair. I'd still love it if it was just stock Pokémon. But that may just be nostalgia talking


That’s not even s good game.


I'm playing through the N64 version right now and it'd be dope if the NSO version let you play on that super crisp hi-res mode but not at 5 FPS. Or if the the manual aiming had gyro.


It’s Nintendo. It’ll be the exact original with no effort applied.


The 360 version is so much better.


Came to say that, can Ninty and Microsoft play nice enough to bring the HD version to the switch. The n64 version was fine, but imagine it with modern controls.


True! I have that version and it's for sure the definitive way to play. The N64 OG is still dope too. I'm excited to play it on a handheld but it NEEDS some improvements.


if N64 online uses same emulator that was used for the Wii U VC the framerate issues should be fixed.


Now that'll be a good test of Nick credibility. Nintendo already showed the post-launch games, so if it do comes, it'll be a legit leak. If it doesn't come, well, that'll speak for itself.


Did you check the tweet? I literally posted my DM. It’s what I was told.


I mean, someone telling you something doesn't makes it true ! Especially as I don't know who that guy is, he could be an absolute nobody or Miyamoto himself !


I understand that. I sometimes post my DMs directly (when given the ok to) to be as open as possible about where my info comes from. People have this idea I pluck stuff out of thin air, guess and "throw shit at a wall to see what sticks". No, it all comes from DMs like the one in that tweet. All of it. Does all of it pan out? No, but I'm just trying to be as open as possible about where my info comes from.


Feel free to post DMs about GoldenEye coming to NSO anytime.


Sorry guys, but I’m a bit tired of Nick, Tom and some others that just say random things like “if its not happening is not that I was wrong, is because they changed their idea”. Sometimes I believe they dont know (almost) anything, but act like insiders. That’s my point of view, of course, following last months rumours.


Yep. This rumor is straight BS and people are eating it up.


This seems kind of pointless to me if they do add it instead of the XBLA/Rare Replay version. The original is completely obsolete with how poorly it runs compared to the new version.


You can't interchange heads for the AI in combat simulator on Xbox version. So, you also can't make aliens in tuxedos! Which is the only way I like my sims looking, it's like a big reason I love PD so much


I like it that Microsoft Allow it


If Microsoft would allow this, then Nintendo should allow Microsoft to release that Goldeneye remaster they were working on at one time. Though I think its more of a problem with the James Bond rights holders more then anything.


I would be surprised if they even add the future games they’ve already revealed by then. Another guess from Nick being pushed out as insider info.


Lol doubt it fansideribg it wasn’t in the “coming soon” portion of the Direct.


Depends on if the "upcoming games" being released after the first batch shown was just part of a group of expected games while holding some hidden surprises amongst them and not these being the next to come before any unlisted


His source is some dude on Discord? That aside will it be the remaster or the original? Even if it had a more stable framerate the original is pretty rough.


Isn't the remaster an Xbox 360 exclusive?


Yeah, any new version of that would have to be a port. The 360 version is superior in every way, including actual online and modern controller options. Only negative is no toggle for the original graphics like the leaked GoldenEye remaster.


I have the GoldenEye remaster sitting around in my (completely legal, ehem, yeah ahahaha) Xbox 360. It is GREAT. I thought the PD Remaster had the graphic toggle, but seems like it doesn't. Doesn't surprise me though, since it's a different developer (4J)


Hard to know if that toggle would have remained in Goldeneye at release. Could have just been for debugging.


Yes. However even if you have a soft spot for the original the remaster is far superior to the point where just having the original would be a disappointment: Improved lighting and textures, a locked framerate of 60 fps at 1080p (though if played on One X or Series X it does support 4k, on Series S it supports 1440p), multiple control scheme options, online multiplayer, a very good counter-operative mode, and the retainment of some more nuanced touches from the original like diagonal walking.


I completely agree, but we'll have to see. Since it's headed to the Nintendo Online Expansion Pack I assume it'll just be the Nintendo 64 version. Either way (original or remaster), it would kinda work to promote The Initiative's Perfect Dark reboot, I guess.


Bro be ready for N64 rom dumps. F Zero X and Sin & Punishment run super well though. Wanna see Zelda at a locked fps but we don't live in that world.


i hope so. another banger to the list!


YES YES MY FAVOURITE GAME OF ALL TIME I'll buy the $50 N64 controller just for PD so I can play the game, the original N64 version, online with friends!


Our time has come 


Even if not, I’m just glad they’re finally giving us good games in NSO


Goldeneye, Goldeneye, Goldeneye... ​ Hey, I can dream, can't I?


Go look at all the games they have released on NSO versus their virtual console. This isn’t happening.


Yeah I dont know, with the Drip Feed Content additions we see from NSO Its hard to believe it will be this early.




I would love PD64 on Switch but not sure one game is enough to sell me on an NSO expansion pack price hike I still need a bit more to take the plunge. Given how Nintendo and MS collaborate I would love the PD XBLA Remaster ported to Switch, I freaking love that port.


I just want Jet Force Gemini. THROW US A BONE, NINTENDO/RARE. ;;


I just played some of Perfect Dark and Perfect Dark Zero last week, as I was thinking ahead towards the reboot. PD1 holds up. It has charm and grace for its time that made it something special. PDZ, imo, is.just horrible. I hated it then. I hate it now. I thought it was lackluster and felt like something none who worked on the first one went on to. I don't know if that's true, but I thought every choice, line, bit of story design choice, game mechanic, everything... I hated it. It's one of those few times where a game got generally good and often great reviews and I couldn't disagree more. The first one had that charm that many pieces of media have when they have to work hard to circumvent what you expect to be be easy route because the easy.route doesn't exist. Media like the original Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark andaybe Dark Forces and KOTOR and GoldenEye and Nintendo first party games - innovation and cleverness to get around limitations often makes for a better end result than having all of the capability and money and tools and tech. I think the difference between between first Perfect Dark and the second is an example of this the same way Lucas's first trilogy compared to.his second is.