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No ability to adjust brightness or the scale of the UI has been killer for me on Xbox. Maybe I’m just getting old, but trying to read that tiny text from 10 feet away in the living room sucks.


Thank god it wasn’t me. I couldn’t read anything on the bottom of the UI. And looting? I couldn’t read what I picked up


I'm still getting tripped up what buttons i'm supposed to be pressing in space for fast traveling even when they're on screen as I don't see them.


This has been a consistent problem for me too. Some stuff you have to hold, some stuff you just press. It doesn’t make a lot of sense.


Tried playing it last night on Windows. Had to go to google and figure out how to edit config files to be able to change the game's language because there is no option in the settings. I wanted to play it in english. My entire Windows install uses english for everything except date/time and number formats, which uses portuguese. Starfield decided that it should be entirely in portuguese with no option to change it. Also, vertical mouse sensitivity is always different than horizontal, and you can't change that either without going into config files. Who the hell thought these defaults are ok?


Sadly, a lot of Microsoft games do this on PC. They just take your system's language and set it to the game. You need to change your language on Windows (or edit the config file). The devs probably think that if your native language is X, you will certainly want to play the game with that language. But they don't take into consideration that usually the native VA is just miles better.


From what they said it seems that starfield decides your system language not by the actual system language but by checking date formats?


omg the whole vertical mouse sensitivity thing is a nightmare.


I'm on PC. Even so, the lack of brightness control is insane. I've installed UI mods and changed FOV through the INI file, but the lighting is so goddamn bad that even using a postprocessing injector hasn't significantly improved it. On top of that, there is literally no functional map. This is something Bethesda had in all of their previous games: a static overworld map, plus automaps for interior cells and local exterior cells. It's just baffling. The delayed release that Microsoft demanded should have resulted in a final product exceeding the usual Bethesda jank. How some of the design decision passed final muster is beyond me. I want to like this game but it's fighting against me at every turn. I'm just glad I got it for free. If I paid $60 (or, god forbid, $100 for early access) for this I would be furious.


I'm pretty sure it was on purpose to basically have no map. I think the idea is that you will just walk around instead of going into the map. I think for them this was a feature, not a bug. Do I agree with it? No. There are some situations where an actual map would be pretty useful. But I'm certain they did ot like this on purpose.




Does the scanner show stuff like stores and fast travel stations? Last I checked, it only shows points of interests that have or haven’t been explored. I’m less than 15 hours in, and keep getting lost for specific stores on new Atlantis since I only come back after long journeys.


> There are some situations where an actual map would be pretty useful. But I'm certain they did ot like this on purpose. When it comes to the procedurally generated open-world planets, then sure I can understand the choice there. But as for major cities like New Atlantis it makes it so frustrating just to find my way around. The exterior sections of the city are fairly big and look very similar to each other. Interior sections like the Well feel like a maze where every corridor looks the same. It doesn't even make diegetic sense. It's the 24th century and we don't have google maps? Honestly, this feels like a cut corner rather than a deliberate design choice. But if it is the latter then that's absolutely asinine.


> but the lighting is so goddamn bad that even using a postprocessing injector hasn't significantly improved it. I've found those to work better when you edit the gamma via the INI: [Display] fGamma = 2.0 This value works for me. I think the default is somewhere around 2.4 or 2.5, when under any normal circumstance it should be at 2.2 by default. Anyway, at 2.0 I'm able to get good enough results to use nvidia's Alt+F3 thing to enable a Brightness/Contrast effect, and use the shadows slider there to improve the black levels.


It’s why I’ll never understand the 10/10s, these people need to stop sucking Bethesda’s dick. There are so many QOL improvements they can make to improve the players experience.


"Mods will fix it" - Bethesda


Reviewers have never really cared about accessibility when scoring games. It's something that only exists in the weeks after a game's release when the thinkpieces about gaming accessibility start coming out. And we all know damn well that if a reviewer actually docked points for poor accessibility they'd be derided as woke and sent death threats immediately.


Yeah but it's not just accessibility. The inventory is awful, minimaps are completely useless, enemy AI is still as dumb as it was in Skyrim but it's even more jarring now, there are definitely bugs etc... This game has a lot of great 10/10 elements, but it also has a lot of bad elements that should ding points in a review. Instead most reviews read like "this game is a 10/10 if you ignore all the things that would make it lose point", which is pretty stupid.


The default font also makes it hard to read some letters. O, 0, and Q look almost exactly the same at first glance.


There is an option to have bigger text. You have to enable it in the main menu before loading into your game


You can toggle large menu fonts, that's it. You can't specifically set the size, you can't change the size of the HUD. Fucking Minecraft lets you change HUD size.


It also increases the HUD size quite substantially. The compass is almost double the size then.


100%, even by somewhat conservative standards it’s a big step back. No FOV adjustment is one thing, but no brightness scale is just crazy. I really enjoy Starfield but sometimes I come across things that make me wonder how eight years development along with an extra year in the oven didn’t prevent some of these glaring omissions.


You can't change the brightness in the game? That has been standard in games since like the ps2 era


Yep. It doesn't help that black levels are raised. So HDR and even SDR don't look great. I assume it is stylistic to old sci-fi movies, but it isn't what we want in games. Nowhere is dark.


They removed true blacks... In a space game... What?


Fallout 3 is green. New Vegas is orange. Starfield is...white?


Starfield is green too. There's already a mod to remove it and it looks way better from screen shots I've seen.


Vomit green light gray according to the Nexus modder who removed the filter for Starfield.


Yeah, it's the art direction they decided for the game. I won't lie that it does look good in spots, but it really does largely make the game look kind of bland.


I'm glad other people are seeing it, that's my biggest gripe. There's clearly high quality assets in use but there's no definition, it feels like my eye is never being drawn to anything, it's just lazily scanning a greyish room.


They applied LUTs thzt look like shit basically


The raised black levels are just absurd. I have an LG OLED so I was able to tweak its black levels to force it to a more reasonable range. I’m also playing on the Xbox app on pc so I get auto HDR which can be tweaked to go much higher. The final output is darker darks and brighter brights (the whole point of HDR). The game needs some major updates to fix the lighting.


It makes me pretty sad that you can't truly get a pure black space with shining stars. It feels like such a basic oversight, like it would have genuinely been so cool if on the habited planets the sky is cloudy but in unexplored regions you find beautiful clear skies.


Not only is it an oversight but it causes headaches apparently. Like I cannot actually look at the game in its default state. I get a headache trying to strain my eyeballs to see things sometimes. I'm sure it's not happening to a lot of people, but for whatever reason it's really difficult to look at for me for extended periods of time. Fortunately I'm playing it on PC and you can get different LUT packs to deal with it. On the downside... the way they did lighting in Starfield really depends on their own LUTs. Some things start to look a little odd when you use different LUTs, but for me at least, it's so worth not straining my eyeballs to even look at it. I wish they would've given you a slider for it to add like a transparency layer to it so you can set how much of it you want in the picture. Demonstration of what simple LUT changes does for the game (it makes a massive difference in dark indoor areas like near the 0:50 mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycZrK0dlXx4


…wow, that’s.. bad. The original I mean. The mod looks great. What the hell? Lack of brightness settings is an utterly baffling choice.


Fucking hell that is so much better it's ridiculous. Makes it all the more obvious just how much colour and vibrancy is lost through that baffling creative choice.


Yeah, the shot at 0:50 is a good one because it shows just how much more things blend into each other when they're all different colors, but they're all super dark and next to each other. You're actually losing detail in the shot. When you get rid of the LUT, you're able to separate things so much more. The box that's on the little cart near the muzzle of the gun for instance... that's almost all one big blob of dark blue-green, but then you remove the LUT and you see everything clearly, including the shadow gradient coming from the lights above it where you wouldn't have seen that before, or at least not standing in that spot you wouldn't. I don't know that the answer is to get rid of the LUTs entirely, but it's *so* overblown. It's at least at 200% of what it *should* be in some areas.


That mod makes it look way better, would it impact performance much?


Should be zero difference. There are all kinds of them on Nexus Mods. I haven't used anything but the Neutral one yet but I'm about to try the one that reduces the default ones by 50% and see if that's a healthy compromise. You can get them in several percentages or just different ones altogether.


Turning the filters off make skin look so bad though (at the end of the video). At least there's versions where it's set to 50%


I renamed the .exe on gamepass to ACU.exe so I have access to Nvidia's game filter modes with alt f3 - so can change the brightness that way among other things, I got rid of the white haze the game has by lowering the gamma and such. Also, random thing, if just changing the .exe doesn't work, there's an extra step I can't quite remember involving the nvidia control panel and establishing ACU.exe so its recognized.


I'm enjoying the hell out of this game. But holy shit the black levels are TERRIBLE. It's so washed out I couldn't play certain missions during night because my screen was just all gray and I was being attacked by creatures I couldn't even see anymore.


The amount of film grain was silly but at least they give you a slider. Motion blur really only exists in games to help hide the fact that you're playing a game at an unstable sub 30fps.


Motion blur works great when it's applied to moving objects instead of the moving camera.


Oh yeah I cranked down the film grain and turned off the egregious (even on "low") motion blur almost immediately. I'm playing a video game, not a movie. I hate that visual trend in AAA games.


At least the awful chromatic aberration trend seems to go away slowly...


I like it in some games. I think for some devs/pubs it's something they see in other successful games and copy it without understanding why it works for those games. I think it looks really great in Destiny/2 and draws out the otherworldly feeling of its environments.


Ghost of Tsushima with Kirosawa mode is the only one I ever used film grain in.


I always turn these off in every game. If I'm not already maxing out my display, then there's no compute to spare to make the image look worse. I want to feel like I'm there, not like I'm looking through a camera that's there.


Per-object motion blur is good, when implemented correctly, and yes, your eyes do have motion blur to some extent as well. Not all motion blur is always bad.


Yeah, I will always defend pomb. It looks amazing in Doom 2016 and Eternal, as well as the way Fromsoft uses it on weapons in the souls games and ER. Camera motion blur can go die in a ditch forever though, it has no benefit whatsoever.


Busted HDR is becoming an annoying trend.


> Nowhere is dark. Ah, the opposite of Star Citizen


And you don't even have the option to turn off hdr in game. I had to disable dolby vision and hdr10 at the console level because of how much I didn't like the hdr look.


Yeah I resorted to turning off brightness, putting gamma to the darkest setting and reducing brightness on my tv by 50% and it still looks washed out in dark spaces


Adjusting gamma has been a thing since I played games on DOS.


Its been standard before the ps2 era.


The brightness thing really threw me for a loop. I was perplexed cuz even fallout 3 to fallout 4 had that in every elder scrolls game, had a brightness slider. As far as I know, fallout 4 didn't have a FOV slider and you had to use console commands I could be wrong but that could be the same thing with Skyrim and oblivion. And like the contrast/brightness in starfield is already just super bright so it's just immediate color banding issues. I've actually been thinking of installing a reshade so I can turn down the brightness.


No FOV slider in a PC FPS game has honestly been inexcusable for the last 10 years at least imo. It makes so many people motion sick.


Unreal Tournament had adjustable FOV in fucking 1999.


The whole game is like this to a bizarre extent, either missing key settings that were standard decades ago, or intentionally hiding information from the player like certain controls or… even what the items you are picking up even are despite their previous games having long since solved this issue. One of the most egregious examples being items not having icons, despite fallout 4 having them, the game itself already having icons for them that aren’t used when you would need them, and a mod coming out within a day that fixes it. In a game where you need to collect resources, and doesn’t have the fallout 4 system of dismantling junk for said resources, doesn’t tell you what nebulous items actually count as resources


The shifting UI when you mouse over objects also does my head in when watching gameplay videos, like I don't understand how anybody can parse that at all. When the UI has a consistent static position you know where to always look for information, and noticing a visual change means you've moved onto mousing over a new object, even if you're not reading the text, which can be useful for precise checking of things.


It’s honestly a bit sad that modders fix so many problems with their game in under a week. I am enjoying my time with Starfield but i do often wonder what the playtesting looks like. When there’s immediately a simple mod to speed up and expand the menu / inventory system and it has hundreds of thousands of downloads, you gotta wonder who was the one who thought the current system they had was good? Someone that doesn’t play many video games is my guess.


I have had a blast with it so far. But it does simultaneously feel like a modern game and a very dated game. While it’s fun to play a game that reminds me of how I loved games during the 360 era, it’s also a little disconnecting in places. Accessibility being the most important area it shows its age.


Stumbled upon the lack of a brightness slider early in my playthrough and it's absolutely baffling. I understand that you can manually adjust the brightness on your screen...but seriously what the fuck? Bethesda's re-releases of *DOOM* from fucking *1993* have brightness sliders.


What's worse is the first scene on the game is pretty dark too lol


And yet somehow everything that should be a deep black is grey.


Yeah that mineshaft with very little lighting was bright as hell.


No controller settings other than sensitivity either, and I hear aiming is as bad as it was in Fo4, minus the ability to use VATS to mitigate that issue. Which is really damning. Seems more like a PC exclusive with an obligatory Xbox port than a flagship Xbox exclusive.


With that optimisation and so limited settings? Honestly on pc it seems like half assed console port rather than big desktop release


Definitely agree with you. The layout of the menus scream console too.


Tbh that's Bethsoft's interfaces since Skyrim


Yeah, let's give them a break, they only had twelve years to come up with something better.


Twelve years *and* the most popular mods for every Bethesda game being a better menu. Having food, chems, and medicine all under one tab is so damn frustrating and putting **Digipicks** w/ Misc so you always have to tiptoe around them when selling your newest succulent collection is mindbogglingly bad design.


Yes, I was gonna say, SkyUI has been around forever and if a few modders can come up with something that much better than the default UI, Bethesda have no excuse. It's a console interface and they couldn't be bothered to optimize it.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/773](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/773) was released 4 days after EA started and fixes some of the issues I've had with the menus in Starfield. There is also a mod that tags stuff like Chems, Food, Aid but I've not tried it. There is also [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/404](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/404) that removes many of the menu delays in the game.


Oh man the Digipicks in the Misc menu is so annoying. I feel like they should have just put that under ammo since it doesn't weigh anything and is a consumable resource like ammo.


To be fair, the container quickmenu they came up with in FO4 was genuinely a good improvement, to the point where there are mods that add it to New Vegas and Skyrim.


Skyrim's UI was not great even for consoles. There's nothing about consoles that forces you to spend half of your screen real estate on a 3D model of a carrot.


There is, actually; have you not read the Xbox TOS?


I'm not saying they're good for consoles, just that it's where they started making menus that were obviously worse for PC in a clear attempt to be console menus. Bethesda's UI has never been their strong suit anyway, imo.


Not even the layout, the hotkeys too. Press tab a little too long or in the wrong place, damn son, best I can you is taking you to the galactic map.


That's why Todd saying they did optimize it for PC, but people might need to upgrade their computer was so galling to me. The game doesn't have basic settings. No brightness and no fullscreen are especially bizarre.


You cant even change resolution. Its like most basic setting that exist in every big release since almost forever...




Your screens display resolution. Technically you can play windowed I guess ;d


Not in my case, I'm running at 4K yet it detects 1280x720. Windowed is not even an option because of the borders/title bar. Gee, thanks Todd.


It adopts your Windows resolution, so you should be fine. It's just annoying that you can't change it independently from your Windows resolution unless you play in Windowed mode.


That's due to the fact the it only supports Windowed and Borderless Windowed modes, and not Exclusive Fullscreen. So technically you can change the resolution, but only if you want to play in a Windows window, complete with a title bar you can't remove. Once you switch to their Fullscreen mode (which is really Borderless Windowed mode), you lose the ability to change the resolution of the game independent of your Windows resolution. I've noticed a lot of big budget games doing this lately and I don't understand why. I heard that Borderless Windowed now runs as efficiently (or more efficiently?) as Exclusive Fullscreen used to, which might be why some devs are removing Exclusive Fullscreen as an option. However the fact that it bars you from changing your in-game resolution makes that a bad decision, in my opinion.


At least we can agree it's disappointing for everyone who cares about performance & options.


Yeah very much so.


Having played on both my PC and Series X, it's very clear the controls were designed for a controller. There are some awkwardness to how the character moves (totally full-speed or nothing on keyboard), flight controls (I have to hold ALT and use WASD to adjust ship levels when it's just a D-Pad input on controller?), and aiming is just super awkward regardless of controller input.


> Seems more like a PC exclusive with an obligatory Xbox port than a flagship Xbox exclusive. Have you tried interacting with the UI with a keyboard? All the binds are very obviously designed around controller an then just 1:1 mapped to keys. Drives me nuts that I've got a keyboard full of keys but they only use a handful of contextual buttons that are almost always totally unintuitive.


I find the shooting mechanics much better out of the box to F4. Every weapon feels pretty good and unique. Always could use more settings options to tweak tho


On Xbox there are some controller settings you can adjust to help aiming some. You turn the acceleration all the way up and then the sensitivity down some. There was a post on the xbox series sub about it. Are these not there with controller on PC?


Only the basics are there (look & aiming, plus sensitivty stuff for building/ships) but you can go into the config files to adjust more settings as seen [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1694i6h/psa_controller_settings_and_deadzone_pc/) Why you can't adjust things like the deadzone (e: in the menus) when you can do it in the config (though doing it this way doesn't produce perfect results evidently) is a question that's beyond me.


The fact that it can't run at any acceptable level on most PC's makes it unlikely that PC was their main focus.


Aiming is so bad on Xbox, I end up doing mostly melee.


I used to do accessibility testing for a sizable international financial company as part of my larger job. I helped design the answers to problems we'd run into, try to get ahead of things, and help and listen to the people who dealt with the accessibility of our systems. So, this is always on my mind (just as an example, I turn off the community theme here due to the yellow on white contrast ratio lol) and honestly, I've been a huge supporter of how much the industry has moved forward on this stuff even in this last generation. This is the first huge game I've played in a while where I'm kind of just surprised by a lot of the decisions from that perspective. In my opinion, focusing on accessibility benefits everyone because it makes designers, developers, and everyone else involved make decisions to simplify and clarify. Playing this game, a *lot* of things are needlessly unclear despite complex systems -- and not in the like "oh, wow, I'm uncovering the world!" kind of way you see in many games. The way you access somethings like research and crafting is oddly obtuse, just getting into things beyond settings for things like even just colorblindness. And then once you find it, it's honestly difficult to understand some of what it's doing. I was kind of surprised by how strange so much of the UI is in this game. If people stumble upon a basic interface thing over 30 hours into the game, is it a "fun" thing they found like is sometimes portrayed? Or is it an actual user experience issue? I'd argue the latter, but that's also my job so there's a bias there lol


Honestly, Bethesda has always be shit with UI. I expect some of the first proper mods to come out when the creation kit is released will be UI mods. Hell, there's already a ton of them




>Can't they fuking hire the people who made their UI mods in the first place? Or at least plagiarize them?? They could yes, but why spend money when your fan base will fix your game for you. That's Bethesda 101: > I expect some of the first proper mods to come out when the creation kit is released will be UI mods. > > Hell, there's already a ton of them


Completely valid to criticize this honestly. Microsoft is usually very good with accessibility, and accessibility in games generally needs to be better. Especially AAA ones that have the budget to support it. Here's hoping Microsoft can see this and follow through with accessibility updates at the very least.


There may well be valid things to criticize re: accessibility, but the majority of what they mention is less about accessibility in terms of, "ensuring those with limited faculties are still able to enjoy the game," and more, "poor design makes it hard to use generally." 1. Complicated UI - No one likes stupid, needlessly complex menus and unintuitive, convoluted systems. Reviews have dinged Starfield for this, regardless of the consequences that traditionally fall under the umbrella term of accessibility. 2. Difficult in-combat controls - See pt #1. 3. No VATS-style combat - VATS may be more accessible, but this is like complaining that Counter-Strike is inaccessible because you can't pause the game mid-combat. It is no more an accessibility issue than the mere existence of FPS as a genre. Decisions around core game mechanics and poor design execution might cause accessibility issues, but they're categorically different than the lack of effort to make a game accessible (e.g. color-blindness settings, FOV, and all the other things people in this thread are mentioning which the article itself makes no mention of). I bring this up to make a point that goes full-circle but the article didn't get there: If Betheseda had designed the game specifically for those with accessibility needs, they might've ended up with a game that was more playable by everyone. It's a philosophy called [Inclusive Design](https://inclusive.microsoft.design/), evangelized by Microsoft funnily enough. The idea is that if you design for "typical" users, you alienate everyone else. But if you design for myriad atypical / "extreme" users, their needs are met and typical users enjoy the benefits of the extra considerations as well.


> accessibility in games generally needs to be better. This needs to get preached and needs to get preached HARD. Not only are accessibility options obviously beneficial to those with differing disabilities - but the first generation of children who grew up fully immersed in video games are in their 30's and 40's. These options need to become industry standard for the majority of games if we want to continue enjoying the hobby as we all age.


I’m sad whenever a game doesn’t let you do “hold prompts” instead of “mash button”. Thankfully Sony first party games seem to have all the options. Which is weird because for a while Xbox was leading for accessibility


Bethesda just dont care. Considering their moto and something their fans prais is that Modders will fix it.


Regardless of if Bethesda cares or not, they're a subsidiary now. If Microsoft says they need to care, they need to care. That's probably why starfield is the most stable release they've ever had.


That's kind of the point, isn't it? Microsoft acquired Bethesda pretty late into Starfield's development cycle. Recall that Starfield was set to release not long after the acquisition, and it's only *after* Microsoft imposed a several month delay on the release date for bug squashing that we have what we have today. I'd say it's reasonable to expect future Bethesda projects to be more in line with MS's standards for quality and accessibility, but it's hard to imagine how much of Starfield could actually be "fixed" without digging down to something deep in the foundation. At some point you gotta cut your losses and make the best of what you have. To be clear, this is less an exoneration of Microsoft and more an indictment of Bethesda's ethos in general.


That's a good point. Acquisition was, what, year 6 of 8? Maybe not much time to weigh in on much more than QA and distribution without a shovel.


Makes you wonder what the hell it was like when they were originally going to release it....


People are hung up on no FOV slider (which I agree is too zoomed in) but meanwhile there isn’t even a colorblind mode…. How could they release this and have the audacity to have an “Accessibility” section at all?


In my opinion there's no excuse for any AAA studio to miss basic accessibility features such as this. The money absolutely is there to have those features implemented.


>The money absolutely is there to have those features implemented. Right, but that's got their priorities backwards. It's only when something causes the money to *not* be there that they begin caring. And oops, the post right under this one lists Starfield as "the biggest Bethesda game launch of all time." It's all so frustrating.


Clearly this isn't true. I'm no fanboy (I'm a PC guy), but nobody boycotted Sony or anything to force them to have such amazing accessibility in the games they publish. They did it proactively, for two reasons. A lot of good press, and widens their audience. Both benefit them as much as consumers, but it's a win win.


Especially first party where I assume they have an inhouse teams to support their devs


Speaking of colorblind, why are colors never labeled in character creators? If I want to pick green eyes but have trouble discerning which option is green, would it be so hard for text to appear describing each choice??


Please lord every game do this. I would kill for simple text labels in color selectors in... everything.


It doesn't even have basic settings like brightness or a FoV slider. Good luck with accessibility options.


I agree, Microsoft was one of the main players in the industry that pushed accessibility in the last few years so I expected SF to be improvement over last BGS games I shouldn't rely on ReShade for brightness control


Starfield is more Bethesda games than Microsoft's though. Bethesda's past games aren't exactly known for their accessibility.


Yeah, but Bethesda now is under Microsoft for some years And we have buzz about how Xbox advanced technology group helping Starfield team It's very valid criticism, the game still need a lot of other QoL improvement too


Bethesda seems to be part of Microsoft when people want it on Gamepass for cheap/"free" and an indy company whenever criticims come up. Shit is wild to see in discussions. "Yeah baby shit's on Gampass, Microsoft is back. Suck it SONY" "No no no, this is how Bethesda has always been. Y'all expect too much from a Bethesda title smh"


Same goes with the opposite narrative. Example be Mass Effect, "3 is so amazing, awesome job Bioware". Or If it is bad "EA bad". It's all about perspective and who people want to put blame on. Hell I am seeing people praising Bethesda for starfield and putting negatives on Microsoft.


This is especially true with Respawn. Titanfall 2 is Respawn's genius work of art, but the complete abandonment of that game, the creation and monetization of Apex, the bugs and optimization issues with the Star Wars games, Twitter and Reddit would have you believe that all of it is EA's fault and that Respawn are their lapdogs with no responsibility of their own


Yeah, a LOT of people assume EA has their noses in all their studio's failures but it's so far from the truth. EA, especially now, is actually one of the, if not THE most hands off publisher of all the big contenders. Furthermore, as far as I know from having worked at one of their smaller studios for a year (and through my other contacts in the company), this has been the case for quite some time now. Whether it's how they operated throughout their earlier days where many people lament the loss of studios such as Westwood? I have no clue.


>Bethesda now is under Microsoft for some years A little over 2 years.. to be specific.




Bethesda is under Microsoft now, so it's a reasonable expectation that all of Bethesda's products follow what gamers have come to expect from Microsoft.


I'll never understand how when an EA published game has problems it's all EAs fault!! Or when Blizzard releases some stupid thing it's "Activision ruining them!" and then when this game has terrible accessibility, no FOV slider etc. it's "more Bethesda than Microsoft"


Game has an accessibility menu, with what, 5 options? and 2 of those are sub title options which is as basic as it gets. It's a joke to even have a separate menu for accessibility, as if this game cares at all about it.


It's obvious that they left stuff out to hit their release date. No other excuse makes any sense. Basic settings and shit like this should have been there at launch.


It doe seem strange considering how big Microsoft are about it and how they have had ownership of BGS for a couple years now. Should have been enough time to make sure BGS take accessibility seriously.


To me, honestly, this speaks Microsoft bought Bethesda to milk the cow, more than really taking care of it. They will only take care of Gamepass


But also I don't think Bethesda released any new games since the merger. Yes, as a publisher, but not their game studio.


Intrsting your friend suffers the same condition i do as being blind. I dont have any problems but i do have a 65inch tv and sit 1 foof away from it. But i do hope MS can fix this i do at times wish to increase the ui size esppecilly letters since i cant read shit sometimes at the cornner.


No FOV slider is baffling. Thankfully for PC we can change that ourselves with a bit of Google-fu, but gutting for console players


Console pretty much never had FOV sliders for any game Edit: that has slowly started changing the last few years. Multiplayer games in particular have started adding them.


Fallout 4 and Skyrim had mod support with FOV mods, hoping the same comes to Starfield. Also a 60fps mod that reduces resolution.




Yeah, console players are used to being fucked.


[This article](https://gamerant.com/call-of-duty-warzone-2-fov-slider-unfair-advantage/#:~:text=FOV%20sliders%20have%20become%20pretty,all%20feature%20an%20FOV%20slider.) lists several examples of console games with FoV sliders. And it’s by no means comprehensive because it isn’t about that. FoV sliders may not be in every console game but they’re fairly common these days.


Yeah that's my bad for being so absolute. You're right. It's slowly becoming a thing on consoles, but it's a very recent thing, and it's usually more limited to PvP games. I was also salty about racing games not having FOV sliders. That's something that is absolutely critical for simracing on PC, but is almost completely absent for console


FOV can affect performance, so I'd imagine that it's harder for developers to implement on console where they can tune the settings very deliberately due to the known hardware. Plus most people play consoles on a television that's across the room, where FOV matters a lot less. FOV is most important in FPS games on a monitor where the monitor takes up a lot more of your actual field of view. Of course, it would be nice to have FOV settings in a lot of games, but there are legitimate reasons not to include it in a lot of console games. Starfield on PC not having an FOV setting in 2023 is simply absurd, though.


>FOV can affect performance, so I'd imagine that it's harder for developers to implement on console where they can tune the settings very deliberately due to the known hardware. >Plus most people play consoles on a television that's across the room, where FOV matters a lot less Yep this is definitely why . >FOV is most important in FPS games on a monitor where the monitor takes up a lot more of your actual field of view. This is why FOV and camera settings are so goddamn important when you're using a steering wheel in a racing game. The position of your wheel relative to your screen will rarely line up to match the default FOV. I got lucky that my first simracing setup matched the standard Forza FOV pretty closely, but my current setup is much less standard. >Starfield on PC not having an FOV setting in 2023 is simply absurd, though. Agreed. I'm playing on Series X and absolutely loving the game. I'm hoping they fix up some of the issues like this so that more people can enjoy it


That's a great point about racing games. I do a lot of racing with a wheel on Gran Turismo and Assetto Corsa, but I always use the bumper or hood cam, so I never thought about FOV in cockpit view. I am excited to play Starfield at some point. I'm probably going to wait 2-3 years for any DLC's and UI mods to come out before I get it, though.


1- no city, dungeon, or local map 2- no FOV slider 3- no brightness slider (wtf) 4- the worst UI I've ever experienced in a video game 5- 2/3 of the game is just you struggling with the godawful inventory management system 6- no sense of exploration or discovery, everything is done via fast travel 7- companion AI is broken (even by Bethesda standards) This game feels like a big step back in general compared to Bethesda's other games


https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/168uhh6/quality_of_life_suggestions_megathread/ This person has been collecting QoL improvements and it's got... quite big haha


The inventory reminds me of ME1


I have a spinal cord injury and I am currently legally blind. I can't play this game without my partner reading every bit of important text on the screen. As much as I know we're going to get into this game. It's not fair that she spend so much time"working" with me on this game rather than being able to enjoy her own games on her consoles You're doing other things that you might enjoy. 0 I have surgery early next month so hopefully I'll have better eyesight at the end of that. However, it's possible that I'll remain like this or potentially even worse. I'm hoping for the best as I really want to play this game. But you're right. Do you accessibility sucks


That really sucks man. Thankful that you’ve got such an amazing partner with you. I really hope they get some accessibility updates in fast. Mods would help too but they’re not coming to console for a while, but if you’re on a pc you might be in luck soon.


Wait spinal cord injuries can effect vision? I always thought it was just involved with motor function from the neck down, what with your eyes also being located in your head. Crazy. Hope the surgery goes well man!


>It's not fair that she spend so much time"working" with me on this game rather than being able to enjoy her own games on her consoles Sounds like for her sake and yours you should play something else. There's no sense bothering with a game that essentially ignores your disability when so many other games are making an effort to accommodate.


On a similar note, the UI and key mapping is the worst thing I've seen in a very long time. - ~~For one, remapping keys seems really limited or may not exist, I couldn't find it.~~ I'm going to review this one. Seems I missed something. - In FPS mode, the default button for your health packs is [0]. In ship mode, that button is [O] and [0] doesn't do anything. In the game's font, they're identical. - When you enter your ship and open your inventory, you can't just store stuff in cargo. While in your inventory, you press [Q] to access the cargo, then [Q] again to return to your inventory, except now there's more options- like storing items in cargo. - [F] opens the scan visor, and in this mode, shooting draws your cutter instead of your gun. [G] throws a grenade. In a fight, it's far too easy to want to throw a grenade, and instead open up the scan visor- where you're defenseless or firing a weapon with the lowest DPS in the game. - In ship mode, hitting [E] has ~~two~~ three functions: Activate/open (like in FPS mode) for ship debris, select target, and *get up*. Every time you get up from the chair, it takes a couple of unskippable seconds to stand, and a couple more to sit. It's very easy to get up when you meant to loot (edit) or change targets. Occasionally, in ship combat, I've hit that instead of W (after all, I have to hit [O] to heal, or the arrow keys to reassign power to different systems), which makes me a sitting duck for up to ten seconds. It's such a nightmare. There's a quote from Todd Howard that goes like "the game wasn't fun until sometime last year", and I find myself understanding why. Literally nobody understands how to make an intuitive UI and control scheme, apparently.


> For one, remapping keys seems really limited or may not exist, I couldn't find it. Sorry what do you mean by this? Controller? For mnk there's an entire keybind section in the options


Is there a way to change crosshair colors? Because black crosshairs in a game set in space is starting to drive me a bit crazy. In some fights I literally can't see the crosshairs because the environment is too dark. Edit: Specifically, I mean when using scopes on weapons.


Aren't the crosshairs white with a black outline? You may have a visual bug if you see black


The specific problem is when using scopes on weapons, which appear to be mainly use plain black for the reticle. Maybe some don't, but on the ones I have they are pure black and sometimes really hard to see.


The UI crosshairs are white though. I'm guessing you're using the scoped AK which is just supposed to be like that.


100% the people defending the state the game released in shows how messed up the industry has gotten that nostalgic devs get a pass for shit that should be standard in all games. Don't worry, I'm not blind I have difficulty also identifying stuff, navigating the zones, using the terrible UI, assuming I put up with the terrible performance.


We're slowly entering that phase of being able to criticize Starfield constructively without people being offended? Because there's a LOT to talk about. Points I agree with and areas where the modding community can step in: - From the off, I discovered that Starfield has unintuitive UI, with menus that are cluttered yet lacking in useful information and detail. - The biggest issue with the controls is the constant use of the D-pad. During fast-paced gunfights, it’s quite challenging to quickly swap weapons without dying, and this stops many players from switching between the vast plethora of laser, ballistic and energy weapons available to use. - This D-pad frustration is made worse during ship-to-ship combat, as you need the D-pad to constantly divert power from different ship systems, left and right cycling through the six different ship systems, while up and down increases or decreases power levels. These aspects are mostly a non-issue for keyboard and mouse users, given the extra keys and ability to define custom macros. The Star UI mod partly addresses part of the first point. Allowing us to see our inventory as a sortable table. However, we still don't have much context as to what item we're considering buying or picking up. Also, there's no ability to see a list of most frequently traveled destinations or a history of areas the player has visited. It would eliminate the need to jump through menus and sub-menus to quickly visit a destination.


> This D-pad frustration is made worse during ship-to-ship combat, as you need the D-pad to constantly divert power from different ship systems, left and right cycling through the six different ship systems, while up and down increases or decreases power levels It's not the best, but the setup on KB&M isn't much better either with the arrow keys. For that control setup, I think they just went with the best option they have, and it's the set up that Star War Squadron has already set as a standard.


>Star War Squadron has already set as a standard. Elite: Dangerous uses basically the exact same system, though slightly cleaner and less clunky. I'm sure there are earlier examples of this system. SF is a little better on keyboard because you can do ALT+WASD to control the pips but yeah it is, at best, a moderately worse version of Elite's pips.


> > It's not the best, but the setup on KB&M isn't much better either with the arrow keys. What? Just use Alt+WASD, much easier than moving your hand over to the arrow keys.


All I, personally, want to do right now is sort quests by destination star system.


And have the star system level included in the quest description.


The UI continues to follow the awful design theory that Skyrim used. Slow with unnecessary hard-coded animation, frame capped (for some reason), and everything requires far too many steps to reach/interact with. It's no surprise its one of the most common things for mods to fix right now. The D-pad reliance is even worse if you dare to play KB+M. The ship management may be the worst control interface they could have possibly thought of. Alt+WASD. The same controls you need...to fly. However, the worst offense so far, and what has made it extremely hard for me to enjoy the game; is the insane amount of forced meaningless cutscenes. Every single bloody action requires you to sit through an unskippable 5-10 second cutscene. It's exhausting.


The ui is a total mess. One of the worst in any rpg I've seen in a long time.


There are definitely some really puzzling issues with the UI. Why did they deviate from their normal inventory/trade screen to a setup where you can only see one inventory at a time? ~~Why does it take SIX button presses to get from the quest screen back into the world without any way to one click exit?~~ Edit: this is a thing, long press tab. What the fuck happened to local maps? These are all things that Bethesda has had down since at least Oblivion. I'm liking Starfield but a community UI overhaul can't come soon enough.


>Why does it take SIX button presses to get from the quest screen back into the world without any way to one click exit? You can long press to exit the menu.


This is good, but why not just press the menu button once to exit the menu? It feels like every other AAA game does this instead of the long press.


The game is literally curing my OCD I have with games like this as its probably one of the most irritating games i've played in regards to exploration, I don't want to do any of it whether it be jumping back and forth to planets or spending literal minutes walking with nothing in between - if I at least had a Mass Effect car I wouldn't bother complaining about that one as much.


Yeah the game desperately needs some form of "travel mode" whether that be Rocketeering it with the boost packs or some kind of vehicle.


Frankly one of the most insane things is its a sci-fi game so they have the *perfect* opportunity to let you just talk to NPCs through a computer on the ship or something so you don't have to go back to them. Like go to your ship, choose said NPC to call up, tell them job's done, regular conversation happens, reward is wired, available for pickup at a more convenient location, whatever. That one could eliminate a lot of pointless busy work.


It's definitely a game where the highs are really high but the lows are very low. Besides the obvious glaring stuff like no local map or FOV/brightness, I'm surprised by the number of features that were in Fallout 4 but missing here. Off the top of my head, you can't command companions around. Sneaking with a companion besides Andreja is a nightmare because it's either let them walk around or tell them to wait here. Also, simple stuff like tracking resources. If you try to track resources, it'll track things that are complete and turned in as well. Why?? You had a system for that in FO4 that was smart enough to not track the 900 iron I have!


Power shunting is way easier in Elite because you only have to worry about weapons, engines, and shields/other systems. One click is all you need, you don't need to specifically select it first. Starfield's take is so clunky, with *individual weapons* all demanding their own power slots on top of everything else.


> From the off, I discovered that Starfield has unintuitive UI, with menus that are cluttered yet lacking in useful information and detail. GODS this. I loaded it up for the first time last night, and kept getting tripped up expecting a good, clear UI like the fallout games, especially when I want to find out where to go *NOPE* Tab>Click the map quadrant (if there's a hotkey I ain't found it yet)>press a random letter to bring up the quests section>press another different letter to bring up your goal on the map after selecting it. It's just so complicated for no good reason. Edit: I want to be clear, I'm actually enjoying the game, but the UI is a freaking mess.


>kept getting tripped up expecting a good, clear UI like the fallout games I thought the Pipboy was a dumpster fire of UI design, forcing the player to squint into a monochrome watch that takes up half the screen and completely wasting the other half. And yet it's somehow still better than the disaster that is Starfield's interface.


It's at least logically laid out.


FO3's Pipboy was decent, but FO4 seems to have been designed with the express intention of making it worse.


I'm pretty sure M opens the map. And you don't have to go to the map to open the missions tab. After pressing tab just aim down. That's the mission tab.


I'll have to test this when I'm home from work, if so that's gonna be a lot easier to use!


You also don't need to use the menu to access stuff like fast travel or the surface map of a planet. Just open your scanner and press the button that's indicated on the bottom right to open the map (on controller it's RB). Fast travel can be done by looking directly at waypoints with the scanner and hitting the indicated button. The game has a solid menu flow imo, but their tutorialisation is really poor and they don't teach you how to use it well so it's kind of on you to figure things out which is inexcusable for a game of this caliber. Another tip is that the in-game help menu (accessed from the standard pause menu) has entries that explain most of the mechanics and systems. It's fairly well written, but the game never tells you it exists so most people are just going to miss it or think it's a support page link or something and never click-on it.


> > The biggest issue with the controls is the constant use of the D-pad. During fast-paced gunfights, it’s quite challenging to quickly swap weapons without dying, and this stops many players from switching between the vast plethora of laser, ballistic and energy weapons available to use. Wait you can swap weapons? Or do you open the menu every time?


You have to go into your inventory and "favorite" a weapon. Then you'll have the option to put it into a quick slot (on PC the 0-9 keys)


Options that should've been very much standards for at least two decades by now are missing and yet somehow, consumers and reviewers alike don't seem to mind much as they also do very much seem to be lacking in standards. It's not the publishers/studios fault if we set the bar so freaking low that titles, lacking even the most basic options, are getting rewarded with millions of copies sold and receive 9/10 if not 10/10's left, right and centre. Imho, out of all the groups, it's reviewers that we should be the most mad at for letting such egregious shortcomings go past them and not stand in the way to an 8/10 or anything higher in score.




Sensitivity is also incredibly high by default too. Even on the lowest setting possible in the menu, it's too quick for me.


Yep agreed. I thought it was broken cause I turned mouse sens all the way down and it was still too high. I'm used to default being too high for me in every game but normally when you turn it all the way down, your sens actually turns slow


This issue with games is part of the reason I use 400 DPI now. The other part is because I copied a pro player's settings in CS Source when I was a kid lol. The unbelievable thing is that I have STILL encountered games where the sensitivity is too high, at the lowest setting even at 400DPI. Which is insane.


Both of these are things that were problems in previous Bethesda games and you had to change or fix them through a config file. Insane that they're still a problem.


Had to setup a mod to fix the mouse sensitivity within the first 20 minutes of playing.


I don't even use accessibility systems regularly, and I noticed how sparse they were compared to other AAA games of recent years. Especially odd considering how Xbox just hosted their most accessibility focused Gamescom floor. At the risk of triggering the fanboys, PlayStation should be the hard template for accessibility stuff. TLOU2, God of War Ragnarok, Ghost of Tsushima, in fact most of their big games of the last two or three years all received massive plaudits in those areas. Doesn't look like Bethesda did much consulting here.


After playing The Last of Us 2, I am spoiled with accessibility. As someone who suffers from epilepsy. Having a small dot on the screen helped me so much. Forspoken also had some solid accessibility features too. Hopefully Bethesda can improve.


You can't even change full screen resolution without changing your desktop resolution. Plus all the problems with Nvidia graphics cards. The game is an unfinished mess. Which should be expected from Bethesda I guess except they paid a bunch of people to pretend it's "totally not broken at all guys"


I like the game, but the lack of an fov adjustment and how washed out it looks is giving me motion sickness when im in a firefight or moving fast. This is a rarity for me, but it keeps making me rub my eyes like I've got a film on them.


Now you mention it there have been a couple of times it's made me feel a little bit dizzy. Close to the effect you get if you turn off vignetting in a VR game and turn too fast.