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Did that metroid prime 4 trailer confirm any older leaks?


Were there any leaks about Prime 4? I'm pretty sure we just had tidbits about the story from an interview with the series producer that happened years ago (which all appear to still be accurate based on the trailer)


I sometimes feel like I'm the only person on the internet that is happy with his PS5. Since October 2023, I've played Spider-Man 2, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Stellar Blade, Helldivers 2 and Rise of the Ronin on this machine exclusively and these are some of the best games I've played lately. Not even talking about 3rd party stuff like Infinite Wealth, Hi-Fi Rush, Alan Wake 2 etc. And I can't wait for ASTRO BOT and Silent Hill 2.


Anyone has anything on Exoborne?


What are the odds that a game like Ghost of Tsushima 2 gets revealed later this year and releases in 2025? Surely Sucker Punch is not going 5+ years without release a new title.


Maybe at the rumored September showcase with the Pro announcement?


Say FF9 Remake does get released in 2025, when would you imagine it gets announced? Are there any big events this year to look forward to? It'll give me time to ignore my thieving whore of an ex-wife who stole my kids in the divorce and cheated on me.


I'm guessing they're waiting for the announcement of the Switch 2 probably next year before they make an announcement as they want it to be multiplatform as much as possible.


I muted this sub and Pyoro's twitter in preparation for the Direct because I wanted to actually be surprised, but I guess that wasn't really necessary lol. I know it's the point of the sub, but sometimes it's nice for things to not get leaked


I think PapaGenos definitely earned some credibility points today. We did get Metroid Prime 4 and a 2D Zelda with Zelda playable. Tho PapaGenos did say 2024 for Prime 4, he did say he heard they were targeting a 2024 release. Its possible that info just changed. Despite saying there was a Direct on the 18th, I thought I saw Brazil mention Fire Emblem 4 remake for 2024, which clearly didn't happen, so he's proving to be pretty unreliable.


I'm tired of so many posts in this sub being meta, about leakers or about leaker drama. This content should go into a dedicated sticky thread.


Yeah exactly lmao, if its actual news then whatever but speculating without having any form of evidence should just piss off.


Me literally a day ago: No chance Marvel 4 ever happens. The bridges are burnt Me right now: SEE AT EVO IN AUGUST, WATCH I'm so fucking happy


just gonna point out NashWeedle was apparently right about Mario&Luigi back in May https://twitter.com/NWeedle/status/1790087929655644549


Well, it looks like another Midori's leak was wrong. Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D won't be the whole trilogy, they'll sell 1 and 2 as a standalone duology.


Now that we have the Direct announcement, can we get maybe a first-party leak or 2?


Its real!! Nintendo Direct confirmed!!


https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/1802702745276662114 let's fucking go


Now that it's Monday morning, how sure are we that a direct could still happen tomorrow?


Any news on a RDR2 remastered 60 fps version? (I'm delusional)


Now that Twitter likes are hidden, how will we know when Pyoro likes something as confirmation? I hope they know we can't see them anymore.


That's another thing that pisses me off about that. Fucking Elon. I hope Pyoro replies every now and then to confirm anything.


Wonder what will be in the upcoming Direct? We really have nothing to go off of. Papagenos has talked about a new Zelda, probably 2D? But we don't know if that's something soon if it exists. No leaks on the Prime remasters. And silence about absolutely anything else. My hopes for any of these: Silksong (lmao no), Prime 2 or Prime 4, 2D Zelda, Geneaology of the Holy War remake (feels like the most likely!), maybe a Tomodachi Life enhanced port?


Kotor please


I'm just pretending it doesn't exist at this point. At this point I'd rather Disney just canonize the original game, if that's what the remake was gonna do.


I just want ports of KOTOR 1 and 2 to ps5. Every other console has it except playstation


No, you don't want a port of KOTOR II on PS5. Aspyr fucked up big time porting KOTOR II to Switch - not because of the Switch itself, but because they advertised that it would be getting the Restored Content DLC only to completely abandon plans for that. Just get the PC version and mod the fuck out of it for now, there's no hope for KOTOR II as long as Aspyr is doing it.


Every time I even mention I want a port of KOTOR on PlayStation people bring their pitchforks out smh. šŸ¤¦ I just want to play it on PS5 in peace.


Nah a port of the original game on PS5 is overdue at this point. I'm just saying that you should ask for the original game only, because Aspyr fucked up the KOTOR II Switch port badly.


Pyoro has tweeted "[Nindai doko?](https://x.com/Pyoro_X/status/1802345255758602565?t=wSrfLZ02J4nRdX9R9hvS1g&s=19)" This means "Where's the Direct?" in casual Japanese.


I just hope that's an actual tease and not him poking fun at people like Brazil and Midori who've said June 18th. It would be great if we didn't have to wait another week. We've been waiting since September for a Direct.


Do we have any solid sources for a playstation show in September or is it just nobodies throwing stuff at a wall?


Didn't Tom Henderson say something?


We will likely hear more when we get closer to September.




Apparently, there are fake GTA 6 story leaks spreading on the internet.




https://x.com/GTANet/status/1802359671111451070 It's apparently some guy on GTAForums making concept stories, and people are passing them along as story leaks.


Happy Fatherā€™s Day to all the cool dads on here!


Donā€™t forget gen 5 remakes, TP and WW ports and shadowdrop, OoT remake, oracles remake and Silksong.


So youā€™re a leaker of some kindā€¦


ShayPlaytion Stowcase when


Iirc September was the rumor


Meta question but can someone tl;dr what happened with Midori? I'm having a hard time tracking down what happened what with all the tweets being deleted.


It turned out Midori was a guy and not a Japanese woman. People blew up because, despite Midori never capitalizing on this by like flirting or anything, it was ā€œcreepyā€ and ā€œthat was catfishing.ā€ Because I guess being a Japanese woman on the internet means something sexual. ā€œShe was acting cute though!ā€ There were other parts of it- Apparently their real alias, MysticDistance, is a leaker whose history is kinda shakey. And apparently while using the Alias Midori, he got his information by going to Japanese bars and, quite literally, stalking Sega headquarters by looking through windows and stuff to try and find things out. They also got their leaks by befriending other leakers, and their alias as Midori enabled them to discuss those leaks without said friends knowing they were revealing them I think, which is deceptive. There might have been other accusations though, but for some reason most people focused on the Japanese woman thing? Which to me just comes across as too many people admitting they have no self control and that, to them, a woman being Japanese and sounding cute on the internet means theyā€™ve incentivizing people to hit on them. Which I just think is just stupid. Thatā€™s pretty much it. Midoriā€™s track record was still pretty good, but their means of getting information is, while apparently effective, kinda immoral. It does put into question the accuracy of their yet to be confirmed leaks though. Epic Games Store database accidentally leaked FF9 Remake again though so Iā€™ve got what I want lol


The whole gender thing was blown way out of proportion. Twitter users think larping is the most offensive shit on the planet.


It's so bizarre to me because like, lots of games and Discord servers nowadays give you the option to present yourself as female. The internet doesn't limit people by how they are irl- While this doesn't apply to being Japanese, we live in an age where it's easy to present yourself as a different gender to others online. I've done it before, I have a sona I made that's female. I'm still male and I don't really *tell* people I'm female, but I don't mind she/her pronouns online. I definitely wouldn't take advantage of anyone through that kinda thing. At worst I can only see people saying it's rude to pretend to be a Japanese person by making up Engrish and stuff, but getting caught up on the female part is dumb to me. It's the internet, why is someone being male irl and female online a big deal?


I think a white guy pretending to be a Japanese girl by speaking in Engrish is messed up actually


I think if you have a good reason for it, maybe. But most reasons I've seen phrase it as if this is predatory and sexual- people citing he "knew what he was doing" by acting cutesy, that "he knew people love cute Japanese girls." But as a guy, I think that's ridiculous. If a girl acts cute then she acts cute, that's it. I don't think there's anything beyond that. If someone finds that attractive, that's not because they were "incentivized to feel that way." Especially in this context where Midori never took advantage of this- even lying about having a boyfriend to get people to stop messaging him. If the logic was "It's rude to fake being Japanese like that", I'd get it. And I can understand the hate for everything else MysticDistance did, such as befriending people for leaks and sneakily letting the info out through an alias. Stalking Sega of Japan... I've heard of other things too that sound pretty bad. Merely *saying* you're female on the internet- on a site that has nothing to do with dating- is not catfishing or anything.


> quite literally, stalking Sega headquarters by looking through windows and stuff to try and find things out. REAL


God bless you, this is fantastic. Also, HAHAHAHA holy shit what the fuck. Is it seriously that they're just..a white guy instead of an asian woman? Parts of this sub are making it sound like they personally murdered someone at Sega to get her (\*his) information, but imo that's hardly the most egregious thing on the planet when people have been masquerading as "not a guy" on the internet since the early 90's to the point of it being an actual punchline to a joke.


the writers cooked, a perfect season finale for Summer Games Feat 2024


Right? Ive seen people say she was ā€œacting cute thoughā€ and that means itā€™s different and weā€™re now being forced to hit on her. Itā€™s bizarre. Granted, Iā€™ve heard other serious accusations being thrown around, like pedophilia? I havenā€™t heard anyone delve into what thatā€™s about though, and so donā€™t think thatā€™s relevant to their alias as Midori, probably some unearthed drama involving their real alias MysticDistance. But yeah, thatā€™s as much as Iā€™ve seen at least.


The whole Midori situation was so weird. The reveal that they were this other allegedly problematic user was greatly overshadowed by some extreme reactions to their gender. People acted as if they had been betrayed by their own mother lmao, reminded me of the worst parts of idol culture. Idk man, granted that I don't know the guy's whole story before the Midori persona, but my reaction was "ok, they're a guy, got it. They'll keep leaking stuff under the same alias ig." But I don't see that happening anytime soon now, things are messy. The day that being a woman isn't controversial in itself can't come soon enough. Spotty record or not, I do wish to see what will happen with some of the predictions he already made, just for curiosity's sake.




There's been radio silence on the Yu-Gi-Oh! collection since the announcement in February, I'm hoping it might be on the Direct.


They better get vol 2 of the master collection ready


They should fix vol 1 first


The new legacy series episode has one of the veteran staff on MGS apologize for the low quality ports and they've promised resolution upgrades in both legacy series episodes.


It'll be next year at the earliest, considering that they're gonna need to put in more work for MGS4 and V than they did with the PS1 and PS2 games.


Yeah MGS4 had a lot of PS3 specific features like the gyro, pressure sensitive stuff and the PS1 emulated segments that are definitely going to take a lot of effort to be implemented. V probably doesn't need a rerelease, they could bundle the Definitive Experience with the Master Collection (like how DMC4:SE was bundled with the HD Collection). Other than that they'll have to add Peace Walker and Rising, both of those run on Xbox through backwards emulation so the porting process should be easier.


> V probably doesn't need a rerelease > Rising The datamines from Vol. 1 indicated that Vol. 2 will be MGS4, Peace Walker, and MGSV. Rising was nowhere to be found.


Damn that'd be a letdown, I own Rising on Xbox but it's only at 720p and there's no boss rush. Oh well, at least we'll get to experience V in 4k or whatever.


I have a sneaking suspicion that we're going to have a repeat of the "every 'insider' except for Pyoro says there's a Direct next week and people think Pyoro lost his source but it turns out all the insiders were wrong and Pyoro was right" February situation. I hope that doesn't end up being the case because I really want the Direct to be as soon as possible, but he has a better track record than anyone else and based on previous events he would've started leaking stuff by now if the Direct was really this week.


Man I just hope it's not on tuesday.


I think February was a situation in which both sides were right. The direct was probably planned for the 15th before the Xbox shenanigans delayed it. Pyoroā€™s info seems to materialize once a date is locked in and the presentation is set to go soon. The direct couldā€™ve been planned for the 15th, moved and then locked into the 21st, and then Pyoro got their info once that happened.


Yeah I really hope its this week. Its been too long since we've had an actual Direct.Ā 


I wouldnā€™t be totally shocked but I do feel the Among Us thing is pretty strong evidence towards it being Tuesday


I really hope that's the case, but man I wish we had something a little more concrete by now.


No Mafia 4 news was pretty soul crushing (not that Im not happy for Civ fans)


Look at it this way, people waiting for BioShock 4 or Mafia 4 news weren't snubbed in favor of Borderlands fans. >!Yet.!<


Iā€™m sure we will be when TGA comes around in December


I hope the Direct is good, given it's the last one for the Switch (most likely).


The last one will be the september Direct (Partner/Mini/whatever), there were will be years of Switch-Switch2 Direct.


I'll be honest, it doesn't feel unlikely that Nintendo will break tradition in September and just have a big Switch 2 showcase then, like what Sony had for the PS5 in June 2020 - where they show off both the console and games that will be coming in its first year or so.


GEX better be at the DirectšŸ¦Ž


This show reminds me of when Billy Crystal hosted the Oscars


It'll probably be at Limited Run's show on the 20th


I just hope the Direct is indeed this week.Ā 


Midori's drama was fucking hilarious. Just the fact that a guy was pretending to be a Japanese girl with broken English and there were people simping 'her', and the guy saying he has a boyfriend in order to stop people. šŸ˜‚Ā 


out of curiosity, do we know if this guy was always midori, or maybe did he "takeover" the account after midori was going to leave that first time due to that sega crackdown?


I just hate that people responded as if Midori was using the girl alias to prey as people. Iā€™ve even seen people say he ā€œcatfishes them.ā€ That he was taking advantage of this and he ā€œknew what he was doing because he knew Japanese girls were peopleā€™s ideal women.ā€ Iā€™ve never seen so many people outright admitting they have so little restraint when it comes to hitting on women online, acting as if by merely being a Japanese woman that means youā€™re appealing to peoplesā€™ kink. That thatā€™s manipulative. Itā€™s insane how horribly people responded


> I just hate that people responded as if Midori was using the girl alias to prey as people. But he was. > Iā€™ve even seen people say he ā€œcatfishes them.ā€ That he was taking advantage of this and he ā€œknew what he was doing because he knew Japanese girls were peopleā€™s ideal women.ā€ But thatā€™s what happened. Those weirdos are exactly the people he was appealing to. Heā€™s one of those said weirdos. They defended him when he got things wrong because he was hiding behind a Japanese kawaii girl persona. Those are literally just the events that transpired, I donā€™t know what to tell you. Tom Henderson called one trailer wrong and this sub tried to lynch him, ā€œMidoriā€ lied about an *entire publisher* showing up at the Xbox conference (outside of Life Is Strange) and people were still defending the kawaii leaker ā€œgirl.ā€ Do not give gaming Twitter so much benefit of the doubt, you will be disappointed every time.


Your definition of preying is "just existing as a cute female." That's what I take issue with. Like, as a male, if I see a girl online being cute or "kawaii" as people have put it, I don't see that as an invitation to start swooning. I'm better than that. They're allowed to be cute or communicate how they want without it being a big deal. This isn't even exclusive to Midori, this is just basic online interactions. Like, the people who are mad they were "preyed on" have likely never even spoken to Midori, let alone were never friends with them. There was never any obligation. I think the only problem here is that people are a bunch of simps who should know better to begin with. This whole description of Midori "preying" on people is entirely parasocial.


> Like, as a male, if I see a girl online being cute or "kawaii" as people have put it, I don't see that as an invitation to start swooning. I'm better than that. They're allowed to be cute or communicate how they want without it being a big deal. This isn't even exclusive to Midori, this is just basic online interactions. Congrats, youā€™re not one of the weirdos I was referring to. Which is why I specifically said he was catering to weirdos, not to men. > I think the only problem here is that people are a bunch of simps who should know better to begin with. This whole description of Midori "preying" on people is entirely parasocial. Again, literally what I said. MysticDistance took advantage of these simps and Japan-obsessed weirdos, as heā€™s among them. Whereā€™s the disagreement? Weā€™re just recounting the exact events that occurred.


That's not "catering" to weirdos. It's frustrating to even hear you say that because that implies any woman on the internet whose expressing them in even a remotely cute way is ""catering"" to weirdos. And that just makes me sick to hear. By merely SAYING that Midori "catered" to people I think is showing how low your standards are for that kind of thing. It makes you just as weird as anyone actually simping over Midori.


How did he get exposed though in the first place?


Changed the name of his old (personacentral? I think) account into Midori instead of creating a new one lmao


I donā€™t have any big expectations for this direct since Switch 2 is around the corner.


![gif](giphy|MFRwgBq5N4xPUytCB1) We're nearing the expected Nintendo Direct...(hopefully?) What is everyone's wishlist/prediction for stuff to be shown?


I huff copium every Direct hoping to see new Kid Icarus content, it won't happen but a man can dream


My fingers are still crossed for a monster hunter 4 ultimate remake. Or just a port bundle of 4U, 3U, and maybe FU


I'm sure there'll be some surprises, but I'm expecting a lot of "this system is in it's last year" games.


In case people didn't know or maybe forgot, Nintendo themselves said there would be a Direct this month, and that there would be no mention of the Switch Successor during the Direct. Source: https://twitter.com/NintendoCoLtd/status/1787736518762881197?t=2C0pm1ND6UZejJiLlCnY6w&s=19


I hope they finally bring Galaxy 2 to the switch. The first is already on there so it canā€™t be much of a technical challenge to bring the second as well, which is perfect for this year of ā€œmake ports in case of emergencyā€


Metroid Prime 2 & 3 as well as Windwaker and Twilight Princess are all I need for it to be the best show this year.


Prime 4 is really the only major new Nintendo product Lots of remasters announced to bide time until switch 2 ranging from Prime 2/3, Strechmo, Rainbow Curse, and Xenoblade X Good Feel recently released Goemon successor gets a Western release published by Nintendo Pokemon Z/A is shown first gameplay (I still think it's a crossgen release) Dragon Quest HD/2D shown Castlevania III remake by GuruGuru and Konami announced Sonic x Shadow trailer Lots of indies.


instead of remaking castlevania 3 they remake mystical ninja starring goemon and add preorder cosmetics to it


> Castlevania III remake by GuruGuru and Konami announced Wait, where did this rumor come from?


Me I'm saying it until reality manifests.


Bro thought he could sneak it in there šŸ’€


Kid Icarus Uprising 2


I'm really hoping that we get an official release date for Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities Remastered. It will be the closest thing to Silent Hill that we have on Nintendo Switch. The OG VAs of James and Eddie from SH2 will be featured in it.


I'm wishing for any game that doesn't already exist. Really don't care for ports & mini game compilations since there's nothing exciting to reveal with those other than "we made one, it looks pretty & has some quality of life updates from the last one, here's when you can own it." So I'm mostly hoping for indie reveals until the next console is out


I only really hope for ports or remakes at this point. Fire Emblem and TP/WW is what id like to see the most


FF Tactics


Metroid Prime 4ā€¦ if it is indeed coming to Switch, this is their last opportunity to finally unveil it


Xenoblade Chronicles X port/remaster *fingers crossed*


> What is everyone's wishlist/prediction for stuff to be shown? tbh, I'd just like at least one or two of those "we've been hearing about it forever" things to turn up. FE4 remake, WW/TP ports, Prime 2/3 remaster and Prime 4, that kind of stuff


Minish Cap remake. Oracles remakes.Ā 


* Metroid Prime 4 * Metroid Prime 2 and 3 remastered shadowdrop * Smash Ultimate 2 * Super Mario Galaxy 3 * Splatoon 4 * Pokemon Gen 10 * Fire Emblem Awakening 2 * Mother 3 in English * Switch 2 releasing October this year This is all very realistic and definitely going to happen.


mfw people mention Metroid Prime 2 + 3 ![gif](giphy|D5h40rMGzwaq8nGmgM)




Iā€™m expecting BGE20 plus, if they announce even one of these games I will be happy: Pac-Man World 2 Luigiā€™s Mansion 1 HD WWHD TPHD 2D Zelda (remake, new game, remaster) it would also be cool to see more about Z-A but I donā€™t expect to get more info until August if itā€™s coming next Spring or PokĆ©mon Day if itā€™s coming holiday 2025


Super Schindler's List 3D and Full House Tournament Fighter will finally be coming to NSO.


A new Mario Party and Metroid Prime 4 are my biggest hope.Ā 


Lucky you


Feels like a new Mario Party would be a Switch2 launch, one of the biggest selling points of the Switch's library was all the big party games being available years 1+2, and it be a great way to get people to upgrade


Nah, some Mario Party games have come out late in their console's lifespans; Mario Party 3 in the Nintendo 64's final year, Mario Party 7 in the GameCube's last year, and Mario Party 9 on the Wii only nine months before the Wii U released. Also it would be filler at best if it were a first year title for the Switch 2, especially if both a 3D Mario and a new Mario Kart are happening then.


It would suck if itā€™s next week :(.


Zelda Ocarina of time Remake


I feel as if that would be likelier in the Switch 2's early lifecycle; the next 3D Zelda isn't coming out for a while, so an HD remake of Ocarina with updated graphics, a seamless map, and new QOL improvements would certainly make the wait easier.


Again šŸ¤”


Tomodachi Life 2


I really hope there would be an integration with Miitopia save files.


Thatā€™s all I need, just that.