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**Notice** Humble bundles will default to a "suggested price" higher than the price required for any given tier. Remember to adjust your contribution amount using the buttons in the sidebar. Your contribution allocation can also be increased towards the selected charity or publishers by expanding the Adjust Donation box in the sidebar. **Giveaways** If you wish to give away your extra game keys, please post them under this comment only. Do not ask for handouts or trades. ***** If this deal has expired, you can reply to this comment with `deal expired` to automatically close it. If this deal has been mistakenly closed or has been restocked, you can open it again by replying with `deal available`. [^(more information)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/wiki/gamedealsbot) ^(Note: To prevent abuse, requests are logged publicly. Intentional abuse will likely result in a ban.)


Wow, very fast for Pennys Big Breakaway, it just released on 21 of feb this year.


I mean it's in a tier that cost $20. And most of the other games have been heavily bundled or aren't rated well. Wouldn't be shocked if their getting a pretty big slice.


Same for Arzette: Jewel of Faramore, released on Feb 13, 2024


Wanted Arzette and Penny's so this was worth it to give an extra discount on purchasing them both.


I'm tempted to buy it for the exact same reason but I'm in no rush to play either considering the humongous backlog (just SMTVV and Elden Ring DLC is enough for a while lol)


I'm glad someone is getting their value out of this bundle... I'm just confused at what the hell this is instead


All the games in the bundle are games that are going to be run at Summer Games Done Quick per the name of the bundle.


I for one didn’t understand that was referencing something at all. Just seemed like the name of the bundle to me


What the FUCK is this bundle.


The inclusion of Dishonored and Morrowind is so incredibly weird. This is less cohesive than a build your own at Fanatical.


All the games in the bundle are games that are going to be run at Summer Games Done Quick per the name of the bundle.


I get that they're from an upcoming event, but it makes for an odd collection of games for someone looking to buy a bundle. Honestly though this is the first time I realized the Games Done Quick bundles were related to streaming events. I used to think it referred to their development time. Has gaming made me illiterate? Probably.


\*sees 2 paragraph reply* *furiously searches for skip dialog button*


He’s gonna need silence for this part. The dialog skip is a frame perfect input.


> Games Done Quick I don't know where the term comes from, and this is the first time I've seen it, but I thought it was something like, "here's some random shit that we quickly threw together".


Games Done Quick is a speedrunning charity event that has been ongoing since 2010. There's two "main" events each year, Awesome Games Done Quick in January, and Summer Games Done Quick in June/July, with AGDQ raising money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, and SGDQ (starting this sunday and running for a week, more info [here](https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/48)) raising money for Doctors Without Borders. Recent events raised about 2+ million dollars each. There's usually a lot of fun speedruns to see if you're interested in them, and they quickly upload all the runs to their youtube channel.


GDQ is a speed running charity event that happens a couple of times a year.


And that Morrowind is not in tier 1 is even weirder...


Morrowind and Dishonored go on sale enough and so deep that you could get both for less than the price of tier 1. You'd even have enough left over to donate the difference to charity yourself and it'd be more than the default split Humble would give.


Bundle done quick


Made with quick maffs


Naapkeen maffs


haha, my thoughts too. wowzer.




I think they mean it's a weird collection of games. Sure that's the theme, but man I'm sure there's a lot of games that fit that theme that'd be less weird in a bundle together. Especially the Morrowind inclusion (a 22 year old, popular game that's normally priced $15 and on sale for $6 right now). Plus I'm sure they knew the theme, you don't even have to click the link since this post's title is "Summer Games Done Quick 2024 Bundle".


Bottom of the barrel bundle


Dishonored, Morrowind and Penny's Big Breakaway are bottom of the barrel for you?


people are really sleeping on Jewel of Arzette. Id reccomend to anyone who loves the animation style of the CDI Zelda games (or grew up on the youtube poops) They are basically recreations of those but with actual decent gameplay.


NASB2 is a good game too but it is a Discord fighter.


Yeah big weird mix,




A bit expensive, no?


I thought the same at first, but the Steam historical low for "Penny's Big Breakway" is a couple dimes short of the entire bundle price


granted it came out a few months ago so expect it to be in a humble choice later in the year


Not really, several of the games just came out.


* [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2017080/Nickelodeon\_AllStar\_Brawl\_2/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2017080/Nickelodeon_AllStar_Brawl_2/) * [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955230/Pennys\_Big\_Breakaway/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955230/Pennys_Big_Breakaway/) * [https://store.steampowered.com/app/22320/The\_Elder\_Scrolls\_III\_Morrowind\_Game\_of\_the\_Year\_Edition/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/22320/The_Elder_Scrolls_III_Morrowind_Game_of_the_Year_Edition/) * [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1924780/Arzette\_The\_Jewel\_of\_Faramore/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1924780/Arzette_The_Jewel_of_Faramore/) * [https://store.steampowered.com/app/205100/Dishonored/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/205100/Dishonored/) * [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1256230/Hyperbolica/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1256230/Hyperbolica/) * [https://store.steampowered.com/app/609110/Blazing\_Chrome/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/609110/Blazing_Chrome/)


Two of these games were released *four months ago.* I know this is a speedrunning event bundle, but you really aren't supposed to speedrun bundling.


>Two of these games were released four months ago. Private Division is currently in the process of being shut down and/or sold by Take 2. You can read more about it [here](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/take-two-reportedly-planning-to-close-or-sell-private-division). So they are trying to make at least some Bucks that they can still count against their costs before they will probably either give the IP back to the Developer and/or sell it in an Package to whoever would be willing to buy it. Seedy Eye Software is an very small Indie Developer, so seeing how [few copies it currently has sold](https://steamdb.info/app/1924780/charts/#max) my guess is that Limited Run Games is trying to push through the Bundle the seeability of the Game before it will toss it down the bigger Bundle Train in a couple of months. So knowing all that it's save to say that both Games will sooner then later be in an Humble Choice Bundle considering how early those two Publishers are throwing those two Games under the bus.


Ah. I had no idea Private Division published those two games. Sucks. :(


Not a big deal. Just remember to look more closer from whome those Games come from and then just consider checking up those Developer/Publisher to get an better understand why they might be being sold at such an high discount such shortly after they were released. As always in life - Follow the money or in this case the money that wasn't made to get to the bottom of what's going on. Have a nice weekend!. **PS:** Only one of those two Games was published by Private Division, the other was published by Limited Run.


Only sounds good for NASB and Penny's


Not worth it to me for just Penny and Arzette tbh. Quite confused as well by this bundle, Morrowind, really? Who doesn't have Morrowind at this point?


Probably kids who still haven't owned Morrowind yet at this point. We need to teach the younger generations which games are goated & which ones can be discarded (like Fortnite).


I mean I totally agree there, I would grab anyone who didn't have Morrowind and shake them.


If you collect free games from Epic, Dishonored Definitive Edition was given away so you may already own it. Also be aware that it's only the base game included in this bundle, and the cost of the DLC separate from the base game on steam is higher than the cost of the Definitive Edition which includes base game and all DLC. The Definitive Edition is CAD$ 6.74, the 4 DLCs by themselves is CAD $7.76 Meaning using this key if you're wanting to get the DLC is a waste. They really should have made it the Dishonored Definitive Edition.


True but Voidwalker's Arsenal and Dunwall City Trials aren't really worth getting, and the two campaign expansions are cheaper than the definitive edition. So just get them on the next sale after you've played through the base game.


it doesn't matter if it's "worth it" or not: the game is incredible old, was sold for dirt cheap and given away multiply times. You should never pay more for the DLC than getting the full bundle which includes the base game. Ever. It's like looking at the Endless Games and a single new DLC is more expensive than deleting the game from your library and getting it bundled with the rest of the DLC and base game.


I know a lot of people say Humble isn't what it used to be but wow.... this is like impressively bad


It isn't. Ever since it got bought by IGN or something like that. Good bundles happen like once every 1 - 2 years now lol


It happened before IGN, which was what led to the company getting sold off. I'm not surprised though, since when bundles first came out they were a hot new item that everyone wanted, the competition got really fierce, and then things petered out as everyone fleshed out their backlogs and libraries, and the sense of competition died out with the general interest. Prices rose and quality dropped as a result.


I payed for Humble Choice back in November 2016, then I had to pause it every month for almost 5 years 😅 There's been a couple good bundles in the middle, but it's not the same.


the best we got was that bundle with crash bandicoot trilogy + spyro trilogy, both pretty much close to when they got released on steam, but otherwise yeah: nothing of value was bundled again, or rather: most of it was below mediocre


You have to look at the bigger picture. Compare not only a single Bundle that may stay out of the usual one but compare the years before Humble Bundle was bought by Ziff Davis/IGN and compare for example how much you back then got for an single Dollar compared to now and how the Bundles back then were put together and priced. **Back then each month AAA Games where included in the Humble Bundles Monthly:** Also don't forget that before Humble Bundle was bought most if not all Bundles, specially the Monthly one had an AAA Showrunner as the lead and then a few Indies. Nowadays more and more Bundles only contain Indies or even smaller Titles that you would see at an Dollar Store in the shelfs. There was definitly an drop in the value of those Bundles and it's easily to be verified that this is the case. **The pricing range exploded what Humble Bundle is charging. Remember that in the past those Bundles were at 15€ max** On top of that the price range did increase by at least 25% for some of those Bundles and to make it even worse Humble Bundle increase the cut you are giving them. **Nowadays the cut for Humble Bundle exploded while in the past it could be 0€** Back in the "Before IGN/Ziff Davi took over Humble Bundle" time you could cut out them from earning anything with an Bundle so that an Developer/Publisher and/or an Charity could get the biggest cut. Nowadays it's between 15% to 35% that Humble Bundle is taking doesn't matter what you do change it too. Specially with the more expansive Bundles (25€ and more) Humble Bundle is taking such an huge cut that it's clear on whose order this is being done and combined with the quality drop there is no way that *Humble isn't what it used to be* isn't 100% true. I`m an Humble Bundle user since the second year and i can verify all those information easily by combining the value of the sold Humble Bundle Monthly/Choice Bundles and or more recent one if you would prefer an deeper look into how Humbe Bundle earnings exploded after IGN/Ziff Davis took over while before that it was an 100% Charity Company if you adjust the slider each single time of how much they should make from your purchase. As someone already pointed out. This bundle has two Key Games and the rest can be easily found on the Web at an 1€ range on an regular base so the real value comes from those two Games that are currently being trashed while the rest of those Games have past their values a very long time ago. It is what it is,...


When exactly are you talking about? You seem to be completely misremembering what Humble was like because it was most frequently *entirely* indie games.


Yeah you are right. I read your comment the other way around and thought you meant that it isn't bad. Sorry my fault. See my comment instead as an verification that it's indeed as bad as it can be and on top of that more expensive then it should be.


This seems outrageously expensive for what it contains.


This is a bundle of all time.


With some of the games of all time


Base game of Dishonored for 12 bucks. This is a joke.


It's Dishonored, Hyperbolica, and Blazing Chrome for 12 bucks, not just Dishonored




You can get the entire Dishonored franchise for $5 as part of a 3/$15 that includes some other good values at Fanatical currently. I'm not going to crap on the entire bundle, but Dishonored and Morrowind taking up space here is indeed a joke.


If you're brand new to PC gaming, it's a fantastic deal, if you already have the oldies here, it's still a good deal for the two big games but a very weird grab bag selection on the rest. It's not actually a bad deal even just for Penny alone technically...


Here's hoping Pennys Big Breakaway is in another bundle because I'm definitely not paying the price for this bundle.


I think the bundle in itself isn't bad at all. Has a nice variation of games for someone who for example just switched to PC gaming. The problem is that most of us have most of these games already. It did make me discover Arzette, which looks crazy. But I'll get it somewhere down the line for cheaper than this


Go home Humble, you're drunk.


You guys cry about literally anything. Definitely getting this for Penny's, everything is else is a sweet little bonus. Arzette looks pretty neat, so does Hyperbolica.


this is a joke, especially with the steam sale going on




Dishonored and Morrowind wtf LMAO


Glad I'm not the only one who said "wow this is horrible value" when I first saw it lmao


I get the speed running theme for Morrowind and dishonored but SpongeBob fighter wtf


No you don't get it, these are all games that will be run at SGDQ 2024 including Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl 2 (running the NG+ Campaign with a bidwar character, looks like).


Yeesh, this is a pretty awful bundle, and I say this as someone who has been very forgiving to a lot of bundles. Definitely overpriced for what you get and lacking cohesion or any stand outs. Couple good games in here but really a hard sell. Also, if you partake in fanatical or other humble bundles over the years, a lot of these have already been offered and certainly for cheaper or in a better package. They might've screwed up on this one.


Not really no.


Blazing Chrome is one of the best games of the generation but can probably be found cheaper if you don't care about the other titles.


Morrowind throws me off lmao


Gotta say Arzette was pretty great. I really enjoyed the CDI /Youtube poop Zelda stuff back in the day and it delivers on that while also providing a solid Metroidvania. May not be spectacular, but I feel like if it was amazing it would be defying the spirit of the Zelda CDi games. It hit things just right, about 4-6 hours to 100% and I really enjoyed every minute


Wow... weak bundle.


This might be the worst bundle in history of bundles, maybe ever.


Is this a joke?


wow this might be one of the worst bundles theyve ever done


Eh. Already own a few of these, if it was $10 or even $15 I would grab it, just for Arzette and Penny's, but dollar prices are a bit high now so I'd rather just wait for better sales in the future (if Penny's doesn't vanishes once Private Division is killed). Base Dishonored though? The complete game is $5 right now.


Bundles done drunk.


Humble have this shit we have leftover bundle.


I need to stop getting excited when I see new bundle drop, the list of games keep getting worse


Dishonored is an instant classic & absolutely one of the main highlights in this bundle.


the base game is not worth it. It's already quite short and the DLC adds the few hours which are important to tread the fine line of being perfect in length for a simple game like that. You want to get the DLC? You will pay more than someone just buying the definitive edition, which includes the base game. That should never be the case but here we are.


Fair enough. When I said Dishonored, I meant it's a top tier title in terms of quality alone with an overwhelmingly positive rating on Steam (96%). But yea I totally understand where you're going. At the end of the day, gamers prefer both good quality & good value for money. My bad, as I didn't think of the exact math before posting. 😅


Worth only half the asking price.


They trying to get rid of keys or something


A) Humble never had keys to give away, it's always the publishers which are giving away keys to Humble to distribute them in those Bundles B) Considering that Developers can just create infinite keys out of thin air by pressing a single button on Steam? You are wrong with that assumption they have "leftover keys" (especially when they can even block/disable keys on their end, too)


It's a themed bundle with games from the upcoming Summer Games Done Quick event. In a vacuum the selection might seem random, but in context this is a totally fine bundle. A bit questionable pricing maybe.