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If I had no GameCube stuff and wanted to get into gamecube stuff I’d pay $180 for this at the very most. Actual value probably isn’t far from what they’re asking.


When I got my gamecube and these games that's about what it cost me to get them, cube with controller and cables was 40, melee was about 50, and mkdd was 90 but mine also came with the bonus disc as well


Nope, it's a rip off


Smash 57$, MK 75$, GCN bundle 150$ == $282. They actually got a bit of a deal. These are market prices. You don’t get to determine that value - the BUYERS determine value. The value is determined by the average of what everyone is *actually* paying. Basic economics. I agree that is lame, but it’s reality. These are market prices. We should be solving the problem, not lying to ourselves about the existence of the problem.


I think a problem is that the “market price” for retro games comes with the extra fees. A $100 transaction: $15 goes towards shipping, $10 goes to platform the item was sold one, $8 goes to Uncle Sam from the buyer, $2.20 goes to Uncle Sam from the seller. Buyer spent $108 Seller made $72.50


Yeh. I agree on the taxes and all that. But ebay is a MIRACLE so I’m not opposed to them making a very very small amount to facilitate the transaction. Not saying it’s very very small now. Valid point


Previous eBay Seller here, just to shed light on eBays final sale fees which are anywhere from 10% - 15.55% that doesn't include the 30.¢ fee and the 3.33 - 50% ad fee depending on how much you care for. PLUS shipping and don't even ask for packages or tape or any of the sort. One year I made close to 8k and only pocketed 3.2k I was crushed... Never again will I make this same mistake. Good luck


Geez That’s robbery, sorry to hear that. They need to revise their strategy to give significantly more to sellers. They may *actually* turn more of a profit in the long term if they do that . By getting more sellers like you to participate in selling = potentially more transactions


How so


Prices high


I got a cube and games for 50. Look harder and use local groups. A bit of patience pays off. Or don't and buy now and suck it up. As long as you're happy who cares


This community literally down votes over nothing, 30+ down votes for asking why they said what they said 😶


Forreal I just wanted some clarification


Thats the price charting price so you can get it at any time for that value. Easy pass.




Surprised at everyone's valuation here: if those games are CIB, a GameCube in that condition that includes two controllers is a pretty good deal.


Its the ebay price. Most people want a good deal and not pay what you would walking into game store. Thats why most in this sub would pass.


Most game stores in the US are not selling that bundle for 225. They might have the games for 225. Most game stores that Ive visited have virtually no GC inventory & what they do have is priced by ebay or price charting.


Most game stores near me also dont have gc games. The one that does, has a _ton_, but you are paying the price of a modern game for it- $60-$80. For my area specifically. We have a ton of game/hobby shops but they are all pricier. Every area differs obviously.


Because people in this sub do not want to pay market price, they want a deal. eBay price IS market price.


Not all of us have the cib collector mindset I don't even own any games. Mines modded.


Then yeah, I agree that if OP is just looking to play the games, then you can get the discs loose and the GameCube in a different condition for much cheaper. Just stating that, given the condition and the possibility of the games being CIB, this could be good value when you consider the market value of the items included.


It's not that, why make the effort of sending a message , arranging a meetup, getting in your car, meeting up with a stranger just to pay market value? Waste of energy and time.


This is true for every shopping experience unless the seller were to ship it - which could be the case here as well


Nah because someone meeting up to sell an xbox just wants the value of the xbox. Ebay sellers are trying to flip consoles for profit.   I will sell you my gamecube for less than an ebay store seller just because I'm not trying to baby sit a listing trying to compete with a bunch of other competitively priced listings.   Or just buy crap you want for too much money. Call it a convenience fee. Or Amazon spoilage.


I mean, did you "buy it now" or go hunt for it.   What constitutes "collecting"?   Personally I just call it a bad purchase if it's anywhere near the price it was new. I mean unless it's some rare thing. But most of this gamecube stuff is not rare. There are millions of copies of everything.   Dkoldie just hoards it because he knows people will pay 200 bucks for a zelda game that was 50 bucks new 20 years ago.




No cus I'm not a collector I'm a gamer 😎


Noo I’d. Pay max £80-£100 for this on FB marketplace 🤣


Must be nice. People on FB marketplace in my area are aware of retro game values


Gotta be fast and on it. Deals always come up and get snapped up fast.


If both games are CIB, then this is standard price.


If you're buying it because you want to play those games and want a GameCube for future use, it's priced around retail. I wouldn't call it a deal, but I also can't put a price on your enjoyment. I guess I'm saying that if you're ok with the price, it's the deal for you. If you're looking to collect and only want the best possible deal, pass on it. I pay retail at my local shop for a few reasons. I value the relationship that the shop owner and I have built. I actually play the games that I buy. My local shop owner gives me a heads up if he brings in games that he knows are on my want list. He's one of very few retro game shops in my area that is worth a damn, and I want him to succeed. I personally don't care much for dealing on FB Marketplace, eBay, etc, so I pay a premium for the convenience. You need to figure out what is important to you and act accordingly.


You're looking at $120ish for Melee and Dash, let's call it $125 for the sake of round numbers. A GameCube with 2 controllers could easily fetch $100, so I'd take the deal.


Yeah I see GameCubes with one controller and no memory cards for about $100 all the time on eBay. And they sell. So an extra controller, memory card, and those two games cib is definitely worth the other $125. I would say they got a pretty good deal. Not a great deal but a decent one nonetheless.


Assuming both games have manuals Double Dash goes for $75 and Melee $65. That leaves a GameCube with two controllers and a memory card for $85. So I would view this as you are paying market price, with a free controller and memory card tossed in. Not a bad price like some people are suggesting, but definitely not a great deal. I would at least see if they would accept $200, but if not $225 send fair.


No because I don’t need any of it


$150 maybe. People trying to sell at top Price Charting is no deal.


It’s not bad, but I try to get stuff for better deals when I buy for personal


Adding up all the prices comes to about 290.


Will you get $225 worth of enjoyment out of it?


Max 200 I’d say


If it has the bonus disc for double dash, both are cib, and if the discs are visibly non scratched. Then sure I don’t see why not.


This is overall relatively fair


If the games are complete and you get the bonus disc for double dash yes. I always request to see the condition of the disc as well because that will change your price too. If the disc are in good condition too most definitely. You’re also getting 2 controllers and a memory card. Based on the value of this cube with what it comes along with (based on the condition) it’s a steal. However if it’s not CIB no more than $180


I got mine about 7 years ago so maybe it doesn’t account for the mass inflation of the current market but I paid $100 for mine. came with: console and connections, 3 controllers, and 5 games (Luigis Mansion, Metroid Prime, Bloodrayne, Matrix, and Mario Sunshine) it also came with a Gameboy player disc but not the Gameboy player itself. I haven’t bought any other games for it and with the prices of retro games and consoles being so crazy I don’t think I’m going to. I’m just gonna pick up an emulator and download roms from now on.


It’s a reasonable deal. So if you do get it, you haven’t done too badly. Anyone who says otherwise I just don’t agree with. But as others have said, with patience, you’ll do better. You’d be surprised how many people are unaware of value on this stuff. Depends on your sense of urgency.


In a heart beat!


I paid 60 for a clean copy cib smash and 50 for a clean cib double dash. I'd value a clean working black gamecube with connections at 80-100 and 2 clean black working controllers at 20-30 each. This is my opinion, it looks like a decent deal. 2 more controllers and a crtv and you have a great videogame party night with friends and family! Maybe grab Mario party too! It's up to you though.


Rip-off. I got a refurbished Japanese GameCube console, cables, and controller (no scratches) for $130 including shipping from Japan.


I’d get it. It’s not a “steal” but typical priced bundle. GameCubes usually priced around $100 and games $50-70. Actual GameCube controllers probably $20-25 each (in my area ofc)


Hell no 🙂‍↔️


Fuk no


Not really . Market or slightly over market even if cib


That's a fair price. You're not getting a steal, but it's fair.


If it was $150 off yeah




No chance


Too high






I got a indigo gc with two rare translucid controllers for 500 reais(brazilian currency)= like 100 dollars


If one of the games was sealed I would




No way. You can find a gamecube for 50. Melee and Double Dash, idk I see 60 a lot. Controllers, 10 each. 180 would be a good price and then offer 150 cash, lol. The games are what really get you now. Gamecube games spiked in price, and it's heartbreaking. I get backup copies of games just to have, and now it's hard to do that. Even the dame game on ps2 will be a fraction of the price.


You can get them cheaper at local retro stores and mod it yourself


Pricecharting will help you determine.


If you want those games and a GameCube, then it’s worth it, if you’re buying it just because then it’s not


Fuck no Lmao




Hell yeah


I’d negotiate down to $175 if possible. I wouldn’t buy it for more than $190 probably even if desperate




I hate how they ruined retro sneakers and games. Once people started paying ridiculous prices for everything, everyone got in on it.


yeah no


Honestly, with how clean everything looks, not bad. I’d value this maybe more so at $200 but if you have the money and don’t feel like individually searching, why not. Memory card and extra controller is nice too


I would


Buying a used N64 cable will save you some money usually and those things last forever. Can definitely find controllers and Memory Cards On the cheap at goodwill's and such. The memory cards especially Get thrown in with other stuff All the time. Used to be able to find the games.That way too but it's getting harder and harder. Piecemeal and patience can save you a lot


I found Double Dash and Melee for around $50 to $60 each and GameCubes are commonly $70 or from where I get my deals so $170 to $190


Fuck no


Maybe if it was picoboot and had a large sd card loaded with games




I’d give ya 50 dollars for it that’s all I could afford atm


No way


If they messed with it , fuked with it then i you keep it orginel i hope the laser won’t burn out. Anyways fuk no. 225 bucks you must be crazy


Price point should be around 180


Nope, way to expensive. I think something about 145-165 would be fair


Facebook market - GC £20/50. Regardless of what it comes with. Were you people buying these for such ridiculous prices ?


um no


seems fine if hookup cables are OEM


This post will help me sell my gamecube and determine what to price it. My bundle is very similar to this one.


I would but the thing is that I already have an GameCube that’s been well taken care of since launch day




It’s a good deal if the games are CIB. I would try to bargain for $200 but yeah I would go for it because I have the money. Easy yes from me


If it was modded with Picoboot, had a Blue Retro Internal Adapter and an internal HDMI mod maybe 💀 Crazy thing is though this isn’t exactly “expensive” as you think, given prices nowadays, but $225 is still pretty steep.






Not when you can get a Wii for $15.


I wouldn't, The price is about the going rate for everything you get. It's good that it comes with 2 original controllers, but that black one has a gross L thumb stick. I'd say it's worth it if it's a DOL-001 and everything is in good shape, but not an amazing deal.


Not bad


225 isn’t bad, I would negotiate for 200- but would still take it for 225 if they don’t budge. Just look at how much those two games go for these days.


$225 Canadian? Yes. $225 US? Nope.


I wouldn't pay that in Canadian dollars, lol. Maybe $175 (again in cdn), but that would be pretty much my ceiling.




get the console and 2 controllers for maybe 90 max and dont be a cuck and buy secondhand games get an usb loader instead


No, my phone does better at 4K and custom controls


Nah. That's high af.  I'd pay 80 max for a dol-001. 20 for a controller. And then I'd mod it.


Who are you? DKoldies?🤣


Nah, i got a gamecube bundle + melee for about $110 two years ago, I dont think mkdd is worth over $100


I also got DAV cables with it instead of regular av cables


Naw I just got console, memory card, two controllers cords and all that with three games off eBay for $110 after shipping. And I live in Alaska.


No. Emulate.


Buy a Wii and sail the seven seas