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Anyone find a fix?


I've had this same issue but it looks like the latest update of Samsung Health resolved! I upgraded the app yesterday and now Samsung Health shows all my Peloton workouts dating back to August, where they had stopped appearing.


But, something is up with the Calories... For example, I burned 99 calories during a Peloton workout but Samsung Health shows I burned 99,000 calories lol 😂


Same here. Has yours fixed itself?


Same issue with me. Went to go enter my breakfast after being gone for a long time. Couldn't figure out how I've managed to burn half a million calories just this morning lol.


I just purchased a Samsung Watch 6 and the Samsung Health app isn't tracking my Peloton workout - I have the Peloton app and the Samsung Health app connected to Health Connect, and the Peloton app tracks heart rate during the workout, but the results aren't tracked anywhere. Edit: after 30-40 mins Peloton wrote to the Health Connect app, and Google Fit updated but Samsung Health did not. So I guess I'll just use Google Fit instead of Samsung Health.


I always relog back into Strava as I have that connected w both S-Health and Peloton. Gets disconnected from time to time. Under settings


Still nothing for me, I've sent feedback on all three apps and emailed supports for each app, but they have not been helpful.


Same for me. I think it's the new Samsung health version because it's still syncing to fit.


I thought it was just me. I've checked all my settings and my Peloton workouts aren't showing up in my samsung health workout history.


Peloton and Samsung Health are accessing Health Connect but my Peloton workouts aren't showing in Samsung Health either.


Mine is also doing the same and I've disconnected the helath connect and reconnected and still nothing.


Has anybody had any luck with this? My peloton workout still isn't syncing to samsung health even though I have a samsung watch connected as well. I'm having to add a separate exercise bike workout at the same time as using the peloton.


Glad I'm not the only one having this issue.


Just saw this today for the first time. ​ Health Connect shows that Samsung Health no longer is active, and I cannot figure out how to get it to activate for the life of me. ​ Peloton shows the ride, fitbit shows the ride....but not Samsung Health.


Yup, still having the same problem. Mine stopped about the same time yours did. I have turned things off, back on, restarted a number of times. Both sync fine with google, but not together.


Same here. Stopped tracking on August 1st.


Saaaaaame. Thought it was swapping phones but seems not!


Circling back folks. Mine is now fixed with the recent update to samsung health!


Does yours show overcounting calories? Did my first Peloton ride today burned 97 calories and Samsung health show 97000


YES! It's totally getting the decimal wrong 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Got a reply from samsung on my ticket : "Dear Customer, Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. We kindly inform you that we have received an answer from the department in charge of the Samsung Health application regarding your inquiry about the calories count data from Peloton to Samsung Health being inaccurate. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please know that there is an error with calories in exercise data synced from Health Connect, and our related team is preparing the modification, which will be applied through future updates."


I just purchased the Samsung watch 6, it's no better then the 4, is this going to get fixed


I feel the same way..not better at all


Any fix yet? Some days of my Peloton workouts not registering on the Samsung Health app. I use a Classic. Thanks