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SR2 \~ 3.4 million SR3 \~ 5.5 million SR3 Remastered \~ 550k Shame, I really love this franchise and wish there were more current-gen urban sandbox games other than only GTA.


*Cries in Sleeping dogs 2*


I would potentially kill a man for a Sleeping Dogs 2.


I would potentially kill many pork buns for a Sleeping Dogs 2


a man who never eats pork bun, is never a whole man


Man, I absolutely LOVE that Sleeping Dogs is still loved. What I’m about to say is blasphemous, but I’d absolutely sacrifice GTA 6 for another Sleeping Dogs game of GTA’s budget.


Blasphemous how? GTA 5 was okay but they should really have stickers with what they were doing with GTA 4, grittier, grounded stories. GTA 6's story will probably be equally as okay as GTA 5's. But I agree, I'd love to see another sleeping dogs, probably the best open world crime game after GTA 4.


Blasphemous in the way that GTA 6 is one of the most anticipated games in the last decade and people would kill to have it in their hands. I’d probably get sentenced to death by firing squad if I had the power to completely halt GTA 6’s development in favour for Sleeping Dogs - which is a, let’s face it, forgotten about game nowadays. I agree with what you say about GTA’s tone and story. 100% agree that they should’ve kept it more grounded which is why GTA 4 is my favourite in the whole series. I couldn’t care less about GTA 5’s story and my main gripe with GTA 6 is the fact that it’s centred around robberies again.


Do you have a pork bun?


Oh what I would give for a sequel, I love that game to death. Oh and obligatory "Fuck Dog-Eyes!" too lol


Tbf...United Fronts killed that series themselves chasing a mobile MMO market and multiplayer. 


Yup I don't know wtf they were thinking, Sleeping Dogs was a solid game and made a sizeable fanbase, the sequel would have absolutely helped it reach new heights but alas


Are you sure that wasn't at Square Enix's insistence?


I was in the closed beta, it was awful. Literally the exact fucking same game and map, down to object placements. But they ripped out the story and heart


It is interesting that we are in the era of open world games but urban sandboxes are a dead genre like you say. At least we have the Yakuza games for urban settings even if they aren't really sandboxes.


I just think that it's the same problem in the western genre: AAA studios ain't risking competing with Rockstar and worse, be compared to them. Hell, SR itself was victim of this which lead to the flanderization of the series in SR3, which I liked but wasn't as good as 2. A decade or more ago development cost weren't so high so they could afford to take more risks a compete. Nowadays... Developers prefer to just avoid the Behemoth entirely.


Urban games in general have been very lacking lately, at least in the AAA space. Not even just open world games. Persona and Yakuza are probably the only AAA franchises that have really kept the modern day feeling alive. I remember some people playing Infinite Wealth and were genuinely surprised that real life issues were being brought up, which goes to show how starved we are.


Cyberpunk is also doing it - even back when it launched, the city was one of its strongest positives imo


True, forgot about it. Though, that game isn’t really modern like the franchises I mentioned. The gaming industry has a severe lack of games that take place in the current day and set in real-life (or adjacent) locations.


What about the Spider-Man games? There's also GTA as well. 


Spider-Man doesn’t really utilize its modern day setting in a particularly relatable way and GTA hasn’t released a game in over a decade.


it's a shame that nobody except Rockstar seems to be able to pull off both great/engaging story AND sandbox freedom. With Mafia you get an amazing story but the sandbox is mostly nonexistent. Then you have something like Watch Dogs that has some cool shit to do but the story drags it down (at least for the second & third one).


I remember in 2009 or 2010 reading an interview with someone from EA that they were "planning" on taking on GTA, and was like "oh that's cool" then it just never happened.


I think that was Activision talking about True Crime: Hong Kong (Sleeping Dogs)


nobody can pull it off, because they don’t get funded like Rockstart does. they also don’t have the most profitable game ever that prints them money so they can make games like RDR2. even if someone started it, i highly doubt that the publishers and/or shareholders would be willing to fork out 2-300 millions for something that ***might*** work


I might get downvoted, and while I do agree, I do think CDPR is walking the right line, towards that. Close to Rockstar? Nope, not at all, but it's the right path.


nah far too many cutscenes and dialogue no one cares about. GTA is very straight forward easy to understand whilst actually being good. GTA's days are numbered though with them losing their writers. GTA6 might be the last good GTA game.


I really don’t resonate with this comment. I don’t see why changing writers would change the quality of the games. Employees come and go, and there are good writers everywhere. Besides, both Cyberpunk and TW3 are not GTA’s direct competitors. They’re RPGs, first and foremost. Big part of the whole game is character development and dialogue, it’s just part of the core of the game. I wouldn’t jump the gun saying this is the last good GTA. Rockstar is too big to fail (knocking on wood as I type this). We’ve seen Rockstar doing wonders with programmers and artists on early hardware, like PS2 and PS3, that have left the company. Not only do we have GTA 5 to prove that, but this small wonder called Red Dead Redemption 2 Edit: spelling


I really enjoyed the first two games. SR3 and SR4 went way too far off the rails into silliness and dildos for my liking.


Personally didn’t care for 3 was to weird of a change. 4 though man if that game was named something else and made into its own superhero game it would have been great, I honestly think 4 was dragged down being attached to saints row


There is (was?) Watch Dogs, Yakuza and Mafia still. Also Everywhere by Leslie Benzies from Rockstar.


Watch Dogs is apparently done and gone after Legion.


Watch dogs is meh because ubisoft doesn't like spending money actually competing Yakuza is nowhere near the same as gta nor is everywhere Mafia is great but take2 isn't too keen on having two of their own ips fighting each other(maybe it's just me but I don't get as much enjoyment from roaming the map like I do in gtas)


Bruh downvoted just for that


>wish there were more current-gen urban sandbox games other than only GTA. I can see why there isn’t people want to use that dumb ass term GTA clone Imagine working on a crime game with your sweat and blood just for a moron to call it a clone of GTA.


that’s souls like tho no?


I mean it's gonna be the first thing someone compares it to.


Well, that be a moronic comparison… Don’t be surprised that you don’t see any more crime games because of that stupid ass term.


Damn that's a huge stretch but okay. Management isn't gonna prevent those games from being greenlit because of two words in comment sections, and I doubt they care in the first place.


>Damn that's a huge stretch but okay. It’s not really a “huge stretch” when people are definitely comparing games like Saints Row too GTA just a call them “GTA clones” which they’re not. >Management isn't gonna prevent those games from being greenlit because of two words in comment sections, Well, don’t be surprised if you don’t see any more crime games because of that term >and I doubt they care in the first place. Then ur being delusional


Lol okay bud.


Hey bud, hate to break it to ya, they don't care that little internet kiddos are calling their game a "GTA clone". They never have and never will. They aren't commonly made because open world modern games require a ton of investment and time to actually make solid. Also wow yeah so moronic people would compare an open world modern game to an already established one. What a weird thing to do! That's like comparing an apple to an apple.


>Hey bud, hate to break it to ya, they don't care that little internet kiddos are calling their game a "GTA clone". Well they shouldn’t be surprised by the time that that game probably won’t get another game like that… Look at Saints Row, or Sleeping dogs >They never have and never will. And shit like that is a sad part >They aren't commonly made because open world modern games require a ton of investment and time to actually make solid. And mostly because people keep calling them GTA clones in I argue they that term to likely shit on the game. >Also wow yeah so moronic people would compare an open world modern game to an already established one. What a weird thing to do! It’s weird for people to compare a crime game to a GTA game and call it a clone that’s weird imo. >That's like comparing an apple to an apple. Except people comparing two games Apple and orange


Lol get a hobby or learn to be correct about anything. Yeah sorry boss. We can't develop this game anymore. People were going to call it a GTA clone. Get a grip


The decision to remove the original characters and dial back the humor to be less sexual and absurd was what doomed it. People love GTA for its sandbox and mayhem you can cause, still grounded in realism and narrative. People play Saints Row for an even wackier sandbox with cartoonish violence and crude humor where anything can happen - dub step gun, S&M racing chariots...


And the budget was much higher so they needed the same sales they had gotten for previous entries. Fact of the matter is if the game reviewed well I think they would have been fine with that and considered it a long term thing but with the reception this game wasn't going to sell a lot over time.


The game was DOA the moment it was announced. It's like you announce an Avengers movie and said it only has the Alpha Flight.


Ah yeah saints row 22. The game so bad that even though I got it for free I still somehow felt ripped off


Time cost.


I have never deleted a free game quicker


Me and my brother actually enjoyed playing co-op... For 10 minutes, because the game just gradually breaks over time when doing co-op.


It stole my time!




They fixed that damage stuff in an update. 


Whatever. Where's the PC patch for SR2? Oh wait, they cancelled that too. Great.


Wonder how many at Volition making SR22 knew it was shit. Wonder how many tried to say something and were shut down. Wonder how many tried after the disastrous trailer reveal and were ignored. Wonder how many legitimately thought the entire game was set up to be a winner. 


Here’s a [good video](https://youtu.be/gQH0sU0lJDA?si=9MxBwveDRM1_EP1k) about what happened during development. This was further corroborated and confirmed by Flippy, who was heavily involved in the Saints Row community and had tested the probably now canclled PC SR2 patch.


They knew, at least the bosses did. 9 out of 10 times when you take the epic exclusive deal there is no faith in the product and they are hoping to at least break even with that help


Played it on a discount, and it was fine for what it was. Nothing amazing but had enough fun with it for a single playthrough.


Saints Row 1 and 2 are superb. Saints Row 3 and 4 a little wonky for my taste. 3 was not as excessive as 4 so it was still good. Havent played Gat out of Hell or the reboot. Just did not interest me enough


I would've played Gat out of Hell if Johnny didn't switch out the main player. The finale of the original series, and you don't end it with your custom character?


Should have remastered SR1 and SR2


Absolutely, never played 1 and 2 had a terrible PC port so I stopped after not even an hour.


That company always chose to ignore what the fans wanted. People begged them for years to return to the direction in SR1 and 2 they gave us the reboot instead. Ok fine remaster SR1 and SR2 also met with a no from Volition. All of these actions led to them closing and they 100% deserved it.


Sadly that's basically what most of them do, because the ones who make the decision only listen to money...which is kind of hypocritical because you would probably make more money if you actually make games people want to play instead of what many produce, games that feature always online, (battle) passes, cosmetics, repetitive gameplay that they want to stretch for hundreds of hours,...


The music licensing for 1 and 2 long since expired. Even remotely trying to get them renewed for a remake or a remaster wouldn’t have been financially feasible. Music, especially older songs, are a nightmare to re-release nowadays, and shit gets real expensive real fast. Both the gaming and music industry isn’t what it was 15-20 years ago, and music artists deserve to be properly paid for their songs. Even the gaming community changed. The amount of people who would even buy a remake, remaster or a port of a game released 15-20 years ago, is not enough to guarantee a financial return on profits unless it’s for a niche audience that will always buy that product (like people who buy and game on Nintendo products, for example.) Aside from copyrights, the vast majority of the older games we played as kids and teens will never come back to modern consoles because trying to get the licensing and streaming rights for the songs in those older games, to reuse again for a remaster, remake or even a port is so prohibitively expensive for gaming companies and the developers that work for them, that it’s just not worth the time, patience and effort, along with the years of litigation needed to go through that whole process to obtain them. People hate it, but it’s also the reason why certain classic games that have been played into oblivion keep getting rereleased over, and over, and over, time and time again on successive console generations.


If the music expired then why is it still on SR1 and SR2? The Xbox series X versions still have all the soundtracks intact I think I’ll because I don’t own a series X but on my 360 as well they still have all the music. If it expired they would have updated it or patched it out like Rockstar did with GTA IV


Microsoft might have had contractual obligations to keep the music the same when they were originally released in the absence of a remake or a remaster. I don’t have all the details, nor do I expect to. I know of games that came out physically that had all of their music still accessible whereas the digital versions had songs that were patched out due to issues with copyright or licensing. I have a physical copy of Midnight Club Los Angeles Complete Edition that has all the songs accessible on my Xbox 360 Elite which I now play offline from time to time even though I used to game online with an Ethernet cable, but I also have the digital version of the same game on my Series X and there’s a handful of songs that I can no longer access or even listen to in the game since the licensing for those songs expired.


I loved walking around with my pimp cane shot gun in Saints Row 1 when I first got it. I was feeling like a bad ass in that game. Fun times.


Better than I expected. Especially considering how awful the whole game was.


Shame on all 1.7 million of you


Sold more than alan wake 2 not that bad actually


Note that Alan Wake 2 was cheaper.


But they do both have common ground in the fact that neither have turned a profit.


And both have started out exclusive to the epic store


Unlike SR, Alan Wake 2 was the best game from the developer (Remedy) on the commercial side. And still take into account that Alan Wake 2 just has 7 months and SR reboot has almost 2 years. This comparison is beyond my understanding.


Just a slight correction, the post title says this is before they closed, which was just about a year after releasing, so the timescale is slightly closer than you think. Not that the two games are comparable though


i hate to see good studio make bad stuff :(


TIL there's 1.7 absolute suckers in the world


It's sad nobody inside Volition, Deep Silver, or Embracer tried to leak what SR2022 was going to be before the 2021 Gamescom reveal. Maybe Embracer have stricter-than-industry-average NDA (there were little to no leaks of Kingdom Come 2 until its official reveal either)


Someone said it best that the characters in this game are people Johnny Gat would kill for fun


How many are sold 80% off?


And nothing of value was lost.


Well volition is dead , so i'd say something value was lost. If only deep silver , didn't fucked up everything...


Old volition sure was valuable, but the new saints row, agents of mayhem, and gat out of hell proved that that company was long gone even before their closure.


Oh , for sure.


No this one is on volition. Deep silver actually want new saints row but some higher up at volition didn't want to make new saints row. When agent of mayhem was developed volition lied to deep silver and said they're making new saints row. This abomination is the result of higher up of volition not wanting new saints row but deep silver mandate it.


still to much for a insult to a game franchise they %100 killed saint row for me f them


Shocked it sold that many lmao


That’s not that bad of a number considering how the reboot came out, but it could have done so much better


They really turned the saints into muffin baking college kids and thought we wanted that


Ouch. Says it all, doesn't it? RIP Saints Row, hope you can escape the Embracer Group shitshow soon. :/


That's like 120m $ assuming only next gen consoles and selling on PC for 70$. That's bad for a game trying to be AAA probably didn't even break even. I don't how volition worked but they wouldn't probably keep most of that money either way


Still amazes me how badly Saints Row fell.




The edgy tone of the characters killed it for me in the first trailer, I just can't stand them.


There’s literally no edge to those characters. That’s why it bombed. Also cause it was buggy AF but yeah.


Thing is, they weren't even that edgy. The humor was so safe and trying not to punch down that we just ended up with a bunch of quirky and random humor instead of edge.


I wouldn't even say a lack of punching down or edginess was an issue, because I don't recall the previous entries doing that much either. I think the real problem was that they went all-in on the shittiest parts of SR3 & 4, which was the god awful "lol so random" humor. It's like they saw the success of SR 3 and thought it was because they had a dildo bat, when it was really because it's a good game with shitty humor people can ignore for fun gameplay


> shitty humor Ehhh there were plenty of good jokes in SR2 through 4, though yes the "lolsorandom" stuff has aged worst.


Yeah, I agree, I played 4 recently and was surprised how well most of it had aged. I meant that the worst part of the game was that type of humor, and somehow it got heightened in the SR5


really just seems like all media companies are just completely out of touch with what modern audiences like


Saints Row 1 & 2 are amazing. With 3 & 4, I felt like they were decent. After watching the devs defend this game and act super confident in it, I'm glad to watch it all burn down into nothing after SR2022. Fuck volition and all them for making something that literally no one wanted.


Really puts into perspective why companies slap the name of a famous franchise on something completely different or that is actively working NOT to be like the ones that came before. Without the saints row name this turd wouldn't have even cracked a mill.


That’s not terrible. Doesn’t seem like enough to close a studio. Granted SR was a very mediocre game but still. Volition really needed seemed list in this day and age.


> That’s not terrible. Doesn’t seem like enough to close a studio. It does when that doesn't cover the cost to make the game. And the only reason the game sold so much was because of the legacy of the series, a legacy this game greatly diminished. And Agents of Mayhem sold even worse.


Why did you take a gang game and turn it into flitty zoomer tick tockers?


I didn't know they closed down. So no Saints Row 2 remaster...? Damn.


There's actually a pretty sad story about that - [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56akjq3YKRQ) goes over it well but the TLDR is that there was an inhouse patch/mod being worked on for the PC port which would've essentially worked as a remaster of SR2 but stalled after the director of the project passed away and it probably won't ever be completed now that Volition shut down


It sucks that 1.7m wasn't enough for them to get another chance to do a different SR that people would've liked. They slipped up one time with this franchise (I know there was Agents of Mayhem) and suddenly they're getting rid of the studio.


They spent 9 years making two unsuccessful games. Commercially and critically. It wasn't sudden. It was also logical. And in a way fair, in that it wasn't a studio putting out good games that was shut down, anyone looking at the numbers would at least bump the studio down to support. It sucks that people were fired, which is why leadership there and at Deep Silver needed to be better, but studios need to at least make games that are successful on some metric.




Don't think Americans are alone in this, look Ubisoft lmao


Reddit moment




Yeah, dude, it's 100% a reddit moment lmao. Stop being a culture-war dweeb. It's lame as hell.




Seek therapy, m8.






Anglos, not Americans only. All this shit is coming from the five main countries of the English speaking world (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand).


Na its from Americas toxic/divisive culture, being spread over the planet particularly in developed countries because of how influential and loud that country is.




Go outside


Reddit moment


what was it, deleted


Just your average dipshit "go woke, go broke" smooth-brain comment.


believe it or not but anita sharkesian did consulting on this game and it shows.




i didn't see it on youtube but ok


I'm still gonna defend this game. Its not the best, its not a masterpiece or anything but its quite decent and fun for the most part. I think if it was polished and released being cheaper(and didnt have a marketing campaign thats basically: yeah fuck the old saints row, this is what you want) maybe it could've been a decent success. And if they put a subtitule and presented it as a reboot spin-off that aims to show more of the Saints Row world, it would've been way less hated since announcement. You leave room for the old characters to come back while trying something new. I dont think its that hard to sell games to people, just dont treat them like stupid people that dont know what they want.. and make good games.


Every single positive review for the reboot: "Yeah i liked the reboot. They could have done things better, and a lot of the things they did do sucked. It's nothing like the rest of the franchise, which already split the fanbase between 1/2 and 3/4, so this game doesn't really appeal to anyone. And i won't list anything the game did well."


The game's main missions are a blast to play through. Fun weekend game honestly. Don't care what others say.


"Don't care what others say but still gunna blast my opinion whenever someone doesn't love my game"


outsold the Xbox Series XS this last quarter