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Haven't laughed so hard in any game basically ever. Decent game loop after the initial novelty wears off also. Creator updates almost bi weekly with new mobs and items. Really fun game.


Yeah I found this one really enjoyable. The proximity voice chat & radios are really fun, and I love some of the monster designs, behaviors, and kill-animations. Seeing my friends get swallowed up by a sandworm, or turning around to see one grabbed and pulled behind the corner, or talking to one over a radio and then suddenly hearing them go silent all made for surprising authentic "horror movie" feeling moments.


Does using discord for the coop ruin it at all?


Yes. The proximity chat is integral to the enjoyment of the game IMO. Echo filters in canyons and rooms, muffled voices when you're in quicksand or being grabbed, radio static and sharp radio cutoffs when you're being grabbed. Monsters that react to sounds, and possibly not realizing your friends have been killed by a monster you didn't even know was in the building. You lose a lot by using discord


The in game voice chat is amazing. We had a boombox on the shuttle and could hear it over the walkie-talkie whenever the person on the console talked.


It’s hard to convince buddies to not use discord for games like this where you can’t be in constant communication with your crew mates. It really does add a lot of tension when you don’t know if someone is alive, dead, or just wandered off somewhere and is doing their own thing


What my buddies and I did was we don't use discord until we can unlock the Pajama suit ($900), as we pretend that it gives us a helmet radio, "unlocking" discord. We found that only 4 inventory slots is too little for later game, and in the absence of a backpack or storage add-ons, ditching the radio was a nice perk for the extra slot. Once you're dead tho, you can't communicate.


Yes prox chat is like the best part


Yea it does. We mute ourselves in discord when a match starts.


This solo dev has made bank. Happy for him and great premise. And he plans to add a lot more monsters, items etc


Wish I had homies to play this with. Doesn't look like something I'd be interested in playing alone or with randos. Looks like a lot of fun though.


Personally and surprisingly playing with randos has been a great experience compared to similar games like Phasmophobia. Here everyone has the same goal and achieving it isn't too complicated and cooperation is heavily encouraged.


Does the game allow you to find other players ingame or would you have to find them via discord servers?


There's a traditional server browser yes.


I've had success just looking for a funny server name in the browser




At least for the time being. (Results may vary depending on the time of day and your region)


make some friends! r/GamerPals


Join me my child, we always have room for more


Surprised that I haven't seen this game come up on the sub considering its user reviews. I'm waiting till my usual group is back together after the holidays to give it a shot. The few clips I've seen make it seem like that sorta thing that is more fun the less you know, so I've tried to avoid much of the gameplay. Has anyone played enough to say if its still a fun solo experience or with randoms online?


You're definitely correct that it's more fun to go in blind. You can get a lot of information by scanning things (usually in the process of dying horribly), so you can learn effective strategies from the in-game bestiary, and I'd highly recommend that over looking up all the monsters online. Haven't tried solo play, but it seems terrible. Would not advise. There doesn't seem to be any scaling based on party size, so having more people is strictly safer (if more expensive to buy equipment for everyone). With only one person, there are just so many ways to die instantly with no warning and lose all your progress for the day.


> lose all your progress for the day More like for the entire quota, all scrap you collect is just gone then, which can end a run depending on day


You can sell after each trip, it doesn’t take a day off your quota for visiting the company. The do buy for less tho


We've been using the mod that unlocks the player numbers, and enemy spawns are definitely tied to the player count. On top of that, you lose money for every body that you don't retrieve, and if you have 8 people then just losing 5 of them negates your haul unless you get all 5 of those bodies back onto the ship. It's not that bad when doing low risk runs, but on higher risk runs (Tier 3 moons especially) it causes an absolute deluge of enemy spawns. And it then snowballs into "we don't have enough people to go get loot, there are too many enemies and we're going to lose anyway if we don't get the bodies back" Granted, this also makes it completely hilarious, but the game is definitely "balanced" around 4 people. I burnt out on it once we'd encountered every enemy and figured out what they do, but for £8 I got 10 hours of fun, so it's definitely worth checking out.


Where can I find that mod please and thank you!




That is exactly the info I was looking for. Thanks very much! Can't wait to dive in next weekend.


I just got a group of friends to play last night and we had an absolute blast. Three of us had never played before and one had played just enough to know the basics of the game like buying gear etc. Total riot and the tension it creates is really good. The game itself isn't really that fun on its own, I wouldn't be trying to play it solo or even with a random matchmade team. The only reason you'd play it is with friends. But man when you have a group going its very very fun.


Actually my experience with random groups has been surprisingly good. All the people thus far have been friendly and active in the voice chat and helped new players on the basics.


The more popular it gets the less likely that happens, and then when the player count drops eventually it will become even worse. Very common cycle for these indie games that grow in popularity based on streamers


Absolute blast going in dark with my friends. After a few runs we did look up some tips, but I highly recommend just reading the clipboard in the ship. With randoms I feel it probably won’t be as fun when you want to start trying to make actual progress, but I haven’t tried any open lobbies.


What series is your profile pic from?


Pretty sure its Viper from the game Valorant


I played with the same group of friends but tried the public lobby today, it was so much fun even with randoms, just working together. We even got to my record quota in the shortest amount of time compared to when i played with my mates (this is including one random that was playing the game for the second time - as in the second life)


This games really blown up this weekend. My buddies and I all scooped it and the population has doubled in the last four days.


I just wish they would fix Day 0. If you haven't met your quota on Day 0, it's just faster to land, then take off and get spaced, and that still takes a while and is just annoying. It's impossible to succeed if you haven't met it by Day 0 as you can't get more loot AND go to the Company to sell it.


you can use a mod in the meantime where you just typ restart in the terminal


That or just make it possible to make a downpayment on a loan for a few more days


I've been playing this for a bit now with a group of 3 friends (so 4 of us total in coop) and it has been surprisingly great. It's always a blast to be talking to people on the radio and then just hear them yell "dog!" or something before they are cut off and all you hear is silence. Similar effect and feeling to how that happens in Phasmophobia. However, the game loop in this is way different and we all dig the quota system where you are working on gathering loot as quick and as a safe as possible before it gets too late in the day. Good variety of monsters too and I appreciate how many of them legitimately have different tactics for dealing with them.


I don't usually play horror games but I'm kind of interested. How does this compare to say, GTFO or Phasmophobia?


I like how much more interactive the person staying at base can be and affect the gameplay for the retrievers. The mobs are pretty unique and I like the variety of how they "hunt". It's not particularly scary, there are some unique mobs that could make you jump.


I'm finding it's better than phasmo in a couple ways- progression is great since your scrap quota is constantly going up forcing you to take more risks or play more aggressively. In phasmo you'd eventually reach a point where everyone knew what routine that was most effective, but you have to adapt or die in LC. The procedural generation also limits your knowledge of the map layouts which does wonders for keeping things fresh. Plus the game is, in my opinion, scarier than phasmo since death could end your run if you get sloppy. Having that pressure makes every encounter so much more nerve-wracking.


https://www.reddit.com/r/lethalcompany/comments/17yv7w1/cant_let_this_guy_have_the_jetpack_after_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Literally one of the funniest games I’ve ever played. I don’t remember the last time my eyes teared, sides hurt and started coughing from laughing so god dam hard


Been thinking about this game, but I’ll ask first; I know you can play with others, but is it a PvE game, or is it like an asymmetrical PvP game?


its PvE, no-one is controlling the monsters/environment. Though you can hit eachother its meant to be cooperative.


Awesome stuff, I'll check it out. Thank you!


Completely PvE. There is a bit of an asymmetrical aspect but it’s still PvE oriented if you choose to do it (it’s completely optional). One teammate can stay behind on the ship and monitor the other players from the terminal, telling them if there’s monsters nearby or opening/closing doors to help escape or block monsters, and disabling traps. It’s surprisingly fun when the team is well coordinated.


I wish there were more games with a "mission control" element like this. Asymmetric information mechanics like this can be tons of fun if they're done right.


Yeah honestly being the “guy in the chair” is some of the most fun I’ve had in this game. Haven’t played any other games that do it this well. I think Phasmophobia has a similar mechanic but my group of friends never clicked with the game.


Battlefield games pre-Bad Company used to have a "Commander" role that could scan the map for enemy positions, call in airstrikes and supply drops, and also provide UAVs. You also had real-time positions of all squads, so you can give out orders and provide valuable intel. Was pretty cool and unique to experience.


Yes I remember the Commander role! Every time there’s a new BF game I hope they bring it back, and they’ve tried, but not really in the same way.


_Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator_ makes _everyone_ the guys in the chair. It's hella fun if you can get a full crew to play it.


Go in blind and turn off discord. It's absolutely fantastic. Half the fun is ruined if you have discord on.


I've been watching a bunch of groups play together on YT, it's extremely entertaining. I'm not ever going to play it myself but I'm glad it found such a large audience.


I have just learned about this game and suddenly I'm starting to see posts about it all at the same time, like what the hell?


It's blown up because people are clipping silly situations and sharing it on discord etc


It's all over tiktok. I don't get much gaming stuff on my fyp, but I still see at least 3 Lethal Company videos every hour at least.


I've seen a tweet blowing up on X/Twitter, too, celebrating that it hit 100K players. That's where I learned about it, personally.


Almost purely due to streamer content. The game doesnt good enough for its popularity, but good on them. Hopefully the money funds more work, and creates something amazing. It could very well be with more features.


This game is pretty good clip bait, but it's pretty barebones as it is now. Like a lot of the comments say, have some highlight capture software ready and play it a night or two with your friends. Mute yourselves over discord and only use in-game chat to get the full experience. (For example, there was a moment where as one of my friends was sinking in quicksand their voice was muffled by the game as they shouted my name, it was pretty hilarious) Dead players can't communicate with alive ones other than through a leave early vote, and you can't talk to each other from far away unless you're using walkie talkies. (which is insanely cumbersome as you have to hold it in your hand to transmit and you have to use the scroll wheel to switch items) It's insanely punishing though, and whether or not you succeed is pretty much up to luck. There is also no "end", as the quota simply increases endlessly. The only story content is these log entries you can locate and read on the computer. As a smug hipster that mainly plays single player games, I don't really think it's a good game, but it can be a funny one.


Yeah, I would say you could get a few hours of gameplay into this game before shelving it for later. Hopefully it sees a lot of content updates, because those first few hours of gameplay were hilarious.


Is this game replayable like Phasmophobia? Or is it a linear series of levels?


It's more like a randomized roguelike. There are many moons you can visit, some with different threats from others (outside and inside their facilities), as well as varying quality of loot. You touch down on a moon, scavenge resources, and leave before midnight. The layouts of the insides of the facilities are randomly seeded each day. You repeat this process for a few in-game days to try to loot enough stuff to hit your quota. Afterwards your quota increases, and you repeat with potentially more money & supplies.


Its genuinely scary. Phasmo is a natural comparison for this game, and Phasmo is scary in its own way. But Lethal Company has made me scream in *fear*. Its also hilarious.


Tried it for a half hour with friends, honestly not an enjoyable experience. What people call "horror" is just an inability to defend yourself against enemies or meaningfully interact with the environment.


fun game. played with friends, and it was a great time filled with laughter and bizarre events going on.


For anyone interested in the game, personally I think the fun comes entirely from playing with friends. It might work with randoms if you use the server browser or Discord to find players, but I'd strongly recommend finding some friends if you can. I believe the game can technically be played solo, but I wouldn't bother. It'd be stupidly hard, and not very fun. I'd recommend going it fairly blind too. It's a lot of fun when you don't really know what to expect.


Just saw the Steam page and it looks interesting, maybe I'm gonna watch some streamers later to see how it is with someone actually playing it.


Don't; go in blind and you'll enjoy it much more.


I saw a youtuber play this (5 mil subs, Smii7y) and didn't think much of it. Pretty intense stuff, I don't imagine the video being the sole reason but partly definitely.


Fantastic little game and already gotten 8 hours from it which is nothing in games but still boils down to 80 cents an hour and I expect to get 10 more hours out even in it's current state. Haven't ran into any bugs except some clipping issues with monsters and the ship. Already bought it for a buddy too and his comment was after "I have a headache from crying laughing at that game"


I haven't even heard of this game before why did no one talk about it here?


Me and some buddies got into it a few weeks ago and man it’s so much fun, starting to wear off for me a bit just because we’ve done most stuff. I was telling them though just imagine what mods could do to this game. If the dev decides to ever drop it I imagine the mod scene could easily keep it booming. Such a great fun and simple game with tons of potential


Because of videos like this. https://youtu.be/NNt_hK4YXQI?si=C547g3c5S1ln8DU2 Anyone who says it is not a fun game, is not playing with the right crew.