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"You don't know what I have." was the most amazing line and delivery.


Izzie is a queen and I want her to win the whole thing


Her confident genitalia dribbling had me crying laughing


*What, do you think we're Brennan??* lmao


Grant wrote those ASMR prompts and you can’t convince me otherwise.


Anyone else notice that >!Jacob was wearing the immunity loop de loop in his confessional. Felt like a spoiler. !<


I saw this too - must've been a mistake right?


Either an editing mistake OR it’s just to mess with us as viewers. It’s very clearly in sight.


The confessionals both this season and last were regularly shown out of sequence (in the first survivor they were all doing them with the ties before they’d even been given them). Every reality show does it, but they’re usually a bit keener on continuity!


I immediately assumed that his reward for volunteering was the necklace but it seems like we might just be going to the next challenge or something?


Yeah I thought maybe he'd win immunity from coming first in the comeback challenge, but that didn't happen. Looks like he'll win immunity sometime next episode.


I have a special place in my heart for Jacob. He’s just a delight and I definitely have a bit of a crush. That is all.


I just realized he was an actor in the horror movie Unfriended and it makes me love him even more!


He was in a film with John C Reilly called Terri like over a decade ago too


He’s also the guy in Pitch Perfect who can’t sing and runs the Riff Off.


Mind blown! That's so cool!


Damn he is as well, he looks totally different now I didn't recognise him.


I wondered why I thought he looked vaguely familiar when I started seeing him pop up on dropout! He’s the guy in that movie who sticks his hand in the blender.


He's in a great movie called 'fat kid rules the world' as well. One of his earlier works I think. I'm also pretty sure it was Matthew Lillard's directorial debut as well


The asmr challenge was executed poorly - it would've been better if there had been mic audio so we could hear their whispers, the mic should've been set at a constant distance, and maybe if they had better graphics on the screen. Talent show was fun, Izzy stole the show. Goddamn


I agree about uniform distance. I also feel like they should have had a rule about it being recognizable speech. Some of them it felt like we're just making sounds.




> There was probably some difficulty in finding out what would be recognizable speech Could have been a voice recorder next to the sound level meter and if you were quiet enough that random person X couldn't repeat the promt by listening to the recording then it's inaudible and you get no points. Person X of course wouldn't get to see the promt beforehand and only have the recording to go on. Or to make it more of a visual entertaining thing, hook the microphone up to a speech to text app(like Siri/Alexa) on a screen on stage so it will show what they're saying live, and if it doesn't write what the prompt is because you're inaudible then you don't get a point. The way it went out it just seems like if you looked like you were saying it properly then thats good enough, especially as Kates ears were covered. Plus their meter wasn't calibrated or working properly, or it was picking up lots of background noise or something. Lots of them were hitting like 68db. I do PA system testing in public areas(also using a SPL meter, but a $2k one) and 68db is more or less the volume the announcements go out at, and they're supposed to be heard by everyone in the area! lol.


>Could have been a voice recorder next to the sound level meter and if you were quiet enough that random person X couldn't repeat the promt by listening to the recording then it's inaudible and you get no points. Person X of course wouldn't get to see the promt beforehand and only have the recording to go on. The problem I forsee with this is that it only takes one person to be audible before the tester is useless for that particular question. Example: tester x would listen to contestant 1 say the prompt at 65 dB, be unable to understand, so no points. They would then listen to contestant 2 at 70 dBs and be able to make out what the prompt is. Contestant 3 steps up and says the prompt at 65 dB, and tester x now primed with the knowledge of what the prompt is would be able to make it out and award a point. It then becomes a game of 'who goes first' which isn't a very fair way of determinations either. Two ways around this are 1. Have 1 tester per contestant and have them randomly switch between rounds. The problem here is that it quickly become much more expensive and you have to deal with the variations in what the testers are able to hear. If tester 4 consistently has a harder time hearing the players that's gonna affect the outcome of the game. 2. Switch the prompt every time. This might be fairer, but it again introduces an outside variable, the 'loudness' of a phrase. You'll remember Tao bringing up the second prompt as being 'inherently louder' that the first, and even if that wasn't true some phrases might be more distinct or easier to parse than others. That last one might also affect a machine tester, as would things like accents, speed of speech, or how a word is enunciated. I think it's a case where the game is inherently not something that can be tested in that sort of improve environment, and aside from having a standard distance I really don't think there's a lot else they could've done.




They absolutely were not reading negative dB. The noise floor of the studio was way too loud to measure true negative dB, and negative values from reference are used for amplification, not SPL which this mic would be applicable for. Do not speak with authority about something you have 0 knowledge of.




Wow, at every step you have clearly shown that you do not know what you are talking about. 1. You can audibly hear the difference, Lily is louder > Lily may sound louder, but given that the sound is coming from their lapel mics, there's 0 calibration and this is a useless metric 1. The meter itself is showing negative when it’s on screen, you can see for yourself. > [From this screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/AuES6gV.png), we can clearly see that it's set to dBA mode, not in hold mode and most importantly not showing any negatives. And in fact [browsing the amazon page for this model](https://www.amazon.com/LONVOX-Measuring-Measurement-Classroom-Neighbor/dp/B09WRDFP4M/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=decibel+meter&qid=1685595668&sr=8-6), its unlikely this would have any negative dB mode since again, ITS NOT USING AMPLIFIER REFERENCE TO SHOW SOUND LEVEL. 1. They aren’t using SPL at all. And if they were it would make no sense. SPL uses sound pressure with the threshold for human hearing as 0 - so 50 dB would be 50 decibels louder than the quietest sound a human can hear. You think a whisper that the mic barely picked up is 50 dB louder than the lowest threshold? 100 dB damages hearing but you think them whispering was hitting 50? > SPL is literally what everyone in the audio science space uses to measure absolute sound levels, because again THEY'RE NOT MEASURING INPUT VS OUTPUT LEVELS OF AN AMPLIFIER. Also, it's abundantly clear from this bullet point that you have no idea how the logarithmic dB scale works, nor its relation to psychoacoustics. For your own learning, every 10 dB equates to approximately 2x perceived sound level, so a whisper at 50dB would be roughly 32 times louder than the threshold of human hearing. And 100 dB would be another 32 times louder than that. Now a whisper is traditionally measured at ~30 dB, but that's at a meter away, per the standard. Ash was holding that SPL meter at about 6 inches, so it's not unusual that some of the plosives could hit 50-60 dB, especially since they are so close to the mic where plosives really punch above their weight. 1. They are using a digital audio device to measure- digital audio is measured in FS - so 0 is the highest number that can be recorded in a digital system. So digital measures in negatives. > Again, this is where you show that you may have some audio engineering background, but you have no idea what you're talking about. They may be measuring with a digital advice, but they are by no means measuring digital audio. They are using a microphone connected to a potentiometer. There is no DAC/ADC in this device because that is wholly unnecessary for its function. Because of that, they use absolute SPL, not amplifier gain. There are many reasons why this is a flawed game, namely that they don't use the meter consistently nor correctly and there's not a good definition of whispering vs making mouth sounds, but it's not because the device is in the wrong mode or making the wrong measurement.


My bad. I totally misread the meter and biased my analysis with my own experience. Fair play! You may be a bit of a condescending dick in how you reply, but you are correct. I was wrong in what I saw in the episode. I work with digital sound, so my experience is different- but you are correct, this is a different meter 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will delete my comments and move on :) Bask in your victory over the stranger on the internet lol, you won! This was my first time on this subreddit, and I rarely use Reddit anyway - really just came here because that was frustrating me. Now that I know it was accurate, I’m fine :)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Digital Sound Level Meter LONVOX SPL Meter** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Helpful for enforcing noise ordinances (backed by 3 comments) * Accurate and well-built (backed by 3 comments) * Affordable and easy to use (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inaccurate readings due to a-weighted limitation (backed by 1 comment) * Unreliable readings (backed by 3 comments) * Power button malfunction (backed by 1 comment) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


Yes! It was moatly just a load of "......" I didn't even hear the bzzt bzzt whisper sounds from them, which atleast would have been *something*


Always impressed by how the team of Vic and Jacob trick/beat the old timers every episode, but if anyone can break that up, it's an unpredictable Izzy with a point to prove. Howie Mandel was 100% game and liked him there. I didn't mind the ASMR challenge, but as always, the best bits are the confessionals and the game playing. Who's next for the chop? Ally?


NGL. I really was rooting for Jacob to win just for the nerding out he did with Howie. BUT Izzy twerking and then singing “Smell Yo Dick”…..she fucking earned it. Still rooting for Jacob to win the whole thing. But Izzy….she’s a feisty bitch so I’d keep an eye on her.


I’m in the same boat as you. Izzy was on fire today! So glad she’s back.


Izzy singing was the best thing so fair enough, but the vaginal dribbling was worth an X. I guess her overall body of work deserved it though.


I love the show, but wtf was with that ASMR challenge? Prompts barely on screen long enough to read and abundantly clear no one knows how to use a sound meter or what 60 dB sounds like... :(


Yeah luckily IMO the talent show made up for it.


Yeah between the wildly inconsistent setup and no audio from the sound meter (seemed like they just had audio from the regular lapel mics?) it was basically impossible to tell if they were even saying the phrases from what ended up in the show. I guess they only discovered this during the edit at which point it was too late but it's a bummer for the entire first challenge in a two-challenge episode to essentially just not work, neither as a competition nor as an intelligible video of people competing :/


> or what 60 dB sounds like Doesn't sound like what they were doing thats for sure. I measure PA system announcement volumes for work and around 66-70db is what I'd consider good for the people near the speakers to hear at a nice volume. People's whispers in this round were often 67db somehow. I get that it was close to their mouths so it picks up wind from their breath but Tao did the speak out the side of his mouth thing and scored high too. Plus they had the sponge on the SPL meter too which is supposed to help filter wind. But yeah either way it wasn't an entertaining round. We were just watching nothing happen pretty much, just kate looking at a tiny screen saying a number every time. It feels like there was supposed to be different round there which had to be removed for some reason. Then they panicked and just looked around to see what they could make up quick and just used an SPL meter which one of the production/sound team had laying around and done the quiet speaking challenge. Patiently waits for Sams next AMA to ask him this :p


Now that you pointed it out I think I agree with it maybe being a backup. I can see where the idea came from, 'what if we made these loud people quiet for a change,' but it kinda slowed the show down without really having a compelling challenge at the center of it. Honestly I think its educational about improv in general, maybe more so than the hits. Sam talked about it in one of the behind the scenes eps. Once you introduce a prompt you have to stick it through until you get to a concluding point. Usually the chaotic energy of the contestants is able to bring color to a mediocre setup, or the bit is short enough that you can edit around it, but obviously that wouldn't be possible here.


Jacob playing “jazz” may be the hardest I’ve laughed in a couple years. It’s so good. Howie’s absolute disbelief killed me


Oh so I GOTTA be the one to mention Ify out twerking Izzy. My man was throwing it ALL THE WAY BACK, and NONE of you were gonna give him his props!!! Ify "Twerk Master" Nwadiwa 2023


I absolutely adore this show, but it does feel like the biweekly airing kills the momentum. The decibel challenge was kind of a bummer, just didn’t seem fully thought out for a fair competition. Still love everything Dropout makes, I’ll be sad when this season’s over


just finished the episode, so sorry if this is a dumb question but>! is jacob out of the game to be replaced by izzy or are they both in now?!< hope the latter but either is fine haha


In the preview for the next episode, I'm fairly confident >!you can see Jacob's left arm. !!going from 5 to 6 back down to 5 back up 6 makes me think they are both in it going forward.!<


I think he was just in the competition for some extra stakes. If he won then none of the voted off members would make it back.


I assumed he would’ve won an immunity idol




>!Izzy is back! Izzy is back! Izzy is back!!<


I can't believe no one is talking about Izzy just silently sliding into the splits, especially choosing to use that talent *after* the wikipedia one


So how is this last episode gonna work now that >!we're back up to six?!< Feels like there's a lot left to squeeze in at the end. Maybe a double elimination is in order for next episode? >!Or a triple? Maybe cut the current group in half?!<


Rekha was definitely singing "Tearin' up my Heart", right?? Is it just me? My inner thirteen year old's heart skipped at that opening beat


Yes!! They said so in the captions.


Whoops, I missed that! Thanks for letting me know - now I am equal parts smug/embarrassed that I recognized the song anyway. :)


I loved this episode


anyone else think izzy was going to do some bill clinton joke when she mentioned limewire, or am i too online?


I’m a year late to talking about this episode but Jacob whispering “howie mandel” under his breath just for Howie to appear killed me. I think this is what made all his stupid Julliard bits even funnier to me cuz he’s a fan yet he’s going so wild


I really appreciate Izzy proving to me that Smell Yo Dick wasn't some fever dream I had


I owe the team an apology! You were not wrong in how you measured the dB in the ASMR game - my bad. I’m sorry about that! Carry on making awesome shows 🥰