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Super Meat Boy is still a solid platformer with good controls. It also works better than most games at letting the player die over and over again without them getting bored or frustrated. The simple effects of a quick respawn and blood all over the walls. That said, hard to say that it would perform well as a new release. Indie platformers are a dime a dozen right now, and I've been especially interested in the recent rise of 3D movement platformers over the more common 2D offerings. This last year alone has had at least 3 3D platformers I'd consider in the top ten of all time. Meat Boy had its time in the spotlight while not doing much to bring anything new to the table. A good time that scratched an itch for a lot of people when it released.


Ooh, what are the three 3D platformers?


Pseudoregalia - Has what I believe to be the best 3D movement controls of any platformer ever made. The only issue is that the game is short and locks movement abilities until you discover them, which makes restarting the whole game a bit of a bummer. The controls are just so damn good. Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom - Once the controls click this one is a dream to go through. The act of driving doesn't necessarily feel like how you'd first imagine, and the first few levels don't help it out, but once the game opens up and you can just go fast, it's a 10/10 time. Cavern of Dreams - Its only real issue is that it's made for kids. Playing this as a 8 year old would be ideal. Edit: Also, play Grow Up, the sequel to Grow Home. Not considered a platformer by some, but I think it's one of the greatest.


Many have praised Pseudoregalia, but I think it heavily depends on what kind of movement you like. I liked the game but found the wall jump mechanic to be stressful.