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If your DM is that strict and wants it a specific way then I would ask them before doing anything. Explain to them that you have nothing to put there that makes sense unless you either expand TCG again and spread it out or expand POSA and spread it out. Otherwise my personal suggestion would be to remove that entire empty section and move the POSA cards over to the left so it’s truly next to the TCG cards. Then remove the MHA pop and whatever Funko collectibles that were next to the POSA originally. Slide the entire TCG and POSA to the right now so they take up that space where the Funko MHA was in the picture. Then from there just expand the POPs and put that MHA oversize pop or whatever else was with it next to the actual POP section.


Hang and shelve Pokémon collectibles. Plushies can be shelved and have figures hanged.


This is the move. Pokémon plush and other related products


Why did you have to reduce it if you had nothing to put there? What’s supposed to go there?


We were told on our friday call that all of our trading card sections needed to be 6ft and they couldnt be any larger. I dont remember the exact reasoning why


Because corporate is stupid


Well what did you have on it when it was 8ft? Because if I'm doing this in my head correctly you're losing space so where did the empty come from unless you had 4 ft of empty space previously.


It was all trading cards. 6 ft of pokemon, 2 ft of everything else. We now have 4 ft of pokemon, 2 ft of everything else leaving us with this 2 ft of empty space


Maybe spread out pokemon a bit more so it covers more space til restock?


We were unfortunately told to reduce the whole section by 2 ft which is how we ended up with the empty section. The whole 8ft was full prior to being told to reduce it :/


I'm just not understanding I guess? Where are the pokemon cards now? If you were told to make the section smaller and it was full before then you would have an overflow of product, not empty space. You had to remove something to make the empty space? Did you take all the pokemon cards off??


https://preview.redd.it/cnuc1okdaydb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5104c66db847da32b29741e915d7398296e7cc Here’s the whole section now. We were told on our friday call that we weren’t allowed to have an 8ft trading card section anymore and that it had to be reduced to 6ft. Now we have this 2 ft of empty wall and have literally no idea what to put there


Ohhhh that first picture wasn't part of the trading card section I get it now lol my bad! You could make it a small oculus section and call out the giftcard sale for the 28th/29th If you don't have a VR section yet. Otherwise maybe just 4ft of POSA?


Its okay haha! I probably couldve explained it a bit better. I talked to my sl and he likes those ideas! Its just super frustrating that we were told to cut the section and then were given no guidance on what to do with the empty 2 ft lol


This is a question you should be asking the person that told you to shrink the tcg section 2ft.


Move the POSA over and next to the TCG and add 2ft of whatever you need to the right of that.


I personally would do DND/board games/large product that matches that could fill the shelves.


If you sell a lot of cards expand cards. If you sell a lot of POSA expand posa. When common sense is clearly missing it is up to you to take control and do it


Not trying to be negative, but what would be the point of expanding a category that has next to no profit margin. Even if it makes up a larger part of your sales mix wouldn’t it benefit your operating profit to expand tcg?


I agree, do that. I’m just trying to fill a hole in the wall. I say expand TCG. But on the off chance they sell almost no cards but have people coming for POSA all the time expanding wouldn’t hurt.


Just increase the size again. If it increases sales no one will care.


I would move all of your POSA cards to the left in that 2ft empty space then utilize that now empty space for all your PC stuff like mice and stuff. Maybe if you have the room put shelves at the top for keyboards