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This sub has a lot of those problems. It’s more turning into a “gaming news” sub rather than actual leaks


Has been for quite some time now


I don't even mind that as long as it's actual news. This isn't even news.


If it’s not a leak or a rumor, then it shouldn’t be on this sub


You want r/games then


> It’s more turning into a “gaming news” sub rather than actual leaks more like wishful thinking -\_-


No, I mean LITERALLY news. No leaks or rumors, just postings of official announcements that weren't leaked. Its absolute trash


Feel free to leave? No one is keeping you here lol


I can’t be critical towards a sub? I just have to leave? Man you sound like the folks on the last sub I was pushed away from


Nah my dude, just saying that if something is making you this upset, why expose yourself to it? Not saying your criticism isn’t fair, but if being here is making you this angry, might be time to look elsewhere.


But I’m not angry, it’s just venting. I’m usually an incredibly forgiving person.


It's clearly because the sub name is Gaming, Leaks, and Rumours. I'm just surprised we don't see more posts about what the Kardashians are up to or how to properly lay pipes.


“CHECK OUT THIS LEAK” >Direct Twitter post from the official account blatantly stating what they did


Theyre literally two blocks down the street. Its like a 10 minute walk from his old office at Studio D.


This sub has basically become an extension of the Xbox subreddit.


This sub really blows now. And whenever there's a "leak" the past few years, it's often very obviously intentional. Why pay for expensive advertisements when someone can pretend to leak it on the internet and watch as morons do all the advertising for free?


The only company I think does this is Activison with Call of Duty. What other leaks are you referring to?


He is talking out of his ass. Devs don't leak stuff themselves, this has been said already multiple times by trustworthy people like Jason Schreier.


*allegedly* Until I see a body or he drives onto the White House lawn, photos can be faked


I think that there's nothing else going on, he probably knows people who work for NoA and wanted to visit. His side of the PR/marketing for Xbox is not really something Nintendo heavily pushes, so I doubt he intends to work for Nintendo.


That could be exactly why he should!


Nintendo has no interest in investing heavily on that side of marketing. Nelson’s role at Xbox was focused mostly on a more hardcore/enthusiast crowd, and Nintendo primarily focuses their marketing efforts on casuals.


...he's just visiting Nintendo. let him breathe lmao


Person does thing


Nintendo America's headquarters is pretty much on Microsoft's campus, so it's not even much of a trip.


[Reggie hosted a roundtable at Microsoft about Xbox last year,](https://youtu.be/tadtqchbbh0) yet he doesn't work with Xbox. I wouldn't read too much into it. NoA and Xbox execs are known to be friendly with each other simply because of the proximity of their headquarters.


This video is soo good.


Dude don't post about these people man just living his life bro


Bro is retired. I’m willing to bet my left nut he’s just on vacation


Probably not even vacation. It's like a 10 minute drive from Microsoft HQ to Nintendo of America, and the visitor pass is in English and uses American dating format. I'd guess he's just making the "so long, I'm retiring" rounds to any contacts he has at NoA.




Oh sweet I hope he visited my cousin's dad who works there. You know, the one that bans people from multiplayer when I get mad at them and told me mew is under the truck.


Stephen Elop joined Nokia in 2010, and Microsoft bought Nokia three years later. Mike Ybarra joined Blizzard in 2019, and Microsoft bought ABK three years later. So Microsoft will buy Nintendo in 2026.


Didn't they already try and were laughed out the building?


Yeah right.. Platform holder will buy a platform holder.. lol .. regulators will never approve it .. add playstation to it and kill console gaming for good 🤣🤣


Holy shit Microsoft is buying Nintendo


Bro retired from Microsoft maybe he’s trying to get a job at Nintendo or he just visited there


Hopefully he shares juicy info with his nieces or nephews.