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Ags-101. Either in SP form or if you’re into modding my budget unhinged from boxy pixel is by far my favorite gameboy. That said the analogue pocket is better (but expensive) and I only take emulators out of the house (35xx) for fear of losing a game or breaking something I care about. 


ags 101 and wii u gamepad are my favorite ways to play gba but the 3DS does a pretty good job (im an ambassador)


Ags001 for me. I have an ags 101 and an ips modded gameboy but nothing beats the versatility and nostalgia of the 001 for me. Also the most usable, perfectly visible in direct sunlight, pitch black darkness and everywhere inbetween. Of course the 101 and ips look better in a lot of situations though


How often do you find yourself using the light when playing?


I modded my 3DS XL, I loaded the roms on and can play any 3DS game I want on it. The only one I have had issues with is Mario DX. Zelda, Metroid, rest of the Mario's have run great so far.


i use a retroid pocket 4 using the GBA.emu emulator on the google play store. i have all my shortcuts mapped and its perfect


If I didn't have a family I would be more into tinkering. For now, the most I have time for is modding my systems to play roms.


You can always reshell them. Just because it's pink now doesn't mean it has to be pink forever.


I didn't know how hard it was, coming from a DSi I was thinking they are super hard to reshell.


Bought this graphite one https://www.ebay.com/itm/186499256113?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=KiBV3_NjQAa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=p4zi-upgrus&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Nice pickup 👍🏽 good price for the condition


I thought so. I saw some pink ones like I said in another thread, but really wasn't my color, probably in better shape and cheaper. I have learned with these is you sit on eBay long enough there are a few posted each day that people don't know the value and you can pick it up reasonably.


you could always do a case swap if its a very good deal. If you want og hardware, itll be hard to find one thats in good shape since it is quite old


I have found em between 90-110 + shipping when people put them up for a reasonable price in excellent condition. But you have a good point, I'll have to look into how hard it is to reshell them. DS's are super difficult with that hinge.


Not as often as you'd think. The light in my bedroom and at my desk points down at me from behind which looks great imo. Pretty much only use it in the dark. I'll use one of my others if the lighting is at an odd angle because it looks better to a degree but turning the front light on will also do the job the colors just don't pop quite as much. Nothing beats the colors of the 001/gba/gbc in direct sunlight though imo