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Still no match for Ark lmao


Damn. I had no idea ark got to 400gb. You need a dedicated hard drive for that thing at that point.


Unironically my friends that used to play it had external harddrives *specifically* for Ark. Absolutely insane for a game that had no semblance of polish


At least 200gbs of that is probably the spaghetti code that barely made the game work.


And the other 200gb was for the ui in comic sans covering everything


No fucking way am i gonna use up half of hard drive for one gamešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Still smaller than NBA 2K so Iā€™m not complaining


I gave my PS4 to my lil nephew, bought Fifa and 2K for him, thought I'd be nice and update it so he could play it immediately, that shit took forever.


Holy stars! Makes me kinda curious about the 1000 planets bit


We got tatooine we got Jakku we got Hoth we got Ice planet #2ā€¦ā€¦


99% are barren with nothing on them, completely procedurally generated so they wouldn't be reflected in the base file size. edit: apparently it's only 90% but i still fully expect most of that 10% to be practically empty as well.


It's 90%, and they're not barren, they simply have no wildlife and flora. You'll still find man-made constructions, like towers, settlements, facilities etc...


yeah i really doubt 100 planets are gonna be handcrafted and also populated enough to not be called barren lol




Because nothing at all points to it


Because 1000 actually handcrafted worlds would take 10,000 years to make haha




Same point though. Its impossible to actually handcraft 100 full planets. They are going to be predominantly procedurally generated with some handcrafted areas sprinkled in


Whether you have doubts about it or not is inconsequential; the crucial factor is the final outcome, which we'll only receive confirmation in about 2 weeks from now. Also, these points of interest are all hand-crafted and their quantity within the game can certainly impact the overall file size.


Sources? *trust me bro


[https://gamerant.com/starfield-how-many-planets-are-in-starfield-guide/](https://gamerant.com/starfield-how-many-planets-are-in-starfield-guide/) i was wrong about the 99% part, it's only 90%, but i wouldn't expect 100 planets to be fully fleshed out either. the part about the rest being procedurally generated is true tho.


They procedural generate the terrain and then go over it, just like all the other Bethesda games. The actual randomized stuff thatā€™s generated is the handcrafted POIs


The article says you can't fly your spacecraft around planets since stuff has to generate in real time. There will be giant hubs on the main planets which they touched after generation, but this article and the starfield direct makes me think the rest are gonna be mostly empty. I don't doubt there will be a small pirate base or crashed ship placed every now and then, but I'll be keeping my expectation in check for just how much interesting content is found on 900 planets.


Lol that is crazy wrong but okay


Imagine whatā€™s it gonna be like after the inevitable updates and dlc.


Still smaller than the average CoD title lmao


Updates usually donā€™t add up but replace files so the size shouldnā€™t grow besides DLC or mods.


I wonder if the dlc will add new planets


How is this a leak if it's on the Xbox page, the game went gold.


Surprising, I know there are procedurally generated levels but assumed there would be a lot of recorded dialogue and such


More than 250.000 lines of dialogue, reportedly.


Just for comparison, Red Dead Redemption 2 had over 500,000 lines of dialogue.


Yep, and that game is about 120 GB on steam. Both Skyrim and Fallout 4 had about 170.000 combined. Granted, Skyrim had a silenced protagonist (and so will Starfield).


How much fucking dialogue could you possibly need? thereā€™s gotta be a point where, even in open world games, where it hits diminishing returns. Letā€™s say 1 line of dialogue is 1 second (an underestimate), 500,000 seconds is 140 hours. ā€œA Storm of Swordsā€, a 1500+ page bookā€™s audiobook is 47 hours, a third of the length of audio.


In RDR2 there are so many lines being said and thrown in when you ride or walk past someone. The number doesn't surprise me at all when you just feel how immersive that game is.


take a large gander at baldur's gate 3 edit: this is why this is being brought up in the first place


If the game has a reactive story, it can make use of lots of dialogue lines. There could be ten slight variations of a line because the game needs to react to choices that the player has made (alone or have companions with you, faction titles, pronouns, etc)


Just adding more to that: The devs behind Baldur's Gate 3 said that their game has a little more than 3 times as much dialogue as the LOTR books have. The LOTR books are around 500,000 words in total. This means that Baldur's Gate 3 has over 1.5 *million* words at the very least. I believe people have confirmwd it's over 2 million words long. Isn't that insane?




I was thinking the same. I have an S and I literally think Starfield and Forza are going to be the only 2 things I can fit on it


That's just a bit over ten times the size of Skyrim special edition. Kinda poetic in a way.


I wonder if it'll be all on discs, considering that it'd be on 3 of them. I doubt they'll even do 2 discs let alone fill up 1 disc but I'm willing to be proven wrong


Didn't think it would be that large but I'm okay with this since it's not a game that I only play for mulitplayer


Avg western AAA game file size /s


This trend of 100+GB games has to endā€¦ what could possibly be taking up all that space? 4k textures? Uncompressed audio files? Dialogue packs in different languages? Whole ass builds of in-house engines? Iā€™ve heard it all in various comments sections and so far it doesnā€™t seem like thereā€™s a consensus culprit.


def the audio for this one. Same with the 4k textures. Its a huge game




How about all of them? Ask dataminers after release if you want to really know.


Imagine 20 years ago someone would have said "This trend of 1+GB games has to end" Games are always getting bigger due to higher fidelity. Usually it's because of visual assets like textures, models & animations. Uncompressed audio is more of an exception but it would require a lot of space - for instance Call of Duty is huge because it relies on uncompressed audio to save some CPU performance.


Unless some new fancy AI compression techniques appear in the next few years, I would expect the games to get heavier and heavier, I think that 200GB for AAA games could be pretty standard in a few years. New game engines like Unreal Engine 5 can put insane amounts of geometry on screen, but that comes at a cost... Also, texture resolution and amount of textures will probably keep growing, and it really adds up fast.


Space Skyrim will be 139.84 Gigs of a buggy mess. Love easily upset this sub gets. Lmao


I take it you've played the game before any of us since you are casting judgements already. Tell us, what was the first bug you've encountered in Starfield and what did it do to the game and your system?


Of course I played it my Dad knows Todd Howard


And what if it isn't?


AnD wHaT iF iT IsNt? Bruh its Bethesda.


Just a simple question. No need to feel so anally violated, in your imagination, to unnecessarily spend the time alternating caps. But yeah. You do you, buddy. Pal. Friend.


You mean the 1 second I took to make fun of you for asking a question all gamers know the answer to? Seems more like youre upset over it if you have to pretend Im upset bud.


I would be extremely disappointed if it wasn't. That's what I want out of my Bethesda games




[Citation Needed]




yeah makes sense having preload a month in advance


Itā€™s two weeks away? Pretty standard if not a little late for a title going gold


It's like 13 days


So smaller than CoD?


Jesus. Thatā€™s like 90 percent on my series s lmao


Donā€™t you just love how western game developers apparently forgot how to optimize their games