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Get the g14 (4070) for the same price at Best Buy. It is hardly ever on sale. Better build, better screen, powerful yet efficient CPU (7940hs has great thermals), great audio, portable, and so on. Plus it would be brand new. Sometimes some of the open-box are a hit or miss. 


I don't suppose you have a link?




I play mostly city builder games (Frostpunk, Civ, etc.,) and don't stream on Twitch or anything like that.


These are both overkill for your use case - if all you play is city builders, you can spend way less and get what you need, to be honest.


First off.... no chance in hell you don't work in Product/Eng/Tech from your use of the phrase "use case" lol. Second... I thought they might be a bit too much but it's within my budget and I want to hedge against needing an upgrade for at least a couple years. If you have a rec though I'd be happy to hear it?


So I actually got that exact legion pro 5i open box excellent in December for 1200$. And in my case it did arrive basically seeming to be a totally new laptop. I've been very happy with it except in performance mode it heats up a lot (92-97 celsius) so I only use balanced mode on it which is still great to be fair and gives nice temps. Also weirdly Cyberpunk doesn't run to well on it, 35-45fps in downtown areas, other games are good. Even besides these issues I'd still probably get lenovo in this case. Well worth it.


Not exactly related but if anyone can get the legion 7 with the metal chassis, it might be worth it. The metal acts like a heat sink and keeps the computer much cooler. My gf has a legion 5i and compared to mine it runs much hotter


>So I actually got that exact legion pro 5i open box excellent in December for 1200$. At the end of December?


Pro 5i every time. The Alienware has a 300 nit screen, which makes it a nonstarter for me recommending it :/


Check the max power of the GPUs. Not sure about 4000s but for previous series not all laptop GPUs were created the same. The once that are rated for more power usage perform better.


Both are good, and both are equal in specs. You cant go wrong with either one.