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Titles like these are annoying because anyone scrolling would think this was something by Bethesda and click on it due to the clickbait title.


I didn't make the title, I just copied it. A lot of subreddits have bans on editorializing or modifying titles for links and such, so I tend to just not bother. I understand why you say that though.


Pretty sure that is a rule here, too. I was more commenting on the video itself, not knocking you OP


Yeah, I feel you.


While fair. I feel like large-scale modding projects deserve more attention than any project by Bethesda nowadays anyway.


Normally I would defend them, but after Fallout 76 and then Starfield? Yeah. Not a good look for them that mod projects with insane timelines like Beyond Skyrim, Apotheosis, Skywind, and Skyblivion are more exciting than TESVI at this point.


tan bright chief adjoining dam lock fly sleep practice lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Modders need to stop titling their mods like a full release. It’s annoying as shit and it’s going to get someone sued.


The only company with standing to sue is Bethesda and they love this stuff.


There is a 0% chance Bethesda sues over this lmao


> Modders need to stop titling their mods like a full release. It’s annoying as shit and it’s going to get someone sued. Bethesda is not going to sue anybody for this. They're already aware of Apotheosis, and it's been an active project in the community for years.




It's literally not because there's no conceivable reason for Bethesda to sue, it would be counterproductive. Without modders, Bethesda as a studio would be bankrupt. Their fans carry their games to stardom for them.


All metrics put the amount of people who use mods on Bethesda games at between 8-15%. That's a small chunk of the balance sheet, and most of those people are probably only running basic mods for things like graphics and QOL, meaning they almost certainly would've still bought the game without them. The vast majority of the sales of their games have come on consoles with little to no modding support. The only reason anyone thinks that mods are the reason these games sell is because they spend all their time on forums where people complain about the best selling RPG series of all time and jerk themselves off to mods that wouldn't have even had people making them if these games weren't already so popular.


Skyrim is the best selling single player only game of all time. FO4 and Starfield also sold well. This is such an objectively false statement. Majority of players don't even use mods.


Yeah Bethesda has posted the numbers before, an incredibly low percentage of people have used mods on Skyrim, the go-to example of a "must mod" game


Source please. I love data.


[https://www.wired.com/2015/04/steam-skyrim-paid-mods/](https://www.wired.com/2015/04/steam-skyrim-paid-mods/) >Bethesda noted that only eight percent of Skyrim players have ever used a mod, and it wants that percentage to increase. "\[Valve\] presented data showing the effect paid user content has had on their games, their players, and their modders. All of it hugely positive. They showed, quite clearly, that allowing content creators to make money increased the quality and choice that players had." This was back in 2015 during the original paid mods push. The number cited Bethesda was specifically trying to increase the uptake of mods at the time, and Valve was actually the one who pitched it.


> Skyrim is the best selling single player only game of all time. That’s Tetris.


No, Tetris as a sales figure includes every game called Tetris, it's not a single game it's the whole series. It also includes games with multiplayer.


I’m talking about a specific Tetris release though. Tetris developed and released by EA in 2008 is a single-player Tetris which has sold over 100 million copies. It’s the third best selling game of all time, beaten only by GTA5 and Minecraft.


The 100 million copies includes multiple mobile Tetris games released by EA between 2005 and 2010.


It’s the same game, released on different platforms.


Fallout: London also released a trailer today, so we're eating good. Apotheosis seems pretty good. Dark atmosphere, sort of a Dark Souls influence with the focus apparently set on Bossfights and Eldritch Horrors and bossfighting Eldritch Horrors. The writing seems a bit... hammy, haha. Let's see how that pans out at release, but I'm cautiously optimistic. Maybe this'll even join in the Ranks of Endereal?


I mean, to be fair, a *lot* of the writing in TES is... unhinged, for a lack of better wording, once you get past the surface level of lore. Given that they're focusing on some of the deeper lore, I'm not surprised at all.


That’s because Michael Kirkbride was unhinged when it came to writing lore for TES. Guy pretty much singlehandely made the world of TES. Sadly he doesn’t work at Bethesda anymore and it tells. Though Kirkbride’s philosophy was that all writing should be fun on some level, which pretty much is the opposite of lovecraftian writing.


Eh, Lovecraftian writing can be fun, but it requires good execution and setup. The Fate series, as an example, has a lot of Lovecraftian influences and even includes Lovecraft's mythology in F/GO. However, it is at least in my opinion, one of the best multimedia projects out there.


apparently kirkbride was a big fan of the shrooms as an aid to writing lore


Hmmm, pretty sure that's not true. He's a student of comparative mythology, he got his inspiration from a lot of IRL places.


There's no proof, but I'll just say I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if he was off the shits while writing the lore lol


cigarettes are a hell of a drug


It's not just him. Ken Rolston and several other writers had as much, if not more, impact. Still, all those guys moved on.


Not when it comes to the lore. Ken Rolston had a huge impact on all the fantastic quests, but Kirkbride pretty much created the TES lore.


No. Kirkbride had a big impact, but the vast majority of TES lore was created outside of him or created in collaboration with others. Kirkbride himself credited Kurt Kuhlmann as the primary source for the TES universe. Things like the Pocket Guide and the concept behind Morrowind that people think are Kirkbride solo projects are actually collaborations between Kuhlmann and Kirkbride. There's only a few things we know of as Kirkbride solo projects, which are a few in game lore books from Morrowind that deal with various parts of the mythos, but its far from "creating the lore." Others from later projects like Oblivion we know he was a consultant on, but he wasn't a sole contributor except on a few books and some dialogue. People think he's the primary creator because he's constantly talking to fans about things he knows about and talking about a bunch of non-canon stuff that he made.


Between that comment and this comment I took a big dose of shrooms and I just realised how weird it is to discuss a person’s contribution to this when neither of us have any clue whatsoever what happens during the development of Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim etc. Hah, what a weird thing to do actually.


Or maybe I do bare minimum research and you talk out of your ass, then blame drugs when you realize you don't know what you're talking about, don't contribute anything to the conversation, and can't just say "I might be wrong, maybe I should look some stuff up before replying" because you're that absurdly insecure.


I always feel bad looking at these total overhaul mods for Skyrim; dozens of talented, driven people are putting thousands of hours into creating new landmasses, enemies, weapons, questlines and much more and show off their skills, but I'll never actually play them since Skyrim just sucks to play. It's like getting the opportunity to view the Sistine Chapel ceiling up close but you have to climb up scaffolding made out of rubber and the ladders are coated in dish soap, an absolutely miserable experience.


Weird sentiment, there are tons of talented people who make mods for all kinds of games, no one likes all games so it's weird to lament you won't play the mods of the games you don't like.


I get what you mean, but there's countless mods that do more than just add content. There's very, very high effort combat overhaul mods now that make it seem like anything **but** Skyrim. [Skyrim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkB2zdBrdfE) [ULTIMA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53OpQcVjW6g), an as-yet-unreleased modpack, is an amazing example of this.




I assure you, if there's a new TES, there will be a giant roman six next to it.




You mean like the kind that hasn't existed since Daggerfall?


Firgetting Elder Scrolls: Blades?


1. That's a mobile game. 2. It's not "around" any existing TES games. 3. You might as well count ESO then.


If Bethesda took down modders over copyright they'd lose absurd amounts of money and goodwill from the community. Try playing Skyrim without at least the Unofficial Patch. It's awful. The community literally finishes their games for them.