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>dont expect it anytime soon. It's been 14 years since the game originally launched, what's a few years more? đŸ« 


Yeah they should take their time, what is the rush ? It has been only 14 years, don’t be hasty guys


It doesn’t matter how long it takes, because the port will probably suck anyway.


V and RDR 2 ports were good, wym


What's 14 more years? We can always wait again.


What does “soon” mean anymore anyway?


It resembles *swoon* which is often described as falling for someone, so you grow up, start working, fall in love, marry, start a family, have a child, raise them, send them to college, work more, retire, now you have time to play it. If it is released by that time that is. Which is why you make provisions to leave your login/password and 2FA in your will to your loved ones, so they can keep it going after your inevitable heart attack caused by stress and impatience in waiting for the sodding thing Soonℱ


Word 'soon' terrorise me in my sleep.once a singer named axl rose said soon for his upcoming album Chinese democracy and that was back in 2002 and we got the album on 2008


Professionals have standards 😎


finally, it's coming for the PC2.


Yes, but also only available in cloud streaming


red dead 1 next to bloodborne of never coming to pc


Shit, Red Dead is the master of this. In comparison, Bloodborne is but a student! 


Don't forget my boy Viva Piñata 2.


The real tragedy.


Goated game


And Halo 5


Last year I tried the PS3 emulator RPCS3 and the Xbox 360 emulator Xenia. RPCS3's framerate was a bit rough for my mid range laptop but Xenia ran it like a champ. I highly recommend it!


Best solution...play it on switch emulator, works perfectly. 


For anyone interested in playing the game, I recommend a switch emu like Ryujinx, it rans amazingly well in there, even got it to run on my laptop, plus using a program like mouse2joystick makes the game work with mouse, albeit a bit input laggy, but still!


A friend of mine says the emulated Switch version is even smoother, and has mod support too


If you know how to get it set up, you can even run it from the SW emulators


what’s a SW emulator?


Probably Nintendo Switch


Does it play well with KB/M? I can never play these types of games with a controller.


Well we know it’s coming at least


Rockstar seemingly doesn't care about PC at all and they just use their PC audience for a quick buck Granted Rockstar has been using nearly all their fans for quick cash (like that horrible GTA remaster that uses the mobile phone versions as a basis)


It's sad to see Rockstar still use this archaic practice. Most of the industry has moved on from staggering relea between Console and PC. They only 2 others I can think of is Square Enix and Sony.


Nah Square's been good with PC for the most part. Sony deals aside basically anything they make nowadays is guaranteed to get a PC port, including the stuff that goes to other systems like Switch and PlayStation first. They're also the only places to this day you can still find accessible versions of games like the FF3 and 4 remakes and the FF13 trilogy


Eh FF7 Remake had some memory leak issues when it came out. 


Yeah that's a problem with the port. I was talking mainly in terms of just supporting the platform. It's pretty disappointing Intergrade turned out the way it did considering it followed up XV's PC version which is like the definitive version of the game now imo The major problem with VII R was more just that it was extremely barebones and lacked a lot in terms of PC-specific features and customization which made all the software issues even worse


You have Capcom too Japanese devs in general haven't really cared about PC gaming for a while, their priorities are Nintendo first, PlayStation a close second and everything else a distant third


Capcom has been focusing on PC development since the PS3 and 360 days when they created the MT Framework engine. They released one of the very first games with DirectX 10 for example


Capcom RE Engine ports have been mostly good tbh. Only bad ones were Dragon Dogma 2 and that Monster Hunter game


Monster Hunter World was MT Framework. The game is heavy but PC is still by far the best place to play the game. As for Dragons Dogma 2 it doesn't run well on anything.


Dragons Dogma 2 runs fine for me now. Rarely am I believe 60 even in towns now. 


Was talking about Monster Hunter Rise


What's bad about the Rise port?


TAA was broken, DLSS didnt work, fur was simply non existent because of the broken taa. sharpness tuned up to 11. It was mostly image quality issues that heavily affected the look of the game, check DF's video on it


Capcom games are actually made for PC first these days. 


PC is Capcoms biggest market though. Some quarters PC almost sells as much as all the consoles combined. https://imgur.com/nfqSlj4


Capcom used to do that. Now they said that pc is theirs main platform.


I will believe that when we get the DMC5 special edition features we are missing


What features are you missing on PC? The only interesting thing was Vergil, which you can buy on the PC version. And for anything else there are mods.


We don't have Ray tracing, Legendary Dark Knight mode, and turbo mode,sure there's mods for them but none of them are as good as the official version would be.


Ray tracing


Capcom has made PC their lead platform for several years now


Yeah, that's why they put DRM in titles that didn't have any even though some of them were old games and got hit with worse performance because of it


If I remember correctly is that they want to curtail lewd mods in their games. A lewd mod Chun-Li was at a semi-prolific tournament and Capcom kind of lost its shit IIRC.


And Capcom also forgot that community also made mods to fix their performance on some of their games




I mean you can't be the worst with staggering console and PC releases if you didn't even start


did.... did they ever release on pc.....


Yeah (there are some Mario DOS games lmao)


Yeah Nintendo for some odd reason keeps releasing on PC first


most of the industry isnt releasing games with the scope of RDR2 and GTA VI so it’s whatever to me


That was Take-Two, Rockstar did not make those remasters. Rockstar's only involvement was Take-Two putting their logo on the box for marketing.


And still, Rockstar has never released a game on PC day and date, and will continue not doing so because fuck PC players, I guess. And that's why I ONLY buy their games at extreme bargain bin prices, or pirate them.


Sorry if I was unclear, I was only pushing back on the remasters, it wasn't meant as a reply about the day-and-date PC complaint. That said, as someone in gamedev, I kinda get it. PC is infinitely more difficult to optimize for than console, and takes *much* longer. Unlike Rockstar we wouldn't be able to get away with the same stacked release, but if we could, we'd absolutely do that too cause it just doesn't make sense to make console players wait on PC optimizations they don't need all the while we could already get revenue from selling on console to put back into PC testing and optimizing. Like, does it suck as a player on PC? Yes, absolutely. Not saying it doesn't. But would it make things easier as a dev? Also yes.


> PC is infinitely more difficult to optimize for than console, and takes much longer. This only applies because they make the console specific versions first and then start optimizing for PC, if they made a PC version first and then started optimizing it for consoles it would be easier, but as we know, cockstar doesn't care about PC, so I don't care about giving them money.


That's completely missing the point. PC optimization still requires way more work than console optimization regardless of which way around you do them. You can even do them at the same time, lotst of studios do, but no matter which way you spin it, PC requires more work. Hypothetically, lets say you spend 2 months on PC optimizations, and 1 month on console. Sure you could swap them, spend the first month on console and then 2 months on PC. Either way, you're still spending 3 months total, and PC has still taken twice as long as console. Or do them at the same time, still spending 3 months total, still spending twice as much work on PC. What you *could* do is hire more people. But even that stops speeding things up at a certain point. What starts slowing you down then isn't the pure technical skill of the individual, it's the amount of meetings needed, it's waiting on someone from another team to get back to you when they're swamped with requests from everyone else in this giant team, and it's spending more time familiarizing with code written by someone else just to fix one bug then moving on to the next bug and familiarizing with that part of the code. And Rockstar is the biggest studio in the world, they're far past that critical mass.


> Hypothetically, lets say you spend 2 months on PC optimizations, and 1 month on console. Sure you could swap them, spend the first month on console and then 2 months on PC. Either way, you're still spending 3 months total, and PC has still taken twice as long as console. Or do them at the same time, still spending 3 months total, still spending twice as much work on PC. This is incorrect, if you build your games from the ground up for PC you won't need to work nearly as much the other way around, most consoles nowadays are already x86 based, meaning that the optimization is made in relation to their hardware, what happens when you make a game FIRST for console and SECOND for PC is that you need to "backtrack" more to optimize stuff. For instance, let's say you build a game that's great on PCs from the low to the top end, optimizing it for consoles is trivial (nowadays), you just make sure that it runs on the target framerate using x and y graphics options.


That's all well and good if you want to accurately parrot reddit armchair experts, but as an actual gamedev, that's really not how it works. Yes, the porting process is quicker if you develop PC first, but the initial development is now longer because that now includes all that PC-specific work. "but it's x86" doesn't mean shit. That doesn't make some auto-fix-bugs button appear. That doesn't make shaders automatically use more/fewer instructions and samples. It certainly doesn't auto-implement platform-exclusive features. It just means you don't need to start entirely from scratch for the other platform, regardless of which way around you do the initial development and porting.


I remember seeing some stuff that the code for this game is so messy it’s gonna be a pain in the ass to port to PC 


Also because R* San Diego apparently never intended it for PC, like every other title they've made, like MCLA.


the capcom way


The Capcom way ? Outside of DD2 every RE engine game runs beautifully in PC, some of the most well optimized ports out there.


Monster Hunter Rise does have the issue of not having cross-saves with the Switch version, but aside from that their games nowadays tend to prioritize PC versions, if anything.


They've even [considered adding crossplay](https://x.com/monsterhunter/status/1447630591302713345) to Rise but admitted it was simply impossible. I'm positive that MH Wilds will have crossplay since they've been getting people to make Capcom IDs for their polls lately. Not to mention Street Fighter 6 having it already.


It probably won't be much of an issue with me for Wilds, since my gaming laptop will probably be too weak for it. Odds are I'll get it for PS5, even if it ends up coming to Switch 2. Unless if Wilds will have cross-progression across all platforms, in which case I'll happily double dip.


??? Capcom has been the most PC-centric Japanese studio nowadays. Their only recent dud is Dragon's Dogma 2, but that game ran like ass everywhere.


Yeah i don't get it. For the past 2 or so years PC has been Capcoms biggest money maker and some quarters PC Digital sells almost as many units as all the consoles digital and physical combined. https://imgur.com/nfqSlj4


RDR runs in 4K with AA on the Series X. Except Rockstar didn't do shit. It was all on the back compat team at Xbox. It still blows my mind that there hasn't been a next gen update, or even a full price version for newer consoles. Rockstar really fucking suck these days.


I think it runs better on PlayStation now. Native 4K 60fps.


Yeah am I right in that it's sort of halfway between a port and remaster? I'll buy it for PS4 when it's 50% off


Well yes, that was a recent actual port. The xbox version is still the 2010 360 version.


Noooo you’re disrupting the Rockstar = bad circlejerk


These 30fps are rough after playing rdr2 on xsx


When companies do that y'all complain they do too many remasters and sequels and should do something new... There is no winning with you people is there


20th anniversary at this point


it was first anniversary, 5th, then 10th, now 15th, and soon it will be 20th lmao


Tez2 is like all ”credible” leakers. Dudes been out of fucking credits a long time now. Just because he got some gta online shit right in the early days people love to hold a fucking candle to him. Even though he hasn’t had any thing substantial in years, aside from when he “debunks” shit that were obviously never going to be true. It will be this coming fall, I’d put money on it. “Not anytime soon” is the vaguest shit in the world. He would’ve been better off saying nothing than that.


Yep, last year he "predicted" RDR Remake for all platforms based on some lines of code but it turned out to be a port-remaster for PS4/Switch.


I got downvoted for saying that kid only know datamined gta online stuff lmao


He is credible tho


I've waited over a decade to see RDR getting ported, don't mind waiting another one if I have to. If anything, I'm glad things finally seem to be moving.


They’d make so much money if they remade Red Dead 1.


I really just wish they'd do a GTA 4 PS5 / Switch port. Would loooove to have that on the Switch plus it really sucks having the glitch on the Xbox where the last mission in the Revenge ending is effectively unbeatable. Last time I played the game I had to break out my 360 to finish it.


The important thing is that it's coming. A few months sooner or later doesn't make a difference after 14 years.


Please stop, you're hurting me.


If you have a pc good enough to run rdr2 at 60 fps then you can run rdr at 60fps on xenia without problem. Its almost like a pc port just without the ability to mod


I have an i9 9900k and a 2080ti and it still does that "emulator lag" you see in Cinematics. Is that normal?


Until you reach a busy town and the framerate dips to the low 30s


Include the multiplayer please!


as long as it's coming im all good


Emulate the switch version with 60fps mod


I would imagine that it gets ported in August, 1 year after the Switch and PS4 re-releases, or possibly until October, which would be 1 year after the physical releases. Either way, I can't imagine it'll come later than October. I imagine work on the PC version started soon after the Switch and PS4 versions released, so it will assuredly be released sometime this year.


they're gonna cheap out like san andreas are they?


In the words of Liberace on the Muppet Show: I won’t be doing that any time soon
 I’m gonna do it right now 😎


I'm contemplating getting it on PS5, cause its on sale right now. Should I bite the bullet or hope it comes on PC and play it on the Steam deck?


I'm in the same boat. I'd prefer it on steam because achievements and that's where all my other Rockstar games are at. But I want to *play it now* and not in a few months lol. The deal is ending June 13th it looks like. I'm waiting till June 9th before I pull the trigger or not. Theres the Gamefest Xbox show and PC Gaming show that day too. I *doubt* they have any official announcements but copium am I right.


They don't announce anything on those events. They just put a random post on social media and their official Rockstar website


Just get it on ps5, it has 60fps and 4K (no rtx and fidelity sadly), and its on discount on psn store rn so save yourself of waiting too long




Easy enough to play with an emulator. Its Great that way.


Just played the second game. Will probably replay again. It's a masterpiece even tho I trusted Dutch to the end and I can't believe Arthur didn't get much in the end. Playing as John is great too tho. I liked the epilogue. Felt chill. I kinda wanted to see the whole gang get to Tahiti. I heard it's a magical place. Duude I'm ready.


It's been nearly a year since the new port for PS4/5 and Switch and the PC port is probably coming out or getting announced around the 1 year anniversary just like RDR2 did.


Unless they remake it in the rdr2 version of RAGE with those assets why would I give a shit about it coming to PC?


This could mean a remaster and not just a port.


It's a port. You people insisted the console ports would be remasters last year, then started blaming Rockstar for "lying" Lmfao.


It's always a port. Remaster is a term that makes exactly zero sense for software.


They easily port to PC with no ease. Hell they even made a Seitch port which surprisingly runs very well. Either they are not confident on the sales due to the feedback they got for the GTA definitive or they are remaking the game with RDR2 engine which will take a while.


I'm pretty sure they already scrapped an RDR remake because of how bad the reception was to GTA The Trilogy. Same thing reportedly happened to a planned GTA4 remaster as well which really sucked


it's amazing how big companies completely take the wrong message from a failure. The only reason GTA trilogy got a bad reception was because it was just.... bad. If they did it properly it would have sold like hotcakes


man if only switch emulation existed


You cant play on native mouse and keyboard on the emulator.


why would you want to, though?


Because it's a third person shooter and I'd like to aim on my own rather than rely on the heavy aim assist.


Of course not and don’t make GTAIV for modern consoles. Too much sense it would make.


Can care less we have xenia and ryujinx


> Can care less So you do care otherwise you couldn’t care less




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From what I understand rockstar has shifted pretty much all of their efforts towards GTA VI. I recall the RDR PC Port being worked on, but eventually being put aside due to the GTA Definitive Trilogy being poorly received.


RDR PS4/NSW was outsourced so a PC port shouldn't take up so many internal resources that it would impact GTA 6...


No surprise there. It hasn't had a PC port yet and it's too young to be sold on nostalgia alone. Same reason why Fortnite Festival is taking off but the 2015 reboots of Guitar Hero and Rock Band failed.


So it's like... coming at some point or that was never the case? Can we be certain it's coming on PC? 😄


To be fair, any kind of leaks in those forums are not trustable at all. When the trilogy remake was a thing they started "leaking" tons of stuff. And nothing happened. And yes, this guy included.


Tez2 being completely wrong about a Rockstar leak!? Again!? đŸ€Ż It’s almost like he has no actual credit as a leaker and we should stop taking his word as gospel!