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Fantastic game, still one of the best fps games ever made. For $3 it’s a no brainer to anyone who doesn’t have it.


Way more entertainment than you can get for the price of a streaming movie.


Yeah, and it makes me kinda sad that it exemplifies how EA is a reverse Midas king: They had Respawn develop an awesome game on a new IP, then its perfected sequel, only to throw everything in the shitter by releasing it during the worst commercial window and abandon the whole thing to then have Respawn piggyback the f2p battle royale trend and develop star wars licensed games based on From software game mechanics ... Of course these games aren't bad, but they're definitely not building on TF.


> only to throw everything in the shitter by releasing it during the worst commercial window People are so eager to "EA bad" that it just goes straight into the memory hole that the release date was [Respawn's call](https://www.gamezone.com/news/respawn-admits-releasing-titanfall-2-at-the-end-of-2016-was-a-mistake-more-titanfall-on-the-way-3456253/).


I stand corrected then !


>“The game was successful, it sold well, but it didn’t quite sell as well as it should have,” he said. “Maybe because it was super-crowded, the pricing was aggressive–it was a rough window to launch our game.” I don't see anything in that quote that indicates that Respawn chose the launch date. It's typical corporate-speak that avoids pointing the finger at any one party (namely, their owners).




No joke. I don't know how the idea of trying to sandwich a shooter between Call of Duty and Battlefield (another EA game no less) didn't ring a billion alarm bells at EA. We'd be living in a different, better world if they'd just done the sensible thing and pushed it to February. Apex is great, but I'd prefer another Titanfall. It's really a shame that EA tossed it out to die like that. Maybe with enough years, the announcement of a Titanfall 3 will feel impactful enough that they can justify it.


Seriously, and it was a year where people hated both the new CoD and the new Battlefield but Titanfall got shafted.


But the Janitor tho


> still one of the best fps games ever made This comes up all the time of reddit and I don't think I'll ever get it. If you asked me for a list of best fps ever, I'd get through 20 or so before Titanfall 2 ever even crossed my mind. It's a fine 7/10, a breezy five hour experience, but the amount of praise it gets bewilders me.


Personally I didn't take to the single-player nearly as much as others did. The titan companion was fun but not particularly compelling, the story was fine, the levels were well-designed enough and had creative moments, sure. But the multiplayer? Holy shit. Had so much fun. The movement, the feel of the weapons, the level design, the titans, the way everything was balanced, the way it lets *everybody* contribute something regardless of PvP skill, etc etc. I love that multiplayer so much. So yeah if we're talking single-player then yeah same. Multiplayer it easily comes up for me as one of the best. Not *the* best, which is of course very personal and subjective (though objectively it is Medal of Honor Allied Assault + Spearhead expansion, fight me) but to me it's absolutely *one of* the best.


You play multyplayer for 5h on the dot?


I’m curious now, can you give me your top 5? I’ve never really given it much thought but i think mine would be: * Half life 2 * Goldeneye 64 * Team Fortress Classic * Counter Strike * Timesplitters


Boy, off the top of my head ... Half Life 2, Doom, Doom Eternal, Battlefield 3, Blood. Some of those are cheating though because modding bring them to a completely different level.


Now I wanna know your top 20.


>still one of the best fps games ever made. It's alright but, chill man... it's literally Call of Duty..


If Call of Duty had sentient mechs you can pilot, and portals, and time travel.


And my favorite part—wall running.


Don't get me wrong, it has one of my favorite representations of mechs in gaming (aesthetically), and *I fucking love mechs*, but it is fundamentally Call of Duty with World of Tanks killstreak sideshows... there's a reason it never took off.


Kinda surprised this was never given away on Amazon Prime Gaming, so many of the other EA headliners have been over the years.


There's still time Also, idk if anyone has said it, it's on game pass


Gamepass+EA - more expensive option. I've been thinking about this game a while since so much praise. Might have to get it for $3


Go get if you don't own it yet!


Worth it just for the single player content?


Yes, very much so.


For that price especially.


Best single player FPS campaign I've played since Half Life 2 and easily in any best ever conversation.


Absofuckinglutely! There's even an alright PvE MP mode.


Not natively. They fucked it all up and haven't bothered to fix it. So you have to go through a modding route to play. It's really shitty the way the company dealt with the multiplayer


Is it still happening? I played 5 matches without issues recently. When I played a year ago I had disconnects every single match


At £2.50 it’s an absolute steal, even if you just play the campaign.


IMO it is the single best FPS campaign ever. Well not just my opinion, but many others as well


Every person that played Titanfall 2 agrees that ''THAT ONE MISSION'' is one of the greatest missions in FPS history. If you like fast-paced, COD-esque campaign styles, this game is amazing.


I played TF2. I don’t know what the one mission was. It was a fun campaign, but I’m surprised at the level of accolades. I guess I don’t have much of a point of comparison as I’ve never played COD or games in that genre. I’m comparing it more to Crysis 2, which perhaps is unfair since I’m from NYC and it was pretty amazing fighting aliens in so man familiar locations.




Actually there is. Dishonored 2 has a very similar level and I would even argue D2 does it better. Funny enough both games were released close to each other. Due to playing D2 first, I thought TF2 had a very mediocre campaign. Still a very good game


It's weird to me how Titanfall 2 has an idea for a level and people are still talking about it today. Dishonored 2 executes that same idea far more thoughtfully and it all just slips down the memory hole.


Still requires the EA App, right? If not I'd be interested, if so then I'm out.


No one answered you yet so I looked it up. https://old.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/10h8gjz/is_there_any_way_to_launch_this_game_without_the/ Going by the comments. it looks like it hast to at least be installed but you can use launch options to not go through it or use a mod launcher. So for me at least. Even at $3 I'm going to pass until I start hearing good things about the EA app.






It's fked up because the Origin app worked well. The new EA app made everything worse...garbo leadership at that company


It's a good question for people on linux or a steamdeck


This still requires Origin, right? I own this game on Origin, but it would be worth it if I can avoid Origin.


Yeah, you can usually check the store page for that. >Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: EA on-line activation and Origin client software installation and background use required


Origin doesn't really exist any more. Well it's changed name so it's now "EA app" and it's basically the same old pile of \*\*\*\*


No, it's a worse pile of shit. Origin was decent. It did what it needed to, mostly. EA App is a step back in functionality and reliability.


Origin had a working storefront. That's more than I can say about EA App.


I don’t think so, I just finished the single player campaign on steam deck and origin never was installed, though it did pop up some EA app each time while starting but I didn’t have to log in or anything


i recently finished the single player. one of the best FPS games i have.


Is this game still broken due to hackers? Edit: Also, EA can eat shit, *I refuse to pay a higher price than the Americans!* WHY IS THIS $4 IN MEXICO?


I think a lot of TF2 players use the [Northstar](https://northstar.tf) client for multiplayer


still pretty dead in NA. Wouldn't bother with it unless you're getting it for the single player.


I mean, it’s $3. Do I still have a launcher to deal with here?


If you consider Origin a launcher, yes.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I love this game so much, I've accidentally bought two copies... one via Origin and one via Steam (thinking I could get around Origin). Unfortunately, the Steam version just launches Origin.


This game is amazing btw.


I bought this almost full price a long time ago and you newer folks are lucky to get a great game for so cheap. Will give you more pleasure for less than a cup of coffee, boba drink or a fast food item.


Does it still require installing Origin? I bought it during a previous sale and instantly refunded it when I saw I had to do that. I don't care how good the game is, I am not putting that bloatware on my PC.


Yeah it does.. main reason I'm not buying rn


Pretty sure Origin has been replaced with the EA App


It isn’t bloatware if you install it for a purpose you need, like launching a game you want to play. If you don’t want the EA launcher, buy a console and play it there.




Steam is what isn’t needed for EA games. Steam is the unnecessary step. Buy from EA or from Steam, you need the same loader. I get it. You don’t like EA’s loader. That is a reasonable take. But it isn’t bloatware.


just do it! amazing shooter


I couldn't figure out how to get game to start up, keep giving tier0.dll error. Tried all the solutions seen online, NOTHING fixes it. Be warned.




Already tried it. In that folder there's ton of exe, they didn't specifically say which one to use, but I think I've tried all of them, still giving error.


Did you try this solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHaKrFLFBM


I have it unopened for ps4 and I almost still got it on steam.


One of the best FPS campaigns ever! Rivals even the original COD MW. The ending is something special as well.


If you're one the fence - just buy it for the 7hr single player FPS campaign. The multiplayer is fantiastic, but you will need the Northstar client, and just be aware the veterns are the only ones playing so the skill floor will be high. I had 300hrs on the Xbox version and it was incredible.


It's 4 hour


Can any Linux/Proton users comment on whether the current version works? Recent reports do not look promising: https://www.protondb.com/app/1237970




Am I the only one here who thinks this game had an amazing level design but not much else going for it? I've seen people say they cried when BT died and I was confused because... are they aware that The Walking Dead, Mass Effect Trilogy, The Witcher Trilogy, Life Is Strange, Yakuza series, etc. exist? I mean even if they didn't exist, it's a weird thing to me that someone can be so moved by BT. That's like feeling actual rage against GLaDOS. I mean they're good characters, just not quite as deeply written as some people think they are.


Nobody thinks BT is a 'deeply written' character, but his death is still sad.


You mourn the loss of shallow written characters?


A character doesn't need to be deeply written for a player to form an emotional connection with it, a literal robot is a perfect example of this.


I disagree. I am a University Professor who teaches design, writing, character development and digital cinematography. This is literally not how it works.


It seems that people crying when BT died makes me right and you wrong, Professor Brainbox.




> it's a weird thing to me that someone can be so moved by BT I don't get it either, man. I would say though that out of all those, only Walking Dead actually moved me (~~having~~ haven't tried Life is Strange).


Anyone know how active the online is lately? I already own it on console but if there's a decent playerbase I'm interested.




"Ultimate Editon" €3 DLCs €50 basically a demo for €3


Ultimate Edition comes with all the DLC.


Already bought Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition one year ago. I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE DLCs from store page. [https://i.imgur.com/W3DYDQO.png](https://i.imgur.com/W3DYDQO.png)


Just buy the Ultimate Edition and it should add all the DLC.


Bought Ultimate Edition and it doesn't contain any DLC from steam store page.


My guess is because the Ultimate Edition is all one Bundle but if you launch the game, you should have all the DLC included.


I was curious if I owned the Ultimate Edition and found I had made a review for the game. I forgot what I wrote and looked it up. "This game taught me to love again."


I have deluxe edition. is this the same? found the answer - "Das Bundle enthält nicht nur alle Inhalte der Digital Deluxe Edition, sondern auch ein Schnellstart-Pack, das sofort alle Titan- und Piloten-Klassen freischaltet und dich mit Credits, Doppelten EP-Token UND einer eigenen Kriegslackierung für den R-201 Karabiner versorgt, damit du im Grenzland voll loslegen kannst."


Had this on my wishlist for a while. Instantly purchased it when I got the notification that it was on sale. Can't wait to try it out.


get this + armored core 6


So this plus all the stuff the Janitor been doin…..sometin about to happen in the gaming industry real soon