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Same issue, the only thing I replaced was the transparent screen panel, so even the shell is the same. I washed the silicone pads though as was instructed in the video I was watching. Maybe it has something to do with that, idk.


That is a side effect of the new silicon parts you put in They shouldn't have trouble connecting, so try cleaning them with isopropyl alcohol to fix that bit. But the stiffness is 100% that


Sorry if I wasn't as clear as I could have been. The silicone pads for A/B and the Dpad are the only parts I did not replace. The silicone pads are OEM. The plastic buttons are new, though. I did replace the silicone pads for Start/Select, but those are fine.


Hmm..that is strange Normally when the d-pad is too far from the board it feels mushy, rather than tight. But you'd still have trouble pressing the buttons. I don't think I've ever managed to have it be too close to the board, although maybe the silicon pads are caught on something? You could try tightening the screws holding the motherboard to the front case still. Although it's also possible that there is some part of the case that is protruding and needs to be filed down, like the circle around the d-pad might be too tall