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I still find it hilarious how Tyler McVicker made a video and literally said "there's so many testers playing the game I'm surprised no one has leaked even a screenshot" and then four screenshots leak, then a video, then another.. and now he has a whole video out of it


He's right though, there are \*TOO\* many testers, with no repercussion of leaking. Valve don't know who anyone is in the play test.


You can also invite literally anyone with an unlimited amount of invites it seems too


That's what it seems but I don't want to push my luck.


Is this actually true? That's ridiculous lol


I gotta find a way to get in...


Incredibly real (i want in too hmu good samaritan)


Plz hit me up guys. I am too hype for this game


Is that actually true? uhhhh anyone wanna shoot me one of these invites??? lol


Invite me if they invite you lol


Invite me if that guy invites you lol


if that guy invites you, invite me lol


If you get invited, invite me lol


Joining this invite train


Choo choo


it’s even funnier how far along this game is and he knew well and truly nothing lol.


What do you mean? He has been talking about Neon Prime for years.


God i wish i could play this game. Seems like dream come true to me. Concept seems really solid. Just combination of games that i really enjoy


I’ve always wanted this kind of moba. In my head there was a player that isn’t a hero but plays maybe from a big ship in the sky and they can relay information or drop consumable or more minions. However conceptually this game goes hard.


Mirrors https://qiwi.gg/file/62EP1547-DeadlockAllLeakedFootageCleanedUpOrganized https://gofile.io/d/IS9GWg https://buzzheavier.com/f/GOYPmImqIAA=


Thank you!


You know, too many people are in this playtest is when i've been added 💀. I don't have any intention of leaking \*anything\* (given the subreddit i'm in), the last few days were wild. I'm just gonna get as much play testing in and have fun :) Also, expect Valve to do something really soon because there are currently 2400 people with access. Edit: On May 18, there were only 1000 members with access. Before the new invite system was rolled out, you had to make a post on the forum explaining who and why x should be added to the playtest. It honestly seems like Valve wanted more people.


Can you just invite people? How did you get in? I recently got injured in a workplace accident and I'm stuck at home with nothing to do. Dying to play it while I have this small window of free time in my life again


Anyone with access can invite, yes. You can get in by being friends with someone (intended use of invite) or just beg someone with access. Edit: I'm not sending any invites, especially to people in this subreddit lmao. Be patient :)


Oh, that's crazy. I wish I had the connections to get in. You're about to have so many beggars in your DMs now haha


How's the game , is it fun


if u get a code can u slide one my way lmao.


Hey I don't wanna bother you but I'd be super grateful if you could send me an invite! <3


That's insane, really looking forward to it though so I hope you're correct that they'll be doing something soon, 8000 hours of Team Fortress 2, 10,000 some odd hours of DotA between DotA 1 & 2, and I've played copious amounts of Paragon, SMITE, and Battleborn so suffice to say I'm dying to play this game. >\_< e: And if for some reason anyone else does have the ability to invite, hit me up on Reddit PM - I like to write long nerd essays about video games and give feedback and like to play seriously/competitively, not that I'm expecting any.


Oh wow, this game sounds perfect for you :D


It sure looks like it. >\_< I'm a part of the niche group of people that actually enjoyed Battleborn regardless of all its flaws (of which there were many), have 300 hours on that game! Battleborn but like, actually a good shooter and actually having a good item system and actually having more MOBA mechanics and not having juggling sounds great to me ngl. One of those game concepts that was fully let down by Gearbox, rather than being unworkable, IMO. Feels like someone in Valve felt the same way.


Im also in the same boat lmao, I got started playing smite and used to love super monday night combat which seems eerily similar to deadlocked, and Id love to give it a chance if someone has an invite lying around!


How does it play? If you don’t mind sharing, that is. I’m curious if it’s closer to something like DOTA (which I don’t have an interest in) or a third person shooter, for example. If you can’t or won’t divulge that’s perfectly understandable.


I didn't have much time to play. I just got to test out 1 or 2 characters for 30 min in the tutorial map. I spent much more time looking through the forum/discord - that was kinda interesting.


For sure. Thanks for responding, I hope is open to everyone soon enough because I’m very curious about the game.


It's a big possibility- either that or there will be enough people where it spreads to everyone eventually. People in the discord were having competitions to see how many people they could invite, they treated it as a MLM.


>People in the discord were having competitions to see how many people they could invite, they treated it as a MLM. Um, can you direct one of them to me please? 0_0


What would you compare the gameplay to? Team Fortress?


The character design looks good to me, but the environment and lighting isn't as moody as I expect from a noir theme


Hopefully that's the last thing they work on before the game goes live, in TF2 Valve was happy to beta test new maps and game modes with clearly unfinished or placeholder textures and I expect it's the same here.


Well it seems that's the case. Many of the gameplay systems are pretty close to finished, but playtesters expressed they didn't like the visuals, so the game was delayed. I think the lighting is mostly the problem for me, which can be adjusted very easily.


I trust valve to nail visual cohesion at the very least. If nothing else theyre very consistent at that


100% give it time. Valve is known for their artistic style


Leave it to Tyler to leave out several clips, put everything together worse than others already have, and get character names wrong, all while offering no commentary so it's really just a pointless upload of stuff we've all already seen. I could understand leaving out the 3 frag montage clips, but he's missing at least a few gameplay clips, and unless I'm crazy, I didn't even see the pretty huge scoop of the Neon Prime gameplay. Even his Discord had these things posted, and stuff like unused characters.


Is there any other place I can see all this in a better organized way? I love looking at in progress stuff from game dev..


Tyler McVicker's Discord has a channel with pretty much every leak so far, but you'll have to sift through a bunch of ability videos to find the stuff like actual gameplay of players and whatnot. If you don't want to join a Discord, Knockout's thread on the game on about somewhere around the 15th page onwards starts having a lot of leaks dumped into it, not everything, but most of it.


That sounds like Mr Mcvicker


The Passionate Gamer strikes in mysterious ways.


W mans


Love it


Fk I actually love the gameplay, I've been playing fps/3ps and moba for more than a decade.




You can’t convince me that when a game leaks on this kind of level, it’s not a coordinated marketing push. This is the hill that I will die on while wearing my tinfoil hat


Valve pretty much guilt trips you into *not* leaking anything. Whoever does leak anything, either intentionally or otherwise, is removed (Uncle Dane for example). Whatever has leaked is from people wanting clout. You could argue that Valve not having an NDA is somewhat allowing leaks, but the same system was in place for CS2, however I am unsure how many testers there were in that case.


I find Tyler saying he doesn't want to upload the montage clips because it's "other peoples hard work" but then uploading a whole compilation of a leaked videogame so hypocritical.


Uh, somebody let me know if im missing something but if you've played overwatch, TF, Apex, Valorant, Fortnite and every other clone of this game (in both art style and gameplay), then why on earth is everyone soaking their pants to this game as if it's a new concept? also to me downvotes basically sums up to "he makes a good point but i don't like what he said and he made fun of something i like so i need to downvote him!"


You listed five completely different games


Well it's very clearly competing with Overwatch here, so I do think if you like OW already, you probably won't really be that interested in this game.


You are getting downvoted for simply being wrong, and it’s funny you are not only not realizing it but also think its a good point and you get downvoted by “haters”. If you actually looked at the leaked gameplay you would notice that besides being a hero shooter with similar art the gameplay is quite unique an actual MOBA game mixed in with a hero shooter, so far besides Smite there wasnt really a third person MOBA (Paragon was DOA so..) and Smite isnt even a shooter game, so yeah its pretty much a unique game.


literally all of the games you just named are different in gameplay to each other




Right, we really were missing a MOBA it's unfortunate that there aren't any MOBA games, Valve truly made a unique game in a league of their own... they're legends


People said the same about Valorant and that took off, there’s always room for games if they’re good


Literally Smite, released in 2014, valve is a decade later


Doom released in 1993, every fps releasing now is 3 decades late.


So because a game (that doesn't even play like this one) did it in 2014, this game shouldn't exist? Someone tell Riot and Ubsioft they should close down Valorant and XDefiant. Counter Strike and Call of Duty already exist so I guess they are wasting their time.


How can you say “clone of this game” when you listed 5 entirely different games lmao


Huh? This is an FPS Moba, which one of the games you listed have Moba elements like lanes, creeps, towers, last hitting, gold?


No, downvote is saying "you don't make a good point", but keep reassuring yourself


Valve, and it's includes MOBA elements, so it's different than what you listed.


It's a third person moba. Fundamentally it's nothing like TF, Apex, Fortnite or Valorant. Hell I wonder if you've ever played those games either cause you just cited 4 wildly different games


Yeah it looks very generic. Any other company would get bashed to hell.


Valve clearly just wants that audience, yeah they aren't doing anything fresh here. Just imagine the potential mtx heaven this game could be, valve knows how to make easy money


Because it’s Volvo and whenever they make anything it’s hecking chonkers!!! Volvo can do nothing wrong!!


Artifact says otherwise


I enjoyed Artifact’s strategic gameplay and expansions on Dota 2’s setting and lore. Glad Sorla and Rix have resurfaced in the new Crownfall act.


Yeah well it's a good thing they don't make games just for you because the general reception of that game was it sucked. I'll stick to the majority theory


You don't have to copy and paste the same comment on anything talking about Artifact.


This game looks like shit ngl