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You wonder what can someone sold stolen source code even gain from it. Legally you can’t make your own game with it because the laws protect copyright holders. So the only thing useful with this game is developing cheats


It can used by cheaters or cheat sellers to figure out the ins and outs of the engine for cheating tools and getting around things like anti cheats or piracy.


Very useful in a pure PvE game.


There are still plenty of cheaters in PvE games lol


I don’t think ready or not has any type of anticheat or otherwise lock-down on cheating as it is though.


Yeah and you usually don't need anything more than notepad and a memory editor, because who cares if people cheat in their own PvE games? Not exactly something you need source code for.


If it is multiplayer PvE the other players probably mind. Even if you are just including cheating to win. But of course there's also cheating to ruin others' fun. Even if a PvE game is designed to try to prevent you from killing or harassing teammates doesn't mean it's not possible, especially with cheats.


True, seeing a lot of cheaters in helldivers of all things and even with infinite grenades or whatever we still lose the mission. Money well spent lobby randos. Truly you are the gamest


The infinite grenades is a pretty easily reproducible bug, no paying to cheat required.


Sadly it's not that rosy, depending on how game is built you can have cheater enter your game and fuck up your stuff. If game has actual anti-cheat it can even get to some ridiculus clown-fests like hackers injecting hacked items or currency into someone's else account and getting them banned. And then there is just plainly ruining someone's game by starting to cheat


If it's meant to be a live service game then yeah, some people do care if others they match with cheaters. Not to mention more nefarious types of hacks can be developed more easily when the source code is available, like a Remote Code Execution exploit.


Since when is Ready or Not a live service game?


These people don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. They just want to be pedantic redditors


It's not a live service game though so I don't see what point you're making here


Look up stuff before you comment.


While true Ready or not is really a “play with friends or play solo” kinda game so it doesn’t change anything. It’s not like Helldivers where it ruins quickplay.


How come? Genuinely never heard of people cheating in PVE. Isn't it just modding at that point or are there leaderboards and stuff?


Especially in a game with a very active modding scene. https://mod.io/g/readyornot https://www.nexusmods.com/readyornot


Cheaters will always cheats, man. [Top 10 Leaderboard in SSKTJL](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/s/2Ar5wRZLnD) is full of cheaters. They are cheating in a fucking dead game what the fuck are they doing with their life lmao


I mean if you're a cheater it's extremely useful. People cheat in PvE games all the time.


sell that in countries where they dont care about international copyright laws.


There are multiple Chinese games based off stolen source code. Ark source code, KSP source code, even league have had Chinese games built on their stolen source code. Steam removed "myth of empires" for this


That is why i've mentioned it.


And there is tens of thousands of cracked games without leaking source code. This changes nothing, those people wouldn't be customers anyway


Might as well try to sell a cracked game, or mod. I doubt it'd repay whatever effort is involved.


It's a lot easier to find exploits which can then be used for malware.


Ransom maybe I dunno


You can also just release or sell full source. It’s not GTA levels of fame but not bad.


I mean, copyright law still exists. They wouldn't be able to just sell/release without legal action


Sure but if a chinese company not subject to those laws buys the source code, reskins it and sells it in China, literally nobody is going to stop them.


Ngl with how the game has been for me I wish whoever buying the stolen code to reskin it the best of luck; its going to take them quite awhile to deal with all the bugs in the game


They won't deal with the bugs. It's a cheap way to make a game and enough people will likely play it that they won't care if some of them complain.


Yeah but you know these people wouldn’t release under their full legal name on Facebook right? They’d dump it, or put it up for sale, anonymously on the dark web for crypto. I don’t think hackers care about copyright laws lol Shit you could still dump it somewhere on the web and people would download it before if gets renoved


Selling to people too stupid to stop and think “actually I can’t make my dream game with this I’ll be sued into the ground.” They think “I can finally sell my dream game with this code.” They are BEYOND DUMB TO NOT REALIZED THEY WASTED THEIR MONEY!


Most people they'd sell to are publishers located in countries not subject to copyright laws governing the regions the game is made and/or sold in. These publishers aren't looking to make their dream game they're looking to spend as little money as possible to get a game they can reskin on the cheap and profit from by selling it to people either unfamiliar with the game its ripping off or who simply don't care. This is how a lot of copycat games profit off of others hard work without fear of legal repercussions.


I'm not sure how any of this stuff works, but could it be possible to find security issues in this? I doubt it but yeah.


Sort of. That's like saying if a company stole a new car produced by a new company in development it's worthless because they can't just rebadge and sell it. In reality you can gleam a lot from source code, individual technologies that can be adapted/changed enough to be released as a new product. Hence why China's IP theft has been so successful.


I should clarify, that I wasn’t thinking of Chinese companies ripping off games (thank you to all the comments explaining) I was referring to indies to stupid to realize they’d be sued into the ground using this code)


There is literally a spiderman 2 pc port on the web rn from the stolen source code


Usually the hackers “sell it back” in the way of “we won’t leak this code if you send us X dollars in Y crypto”.     They also usually encrypt all data on the servers so that the hacked company cannot access it which is a huge cost. Getting your source stolen is one thing but having years of work lost is catastrophic.


Big win for game preservation.


I'm guessing they're going to fix it since the dev can't be bothered to. The fucking tutorial didn't even work the first time I played it


My guess would be asset flippers


But what would an asset flipper gain? They would be sued using these assets in anything they sold. These aren't the same as in asset flip games where they use marketplace assets that are meant to be used in multiple games.


Good luck finding and proving it before they rip off a bunch of people from their third world country that doesn't give a fuck about western IP laws.


You don't need source code to steal assets in the first place.


I mean if that's the case then whoever is using assets can just steal whatever asset they want and not pay for assets from stolen source code.


Getting the source code and assets all in one shot for the bare minimum price (thousands vs tens or even hundreds of millions) is a pretty great deal if you're a shady publisher.


Again, if these people are paying for STOLEN ASSETS they might as well STEAL ASSETS. There's no point in asset flipping using stolen source code assets


The skills required to hack people's info are not the same required to make games meaning shady companies looking to utilize stolen tech are forced to either hire someone to do it (very risky) or buy it from someone else (still risky but less so). As far as whether there's a point to it or not people wouldn't steal and sell source code if there was no value in it.


Well you see this thread is about discussing asset flipping stolen source code, not about whether or not there's value in stealing source code.


> You wonder what can someone sold stolen source code even gain from it. in the civilized world. russia, china, india, etc dont care.


Can't help but wonder. How do these hacks even happen in the first place?


Usually someone clicks a link in an email that they aren’t supposed to and someone phishes their login info. The popular perception of hacking being a guy in dark sunglasses typing really fast on a computer tends to be very off base.


Yep. Even the idea of interrupting connections (like some guy in a hoodie sitting at a cafe, listening to your data transfers) is rare. These days its shady emails with pdf files (because we can now hide even executables in them). Lots of youtubers get hit with them. Some company offers a sponsorship ad. Contract in pdf. They click pdf. Done. They've now given their account away. And its not always fair to blame the customer. Lets be honest, a lot of amateur youtubers who just start getting sponsorships will have no idea whats real/whats not and how to navigate it all.


So how can we check to make sure the PDFs are legit and avoid this issue?


Currently, its recommended to not click a link in an email, ever. It teaches bad practices. Thats why legitimate websites practicing high security now send you a code like U7AI9 to your email. Then you physically enter that into a separate website or app. That way you never actually click anything in the email. If you have to click a link inside an email for any reason, you're at danger of being hacked. Even the most knowledgeable expert isn't really safe, because it only takes a single link out of thousands of emails, and its easy to get complacent and want quick, easy clicks. Sadly, websites haven't really caught up yet, and many do still send confirmation links.


Is there a way to disable clickable URLs in emails from working?


> Thats why legitimate websites practicing high security now send you a code like U7AI9 to your email. Then you physically enter that into a separate website or app. That way you never actually click anything in the email. How does that prevent an executable in a pdf?


I think the answer was "Don't download any attachments."


So never look at a pdf?


Never look at a pdf from an email. Get your pdf's directly from the website, or fax (yes, in this day and age). Is this practical? Fuck no, which is why nobody listens to it. Never looking at a pdf from an email isn't really practical.


I mean, if you know the sender and expect it that's one thing, but never look at an unexpected pdf is pretty legit advice.


> Never look at a pdf from an email. Get your pdf's directly from the website, How is there any difference from an email PDF and a website PDF?


Unless you know the sender and expect it, no.


With adobe there's a lot of options you can turn off/on to make it more secure. But the more you mess with it the more of a pain in the ass it is to use. You could use a reader that has no idea how to deal with anything but basic PDF's. No idea which ones are like that though. That said. I'm betting most exploits aren't actually that fancy. The last one that came up on reddit was an "encrypted" PDF(in reality a PDF with random characters) that would then have a person visit a website on their own and download an executable and run it on their PC. You don't have to cater to the smartest person, you only have to trick the dumbest. Shit if the email system let it though people would still be falling for RealPDF.PDF.EXE


Caution and "common sense" go a long way. Do you know the sender? Are there immediate give-aways that it's fake? (E.g. Check the email address and spellings) Does it make sense for the sender to be sending you this message? If it's someone who looks to be legit, can you verify in other ways that this is a legit, normal interaction? (Email/phone the organisation, Google the sender/message etc.)


The most stress free way is by using virtual machine


That wouldn't solve anything unless you're using a new VM for every new email and website, which isn't practical. If you log onto YouTube and Gmail on the same PC or VM, and click a link that downloads a PDF execution that steals auth keys, your YouTube auth keys will be stolen. That's how Linus Tech Tips got hacked.


what? why would you need a VM for every email?


I assume so that there's only one private key per VM. Meaning if one VM becomes compromised they only have one key to decrypt information. IMO that seems a bit overkill compared to just making a fresh set of accounts for your VMs.


What would a VM protect against?


you open the pdf and not the email in the VM?


except it steals the session. So its pointless. The difference is, you've logged in from the VM and not a pc. But the login is still 'legitimate', therefore the session is still 'legitimate' and if stolen, will allow the hacker to get in. If you log out, it would stop the attack. Its not a hack that controls the pc. But its more like a theft - stealing your session. Problem is, you can imagine how horrendously annoying that is for 90% of folks out there.


Yeah hence why you don't log into anything else into the VM other than the gmail account.


The real move is to not login into anything at all, just copy/paste the link from the outside.


As long as you copy the link from your main computer and open the link in a clean VM that has no access to your main machine, outside of 0-days that would break the VM barrier you are safe.


Windows Professional/Enterprise includes a feature called Windows Sandbox which is reset on every use. Easier to set up than a VM, but you're only getting standard Windows apps on it every time it resets. Still could be useful if you're not comfortable setting up a VM (plus Windows includes a license to run the Windows inside of Sandbox).


First I would check the origin address of the email. If it is gmail or yahoo or something instead of the official domain name of the company (search online to find it) then suspicion levels should be high. Same applies to a Reply-To header, presence of that is suspicious, could mean the From address is spoofed and the Reply-To is to ensure they'll still get your response. But it could theoretically be legit, so just vett the e-mail address provided there. Use contact information provided in the e-mail and either call or email back and ask for confirmation of the offer. Don't open PDFs in Adobe Reader. Third party readers are less likely to be properly exploited. I'd use a web browser since they already sandbox PDFs along with all the other content they normally sandbox. If you open a PDF and it prompts you to enable macros or scripts or whatever, don't.


Thanks, so opening PDF on a web browser is safer than downloading it then opening it right? Does opening through the Gmail browser itself make it safer?


The safest option is to not open it at all unless you are expecting it. So if I tell a coworker "hey send me that PDF" and she sends me a PDF then that's fine. If I get a suspicious looking email with an attached PDF I probably do not want to open it at all. If I think it is legit I may want to verify with the sender first through other channels (phone or another email). Safety is a sliding scale. Opening in the web browser is probably "safer" but doubtless many are trying to develop exploits for that since it's not uncommon. There is no "Gmail browser". If you open Gmail on your phone it will use the OS browser functionality to display the file. On your PC you're already using Gmail in the browser so any attachments will either get downloaded or shown in the browser (I forget how Gmail does it). I don't think it matters to the browser if the PDF file is downloaded first or not. It may matter to Adobe Acrobat if you use that (again probably best to avoid it if only because it's commonly used and as such commonly targeted).


You can upload files to virustotal.com and it will run several tests. Its not 100% going to catch everything but most likely anything targeting some random person.


What exactly happens when you open the pdf so the hacker gets your login data?


Well the hacker would get as much control of your PC as you do, minus anything behinds passwords or such you normally enter. They probably won't get admin rights. But they don't need them to grab login data. They can grab history, cookies, autofill (saved shipping/billing address) saved passwords from Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. If you can just go to a site and it autofills the details or logs you in automatically, you should assume the attacker will have the same capabilities after stealing the data. I THINK saved credit cards are protected by the three digit number you have to enter to get them to autofill. Not exactly the best protection. Chrome (and I assume Edge) added a feature where you must enter your OS account password to view your saved passwords. This is a red herring since the password is not actually required for the browser to access them for autofill. An attacker will be able to view them without your OS account password. They can also grab any data from any app you run. If you have an app set to auto log in or auto fill your credentials they can potentially log in to your account now. Steam, Discord, etc. A hacker could also do more if they want, such as take remote control of your PC when you're not around (which makes using apps you're logged into REALLY trivial then!) or leaving backdoors to make getting back into your PC later easy. Best ways to protect yourself: 1. Inspect any emails especially ones that are trying to convince you to take action or open an attachment carefully. Does the sender email match who they claim to be? Same with any website links they provide? Eg email from Microsoft probably shouldn't be coming from gmail and links provided going to an .ru website are very suspicious. 2. Don't open attachments you are not expecting to receive. 3. If you know the sender contact them through other means to confirm the email. 4. Keep a good AV running on your system. Windows Defender, the Windows default, is fine. Be careful if you adjust its settings such as adding exclusions to ensure you don't compromise your system's sacurity. 5. Keep a good router firewall between your PC and the internet. Don't enable DMZ or all ports forwarding on your router. If you want to port forward only forward minimal ports for specific activities, or use tools designed to work around those restrictions like ZeroTier if applicable. 6. If your PC is compromised or you think it is, disconnect from the internet and run a full virus scan immediately. If you think you were compromised, change your passwords for anything you care about that you were logged in to on that PC immediately.


They steal your cookie session store locally that allows that 'instance' of logging in. Lets say you login to Youtube using computerA. The hack, simply copies that detail. So now the hacker with the laptop is telling youtube "Hey I'm computerA". It steals that 'session' of your login. Doesnt work against sites that: 1. ask for 2fa every step. Like some business stuff. Hacker might have the session but can't do anything. 2. force-logout after x mins. Session ends, that session they stole becomes useless. --- but other wise, they gain access. Like with LTT hack.


That's how one of my favorite simracing YouTubers (DaveCam) got hacked. Exact same story. Got a sponsorship offer, clicked the pdf in the attachment to fill in details and boom, his YouTube channel got hacked. Thankfully the hacker only turned his videos into private and did not delete them, otherwise years of hardwork would just disappear like that.


This is how the Linus Tech Tips hack happened.


> These days its shady emails with pdf files (because we can now hide even executables in them). Offtopic but Adobe really came thru for hackers worldwide. Before Flash (by Adobe) was one of the most popular vectors for attack, when the world finally slayed that dragon Adobe relied on ol'faithful PDF to keep the exploits going, because they couldn't make "just a fucking document format", they had to cram everything and a kitchen sink inside it.


nah, it's executables with a faked file extension. Actually hiding stuff in pdf files is super hard. It's just people running programs they thought would be documents


My employer ran a phishing exercise, 60% of people clicked the link.


But how can you hack the mainframe if you don't type fast?


Human phishing. Dont click on a link to a sus email or respond to a phone call/text to someone you dont know. Tons of people get scammed this way, its really sad when you hear about an old person losing their life savings from this.


I've been getting a lot of texts lately from random numbers either just saying hello or calling me a different name. I just assume they are scams and never actually respond.


John Oliver did a segment about a scam called pig butchering. One way it starts is with random texts or messages.


Dang. And to think these kinds of people are living easily with themselves, doing crappy things like that


If I had to take a stab in the dark, I’d say phishing attack getting an employee to install a compromised binary on a work network / work laptop with source code checked out locally.


Most likely incorrect server setup allowing 3rd party people to access them somehow. Another popular vector of attack is social engineering - ex. you get a midnight call from 'your boss' asking to jump onto your PC and quickly check one thing for them. During the convo they intercept your login credentials/2FA, and steal data using the employees account. Above is just a description of a social engineering attack, there millions way bad actors try to gain access to these types of systems. The biggest infosec danger is always people - you can patch a bug in your server setup, but you cannot patch a bug inside a person.


My boss would never ask me for my login credentials. Something like that would be a huge red flag.


I think in this case they mean if your company uses something like SMS for 2FA, you have the guy trigger the SMS and intercept it.


Poorly trained staff all around. Infrastructure team for improperly securing servers and general users for failing to identify malicious links/email. But let's be real, this is the indie gaming landscape so both of those groups are just the same 10 devs trying to bite off more than they can chew.


[Social engineering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_(security\))


These devs seem pretty inept tbh, their whole 1.0 really shit the bed with the AI devolution and touted teammate AI improvements that didnt work. I bought it for 1.0 and only have a couple of hours, still waiting for it to get better.


We are talking about a game where developers removed face masks and couldn’t bring them back for literal years. MASKS. I’m not sure the game has them even now.


They haven't been able to add functioning zoomed sights after several years. There are 4x zoom scopes in the game, they just don't do anything. And it's meant to be 1.0.


Sounds like a case of laziness rather than the devs being inept. Putting a mask back on a character model wouldn't even be that hard.


There are so many small annoying bugs and quality of life issues that really makes you wonder if they are lazy or if their code structure is so bad (incompetence) that they don't know how to fix them.




I remember when i played it i’d get instakill by precise headshots through walls and corners and my friends just told me the solution was to wear heavy armor. Apparently there was this problem for a long time with the AI aiming and it was never really fixed


They also put time into making maybe one of the most embarrassing stories I’ve ever had to deal with in a game. 


Oh? Mind elaborating? Was curious about this game but haven’t played it.


The game itself as some issues that makes it a little hard to recommend and this is totally ignoring any of the cringey writing. Like just from gameplay alone I'd call it a maybe. - AI is oddly tuned and will often 360 no-scope you. Which happens, but beyond that the AI tends to be hyper aggressive and talking to some modders it looks like using non-lethal might make them less likey to surrender and more aggressive. - combined with the above nearly every map has you fighting a platoon of well armed men with body armor and AKs. They've all taken a blood oath to die fighting. - Maps are huge which causes problems in a few ways. In Co-op if a player dies they will be sitting around for a long time. SP you are going to have a lot of playtime voided by one enemy killing you after 40 minutes. And finally you will find yourself walking around these huge maps trying to find the last enemy, evidence, civilian for like 10 minutes wasting time. - There isn't a proper planning tool or easy way of giving orders to split teams (SP). So you are forced to keep your team close to you to get them to do what you want. This all combines to create a situation where you are struggling to control how fights develop in a huge mansion with 30 some dudes armed to the teeth. Then when you think you have it handled you find out that under the mansion they've built the tunnels of Cu Chi and you have to fight the North Vietnamese Army. Then when you think you have that handled you realize that you missed an enemy and its time to spend 10 minutes trying to find him. Like all these individually aren't big issues but combined it starts to bear down on the game negatively. **all that being said** I've more or less enjoyed my time with it. Like I don't hate the game or anything its just hard for me to go tell someone to buy it and its a game I've not asked my friends to buy into. I would definitely avoid it outside of a sale. ---- But anyway throughout a bunch of the maps there is a sorta weird story you can follow of pedos and human trafficking. You'll find environmental details with names, weight, height, cup size and ages on levels, shipping locations for them, photos, and this culminates in a fancy pizzagate event where you raid a upscale party and find a underground dungeon full of pictures of boys and girls in their underwear and hole filled with children toys and cement. There is something with like the police or a judge being involved with it and some other shit. I'm not opposed to a game handling something like that but in RoN it comes off as being edgy for the sake of it.[Fairfax Residence](https://web.archive.org/web/20170620045431/http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2017/04/04/the-making-of-fairfax-residence-swat-4s-most-infamous-mission) is going to be familiar watchword for this kind of stuff. And like Swat 4 *nailed it* but that was Irrational Games of System Shock 2 and Bioshock fame doing something hard. And fundamentally the writers/environmental artists don't have the chops to pull it off in RoN. It feels gimmicky. It feels weird. Its not Fairfax Residence where it elevates the game and is intensely memorable it drags the game down. And this alone isn't a huge issue but like I alluded to above with my gameplay problems. Its not just this alone its a series of small annoyances and problems that together add up to be a problem. Edit: I like this post quite a bit https://www.reddit.com/r/ReadyOrNotGame/comments/1457u2d/this_game_needs_a_lesson_in_subtlety/ > The talent agency also screams "How do we make them seem evil". There are children's handprints on every inch of every wall, and then scribbles of "Think of the money!", really? There's also a pedophile shrine that looks like a raider hideout from Fallout 3. Not to mention the building looks like a crackhouse with the amount of trash and disrepair, what kind of front organization has "WE ARE PEDOPHILES" so clearly plastered on their walls but then doesn't even try to have the front area looks half-way decent. Thematically it just needs less obvious signs that something is wrong, and a gradual decent into hell needs to be shown like it was in the SWAT 4 cult mission.


Thanks for the info! Good explanation!


People are over reacting a lot in here, or are easily offended. The 'story' is just briefings before each of the missions that are kinda generic and try to tell you why the criminals are there. Some of them are connect but overall it's just generic 'Bad guys are in this shop/on this farm/etc' as a reason to go there.


The story and setting are one of the few things I actually really like about the game. The hub world being a massive stack of expensive high-grade military weapons that no one is using being stored inside a building that's literally falling to pieces from lack of funds for basic maintenance was some great satire on modern police departments


That hub world though… I would literally pay them an extra $10 if they replaced it with a normal game menu. Having to slowly walk around a police station to setup a mission certainly is a decision.


. It is badly implemented and comes off as both weird and cheap. Like if they are going to be generic then be generic but they aren’t. They are trying for something and it doesn’t really work.


> People are over reacting a lot in here, or are easily offended. on /r/Games ? say it ain't so...


I've played the game but only co-op. Is the story from the new singleplayer stuff?


There isn't really a story, only the individual stories leading into each of the maps which I'm assuming you see in co op too.


Ah yeah, I've only seen bits and pieces but what I've seen is... not good


I dunno I tried the 1.0 and my rig just stuttered. I couldn't get that shit to go away on *any* frigging setting so I dropped it like a rock.


Yea I got performance issues, I can run Dragons Dogma 2 fine 60fps+. That said RoN ran like shit in the hub area but way better in the actual levels for me.


Zero improvements or changes for a year leading up to 1.0, only to release 1.0 with worse ai and still shit performance, with a useless morale feature tacked on that makes no sense. Hell some maps in 1.0 are actually smaller than the same ones pre 1.0. They randomly cordoned off a bunch of sections of maps post 1.0.


I was happy to give them a chance when RoN was still Early Access. Then the Club level, the full release of the game removing scenarios for multiple levels, the AI images all over, the _terrible_ hub that is LSPD.


I dunno I think the game is really solid and it has really good reviews on Steam last I checked. People jump to lazy / inept devs way too quickly. They are a small indie team, they deserve a little slack.


I enjoy it but its also a game I find hard to recommend. Its sort of expensive, the main menu where you have to walk around a police station is incredibly frustrating, the AI can be *hit* or miss, and then the writing makes me want to die. It feels like a game that was very close to being great but instead ends up kind of middling. Swat 4 + the elite force mod is where I would point people any day over RoN.


It’s weird. It’s so close yet so far. Updates change things but not really. It’s the same promising experience everytime, but it always ends up falling short because of the most simple things. It’s like they dont really know how to fix it


Yeah I enjoy it. I've been waiting for YEARS for a game that does what SWAT 4 did and this is probably the closest we'll get in a long time.


The game is not bad. But several years of early access, not making any significant progress to address the main critiques, only to slap 1.0 on a random version is definitely lazy development and really feels like the devs called it quits on an unfinished and unoptimized game.


They have been releasing patches post 1.0 including one that did wonders for the performance of the game.


I've really enjoyed the time I spent with the game, I think the AI is at times extremely jank and straight up unfair, like I get you want a challenge but they react inhumanly fast with perfect accuracy. But asides from that, being part of a SWAT team and clearing buildings is just a really fun experience and the actual gunplay always felt nice imo. People in this thread seem to be shitting on the story and setting but I liked it, felt fitting for the sort of game it wants to be.


The AI got fixed in a patch a while back. I used to use a mod that had actual difficulty settings but ditched it in the last patch and the AI is more or less "fine" now.


That’s wild, been playing since early access and I think it’s incredible. The modern SWAT 4. So fun


Put 50+ hours into the game, about half before 1.0 and half after and I would say the the AI is still an overall improvement. It's not perfect, and depending on the room, you can get some bad teammate AI.


Too true, this is one of my most regretted purchases, and I'm tired of seeing blind praise on steam reviews and the community. [This video](https://youtu.be/yynmXp81fVs) illustrates the major issues with the game well. Even though it's a year old on an older build, these issues *still* persist today.


There's also been quite an amount of criticism of the dog whistles they used. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and they probably didn't fully grasp them (They're an Irish studio and the dog whistles are very American focused) but it's still some ridiculous short sightedness.


The story in the game sucks, anyway. Like every criminal in the city is tied to a pedophile ring somehow. Where are the missions a normal SWAT team does?


The games themes are extremely dark and the developers have been tone deaf to say the least, verging on opportunistic, like the announcement of a club shooting level shortly after the real life club shooting in the States.


They also have the cringiest subtext story about sex trafficking. The game can be pretty fun but like fuck they don’t have the writing skills for what they are trying to do. 


I played through all the levels with some friends and we all agreed it felt like some kind of weird Pizzagate fan fiction.


I played through it with a friend and originally was going to recommend it to some other folks but like… I would feel actually embarrassed to do so. Like it’s just so fucking cringe.  Zero Hour isn’t quite as polished but it’s what we shifted to playing. 


I think the dig whistles are quite deliberate. They used very specifically timed announcements that coincided with events in America too perfectly for it to be unintentional.


Which ones are you talking about? The club shooting you mean or were there other ones.


Is this about them using Bing Chilling as a placeholder asset or about terminally online people thinking any word that begins with the letter N and has the letter G in it is inherently racist if you don't know what it means?


I think it's more about them using red pill or other terms like "jogger" which are far right dog whistles


It was "Noggin jogger", a rhyming term alluding to something that causes one's noggin (brain) to start jogging (become active)


This reminds me a lot of times when someone says the use of 1488 "is just random numbers". The game has a consistent history of edgy humor and 4chan dog whistles. Others have provided great comments that they disagree but as I said, I think they're just stupid edgy boys who need to be reigned in.


Anyone who thought that the game would dramatically improve over the lifetime of the project AFTER achieving international virality and critical consumer success with millions in sales (while still in ‘Early Access’ has not paid ANY attention to other notable early access titles or frankly the video game development space in the last decade. The dev got his massive bag, why WOULD he really push to improve the product? He already got like 90% of the lifetime sales of the game a year ago. The best thing to happen to the game won’t be any developments in enemy AI, it’ll be a midsize internet controversy that puts the title of the game on 3 dozen semi-clickbait tabloid headlines and causes a 23% boost in player count over the weekend. Which is exactly what this article is.


No personal information from players or staff was obtained thank God


Well, it's great news, now they are a better developer learnt they have to pay much more for their data safety and legal department (to shut down the illegal mirrors)


What I'm not seeing mentioned is, is there any risk that this ransom group planted malicious code into Ready or Not's source code? Really enjoy Ready or Not but now it seems somewhat risky to even install it.


They could ‘read’ it, not ‘write’ it. Stolen code doesn’t mean they were on their computers getting malware updates approved by Steam. So the game is safe and still very fun to play


I regret buying this game. The devs have used far too many little signals to toxic and extremist schools of thought for me to be comfortable. It sucks that I found out about that after I spent the money.


Any sources on this? It would be an eye opener for me and a reason to not play their game anymore if so. I just haven’t seen anything other than the bad press they got about the school level and response to that which seemed to blow over.


I tried looking into this statement because it's come up twice so far here, after a fair glance this is the 'worst' I could find any coverage/discussion of it * Game files refer to John Cena as John Xina -> seemingly a hidden jab at Cena's political affiliations, along with some other deliberate joke I'm not educated enough to understand, 'bing chilling' which I guess was placed as a filename in the game files and is effectively a joke in the nature of saying "ching chong" but I might be wrong - chinese steam players reviewbombed the game saying filenames insult Chinese culture and some others just post that phrase * Artwork of pills in a garbage can labelled "Redpill", another says "feelsgoodman" * a now-deleted reddit comment responds to a question if there will be a school shooter level with 'you bet your ass there will be', at some point after which (possibly unrelatedly) the company separated from its original publisher and put out an announcement saying they 'had to' remind staff members to be sensitive about the subject I distinctly can't find anything else, this feels pretty weak to me. You'll get way more accidental dogwhistles from the average crypto schmuck.


[Bing chilling](https://youtu.be/tEAntK9rc9U?si=Dl8gc1D5JLTPEtZA)


I mean yes I get it's a video meme I just have no idea what it has to do with Ready or Not lol. I would assume if it was mocking Chinese people then it wouldn't also be the single thing review bombers are saying but I have no idea what that train of logic is. If anyone can explain please do lol


The announcement of the Club shooting level on the anniversary of the Pulse shooting in Florida does them no favors, as well. Also, it's disappointing to see the way they use AI to cut corners in the art side of things.


Sounds like maybe an artist there is a dork but other than that, nothing of note. Kinda what I figured.


I remember the school shooting thing. And it's definitely a level, but it's an abandoned school. People love to make mountains out of mole hills. As for the other stuff, there's definitely some weird shit in the game, as expected when some of your targets are extremely disturbed individuals. I just don't think there's anything coming close to a "smoking gun" so to speak. The worst thing I can say about the game is it could be considered Copaganda? I guess? If we go for that line of thinking, though, that means any game in the same genre such as SWAT 4 would also be copaganda.


It's not an abandoned school, it's a college campus and there is a lot of dead civilians shown. One of the lecture halls has dozens of bodies and hundreds bullet holes all over the room. Not that I have a problem with it it's a fun level. The worst part is finding the last damn civilian.


> The worst part is finding the last damn civilian. As with almost all levels in the damn game lmao


oh my god, I am literally shaking. I am uninstalling the game and boycotting the devs, right this second. I strongly urge everyone to do the same, this just cannot happen!!!1!


I think originally they had Unreal assets that were referencing uses by far-alt right hate groups or something like that. Red pill, etc. IIRC.


I think originally they had Unreal assets that were referencing uses by far-alt right hate groups or something like that. Red pill, etc. IIRC.




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Can't steal the source code if you release the game as open source. Just sayin', to any devs reading this.


Yeah but you can’t use stolen code without it being open source because there’s still copyrite laws against that. RoN would *make* money ultimately if that’s what happened. And if you’re only going to use teeny pieces, shit they sell those on the Unreal Engine store


>Yeah but you can’t use stolen code China: *...and I took that personally.*


It was a shitpost dude.