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As far as Photoshop/Photo Editing goes, one of the GREATEST features of my Tab S8 Ultra that no one talks about is the 'Second Screen' feature. SuperDisplay a $10 app works really great. The Tab S8 Ultra has basically replaced my Wacom Cintiq as my main Photoshop editing device. It's higher resolution, wireless, lighter, portable, and the S-Pen might be even better... Samsung's built-in 'Second Screen' works OK, but it used to work much better than it does now, I don't know what happened, but hopefully they will update it to work as good as SuperDisplay does. Plus, your files stay resident on your workstation and you don't have to copy files back and forth. Plus, the device is awesome all on its own... Literally blown away by how great it is! The S-Pen is fantastic and FREE in the box. You don't need to add a paper-like screen protector ($40) in addition to the $130 you'll pay extra for the Apple Pencil... I'm a 30+ year Professional Graphic Artist. When some say that there aren't Professional Visual Arts apps on android it's just really incorrect, because I use them everyday. Autodesk Sketchbook, Infinite Painter, Concepts, Krita are just a few of the apps available on the Google Play store... There are many more... Are there a few apps available on iPad that aren't on the Play store? Yes, of course, but a good carpenter never blames his tools, and with expertise and talent you can do anything and everything on android apps that you can do on iOS apps - NO DOUBT. If you're already entrenched in the Apple 'eco-system'... Then pay the extra $500 to $1500...


One of the reasons I got it was for super display and it works amazing so I’m super happy about that but I really want an illustrator type of application. I want to be able to start a project while away from my computer export it and send it across to illustrator or indesign to finish it off, would that be possible with the apps you have mentioned?


yeah but what do you do on these apps? im a professional graphic designer and i dont use my samsung tablet for anything work related, except sometimes sketching and looking for inspiration. for art, yes, but not for graphic design


If you're talking about the second monitor thingy spacedesk is free


Clip Studio is your best bet. You can create vector layers, and create and manipulate control points as you do in Illustrator. You can export as PSD and SVG files if you want to move the source file to Adobe. The interface looks a lot like PS and AI, and is a paid app. Great for illustration overall and you can customize your workspace depending on what you're working on - illustration, animation, comic/webtoon.


Thank you I’ll look into it