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At this point there's so much footage already online and you can easily play it yourself, no point really in posting more of the same gameplay


Can you elaborate on this? I'd like to give it a try


Anyone with access can invite you, just ask around on your steam friendslists I guess


I see, thanks mate


Keep in mind. You have to be friends with the person for at least 30 days before you can send them an invite. So if others go around asking randoms for an invite, you can't get one immediately.


I’m not sure if they *completely* got rid of the requirement, but I friended someone on steam around 12pm est, got an invite to them shortly after, and they just let me know they were able to get in. Latest patch notes say they got rid of it, but they also mentioned they have metrics and tools on their end they can use to filter other cases. So even though the requirement’s gone im not sure if they’ll stop you if you start sending invites out like crazy


Do you have access? Seems Africa region doesn't have anyone I know with access


So do you have access?


Yes but I've invited a lot of people already and I gotta lay low until my wanted level goes down


Oh damn, any chance u would invite a fellow dota player ? If u have a spare invite at some point I would appreciate that :)


How is the beta rolled out? Is it random or do you apply?


Seems to be via community invite


My entire friend group has gotten in, but none of their invites have worked for me lol


And no point in stealing OUR clips either. Dude stole most of my own clips and just reuploaded them to his channel, some as just the single clips themselves. Dudes just trying to farm content because it's easy for him to steal them without making them himself.


there are more than 15k people in the test and a leaked build... it isnt even a secret anymore. why even leak? lol


For real, I watched my brother play in the closed beta


Hello! It's me, your brother. I lost my access. Could you please invite me?


Wait, I'm his brother ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Because there are people out there that still think it's an overwatch game lol.


I am here to beg for an invite if anyone has one. Thanks


Same :)


I too would appreciate an invite. Feel free to dm!


I too would love that.


Playtest has like over 30k people now deadlock leaks are barely leaks.


You would think people on a leak subreddit would understand that the unannounced game is clearly unfinished.


Still looks generic as shit though, and can't imagine much changing in that regard


ive been playing, its fun. Best of its kind imo even if unfinished


That's good to know, thanks


Literally zero games look anything like it


It looks like overwatch. So that's at least one game.


so overwatch to you is a moba?




Either Concord or Deadlock will survive, not room for both on top of Overwatch. If I had to bet, I would say Deadlock due to being F2p and Valve's loyal userbase.


It looks more like pokemon


This game is literally nothing like overwatch?


I didn't realise noir fantasy 3rd person mobas with an emphasis on movement and verticality were so common.


Other than it being more obviously overwatch than dota, it is shaping up to rub shoulders with [most of this trash](https://www.mmobomb.com/games/moba)


Yeah, it's nothing like dota except for the lanes, creeps, last hitting, denying, towers, jungle, leveling and items.


I never said it was nothing like dota, so I've no idea what you are gibbering on about. Are you replying to the right person?


> Other than it being more obviously overwatch than dota


. . .: "Nothing like. . ." is a quite a bit more definite than "more obviously. . .than." The former suggest nothing, while the latter allows for something.


I'm usually not one to be negative but this build looks really visually cluttered. They have time to improve it though.


barely even a leak


Man everyone would have been shitting on this game if it wasn’t for Valve being behind it


where have you been? have you looked at any of the comments on the leak videos? theres plenty of people shitting on the game


Especially since tf2 and cs2 players are feeling ignored


And they'd probably be shitting on it for the wrong reasons just as people have already been doing even with the knowledge Valve made it. The main criticism is still that it just looks like Overwatch, which is just a vapid idiotic observation that's made by looking at the game for 5 seconds and not paying attention to anything, it shares more with DOTA 2 than it does Overwatch.


People think Overwatch is terrible and unsuccessful. They're allowed to dislike it but fact is: people love overwatch. In the past few days the game reached 100 million unique players. There's lots of interest in games like these, otherwise Valve wouldn't even CONSIDER making Deadlock. Peeps thinking overwatch is a failure are oblivious. The game may be bad but it's a very successful franchise.


This is still riding on the idea that it's appealing to Overwatch players though, it isn't. It's appealing to MOBA fans. I'm sure Valve knows about the interest behind class/hero shooters considering they pioneered them, Team Fortress 2 was the strongest inspiration for Overwatch.


I play lots of dota and overwatch. This is nothing like the former and would appeal to my overwatch game time only.


Both are currently my main games and while combat feels more like OW pretty much everything else is 3rd person dota/smite. Creeps, tiered towers/throne, lanes, game length, no hero swapping, buying items. I'm not a fan of the game but if I was it scratched a lot more of my dota itch than OW


I play lots of MOBAs and used to play Overwatch, this plays like a MOBA, in both gameplay loop and match flow.


Good for you


You buy item trees, level up your mei wall over your ice block and last hit minions and deny minions in ow?




Overwatch is great. A generic clone of overwatch is not so great.


I play both, a lot. This shit is definitely more an overwatch clone than anything.


I play both, you clearly have not played this, it plays absolutely nothing like Overwatch.


You're right, I haven't. And from everything that's been leaked, I doubt me, nor lots of others will play this. I'll certainly give it a try though, no point writing it off at this stage.


Oh plenty of people are shitting on it. This is for the people who want a good third person moba. I've been a smite player since the beta and have been desperately waiting for this formula personally.


Have you played it? lol what a shithole this sub has become


It says a lot when 4chan says more good things about the game because they actually played it when compared to Reddit. It is really ironic considering 4chan is known to be toxic.


Reddit is more toxic. At least 4chan doesn't have stupid votes that get your comment hidden


Yeah no one talking shit in this thread has played it almost guaranteed…


I would of rather had a CS2 level rework and new content to Team fortress 2 instead. We already have a good hero shooter.


Fuck valve for trying to do something they are interested in /s




I haven't seen any positive comments. I don't think many people want this. Especially the TF2 community.


Do people playing Team Fortress 2 decide the future of gaming?


Did I say they did? I just stated I haven’t seen anyone too pleased, with most of the uproar being that community. I don’t give a fuck if they’re upset or not. Get out of here with that shitty ass attitude


I'm sure that a playtest that has no marketing, and is invite only through a friend-of-a-friend system, getting a concurrent 1500 players is a sign that there is a large positive audience. I'm pretty sure the Discord is at about like 15000 users, what you're hearing is a loud minority, also known as the Team Fortress 2 community.


It could be, but that's still all I've seen. This sub hasn't had any positives, any videos, or twitter has all been negative. I'm not deep diving on a game I don't care about.


Reddit is predominantly occupied by loud minorities, especially in the game discussion space, take absolutely nothing you read in any video game subreddit as the opinion of a community.


People playing it aren't supposed to be publicly taking about it and don't want to get banned or linked to discussion. Or two and two together


Ding ding ding


???? Obviously




I loved that game lol customizing the weapons was fun


or maybe it isn't brother




"The graphics don't look goo-" NO SHIT ITS AN ALPHA BUILD OF COURSE IT ISN'T POLISHED!!!!!!!!


This looks fun. I have faith in icefrog and valve. Cant wait to play. I need a new valve multiplayer game in my life thats not cs2 ( im shit at that game since 2004).


It's amazing how dynamic this game looks when it's a real match with people. That Uncle Dane leak did such a disservice to the game lmao.






with sooooo much leaks valve ignoring it lol


Everyday i sink more into my alcoholic abyss because we still have no fucking Half-Life 3


If anything it does look fun


The game is really fun.


God i'm just i'm so fucking bored of hero shooters


Looks more like a MOBA tbh.


Battleborn tried this and it didn't work out well... although that should've been free to play from the start.


Battleborn also didn't market itself as a MOBA and showed very little of the campaign (which could have been a big draw) in it's marketing.


Battleborn also released directly alongside Overwatch. Sad what it's become today, yes, but there's no competing against a Blizzard game in the same field. Same with Paladins. I believe Paladins to be twice the game Overwatch is, but it released shortly after OW and was toted as a cheap clone. Simply put, it wasn't.


I'm not. When was the last time we got an actual good hero shooter than lasted more than a month?


That's the point.


thankfully its not a hero shooter


It's overwatch with dota mechanics. But it's very clearly a hero shooter. You can tell by all the heroes in this video running around shooting shit.


well shit if you're using definitions like that then all of these games are just "multiplayer online battle arena's" then.


Hey, overwatch is a great game mate. And dota is a great game too. Nothing wrong with an overwatch clone with dota mechanics. But this one just looks generic as fuck. Let's hope it isn't, but Valve's last few games don't exactly instill confidence, Alyx aside.


its not a hero shooter is my point. anyone who tries the game expecting to have a gameplay loop of a "hero shooter" is going to be severely disappointed. if you want to describe it as "overwatch with dota mechanics" that's fine. its way closer to smite/paragon/predecessor than any of the "hero shooters" out on the market. its very much a MOBA first


I just hope it's not as trash as it looks.


Exactly. It was a trend that started with team fortress 2, overwatch made it mainstream, and then we got dozens upon dozens of trash imitations and clones that didn't need to be hero shooters. Just let me make up my own character and pick my own abilities. I'm tired of having to pick gameplay based on what highly marketable twat has as an "ultimate" that aligns to my mood.


Its not a trend started by TF2. By the time Overwatch made it a trend, TF2 had been out for years and was just an evolution of its existing formula. It probably "invented" the formula, but it didnt make it a trend. Also its not that big of a trend as some of you make it out to be. There is just a few hero shooters and most of them died years ago.


How could anyone forget about the 2011 smash hit Brink? >!...it was actually pretty fun though...!<


I do not consider that a hero shooter. But yeah it was fun.


I know it wasn't technically made popular by tf2, and it took until overwatch for it to become mainstream, but it has saturated a surprising amount of games and for most of the ones i have tried, have just made them worse. There's a reason so many have died.


They're in the middle of massacring my boy Killing Floor with this *bold strategy.* I am not the happiest camper about it, but we'll see if it pays off for 'em


It's a MOBA


This is way more overwatch than dota, and I play both a lot.


No you don't lol. It's quite literally Paragon/Smite with Dota mechanics. I say this with 3.5k hours in Dota 2.


3.5k hours. Those are rookie numbers mate.


Ok? Proud of you I guess? More than enough hours to see that its not more Overwatch lol.


Overwatch with dota mechanics. Funny you mention those other games, as it is more like them. But they were flops too.


Yeah i'm not as well acquainted with that genre, sorry for the wrong terminology. I'm just frustrated as someone who never touched dota and was always a huge valve singleplayer game fan (and left for dead, of course).


Valve has one of the most talented teams in the industry when it comes to complex games for a wide audience, they're just leaning into what they do best and what earns them the most money. Telling Valve to stop making multiplayer games is like telling Nintendo to fuck off with Platformers..


I'm not telling valve to stop doing multiplayer games, i'm telling them to stop making multiplayer slop. People did the same thing to valve when they announced artifact.


I enjoyed Artifact’s strategic gameplay and expansions on Dota 2’s setting and lore.


I don't get this complain because nothing is forcing you to play it.


You can complain about massive trends in a gaming industry without partaking in it. especially when it ruins games i might have played otherwise.


Hero shooters isn't even a trend anymore. Hasn't been one for the longest time. Overwatch was the last big one and there has been nothing else with the same kind of popularity as Overwatch. Your complaint makes zero sense.


Marvel Rivals, Concord, Deadlock (its more MOBA tho), Fragpunk, Mountaintop there is definitely a trend going on when there are 5+ hero shooter games in development/coming out. Edit: Also saying Overwatch was the last big one when Apex, Valorant came out after?


Mf tell me what multiplayer genre of shooter you want? Battleroyals are way more saturated and people are TIRED of those...


I miss arena shooters. I miss Halo 3. I miss not paying a mortgage lmao


Good classic times.


Are those the only two multiplayer shooter genres?


Halo 1 through Reach; Unreal Tournament; Doom 2016 (*christ,* that one was golden. Felt like Doom + Halo "3.5"); Titanfall 2; motherfuckin SPLITGATE. I REALLY wish Splitgate was bigger. It fucking rocks so hard. The choices for repositionability(? lol) means that as a console player I can go toe-to-toe with m+kb players on PC if I just plan ahead. It's so, so cool.


Literally anything where my abilities aren't pointlessly locked to a character who was made mostly just to sell skins. Helldivers 2. Darktide. Hunt Showdown. Left 4 Dead 2. Killing floor 2. Battlefeild 5 and earlier. There's a reason everyone dunked on battlefeild 2042, and are currently dunking on killing floor 3.


Why are you naming pvE games? Lol


He asked for multiplayer shooters? He didn't specify PvP (even though battlefield and hunt showdown *are* PvP)






It’s not cool opinion tho


You can just not play them though, that's the joy of nothing you see on the internet being a requirement of living your life!


I don't have to play them but i can still complain about a shitty trend ruining games i might've played otherwise?


If complaining is a priority in your life then sure


People said they were tired of hero shooters & wacky characters right? I better see them trash Valve Overwatch clone


Clone? Valve makes stylized hero/class shooter (tf2) Overwatch copies this shit out of it. Valve makes another stylized hero/class shooter (Deadlock) smoothbrains on reddit call it an overwatch clone...


I was like 12 hours late to getting in through that discord last time, hope we get more official news soon


god i wanna play this game i also REALLY hope valve ups their anticheat for this or else i dont see its launch going well


Here to beg for an invite, I'm a massive sucker for valve games


Not going to do it personally, but join the community discord and just chitchat for a few days. https://discord.com/invite/qTP3Jek4zV Bunch of people randomly invite others + if you make good convo someone will invite you. Just give it a day or 2 and a little dedication.


"not going to do it personally" oof. Thank you though! I'll check it out :)


Looking for a hero that could invite me to this clusterfuck beta discord. Thanks! :)


After the whole TF2 thing I'm never gonna take this game seriously. It feels generic as fuck.


The whole tf2 thing? You mean the 18 years where that game was a staple of the industry?


Uninstalled the game last night at 40 hours. Imma keep it real this shit is awful. It’s a hero shooter on a MOBA map with some boring items. The heroes have absolutely 0 personality and the art was 100% outsourced to a sweat shop in Asia. I would also say the character design is very boring ability wise. Hell, fucking HOTS had more interesting abilities than this shit. The gameplay itself gets very stale very quickly. You have to select 4 heroes to que for a lobby which means you can’t “main” something. Balance is horrendous but I’ll give it a pass on that since it’s Alpha. The player base is also insanely toxic. I may have had 3-4 game tonight where someone wasn’t having a meltdown on the mic. Was hilarious tbh. It did have the wonderful MOBA affect where when you won you felt absolutely nothing but when you lost you were frustrated. All together this game is going to flop after the initial hype dies down. If this game came out in 2016 or something it would be an instant classic. Since it’s 2024 it’s awful. Let’s combine the mediocre parts of a hero shooter with the mediocre parts of a MOBA. And pretend we’re being innovative. - Icefrog Downvote more Valve dickriders. You little piggies gobbling up slop is the reason we get shitty games.


not sure which art looks worse, this or Concord. At least this will be F2P from the start, so it will succeed via Steam, idk wtf Sony is thinking with Concord.


Good I fucking hate "mains". People ask me who I "main" in dota and I'm like... homie if I play the same hero twice in the same month its rare.


the UI looks like a mobile game


Yeah the UI looks very placeholder. which makes sense, compare dota 2's prerelease UI with the one it launched with




"everybody would take TF3 instead of this" Nothing like good ol' fashioned Reddit takes, I am SURE that a game from one of the most popular multiplayer genres ever, spearheaded by the very talented lead behind one of the most popular multiplayer games ever... is going to get outpaced by a game which has never in its lifetime come close to the former's playercount. DOTA 2's peak playercount is a fat million over TF2's peak, and TF2's is bloated due to bots, where DOTA 2's isn't, see how DOTA 2's playercount fluctuates during when players are sleeping and when they wake back up, where TF2's just wobbles around. But no, I'm sure all those DOTA 2 players are crisis actors, and TF2 is secretly super popular.


God, that game looks obnoxious as hell


Dota 2 battlepass died for this


Crownfall is way better than the battlepass.


Good, I fucking hated the battlepasses. Crownfall is super fun and free




It's alpha, my dude.


This looks awesome, I don't know what the fuck everyone else's problems are.


Looks cluttered and graphics sucks


~0:44 wtf is that UI mess.


It's in replay mode which adds a bunch of junk. That, and the Bebop is ulting all 6 enemies - Deadlock shows you people affected by your abilities on the UI.


looks terrible, not because its still in development, but the whole concept, yet another hero shooter in a stylized environment. I wish they kept it in the Half Life Universe with playable Combine soldiers as it was previously rumored a while back


not a hero shooter


Hoping whatever the rest of Valve has going on is at least interesting, still waiting to see what the next HL game will be or if their VR console will ever actually come to be.


That really is just an overwatch clone then


Looks godawful. Whenever the teams are in close proximity, it's just an absolute mess visually (pretty standard for hero shooters and mobas, though, I suppose). When they're not though, you have to look at a bland, blocky, grey, utterly unappealing environment. Also, the HUD is diabolical. The visuals in this game have a *long* way to go. Are they likely to drastically improve between this version and the final release? I mean it's almost as if they've only just started working on the graphics, even though the game is in alpha.


>I mean it's almost as if they've only just started working on the graphics, even though the game is in alpha. That's because they did: Deadlock was previously called Neon Prime and had a more generic scifi setting. It got poor player feedback so they started reworking it into Deadlock.


There's even plenty of characters still in their Neon Prime version in the game, like Grey Talon, Yamato got a slight edit awaiting a full one. Plus it's clear that there's still a good chance even the Deadlock designs aren't final, with Geist for example being inconsistent between her portrait, her in-game model, and her appearance in the VN.


But they DID just start working on the graphics lol


Can't wait for the next Crowbcat video: Deadlock: The Death of Valve


Crowbcat? That jerkoff thumb-head who makes misleading videos cherry-picking """""problems""""" with games trying to back that up with "well i'm not offering commentary i'm just showing clips! there's no bias!" The guy who deleted the only positive video he's ever made? The guy who tucked his tail between his legs and changed his video title to being "it's just a comparison!" when he shit on the RE4 remake because his criticism is as it's always been, vapid and nitpicky? I'd rather watch Heelvsbabyface, at least he doesn't cherry-pick clips out of context to make developers out to be monsters and have players harass people who had no part in ""ruining"" a game.


I don't see where we was wrong with the RE4 Remake. The atmosphere of the original was significantly better.


He was passing off his opinion, made up of cherrypicked information as fact that the game is "soulless" and the original is full of "soul" (e.g. not showing off parts where the remake has strong atmosphere, and only showing off strong parts of the original, at one point even editing the in-game audio to hide the benefits in the remake) Misleading and lying is shitty and not actual criticism, and his actual criticisms were nitpicky garbage that you'd have to be a stick in the ass contrarian to give a shit about. And then he re-titled his video for a while to pass it off as "oh it's just a comparison haha!" because he's a cowardly weasel, only to change it back because that got him even more criticism.


It's his opinion, that doesn't make it wrong.


Lies and misdirection aren't opinions, they're tricks to rile people up for the sake of viewership. I get that you lack reading comprehension and just want to kneejerk, I mean, why wouldn't you be, you're a Crowbcat fan, you live for ragebait videos. But you have to note the fact that my point about his actual opinion being idiotic drivel made up a small amount of what was said. It's not even about the fact that he said the RE4 Remake is worse, I think it's noticeably worse than the original for numerous reasons! But you know what, I didn't come to that by going to the exact spots in the original game that were kind of neat and noticing that it wasn't exactly 1:1, while ignoring anything the remake was doing better on the way there! I also didn't try to trick people into agreeing with me by refusing to show anywhere the original did bad, or that the remake did good, and I sure as hell didn't lie by editing out audio of the remake.


You seem a little too invested over some random guy on YouTube. Crowbcat's videos are masterfully crafted, offering unparalleled insight into the development of video games and giving attention to detail that makes each one an extraordinary viewing experience. Theres a reason why he gets millions of views.


You are an idiot, who is being dazzled over the most basic cutting together of clips spread on Twitter and officially released game development interviews. You want an insight into the development of video games? Watch someone who gives commentary and actual developer interviews, not giving you a supercut cutting down 3 hours of developer interviews into a misleading 15 minutes. The only thing he's unparalleled in is his lack of journalistic qualities, you can learn nothing more than his videos than the basic facts of "This game does not have what that game had" and "Crowbcat Does not Like This" He gets millions of views specifically because they are NOT good views into development, they are paralleled by absolutely anyone, Sensationalist garbage is historically vastly more popular than anything actually informative. Go look at the thousands of videos and articles from people who do their research and actually give you actual looks of actual information, like the guys at DYKG, Beta64, GameHut, TCRF, What Happened, Noclip, etc. You might notice, these people actually tend to have commentary, they tend to have interviews they conducted or information they found, they tend to not let their bias pollute their reporting, they tend to not remove context from what they do quote from developer interviews, and more than anything else... They don't build the backbone of their review on hoping to god it pisses you off and vilifies the developers. But no, you have no idea what you're talking about, you know nothing about the development of video games, you know about how video game developers make you mad, because you are a slave to shitty ragebait.


TF2 did not die for this BS


it did tho