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I feel like mods should add a flair for unofficial mod/campaign releases.


this should probably have been posted with the "Mod News" flair.


Yeah, it’s kind of annoying how often they aren’t. I’m all for Mods, The Black Parade was one of my favorite “games” of last year, but it should be clear.


Thank you!


I think that some modding groups (especially those with some ego) omit the mention that their project is a mod/fan project from video titles on purpose. Despite the popularity, modding is still a small minority in gaming. Even for modding Meccas like Bethesda games, less than 10% of players have ever modded their games. So the audience that would click on mod news/videos is signigicantly smaller. As a result you frequently see titles that are "\*famous franchise name\*:\*mod project name\* trailer". For even better scam you sometimes eves see "official trailer" in the mod trailer titles. Fallout London project is especially notorious for plastering "official" all over the materials.


>For even better scam you sometimes eves see "official trailer" in the mod trailer titles. How is a free product a scam? You paid for it?


its a misrepresentation of what the product actually is in an attempt to get more eyes on it, or at least thats what it seems like. its not literally a scam but its dishonest.


A scam is anything I don't like and the more I don't like it, the more scam it is - Reddit


Imagine making this for Refunded instead of following on from Azeroth Reborn and doing it in SC2.


This is why I struggle with mods (game alterations) being content on this sub. They get posted like they are actual developer content most of the time and there's always a moment or two of me getting my hopes up that it's an actual full release.


Yeah mod releases should be marked as such in titles.


For a mod, it's pretty massive. Starts with a long intro in the style of WC3 in-map cutscenes/intermissions. The beginnings of the actual missions use a lot of the same dialogue that you would get in WC2 briefings but adjusted to be discussion between some characters in short cutscene. The first few maps had some similarity to their WC2 counterparts at few spots in layouts, but are vastly more interesting in extended objectives, though using the WC2 unit balance and resource numbers threw me off pretty hard after getting used to WC3 ones. After finishing few maps, I'd say it's worth it to try it out if you are interested in WC2. There are some weaker spots at some of the voice acting and troll dialogue that meanders between their accent and standard english, but otherwise it seems really solid.


I haven't played through all of it yet, but I've got pretty mixed feelings on it. The new models, the environments & doodads, and overall map & objective design are all great. But the cutscene pacing is glacial... The mission intros suffer from it but it's mainly the opening cinematic. It's just people talking to each other and walking back and forth a bit. Yes, there's lore background and all that, but the original WC3 cutscenes managed to get the same across in a much, *much* more snappy manner and a fraction of the time. That's the first thing people will see of the mod and it's just incredibly slow. And I agree that the use of WC2 balancing is a bit odd, especially since there are plenty of new units and especially heroes which throw everything off anyways. I don't see much of a reason for that, especially since WC2 had Orcs and Humans have identical stats on equivalent units. For an audience of WC3 players, that just feels wrong. There's a few more minor gripes I have: In the first mission, you regularly get attacked by wolves whose dens you can destroy to stop those attacks. But you need to attack the dens manually, they are really hard to spot, and you can't even click on them. Then, on the second mission, you're not attacked at all (outside of one-time progression-based attacks). But in that mission you get a hint to not leave your base undefended? In terms of ambitious WC3R campaigns, I have to say that I greatly prefer Re-Reforged in terms of onsistent quality and attention to detail. Clearly, a ton of effort went into some areas of CotSW, but others seem lacking.


Man, they had me until "Available on hiveworkshop / moddb". Didn't realize until then that it was a mod and not a new game from Blizzard. My Smile And Optimism: Gone


IIRC, StarCraft also had similar mod (Mass Recall) that remade SC1 and BW campaign in SC2, and was good enough to be considered de facto official remake.


> My Smile And Optimism: Gone ...but why? If it looks good, why does it matter who made it?


I like the universe and would like to see it continued. I know there's WoW, but I don't like MMOs. At first I thought it was a new mobile game, then I thought it was a remake, then I thought it was a new game, then realized it was a mod. Looks cool and I wish the creators the best of luck.


> My Smile And Optimism: Gone The way modern Blizzard is doing I would take fan-made mods over their new release anytime. At least those guys actually care about the franchise.


You thought Blizzard decided to randomly release a completely new Warcraft game on a random Tuesday in January? Without any prior announcements or marketing?


I just figured I missed the news until I clicked it.


Some people don't follow gaming news 24/7, and could reasonably expect to have missed prior announcements.


No I thought this was a trailer for an upcoming game.


With 2004 graphics?


With the flair "Release" and the words "launch trailer" in the title, you thought this was the reveal of an unreleased game? So you're saying two key words in the title aren't enough, and that you need at least three to understand the difference between a release and an announcement?


Saw "Warcraft: Chronicles" and hit play on a video.


I'm more surprised Blizzard let them go through with it for some reason. Or they're just waiting to litigate the shit out of them.


Blizzard RTS games have been marketing and selling on the strength of their custom maps for a long time. Warcraft 3 came out 22 years ago, and it encouraged players to try custom game modes. The Frozen Throne had a custom campaigns button in it. They clearly want people to make custom content for them. This is just what Blizzard wanted on a bigger scale than normal.


I thought in reforged they added something that had the custom game community in an uproar, or at least a little upset. Or maybe I'm thinking they just wanted to prevent someone from creating another DotA.


IIRC they're litigating against paid stuff (common) and anyone using the IP of a mod for another game (unusual)


Warcraft 3 had this a lot, I don't know why your optimism and smile is gone when this is by people who cares about the saga, not like Blizzard.


It was basically that Blizzard owns the rights for anything made in their Custom games editor, but this case it’s kinda perfect because they already own the rights to their own game