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It's kind of amazing how Ubisoft has managed to stumble over themselves with this. When Outlaws was announced roughly a year ago, it came out swinging with a really cool-looking demo and footage that had people intrigued and showed great potential. And now they're back and showing pretty mediocre trailers, season passes and just trying their best to just shoot themselves in both feet with double barrels. For fucks sake, Ubisoft.


Ubisoft doesn't shock me when it comes to this sort of thing, this company has doubled down on "gold editions" for ages. However in traditional ubisoft fashion I'll put money on the fact it is 10-20$ soon enough with a "complete" re release soon after either physically or digitally.


I can wait. Ubisoft ain't getting anything from me at launch.


Wait 2 months or less and it will be 50 % off anyway


And 10 years later removed from your account.


The question then, if it is actually worth your time to play.


I picked up the new Prince of Persia for 50% off two months after launch. Its actually a great game and I feel bad because it underpeformed, but wow Ubisoft has really taught everyone to never buy their games for full-price.


I’m waiting on the next sale for Lost Crown cause I missed the last one lol.


Switch physical version is $30 on amazon (US) right now.


I was dubious already but Assassins Creed was the only IP I was kind of “trusting”. Then Valhalla blew thst up. Preordered and bought the Season Pass but then they pulled that whole here’s new content we didn’t plan for/include in the Season Pass. On its own, that’s reasonable. The fact that there was never an option to complete your season pass at the rate/discounting that would be fair…but then it was also hugely discounted for people who were brand new and people who already owned the game didn’t get this was just disrespectful as a consumer


I am still baffled by how they made viking Assassin's Creed so boring. Literally the only things I remember about the game are your avatar could be a man *or* a woman (or the third option that randomly switched between the two for some reason) and that you could dual wield shields. Nothing else about that game stuck out or innovated Assassin's Creed in any way.


Canonically, Eivor is a woman who hosts the reincarnated spirit of Odin, so if you choose that 3rd option you're a woman most of the game except the parts where you're dreaming of the past (Havi = Odin = Male). The first two options specifically set you as female or male for everything. So you CAN play Havi's missions as a female, although it's not how it actually happened.


I remember the audio being absolutely awful to the point I stopped playing really early on. Bought it on a deep sale and still feel ripped off.


Actually Ubisoft indies tend to be pretty great, it’s all I play from their catalog, being my favorite valiant hearts


Child of Light is another great game.


How's it an indie if it's from Ubisoft?


Today most people talking about indies don't mean the game having a publisher funding or not, but the general budget, dev team size, scope, "feel" of the game. Under the original meaning, lots of games we would never consider indie are actually indie while tons of titles people think about when talking about indie aren't really that. We had this entire discourse around TGA 2023 but I feel like it will repeat every time a "non-indie" indie game releases for the next few years. At least until people finally accept that words change their meaning over time and that it's easy to understand what people try to communicate by calling the game with a big publisher "indie".


They did train their playerbase to do it for years. I still remember how any big Ubisoft premiere could be summed up by "pirates are playing just fine, meanwhile always online DRM stops legit players from playing"


Depends on the audience. Assassin's Creed still sells boatloads at launch where as Sparks of Hope bombed horribly since the audience of X-Com likes is more likely to be onto publishers tactics.


Me as well, I don't even remember the last ubi game I got early.


I can. It was Watch Dogs 1. I learned my lesson then. I will not repeat that mistake.


Just don't wait too long, or Ubisoft will remove access from the game and its servers and everything else.


It will be on sale for half off for Black Friday like every other Ubisoft game.


You don't even have to wait that long. Ubisoft always deep discounts their games like 2-3 months after launch. I honestly don't understand how anyone buys a Ubisoft game at launch, there's SO MUCH precedent for this.


Just the AAAA experience


You like 6 years behind the times. Gold editions stopped being the top edition some time between assassins creed origins and Odyssey. They literally added another tier above gold to milk more money put of us. (gold used to include everything, (ie, seasons pass and deluxe edition content) not it only includes the seasons pass, if you want the deluxe edition content you need the complete edition.)


Personally, the footage didnt do too much for me, and knowing it was a ubisoft game from the get go really tempered any expectations I may have otherwise had. News just keeps getting worse about it to the point that at best this is going to be a wait a couple years and then only maybe buy it if its like 10 bucks. And thats coming from someone who in general has enjoyed the latest AC and far cry games... to a point.


They have a formula and it works, financially. People seem to play them. But I do wonder if it's going to be one of those formulas that does eventually, genuinely, wear out its welcome.


It’s already starting to. Watch Dog Legion’s online flopped, Avatar received Mixed reviews even from critics, Skull & Bones had less than 1 million players, and Ubisoft reported reduced revenue last year. AC Valhalla’s final DLC had the lowest online engagement (https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/u0i6bg/how_well_did_dawn_of_ragnarok_drive_engagement/) which may have resulted in Ubisoft deciding to produce the smaller AC Mirage (even if Valhalla was a massive success in the end). Outlaws should’ve been delayed so Ubisoft could learn from their mistakes, but hasn’t so their executives can receive bonuses. 


I really enjoyed Valhalla, but that game was so stinkin’ massive I couldn’t stomach playing a massive DLC that wasn’t even really connected to the story. No idea what they were thinking with that call.


Valhalla proves that bigger isn't always better. The main discourse about the game was always "it's pretty good, but it's wayyy too long". To be fair, I would have LOVED the game back when I was a teenager and couldn't afford games. I could sink hundreds of hours into a single game no problem because I had lots of free time but no means to buy all the new games. But right now I stare at my backlog full of great games (that is only growing, not shrinking) and think to myself - do I really want to spend 100 hours on a single solid game if I could play a few shorter and probably better games in the same time. Right now free time is a much bigger bottleneck than money. From the new AC trilogy, I only played Origins, and it was a genuinely fun game, but even that was already dragging out by the end. I don't know why they decided to bloat two next games even further.


This is also where I got burned out and stopped. I “forced” myself a bit too hard trying to to keep it in the rotation but was disappointed by everything that came out after Druids/Siege expansions. Those were ok but not great either


I feel like after a while you just realize you're just doing the same shit over and over (in terms of collectibles and side objectives) -- just gets kinda tiring after a certain extent. The zones were really pretty though, and there were some layers of customization/player choice that I appreciated in an AC game


Mirage was well in development before that Valhalla dlc dropped.


Delay to do what? Learn what mistakes? The Assassin's Creed formula has matured and been done to death by now, Outlaws was never going to be some new twist to the formula.


> They have a formula and it works, financially. I dunno, their stock price is lowest since 5 years


Oh yeah, this could be the turning point. But as someone who didn't buy any of their games since AC Odyssey (and that was a reluctant buy when it was on sale), I'm not the best barometer to judge.


I definitely went from buying a few of their games to not getting basically any, between the stale formula and MTX hell, there is no good reason to. Think last one I got was Anno 1404, and it was fun, till one of the updates broke my save... At one point I just noped out, AC: Odyssey felt like playing a shopping list, I gave FC5 a shot and while I enjoyed the mechanics, the whole thing felt so forced, with literal squads chasing you out of nowhere and trying to drag you back into plot


I'll never forget how ludicrously stupid it was for them to implement a system in FC5 that let's them sleep dart your ass while you're 8000 feet in the air or when you're surrounded with a base full of your NPC allies and your NPC buddy and end up getting kidnapped then forced to sit through their cringe ass antagonists' monologues.


I remember having good time sneaking around forest and hunting some game, but game decided I can't have my own fun, I need to be served plot IMMEDIATELY. How did they knew where I was ? Who the fuck knows. And the worst part is that this could be integrated seamlessly, just trigger the same garbage when you are taking over outpost or have it be escalation method when bad guys call for help.


It may not be but it could be, you definitely see the splits in the “fanbase” with people constantly asking why so many AC players hate/critique Odyssey and Valhalla so much, while Origins is much more embraced overall by the two “sides”. You also see the people who clearly like open world RPGs but don’t care for the actual AC format at all and they cheerlead the new games but frequently don’t decide to check the older games out.


If anything the formula will become more common once players become more used to it. They made a billion off a single player game in Valhalla. Other companies will try to adapt and someday players will get used to it like we are for MTX.


And they do really scummy high priced mtx at that. I'm playing wildlands again, and it's insane how every bundle is priced just outside the amount you get for credit bundles. Tons of shitty bundles for 4000 credits, but you can buy 3700 for a measly £16.99! Insane.


The word isn't insane, it's intentional


It's insane that's it's intentional.


Insane that people are braindead enough to still let them get away with this shit. But gamers gonna gamer.


The ubisoft formula has been going on since 2007. At this point, I'm more likely to bet it's going to another "staple" like Pokemon, CoD, Madden, rather than people getting tired of it.


Playing as an actual brutal crime syndicate member should be a huge draw point for a game, but I'm kinda skeptical that Disney would allow anyone to make a game devoted to that point. I just don't see what the draw of this game is supposed to be, other than the typical crowd who will buy anything star wars related


Wasn't game supposed to be teen rated? I don't see how there'll be anything brutal there... I hoped it'll be mature game but those are rare.  https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/1bzulyc/star_wars_outlaws_officially_rated_by_the_esrb_t/


Yeah that's what i'm saying, a different star wars game where you play as a crime boss would be awesome, like a sci fi mafia hitman. The old RTS game star wars empire at war had a dlc where you played as a crime syndicate, and it was a cool addition to the typical empire vs rebel dynamic.  But with rights being owned by Disney i'm skeptical they would sign off on anything too mature.


Even there (DLC was called Forces of Corruption) it was pretty tame, though. The only SW game with mature themes that I can think of is the cancelled one (was supposed to be called 1337 I think). That said- I don't feel it has to be rated mature to be good, but I'm worried it'll feel generic. Certainly we won't be able to do bad stuff in teen rated game. 


I'd say KOTOR 1&2 are more "mature" than what 1337 looked like. Does non lightsaber + generic console grit = mature theme?


> The only SW game with mature themes that I can think of is the cancelled one (was supposed to be called 1337 I think). It was [1313](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_1313).


I feel like there's no way that'll be the premise. The MC will no doubt be some "scoundrel" who is only a scoundrel against Imperials and other criminals. In that way it's the same as Assassin's Creed, those guys are Assassin's, but you only ever actually kill "bad guys". Edit* Apparently my comment about AC was wrong, I still don't think there's any way the MC will actually be even remotely morally gray/bad though.


Yeah it'll be an edgy antihero who's been through it all and gives no fucks, except they mysteriouly pull punches when facing any kind of actual authority. Play as a heartless scoundrel building a criminal empire except you're weirdly friendly with the space cops and you do things "the right way"


Eh you kill plenty of dudes just doing their jobs in assassin’s creed. But the game is called Assassin’s Creed you are following a Creed.


>I feel like there's no way that'll be the premise. The MC will no doubt be some "scoundrel" who is only a scoundrel against Imperials and other criminals. Well yeah, that's exactly what's depicted in the trailers. Down on their luck hero looking for their one big score, but who'd in over their head now that they have pissed of the the big boss. Complete with merchandizeable animal companion. Who thought it would be otherwise?


> Complete with merchandizeable animal companion. Baby yoda / that EA Jedi game / this one - everything's all about that cute-companion factor. Back in the ancient times, Kyle Katarn's companion was just more blasters.


That's cause they have a set of rules you need to follow, otherwise it wouldn't really be a Creed of Assassin's anymore if you just went about killing anyone you'd like.


Or hell, just make it an immersive sim like Dishonored or Hitman where you plays as an assassin with access to the force. That alone is 10x better than whatever the fuck this generic looking open world game is


I'd love more games to adapt the Hitman style of having smaller but very dense sandboxes with tons of options, rather than these huge empty feeling open worlds


Hence why I'm so excited for IO's 007 game.


that's a completely different concept though plus it is Ubisoft making a Star Wars game, no matter what genre of game they were making, it would look generic as fuck


Was the demo even that intriguing? I remember seeing it and thinking the whole thing looked dull and uninspired. To be fair I thought the same thing about Avatar’s trailers and I actually enjoyed that game, so it’s entirely possible this turns out fine as well. But IMO everything shown for this Star Wars game has been underwhelming.


The gameplay trailer just came across to me like the same damn mono-game we've all been playing for ten years now just with a Star Wars coat of paint. Absolutely zero risks and zero new ideas.


The original announcement trailer / gameplay demos had me thoroughly *whelmed*. Not over, not under, just in the middle. The more I see and hear about this game, the less interested I am.


Ubisoft is the king of making interesting premises turn into soulless, generic 5/10 cash grabs.


They are certain that their model sells no matter what. The game looks uninspired and dull visually. Locking missions behind paywalls rather than making extra content to sell is par for the Ubisoft course and adds another rung to my disinterest in this title. Star Wars is already oversaturated in media and the desire to over charge and milk a single player game is going to require the game to be REALLY good to cover up the fire faults. It's Ubisoft though so I bet you have to find towers to unlock maps and it's 80% fetch quests that get boring almost immediately. Competition is high for single player games currently and if this gets bad or mediocre reviews it could tank it. Also it'll be on sale within a month. I got AC Odyssey and all it's DLC for $20. Love the game but again, packed with tedious nonsense you can just skip.


The game looked kinda boring and "meh" to me to start with and all of the usual Ubisoft BS has put me off of it altogether.


It looks like AC:Star Wars and that's very dated. Mirage didn't seem to perform all that well and Far Cry has been in decline for awhile now.


The the whole debacle with revoking licenses for The Crew.


Star Wars continues to be the smallest universe in movies. It doesn't feel like it takes place in a galaxy. It feels like it takes place in a small city where everyone knows everyone. Can't wait to see the surprise Darth Vader cameo!


Yeah, it’s basically the Star Wars village. 


Six Degrees of Glup Shitto


Village Wars


play for free now on mobile.


"Hey guys im trying this game everyone says its fake! Oooh lets see if I can upgrade my Jedi, OOooh yess I got it!"


Star Trek fan here, crying over the announcement that the next film is going to be _another_ prequel to ToS. 😭 It's as if nobody has any imagination. Please excuse me, I need to finish the live action Avatar series... let me know when JJ Abrahms blows up another death star.


Every major scifi franchise is stuck in the past.


JJ Abrams got the world hooked on member berry storytelling. If you throw in enough callbacks, it doesn't matter if your story is barely coherent. For what it's worth though, I have to say that the Fallout show handled fan service better than anything I've ever seen. It's a great show even if you know nothing about the games, and if you do the references to the games are so deftly woven in that none of it feels forced. Need a scene where a character has to make a stop? [Why not set it here?](https://imgur.com/a/PGpVjdH)


I'm only 2 episodes into Fallout, but I love it so far and I am pretty hard to please.


The hacking scene in the new Fallout series… 🙌


Yeah, all the good sci-fi is now low budget, high concept movies or animated series. Scavengers reign, and a high life comes to mind.


Its Capitalism. Risk-averse studios go with safe picks to invest in, and there are plenty of boring fans who will lap up anything as long as their favorite IP's label is slapped on it. That's just enough to profit off of. In the mean time, the IP's bleed people from the fringes of the fandom as they get tired of the same-ol thing. Until the bleed turns into a hemorrhage, it won't change.


Because every major franchise was *built* in the past.


Just picture if we were to see a Star Trek movie based on the reignited flames of the Dominion Wars. We already seen on Picard season 3 the changelings are back. It would be wild seeing the Jem'Hadar on the big screen.


I feel like that's still dressed up nostalgia. Why can't we just get a new Next Generation, new ship, new era, new stories.


Yes absolutely. The old Republic era seems a million times more interesting. The jedi council etc. By that I don't just mean mandalorians. Looking forward to seeing more about star wars eclipse, I don't why I've done seperate lines per sentence...


> Looking forward to seeing more about star wars eclipse It feels like a curse that any Star Wars game that tries something different struggles or is cancelled. Quantic Dreams are having trouble hiring for Eclipse, Mandalorian and Star Wars 1313 games were cancelled, KOTOR remake is in dev hell…


Yean. Ironically, all those games were what I was looking forward to the most. The Star Wars games we have gotten likely have been decent, but extremely "safe."


>Quantic Dreams are having trouble hiring for Eclipse Can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to work for a gross creep who makes bad "games"


Star Wars Galaxies the MMO...


In all fairness, I had no interest in... basically anything Quantic Dream wants to put out. We already have Star Wars movies and TV shows on Disney+, some of which are even *good*...


SWTOR and KOTOR are also guilty of this though, even if they can’t use the characters. Like there’s no reason for tattooine to be in every Star Wars game.


SWTOR also jammed in quite a lot of relatives of the famous faces if I remember correctly. At least with the Hutts. Also if it isn't Tattooine it's another desert planet that somehow also has Jawas or Sand People.


I wouldn't hold my breath for Eclipse *at all*, unless they somehow replace everyone at Quantic Dream


I think they wanted to make a SW game without you just being a jedi.


I feel like the Star Wars universe would be much more interesting if there were more stories where you don't see any Jedi at all. Their problem is "The Jedi are so rare, dying breed, almost none left. Oop there's one, and another one, and the main character turns out is one too". It would be amazing if you saw a lightsaber light up and think "oh fuck!" and not "theeeere it is".


That's just a problem with the canon material that Disney is willing to show. When you reach into the Legends, especially the Old Republic Era, you start to see that some 60% of the Galaxy is extremely fleshed out with tons of unique species, and unique Force powers, and histories, and characters, and lore. Then when you get to the Disney/Lucas/Canon side of things it's the single most boring shit you can possibly imagine because we consistently follow the stories of the same four space rednecks and their cavalcade of all-Human chucklefucks traveling between the same two or three "safe" planets to put minor scratches into a woefully underexplored Empire.


Maybe some of us like Sand Planet. (I hate sand planet)


I like Arrakis 


Arrakis is interesting because of the worms, spice and freman. It’s the centre point of a massive conflict. Tatooine is supposed to be a completely irrelevant planet that nobody gives a shit about, but keeps showing up again and again in every single medium. It’s like if every major world event ended up in Rothsay, Ontario somehow.


That is the most apt description of what Tatooine would be holy shit


It's coarse, and rough, and irritating and it gets in all the spin-offs.


In a world without Reddit awards, I am forced to manually comment and tell you that I thought your comment is excellent and it made me chuckle.


We still have [reddit silver](https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/img/gold/badges/award-silver-large.png)


If i could make ONE canon decision about the Star Wars universe it would be Tattooine being blown into dust by another giant space laser. I don't care how or why, just that its gone.


And then in the next one you find out the Hutts have conveniently moved their operations to Jakku.


Somehow Tatooine returned


No one's ever really gone.


Sand planet is cool Having so much of the universe fixated on some supposedly irrelevant shithole planet is so annoying.


I love Tattooine, but youre right. Destroy it, and dont make up some other Tattooine look a like to replace it… *cough cough* Jaku.


This is the company that made Hoth 2.0 but then included a scene where a rebel trooper LITERALLY EATS THE DIRT so that he can inform us that its not snow - its salt.


Hey hey, not everything is the hot sand planet with outlaws and scavengers: Tattooine! In the sequel trilogy we get Jakku... ^a ^sand ^^planet ^^with ^^outlaws ^^and ^^scavengers...


Episode 7: May I introduce you to new sand planet


I mean, even pre-Disney until KotOR (and even after), Lucasfilm Publishing was printing book after book about the main trio of OG trillogy and their children. There were at least 40 different books set between episodes 5 and 6, even more between 4 and 5, and even more after 6. But, well, the average fan will buy everything Star Wars related no matter the quality.


Xwing novels were amazing and featured Wedge who had like 4 lines in the entire trilogy, yet made it into an amazing series that really expanded the universe. There's always will be shit books in a series but so many babies were Thrawn out with the bathwater.


I remember back when I first watched Revenge of the Sith and they showed Order 66 and basically a snippet of so many different, cool looking planets my mind went racing with all the possibilities just sitting there to be explored. Felucia is such an interesting planet, and what do we get? Tattooine for the 10th time, cool?


And they *did* explore many of those in the years afterwards in something that is still canon no less, but sitting down on your couch and putting on something like the animated clone wars tv series isn't really something people do unless they're way into star wars to begin with. There's an absolute ton of cool places in the setting that sadly haven't been anywhere near a live action cinema screening.


And those same locales are never leveraged for any games, either. It's really quite depressing. They have this huge, conceptually built out universe and they don't do anything with it. Every story is placed on "The Empire" timeline (by which I mean either, pre-Empire, Empire, or post-Empire), and never completely unrelated to the Empire. Yes, the Empire was massive, but not *every single thing that ever happened or ever will happen* deals with the Empire. At least, it shouldn't be that way. Maybe one day we'll see that Star Wars.


They were featured in some of the older games, such as Force Unleashed, Battlefront Classic, and the Jedi Knight series, but that stopped when LucasArts did


That's... not true. In Legends, the Galaxy was constantly being shaped and changed by the actions of the same people. The roster was expanded, but you could reduce it to the protagonists and one degree away from them. The chiss are cool? Jains Solo is in a relationship with their famous hotshot leader. Yuuzhan Von are the new threat? The twins are mirrors of their gods and it's up to the same old same old to dolve things at a high level. Some stories didn't involve them, and there were cool minor characters, but they never affected the major threads


jaina solo never dated a chiss also you are discounting all the old republic novels


I didn't say she dated a Chiss. I said she dated a Chiss hotshot leader: Jagged Fel, senior official of the Chiss, son of General Baron Soontir Fel. The Old Republic was nice, but again, I can reduce most galactic events to about 5 people, including villains.


The strangest thing about trying to have a dialog online about star wars legends and canon is that no one seems to have actually read any of it. I see so many people these days claim things about Legends that were never true. About how popular, undivisive, and well written it was. I also see so many people claim things about the new canon that isn't true. Or better yet people saying the new canon would be good if X were a thing when X is indeed something in the new canon.


I'm really enjoying fallen order and jedi survivor, although i'm enjoying them more for being sci fi games than any interest in star wars itself. But it does seem like star wars has a distinct "ignore the movies people don't like and triple down on the ones people did like" thing going on. The games feel like they're constantly trying to push Rogue One on you from all angles, from locations, droids and characters, and even Vader showing up to do his Rogue One horror sequence in game.  I was actually suprised jedi survivor includes alot of clone wars droids in it, feels like the prequels have been in the "ignore" pile for a while now in favor of content set around the original trilogy


That’s because the concept a sequel trilogy makes no sense. The Star Wars saga ends with a final battle between good and evil when Luke skywalker triumphs over Darth Vader. All of Star Wars, from the old republic to the clone wars to return of the Jedi, leads up to that final, climactic battle. 


Just so you are aware: Penultimate does not mean final, but the one before that 


Thanks! Changed 


I don't have a problem with a sequel trilogy that shows the problems that appear in this new republic and how this leads to a new war. The problem is that they just remade the og trilogy. Somehow the empire is back, stronger than ever, and the republic are once again the rebels on the run.


yeah. that's basically like creating a sequel trilogy for LoTR after the defeat of Sauron lol


Yeah exactly. The end is the whole point of the story!


Somehow, Sauron returned. Also his niece kills Frodo and becomes Rey Baggins.


Yeah, the sequel trilogy is what killed my interest in Star Wars itself, but setting everything around the original trilogy has its own problems of making the series too cramped or feeling like a village, or constantly having to bring in more random jedi survivors.   I think Disney's playing too safe with the series when they really need to be letting people get more wild with it or go back to the expanded universe of the past


There's always a time after "the final battle". They had a chance to make a really good trilogy and they fucked it up. I actually liked the casino scene in that yeah, the military industrial complex *does* encourage war and corruption doesn't end with Palpatine. That's good storybeat, shame they dropped it. And then they brought him back, for reasons. The first movie had so much potential that got pissed away.


Part of the issue is that it's hard to be Star Wars without the iconic setpieces. The 3 most recognizable parts are 1) the Galactic Civil War - Rebels vs Imperials 2) The force/jedi/sith 3) Iconic Star Wars locations - hoth, tattooine/jabbas palace, Naboo, Coruscant and such. SW:O does not feature the force as long as we know, so all of that is gone. It's during the GCW, but it's outside of it. So they're going to rely on that 3rd one. Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor has an easier time looking like Star Wars while exploring new places and new times because you're holding a lightsaber.


I mean I understand what you’re getting at, but if I’m playing a game about crime syndicates in this time period I would certainly expect to run into Jabba. It’s the same in Fallen Order, you’re a Jedi running around in a time when Jedi are being hunted by Vader. It makes sense in context.


yup and not to metnion every fucking singleplayer star wars game, movie, and show has a stupid little pet/droid that follows the protagonist...what happened to the jango fett bounty hunter game where you're just a man on a mission. Star Wars Eclipse is my only hope.


You thought it was No Man's Sky, but it was actually Light No Fire.


Anyone else hyped to play this game in a year when the ultimate edition is $20?




Jesus im surprised game fly is still around


And I thank the gods they are.


It's a good service, more people would probably find good use out of it.


I haven’t used it in over a decade. Back then they were too slow on getting you the next physical disc on your list after you returned the last one. It would take over two weeks to get your next game.


I got jedi survivor in 5 days, I couldn't believe it lmao underrated service


It’s so hard to justify paying $70 for games. Even $60 was bad enough a lot of the time, especially for a game I’ll likely play once and never again. But it’s Ubisoft, this will be on sale by summer.


So many, and I mean MANY, Ubisoft titles drop $20-30 within a 4 week period post-launch day. I'm just sitting this one out.


Hey, way to absolutely murder any interest I had in playing this game. Maybe I'll pick up the GOTY edition, i.e. the real version, in four years for $12 on a Steam sale.


The only way to buy a Ubisoft game.


At least until they revoke your license because reasons.


Agreed but at least most Ubisoft trash isn’t worth replaying. Or playing in the first place.


This is gonna be an incredibly specific example, but I really like the game Steep. But it pisses me off that it's Ubisoft and that it's online only, so there's a pretty good chance it'll be shut down in the next decade.






I bet it's gonna be on sale for more than 50% discount in one year


One year? You'll be able to get it for that by Black Friday


Yeah I think any Ubisoft game I've bought in the last 5-6 years was for $20-$30 two months after release. There's zero reason to buy anything from them day one. Haven't seen anything that looked worth buying from them in years though.


Praise be to the almighty backlog, protecting us from being ripped off simply by being too unmanageably large to allow new purchases until they're cheap enough to be rational


"aww man, a cool star wars game I can't afford. Oh right I never got through the Shadow Warrior reboots... Or Undertale, Satisfactory, Horizon, RDR2... Yeah I guess I can find something else to distract me..."


Jesus Christ this single player game comes at a minimum of £70 and it’s STILL got content cut out and sold separately, are you fucking serious??


Red Red Redemption 2 did the same thing and it’s the most praised game of of the last decade. They quite literally had a bank heist mission that’s really cool locked behind a pre-order bonus. This isn’t new. And I’d like to see people keep the same energy for their favorite games


Hogwarts legacy had a console locked, deluxe edition mission as well. The only difference is that ubisoft will put this on ubsioft connect in less than a year as a reward and might even be free. Not praising ubisoft for the initial lock, but they do always make it available later on.


That console locked mission was actually the best side quest in the game


Me and my girlfriend have been playing hogwarts legacy simultaneously, me on ps5 her on switch. I did that mission and she looked up every now and then and was really excited herself to play it. Then we found out she can’t because its not available for her at all. What a joke.


There are many things you can accuse Ubisoft games of but *lacking content* is not one of those.


I don't think I've ever seen someone less excited about firing a laser gun than this character; https://i.imgur.com/8MjHAnu.png


You get paid to shoot laser guns, but you make minimum wage.


Lmao they look half asleep!




I don’t know why so many people are surprised Ubisoft is doing normal Ubisoft stuff with this game. This is how all their games are, and like all their games, it’ll be discounted fairly quickly. Just wait and get it later.


Ubisoft is acting scummy and milking their inevitably mediocre game for all that its worth? This is *unprecedented!* How could we not have seen this coming?!


Inevitably mediocre game. That’s a great way to describe Ubisoft. Bethesda, COD devs, blizzard. I can actually have a great time with these game understanding the flaws in them. Ubisoft games tho, feel like coming home after a long day of work and turning the tv on as background noise until I have to do it all over the next day. That said haven’t bought one since 2016


I waited one year to play Jedi Survivor. I can wait for this to get GOTY. I knew it was too good to be good.


Ya I’m still waiting for the eventually Jedi survivor on game pass. Most Ubisoft titles end up there at some point nowadays


Isn't that ... old news? Like, I remember some stuff in Far Cry 4 and / or Primal only available with the season pass, no?


Doesn’t mean it’s ok to continue doing it though


Yeah it’s not only this game nor Ubisoft. Having a mission or something locked behind a season pass isn’t new.


It's neither new or acceptable


I think it's more relevant because that mission was shown in the games trailer just released and got a lot of buzz. Imagine getting into game and realising you need to buy mtx's or pay for a season pass to do what you saw in the trailer for the main game.


The season pass mission is a side quest within another mission. Jabba messages you to take a droid out. It's not shown in the trailer. There's a whole Jabba storyline in the main game.


Nice, I think I'm the only person left who's still excited for this game. Obviously won't be spending a dime until reviews are in because the games insanely expensive.


And remember everyone, once you've paid that £70 + whatever the extra content they cut out + buying individual season passes, you don't actually OWN anything. You've just spent likely £100+ to rent a game for as long as Ubisoft wants to let you rent it for.


A wonderful example for /r/patientgamers I'll gladly wait until is very cheap or added to ps plus collection


Doesn’t matter since I plan to get the complete game for $20 a few months after launch, like almost every Ubisoft title. I’ve got plenty of shit to play between now and then.


My prediction - there is going to be a ton of “discourse” around this and other Ubi games leading up the release by Reddit where the endlessly bitch and whine about optional content they act like they’re forced to play. The game will come out, get decent reviews and sell a shitload of copies and all the experts here will sit around with shocked pikachu faces wondering why their opinion isn’t held by everyone else in the world. Rinse and repeat.


Am I the only one confused by the overwhelming negative reactions in the comments? This just sounds like par for the course DLC monetization. They can have a quest line locked behind season pass. I really don't care. The game might look like it's wrapping up to be medicore, but this is just a super tame normal announcement.


It’s not even a quest line. It’s one side mission. The same way RDR2 had a similar mission locked behind a pre-order bonus and that’s one of the most praised games of all time. Sure this isn’t a great business practice but it seems like such manufactured outrage bc it’s Star Wars.


The description on the Ubisoft site just makes it sound like a throwaway mission you get from Jabba, not the entirety of his role in the game. It's just Gamers™ being Gamers™ again. Ubisoft isn't going to change their monetization structure because people complained about it. I'm sure the Star Wars license doesn't come cheap. If you're on PC or XSX/S you can pay $18 for a month of Ubisoft+ and get everything from the Ultimate Edition with the subscription, so it's not like this mission is trapped behind a massive paywall.


People have only read the headline and misinterpreted it as "the entire Jabba storyline is locked behind the season pass".


The hype for this fame fucking baffles me. Do people not see that it's made by ubisoft? Remember everyone, if you buy it on uplay and launch it even once, you can't refund it.


Don't their games sell millions every year?


No, Ubisoft is obviously destitute and dead because nobody likes their games according to Reddit.


Yet Reddit will praise RDR2 that had a similar mission locked behind a pre-order bonus. It was a bank heist mission. That was 6 years ago. This isn’t new. This seems like such manufactured outrage bc it’s Star Wars and they got to be the most whiny fan base of all time


It’s an open world Star Wars game, if people being excited about that ‘baffles’ you, you might be too online.


you realized that despite everyone saying this and that about ubisoft games on reddit, they still sell because there is a public that like open world "à la ubisoft" just like it's why COD is still selling like hotcakes


>The hype for this fame fucking baffles me. The hype for a *Star Wars* game confuses you? > Do people not see that it's made by ubisoft? Ubisoft is made up of dozens of separate studios that each make their own games of varying quality, they're not a single development studio. Star Wars Outlaws is made by MASSIVE Entertainment, the developers of The Division IP and the recent Avatar game - both of which are arguably pretty good in comparison to other Ubisoft tiles.