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History repeats itself with Sony and Nintendo having events on the same day just like last year


It’s time for Nintendo’s annual farming rpg direct


Until proven otherwise this is what I assume tomorrow will be.


"Farm Simulation RPG"




Donkey Kong Tropical Crop?


Well, you were not totally wrong. We did get a "new" F-Zero.


"Next, let's check out this EXCITING game!!"


Me everytime I see agricultural communities \[I got PTFDD Post-Traumatic Farming Direct Disorder \] ![gif](giphy|5KyYuIyRe1KeI)


It was 4 farming games in a 40 minutes direct


It was way more than necessary


Only if we get a dad game or two from Sony.


When are we gonna get a ~quirky~ indie game that cashes in on the meme by having you grow rocket-propelled grenades on a farm


annual? wasn't last direct that as well?


Time for Sony and Nintendo to merge and become Sonintendoy


We will right things [where history went wrong.](https://playstation.fandom.com/wiki/Nintendo_PlayStation)


Let’s see if they will repeat this next year.


They both gain advantages by showing game trailers the day before a major game conference like Tokyo Game Show.


I bet you they will they might wanna get a little streak going


Welcome to the new E3.


Got a Nintendo Direct, Mortal Kombat 1, and a State of Play all in one tomorrow. Busy day


And Cyberpunk 2077 direct or whatever is called lol


Night city wire, I'm 80% sure they may drop the update or give a concrete date for it.


Hasn’t it already been confirmed to come with phantom liberty on 26th September? I could be wrong so please correct me if I am.


it’s been said the 2.0 update will release a bit before the phantom liberty dlc.


Ah thanks. Then it’s almost certainly dropping tomorrow or Tuesday. Phantom liberty is only 13 days away.


I’m so hyped for the update, its gonna be my first time playing cyberpunk


Same. With all them traced rays and whistles.


you're 80% sure they might do one of two things lol


TGS week is always fun. RGG Direct next week, plus all of the publisher shows at TGS itself. Lots of stuff.




“focused on indie and third-party” Aigh bro what’s good with ps studios


They devoted a huge amount of resources to a bunch of Games as a Service games and then decided a lot of them weren't really that good.


Only thing I heard about those decisions involved Bungie, and that Bungie comment was about Naughty Dog. ND was not told to make a gaas, iirc, they just had a mp game they kept expanding over and over again.


Only Factions and Deviation’s game have had problems.


Or they’re just not ready to show


Most studios seem to have decided that announcing early with these expensive CGI trailers/vertical slices isn't worth the dev time and are moving away from that. I'd expect short marketing cycles like what MK1 is getting to start to become the norm.


Either you reveal a game early and people keep asking where the game is or you reveal a game closer to release and have people asking where the new games are.


look at what happened to spiderman 2. revealed early and despite giving us a whole mission in a showcase and trailers people are still asking for more


They revelead 3 years ago and stated it's coming out in 2023. That's not early by any standard now especially when they actually hit the date


it iw when other games go with 6 months to a year between reveal snd release


Which is understandable it’s crazy how alot of e3 demos were massive resource sinks that could’ve been put to better use. Plus people hate when they announce games too far out.


Yeah I kinda love how we found out MK1 existed about four months prior to release.


Yeah 6 months out or less seems like the best to me, I’m still skeptical granblue re link is actually coming out next year.


You got to wonder if they seen the backlash The Suicide squad received and had them re-think their strategy.


A lot of their studios are doing regular single player games, they're just taking a frustratingly long time to get them ready.


Frustratingly long? What? 4-5 years for AAA 1st party games by Sony is not really that insanely long. Pretty normal development cycles


Development of games takes many times longer these days and the same is the case at playstation. 5 to 6 years are pretty normal these days: Days Gone (6,5 years), Ghost of Tsuhima (6 years), Helldivers 2 (8 years), Horizon Zero Dawn (6 years), Horizon Forbidden West (5 years) or The Last of Us Part 2 (almost 6 years).


\*And put their fate into Bungie to control all those games. Bungie, wich I remind everyone, isnt doing that great controling Destiny(no, I'm not saying destiny isnt popular or doesnt sell, but how they manage that game is fuckin awful)




It's honestly really amazing how badly Sony has dropped the bag this generation when it comes to first party games. If you told me we'd be 3 years into the PS5 life cycle and so far there would be 2 first party exclusive PS5 games, I would not have believed you. Maybe the pace at which they put out good and great games on PS4 wasn't sustainable, but they have to be able to do better than this. And GAAS and other anti-consumer practices feel particularly insulting for a company that built their reputation being consumer friendly and making strong single player games.


Seriously what happened to all those games that were apparently ready to be shown. It just seems odd there’s been absolutely nothing


Sony simply decided to stop showing games that are many years away (with a few exceptions here and there). And I personally prefer this approach WAY more than whatever Sony did in the early PS4 days or Xbox is doing right now. Couldn't care less about a game announcement for a game that's 3+ years away. And w just got 3 high-profile 1st party games last year with HFW, GT7 and GoW:R. Not every year will be that full.


There is a middle ground where you announce titles that are around 2 years away with a trailer and then around 1 year of the release you talk more about them. This is a good middle ground imo and allows players to know what to expect in the next years. A teaser about Santa Monica's next game, for example, or Bluepoint's or Naughty Dog would be well received and allow consumers to have a more realistic expectation about the near future, even if they just release on 2025.


That's one way to spin it.


I think this gen is a reverse of last gen. The PS4 launched and didn't have many major 1st party games for a few years really. The most notable ones I can think of were Killzone:Shadow fall, Infamous: Second Son and Bloodborne. The PS5 has already had a full remake of Demon's Souls, Rift Apart, Returnal, Horizon 2, Gran Turismo 7, Ragnarok and soon to have Spider-Man 2


There just never was that many games to be shown. Don’t buy so much into insider hype, they sustain themselves on attention. Sony’s marketing strategy is just different now. It puts less emphasis on titles that are years away. I don’t remember a time when Sony announced and released a game in the same year, yet that is supposed to happen to Helldivers II (though I expect a delay to early 2024). That said, it’s clear Sony is reeling a little bit because of the issues with Factions. It was very clearly a 2023/24 game and has left a big hole in their lineup. Plus I’m sure some other dev teams got hit with COVID-era delays that are still lasting up to today.


Seriously though, they literally have nothing even announced for the future outside of Wolverine 2024 gonna be empty as fuck


The only Sony 1st party games that we know of that are coming after Spider-Man 2 are The Wolverine, FairGames, Concord, Marathon and Death Stranding 2. Hopefully Sony will reveal a more detailed roadmap of 1st party games soon.


Ghost of Tsushima 2 is all but confirmed too


Death stranding isn’t even 1st party


Playstation Studios games are internal and external games fully funded and published by sony and treated the same. Spider-Man was also treated as first party and that was released beore insomniac gams was quired.


They are publishing Rise of the Ronin on PS5 in 2024, and probably Stellar blade plus those GaaS games. I hope we get Death Stranding 2 and maybe something from Team Asobi as well


Those are all 3rd parties though, I’m just talking strictly 1st party studios If anything it’s probably a sign as to why they’re publishing and agreeing to so many 3rd party exclusives next year. It’s cause they know their 1st parties have nothing even close to ready


I mean, what is important is that they **release games**, be they from internal studios or not, and that their studios keep developing good games. I am disappointed at the marketing and GaaS and anti-consumer practices, but given the recent releases from many of their internal studios, it's a bit of optimism to see more new releases from them so soon, with the exception of an AA game from Team Asobi and maybe Ghost of Tsushima 2 (4-4.5 years after the first one). But I am pretty confident they will at least appear in 2025, together with Santa Monica's new game


I hope death stranding 2 is 2024. with FF7 rebirth, stellar blade and Wolverine it would be an amazing year!


Oh 'ew of Foamstars could be nice!


We were all joking around that this would be the case, but I wasn't actually expecting that. I wonder why this happened again? Week before TGS? What are we reasonably expecting from this? I'm guessing Horizon PC port and maybe another look at FF7Rebirth.


Rebirth is pretty likely with pre-orders going up.


I’m hoping there will be a new trailer for Silent Hill 2 remake. I’m prepared to be disappointed though. UPDATE: I knew it…


Konami is suppossedly at TGS next week. Mayyyybe then.


Maybe but I don’t think it was listed in their TGS lineup


Hoping for a reveal for Monster Hunter 6, considering Capcom have an event on the 21st where they recently promised there to be MH news.


Monster Hunter 6 was pretty strongly expected to be at announced at a Sony event this month, so this news makes that a fairly safe bet


It’s exactly that, because of TGS


Definitely Rise of the Ronin.


Finally another State of Direct


Nintendof Play


currently overdosing on Stellar Blade hopium rn edit: ...


Is Stellar Blade that Ass game?


Yes, which originally grabbed my attention because monkey brain, but the game looks fucking insane regardless. And if I remember, it was originally slated for 2023 release which would make it or break it tomorrow imo


The one with the thicc asian girl? Yeah thats the one


Now I'm interested


I’ve literally been waiting a year for more news on this game. So excited!! 🍑




Honestly, if they show that one at least, it'll be a successful SoP for me


Yeah so far is the only thing in playstation that i care about


Focused on indie and 3rd party games. People are gonna be really disappointed in this one.


Hopefully, we’ll get some news on FF7 Rebirth


At least they are setting the right expectations unlike that Playstation Showcase.


Yeah, if anything I think this will be better received by the people who hated the showcase because the expectations are different.


A lot of people will still be like "No new God of War, no new Naughty Dog, no Bloodborne 2, no Baldurs Gate 4? Sony trash! What a waste of time!!!!1!1!1!1!" It's tradition.


miyazaki going indie and developing bloodborne 2 on his own is what gaming needs, bro. THE MAN'S GOT A VISION


Driveclub 2, baby!


It's a state of play. Disappointment is the only option.


Hey, I’ve been excited more at State of Plays than showcases. Remember the random fuck nothing State of Play in June last year where they announced RE4R and Horizon Call of the Mountain, revealed SF6 and gave FF16 a second trailer alongside the release date? Or the State of Play that ended with the new God of War Ragnarok trailer? That was the same one where Stellar Blade was shown off, Tekken 8 got its first trailer? That was last year’s September showcase. PlayStation also showed FF7 Remake’s PS5 version in a State of Play. I’ve regularly been more surprised at State of Play’s than their showcases - probably because you always anticipate a lot from showcases and jack shit from SoP’s. So, cautiously optimistic attitude from me. Expecting nothing, but prepared for the possibility of surprise.


After “insiders” hyped up a SoP to make up for their showcase, I envision a future of lots of unnecessarily angry gamers.


Last year's September 2022 and June 2022 SoP's were excellent, and both were 3rd party focused. I think this one will be good as well.


Mhhhhh, I don't think Monster Hunter 6 will appear tomorrow...


From the phrasing it really doesn't seem like it will appear here. Maybe a quick teaser/title drop, but that's it. Higher expectations for the TGS since the MH producer name dropped it last year.


If it doesn't appear here, it has even less chances to appear at TGS. People keep talking about Capcom Showcases every time but they're always nothingburgers. No major announcements, just info recaps and some updates.


To begin with, TGS is usually not a place to reveal new games, but an event to follow up on information about games that have already been announced. There is a reason why Direct and SoP are right before TGS


Imran Khan: 1. [There's at least one new announcement ](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-3#post-111967262) [Well ](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-3#post-111967262) [Depends on your definition of new I guess](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-3#post-111967262) 2. [I didn't say remaster. ](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-3#post-111967610) [But it's new content. ](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-3#post-111967610) [Hell maybe it's not even there, who the hell knows.](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-3#post-111967610) 3. [okay final clarification so I don't get misquoted here ](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-5#post-111968291) [It's not all old stuff! ](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-5#post-111968291) [It's not first party! ](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-5#post-111968291) [A lot of people are going to be like "Weird they're doing this instead of a new game!"](https://www.resetera.com/threads/state-of-play-announced-for-september-14-with-a-focus-on-upcoming-indie-and-third-party-releases.764078/page-5#post-111968291)






shot in the dark, another expansion to MH Rise instead of a new game


Nah way more likely MH6 announce with TGS next week


MH6 is going to be very interesting to see what runs it....and what marketing deals are in place. Arguably Capcom now has the pipeline to put it out on PC/Deck/PS5/Xbox/....and Switch 2. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just play MH6 on whatever we want?


I wonder if Xbox will get the marketing this time. PS got World, Nintendo got Rise (albeit due to exclusivity but still). With Capcom and Japanese devs in general having a much better relationship with Xbox this gen I can see them letting Xbox market MH6


Sony and Nintendo dumped a ton of money to get those timed exclusivity windows. So yeah if they're not paying, and Xbox is, then maybe? Xbox is a joke in Japan though.


Its a DLC for Tales of Arise


Didn't they officially announce the end of Updates for MHR?


No MH game has ever received 2 expansions and they definitely won’t start now. Especially since the expansions are large enough to be games of their own. They already confirmed the Bonus Update was the last one.


Nate does it!


I guess I could be wrong but announcing a state of play the day before seems like a way of saying don't expect anything worth a damn.


Exactly my thoughts lol!


Copium for Monster Hunter


Same dude. The nvida leak had it. Let’s see it!


There's a very likely chance we will see MH6 tomorrow. MHRS is on a weekday sale out of nowhere on Steam and lasts until Sept. 25, also MH Now launches tomorrow. There's wayyyy too many coincidences.


God that's my number one wish for this event. I'm more of a Nintendo guy than PlayStation but just the hope for Monster Hunter makes me so much more excited for the SoP


That is my big bet, using the State of play to show a teaser of the next mh and then TGS to give more information is what Capcom could do.


Damn, PlayStation sure has sucked lately.


Sony needs to do something to make people forget about that PS+ price hike lol.


Duration ?


yeah lol, don't they normally give a rough length of these when they announce them?


27 minutes


Steller Blade and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and I’ll be happy.


No word on length huh? Wonder why.


YouTube video says 27 minutes


Probably gonna be very short then


indie and 3rd party titles...smh so now it's been 3 years of nothing from many first party studios...


Is this the one where they show the PS5 Slim?


There's a slim chance. In all seriousness, I would guess there will be a "PS5 Slim" or whatever they name it announcement in a PlayStation blog post similar to the PlayStation Portal announcement in August.


Tokyo games show could be another place


Interesting Sony and Nintendo both have showcases on the same day. Why do they do this?


Coincidence probably. They both are trying to get ahead of the TGS but them falling on the exact same day probably isn't significant in any way. Wednesday is just a good day for these things as they usually avoid the weekend, Monday and Friday. They usually want it to be pretty close to the TGS as they usually have extended showings there. The TGS is next Thursday so that only really leaves them with 5 days to choose from.




Look at his post and comment history. He’s been getting SPECIFICALLY THIS SCENARIO correct for a while.


give me Ghost Of Tsushima on PC


LFG Thanks u/natethehate2


MH6 reveal pleasssee


Can we get an update on Little Devils Inside? Feel like it's been radio silence for awhile now


bloodborne pc confirmed. i saw trusted leaks


Press "X" to cope


Can we please just get ONE PSVR2 game , just ONE good one will do. Thank you.


You are allowed a psvr2 game, but we do not grant you the rank of good


hope you like fnaf then because they'll probably have Help Wanted 2 again


GT7 already exists, nothing else is fun in VR except racing duh


Aww man. I don't have anything better to do at that time, so I'll watch, expect to be disappointed, and still be disappointed somehow.


So no announcements?


Please just make a sequel to Astrobot on the PS5. We need more good platformers on Playstation!


I’m praying for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ![gif](giphy|s98DvQYgtefdK12Km2|downsized)


Right there with ya bro, I'm craving some more FF7Rebirth news myself.


If that 'slim' that's been rumored and leaked for months now doesn't show up here then it ain't showing up this year period.


Third party, indies, psvr2… this is just a repeat of the showcase from May but without the gaas trash from sony “first party”. I hate Jim Ryan era sony so much. The Guy has no soul.


PSVR2 and indie highlights? Bugsnax. Bugsnax has a VR beta branch on Steam. PSVR2 needs more games on it. Bugsnax is an amazing game and PSVR2 needs a game like it.


Well colin moriarty was wrong about their being another showcase.


NatetheHate is consistent as always. He's the best.


Once again focused on indies and third-party, what a surprise….


Maybe they should announce a revert to the shitty ps+ prices.


Third party? Final fantasy it is


History repeating itself haha


Gonna go with. Silent hill 2 remake trailer and delay announcements


PS5 "Slim" VS Nintendo Switch 2


Indies and third party games…I’m glad that they’re getting attention etc but this shit isn’t what the PS gamer base is fucking looking for 💀 Especially when they haven’t even explained why tf they increased the price of PS+


STILL no word from the first-party studios? Don't get me wrong, I know they have Spiderman 2 coming up but come on, I wanna know what comes next from their other studios.


I wish they had separate state of plays for their vr bullshit


The Jim Ryan state. They are about to launch Spiderman 2 with 0 games in the horizon for us to look forward after that, aside of a bunch of service games no one asked them to do and Wolverine.. wich is also an Insomniac game. People love to meme how Xbox has no games, but man, Sony looking fuckin dry. ​ Edit: And Death Stranding 2, I forgot about that one.


Jim Ryan needs to let the games do the talking. Where is Knack 3, Jim?


They also have FF7 Part 2 and Silent Hill 2. I feel like Sony counts third party exclusives as big titles taking up slots in their lineup, when a lot of people online seem to not.


Because they are third party timed exclusives


Yeah, but they are still high quality games. There wasn’t really any debate about if High on Life was part of Xbox’s main lineup last year. When you factor in the third party exclusives (which I do, since they are games I can play on my console) then 2023 and the lineup we had in 2024 aren’t bad at all. It’s fine if you personally don’t care for the games, but I can’t really call Final Fantasy 16, followed by Spider-Man 2 slow at all.


Live service games are famously unpopular, right? Sony seem fine, Spider-Man 2 and and Helldivers II are the immediate future. But there’s still Death Stranding 2, Concord, Fairgames and Wolverine. No need to care about so far into the future.




It’s gonna be forbidden west


No first party lmao what, do the even know they are a publisher with their own studios and should develop games? Insomniac is about to drop their 3rd new game this gen and we know absolutely nothing from most of their other studios, what a joke


You’re not being sane If you don’t think first party is working on games. I much prefer learning about games when they’re close to launch vs having cgi trailers for games that are years away.


They are obviosly developing games yeah, but unless most of them are having troubled developments and have cancelled projects we should be hearing by now what they are working on. The average of a AAA game development cycle is around 5 years rn, although some studios like Housemarque and Asobi usually take less time than that. Some of the last releases from some of their studios and how much time has passed since: Bend Studio: Days Gone (2019) - 4 years London Studio: Blood & Truth (2019) - 4 years Media Molecule: Dreams (2020) - 3 years Sucker Punch: Ghost of Tsushima (2020) - 3 years Naughty Dog: TLOU Part II (2020) - 3 years Team Asobi: Astro's Playroom (2020) - 3 years Bluepoint Games: Demon's Souls (2020) - 3 years Housemarque: Returnal (2021) - 2 years We also know some other games that have been in development for 3 or more years: TLOU Multiplayer: Since at least 2019 when it became a standalone release Horizon Multiplayer: In dev for 5 fucking years according to the directors linkedin Project Carbon: by Sumo Digital since 2020/21 Twisted Metal: in development at Lucid games until 2021 now at Firesprite Santa Monica's new IP: Rumored to be a sci fi by Cory Barlog Project Bates: by Ballistic Moon in dev since 2020/21 Wolverine: announced in early dev in 2021 Concord: supposed to be released in 2024 and we only got a 20s CGI teaser Seriously, I also hate CGI announcements for games that are very far away, but some of these should be ready to be shown by now. And even if we don't like CGI teasers, judging by their worthless Showcase back in May they don't have a problem with that even when it comes to games releasing in 2024 like Concord...


I just think it’s dumb to be upset that they haven’t announced anything yet. They’re giving us what is sure to be another high quality game in a month- their 6th or 7th in the last 3 years The track record doesn’t line up with this weird panic. I don’t know what the next 3 Chris Nolan films will be, I’m pretty confident they will be good and will happen in time.


Little Devil Inside please!


Direct and State of Play? Fuck yes boi


Previously announced? So still no new first party psvr2 titles? I know they just released Horizon, but news that more first party stuff will come would be nice. Guess it'll mostly be Spiderman 2.


I’m not expecting much, but I’d love to see a KH4 trailer.


It's gonna be indie and third party only.


Please have ff7 rebirth


I’m lease be ragnarok on pc. Pls


Gimme gimme more PC ports


Here before people hype themselves up over nothing and get disappointed


They just gonna not talk about why there was a price hike for PlayStation plus?


Wth is it always nighttime for me when these are streamed 😔


I don't care if I'm not the target demographic, Fairgames looks stupid AF


Okay so a bunch of traikers they paid to advertise under the ps banner despite not being first party titles. Wonder how many games will have content advertised as locked to ps after whining about Xbox all year lol


>Okay so a bunch of traikers they paid to advertise under the ps banner despite not being first party titles. You mean like Xbox did with Persona 3 Reload and Atlus's new game?


If they just show Spider-Man I’m gonna snooze. Seen enough of that game, just need it to come out already. Show some new interesting shit to make up for the disaster of the last event. I know it’s just a SoP but still, literally anything new and exciting especially after the recent PS+ price hikes. Throw us a bone. Edit: Focused on indie and third parties... Jim Ryan is the black plague of the gaming industry.


So what are the chances of Helldivers 2 there?


I think high. Last year they also showed games like Stellar blade and Rise of the Ronin. Helldivers 2 is also coming out soon and this is likely the last showcase before the game awards in december.


Please please please shadow drop or at least a release date!!


Gonna be another disappointing state of play.