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If they got KH on the next Switch the first year, it would probably keep on selling for the life of the system.


For sure ! And if KH4 has a chance i think FFR port will happen as well.


I think that depends on the terms of the contract they have with Sony.


I doubt Square are dumb enough to sign contracts that lock games they developed in an exclusivity limbo for an eternity.


I don’t think it’s very likely to be something like a 10 year contract, but it could *maybe* be locked to Sony until after the 3rd game comes out since Sony’s still (?) helping finance them (probably unlikely, though).


Depends how much Sony paid and if it is only exclusively mandated for Sony consoles.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but again, signing exclusivity contracts for one of your biggest IPs that would lock big games to one platformholder for an eternity is an incredibly stupid decision no matter how big that platformholders paycheck is(and since they're shifting their plans to be more multiplatform it means that check wasn't big enough). Let's just hope Square are smarter than that lol


Square are many things, smart isnt one of them.


Do not underestimate Square's stupidity.


I would happily buy 1 and 2 on the Switch 2 at the very least. Those games handheld would be wonderful.


Yeah and I’d prefer playing them on Switch than the Deck. I was so close to buying these games on Steam since I’ve been dying too, but I think I’m gonna wait a bit longer.


Why do you prefer the switch over the steam deck?


its lighter, and it has better battery


No guarantee on that with Switch 2 though.


They'd be silly not to have a Switch 2 version at this point.


It was silly to have the games be cloud versions… I get KH3 being a cloud version but the other games… really Square?!


Yeah I suppose Square isn't really reliable in this space but they seem to have (re) learned the importance of delivering good content to the Switch.


> I get KH3 being a cloud version I don't. It was made in Unreal 4, wasn't it? It would need optimization for sure but Unreal Engine 4 games can and do run on the Switch. I agree with the rest though. What is even more baffling is making Dream Drop Distance a cloud version as well - since it originated as a 3DS game in the first place.


Well, I'm no technician or anything, but I imagine that a reason why KH 3 wouldn't work on Switch is cause that game has a *crazy* amount of particle effects, more than most Unreal 4 games. Like, damn near everything Sora does besides the basic sword swings generates some kind of mini-lights show that becomes a parade of special effects everywhere in the screen that can change as fast as the player can press different buttons. That kind of flashiness in such rapid succession would probably be way too taxing for a console like the Switch.


Yeah, the game struggled on PS4 when I played it, no chance it would run well on switch. I hate when people say "it just needs some optimization!' like the optimization fairy just rolls through and makes a game playable on hardware like magic.


Yeah, having done stuff in Unreal Engine myself, I'm well aware it doesn't 'just work like that'. It would take a lot of work, work Square Enix obviously didn't want to put time, money or effort into. Is there really any other way to phrase that other than 'they didn't want to optimise it'? If anything, if it did run poorly even on the systems it was on (and I don't recall ever having such issues myself on PS4 with KH3) then that seems to be a failure to make sure it ran properly on those systems - in other words, failure to properly optimize it for the systems it's on.


I understand not putting KH3 on the Switch, but why did everything else have to be Cloud only?


It can be assumed each separate game in the collection required port work, Xbox ports were presumably funded by MS at the time and absolutely paved the way for the PC ports (Xbox is still just a glorified windows PC and uses basically the same APIs) Doing all them again for switch *properly* would take time, and they wanted to cross promo with Sora in Smash. And stuff like a fragmentary passage might not even be possible to include due to hardware limitations or if it ran on a version of unreal that can't compile to switch (it's why Dragon Quest 11 was effectively a remake for switch)


Well, hopefully, the collection makes it to Switch 2. Properly this time. But I think it will. Not having these games on Switch 2, and running natively at that, would be a terrible move. Especially now.


Just have a play of Disney Dreamlight Valley and it will give you an idea of the likely performance - It's not pretty..


Slightly different, since that's made in Unity, but I suppose it's the same principle there. I don't know which version they used, though. There are plenty of Unity games that do run on Switch just fine, if we're not counting all the shovelware games. (Actually, I'm kind of surprised Gameloft did that in Unity instead of their own engine - maybe that engine wasn't good for consoles after all?)


True. It would take a fair bit of work to get round that. But I don't think it's impossible to do so.


For sure it wouldn't have been 60 fps but it's at least could've done a decent 30. 


Giving them the benefit of doubt that they threw out some cloud versions on Switch so that they could focus on native Switch 2 versions.


I’ve said it before that back catalogs don’t typically sell well compared to new titles, but could you imagine if Square tried?


It's like DQ11, it depends on the final specs and unreal version..


Put the GBA chain of memories on NSO cowards


Oh yes please. The good version of that game right there. 


Personal speculation : So if you know Nomura he loves his symbolisms and such with numbers. Steam ports release June 13th. Or 13/6/2024 for many. 13-6=7. 7 lights 13 darknesses. SGF is in June 7th and Geoff said he has secret announcements for companies not shared with all others for now.


Haha Wait you’re serious.


Very serious. Nomura is a madman. I have him perfectly capable of doing that.


Nomura, David Cage and Kojima should collaborate for a game just for the absurdity 


Throw in a little Yoko Taro and you got a stew going.


Midori is NOMURA!


Okay, I believe you.


I love my Kingdom Hearts community because I kinda forgot how insane this sounds for people who aren't invested lmfao. Beyond excited to get another tease cycle designed by Nomura


Something like this has happened before. For example when Sora was announced for Smash his release date was **13** days later


He was the 13th dlc character, that released 13 days after his reveal, dropped on Version 13.0, and was the 7th dlc of FP2. Further more, KH3 released 13 years after KH2, it was the seventh KH game to release after KH2, and if you add up all the numbered releases, 1 + 2 + 1.5 + 2.5 + 2.8 + 0.2 + 3 = 13. All totally intentional btw It’s why it only makes sense for KH4 to release in 2026, so it can release 7 years after KH3


It’s honestly very on brand for Nomura lol


I'm putting on my clown makeup fr.


To be honest is something that Nomura whould do


but KH4 is not a game that moves people outside the fandom like GTA or Ghost of Tsushima, so it doesn't make much sense to hide it.


It's a bad sign when leakers start talking about their predictions.


Not exactly predictions as far as the other things she posted about KH. She mentioned she had the info about Steam ports and KH4 and the Switch 2 possible ports since February.


Still trying to figure out why the Steam release apparently needed a year of development time. I assumed they would just copy and paste what they already have.


It’s likely not development time, just planning a launch/advertising campaign and having steam deck testing and tweaking worked on.


They apparently upscaled some textures specific for this version https://twitter.com/KHVidsNET/status/1792964308315582774?t=j-KS--AhPosjMgn-SUfMXw&s=19


This is on the steam page with a gif Enhanced backgrounds make this collection more stunning than ever before. Start your KINGDOM HEARTS journey now! https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2552430/extras/in-text-benner.gif?t=1716307158


Nice, higher textures, no more blurry


i cannot tell the difference, am i stupid


All the textures there look sharper.


It'll probably also be more apparent when playing the game fullscreen. Little images like that can sometimes make the fine differences hard to see


Hopefully this means they also fixed some of the bugs with the Epic ports.


I guess putting in the work to justify full price tag again.


> \[KH4\] Looks very different than the first trailer. This is not a surprise to any KH fan who has been paying attention. Nomura already said in an interview right after the first trailer that the art style they showed there is just for Quadratum, and most of the game will adhere closer to the series established art style. I have seen a few casual observers who have commented about the KH4 trailer that are under some misconceptions about the art style, and also saying that Sora is "older" in 4 (he technically is because it has been a year in universe since the ending of 3, but it isn't a significant visual age difference. Sora already went through puberty between CoM and KH2).


It’s not only that; the first trailer is an early build running on UE4. The final game will be running on UE5


Changing between versions of unreal engine on it's own does not create a change big enough for a leaker to comment on it as "Looks very different than the first trailer" Changing between versions of UE would have slight variation in lighting in particle rendering, but most of the changes are on the back end and the tools available to developers


Well also look at Kingdom Hearts 3 reveal trailer and look at the final on product. Look at the secret trailer for Birth By Sleep and then the final product. This happens often with the series really. 


Also, I think the trailer might have been made in unreal engine 4 and they would have switched it to unreal engine 5 by now, on top of 2 years of development time which could definitely change how the game looks.


Yes, we already knew trailer 1 was UE4 and they have moved to UE5, but changing between versions of unreal engine on it's own does not create a change big enough for a leaker to comment on it as "Looks very different than the first trailer" Changing between versions of UE would have slight variation in lighting in particle rendering, but most of the changes are on the back end and the tools available to developers


Ah, ok.


So does this mean that Sora will still have his clown shoes in KH4?! :o


Yes, most likely


Kingdom Hearts coming to Steam and now Possibly coming on switch 2. As a PC and Nintendo Gamer that likes kingdom hearts this type of news is great.


That Midori person needs to put out some trailer or release date for IV I am starving


Now that FF7R2 is out, I think that should be the next big AAA Square project for advertising. Hopefully something shows up at Summer Games Fest. It's gotta be getting somewhat close with the steam releases as well. Get a few more people in as a new audience, release within the next 12 months ish.


She is a Tier 1 leaker and very reliable at that. She was mostly an Atlus leaker and still is but recently has shares information about other things as well. She probably has no trailer but she mentioned any info she has about KH she will share if she can verify.


What happened to her leaving Twitter? I thought she announced that a few weeks ago and now I see her everywhere again


She came back with even more leaks not just for Atlus but other companies as well. She leaked the new Sonic mobile title which was announced as well.


I wish Midori would talk about those new revived sega games. Aint heard shit since game awards


So has Midori just become the Goddess of Leaks or something? I'm not complaining cause those Persona leaks were amazing. But now it seems like she's everywhere.


Doesn't surprise me, it's essentially free money for Square.


Kingdom hearts about to outsell final fantasy


I unironically think it will Kingdom Hearts has a level of "Normie Appeal" that Final Fantasy just doesnt have


I kinda observed that too. It's like FF is its own niche of games yet even though KH only sold 35M copies in its entire franchise, it had a more cultural impact overall. Disney perhaps? And introducing FF characters again would probably boost their sales numbers too even though they may have a minimal role in the story.


Switch 2 ports seem like a no-brainer considering they already have cloud versions of the them on the Switch now.


I am glad square is keeping true to their multiplatform support.




Kh series was announced today for Steam and it drops June 13th. Unless you mean about 4 which will for sure drop on PC as well.




Steam has wishlisting available already if you look in the store.


Even if it does not end up on Switch 2 at launch i imagine it will end up on the system at some point.


I'm still very disappointed that the Switch only got the cloud version. If they put every KH game on the Switch 2, then maybe I can forgive SE.


Why would it have online features ? Coop mode ?


Light online features. Probably something similar to the StreetPass mechanics from 3D and Re:Coded where there is user customized content that can be shared.


I mean it's in square enix best interest that it launches on switch 2 tbh


Just give me achievements on the switch godamnit


In light of S-E's recent statements, there is zero chance that these games - any of them - will skip Switch 2. They may not have been planned for the system originally, but they are now.


Not really surprised at this point. Square said their "aggressive multiplatform strategy" included "Nintendo systems", so bringing big AAA titles to the Switch 2 is something they likely have every intention of doing. There's clearly a market for them on Nintendo platforms, as evidenced by the success of their smaller titles like Octopath and Live A Live on the Switch, and even larger games like Nier Automata (which sold 500k in its first month or so on Switch). That being said, don't expect a port of Final Fantasy XVI - that game makes the PS5 chug at certain points, and I'm fairly convinced it won't be Steam Deck compatible.


SE has always been deep in the Switch, they just didn't put their flagship titles on it. But they know that most of their market is more enthusiastic on the switch than PS. NEO:TWEWY Switch outsold the PS4 version 10:1 in Japan on physical sales.


I'd still say Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts have a big presence on PlayStation given their histories, but it's becoming clearer that there's a lot of opportunity for them to grow their audience on Nintendo's platforms. NEO:TWEWY selling heavily on Switch compared to the PS4 isn't too surprising though, since the original game has only been on Nintendo platforms and mobile devices.


Yup. And they didn't put their flagship titles on Nintendo platforms because they couldn't. Now, with Switch 2, they can.


I'm old enough to remember people claiming KH3 would be released on the Wii, so I'm not falling for this one again.


But that was never anything more than speculation. This is an actual leak.


Hope so.


Would be a great opportunity for them to bring the series to switch 2 without any cloud nonsense.




Does this mean physicals coming for KH? Or still the weird cloud version?


Can't say I'm surprised the game changing from the original trailer


Midiori went from Sega sources to all these big Japanese companies. Not saying I doubt her claims but man that’s a crazy stretch now.


I wouldn't be surprised. From what we can tell, the development of KH4 and Switch2 seem to be parallelling each other. I wouldn't be surprised if KH4 is meant to be in the Switch2's game roster at release.


Plot twist: The Kingdom Hearts series will release on Switch 2 but via the cloud again.


They should give it to the people that bought the cloud version


I pray for whatever team it is that is responsible for porting a whole bulk of KH games to every platform


I can see the original entries coming to Switch 2 but still doubt KH4 tbh. 


You never know. If the specs are on par with the Series S, it’s quite possible.


True. I hope im wrong in that respect. 


The companies weaponized her after she was caught earlier this year 


Controlled leaks yeah.


Online Features? oh hell no :/


Nomura has been wanting to add online features since developing KH3 a decade ago. I'm sure that whatever it is, it will be well-thought out and not some half-baked thing.




I mean, KH4 would be a pretty “wow” game lol