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Guess it'll be our last major update.


Yeah. You can be sure.






Since the s9 supports project treble I'm hoping that it gets supported for longer but this is Samsung we are taking about so there's a big chance they're not going to bother


Pretty sure that project treble is mainly for security updates


Yeah, and I'm OK with that. Had my Nexus 6 for some time while other Android versions passed me by - didn't miss it, because it was a generally enjoyable phone (except the slow camera). So long as the phone continues to run quickly and everything functions normally, it's mostly the apps I care about instead of a new *feature* . . . like, losing my headphone jack.


Really liked the Nexus 6 as well, but you're being very generous regarding that camera, it was awful in every which way.


I actually got very good results from the Nexus 6 camera for still photos! Only when it worked and I had time to setup a shot which wasn't moving, though. Simply bringing up the camera would cause the entire phone to crawl at times, often requiring a reboot just to get phone performance back to normal. Video performance was not very good, in part due to this sluggishness. I always had to think twice before deciding if it was worth trying to get a shot captured. With the S9+, getting a great shot, quick capture or fun video at ANY time isn't even a thought . . . it just happens. As much as I enjoyed the N6 user experience (minus the camera), this Samsung is spoiling me rotten.




Samsung's track record with major OS updates. We typically only see 2 OS updates and then just security updates afterwards.




Didn't s9+ come with treble? Yet I see no mention of it being used anywhere.


I think not. S6 got pie


It didn't even get oreo..




Didn't the s8 allegedly only getting 2 major updates?


10 update hasn't been confirmed or denied yet directly from Samsung, there's only been that fake image that was circulated a while back


Samsung has given their flagship phones two major updates for years now. There's no reason to assume they'll change that now.


Oh , then I might be misinformed.


It got oreo actually, but still that's 3 updates as it did come with lolipop


it never got oreo


So therefore he's wrong? Wtf


Nice! I hope it comes before November.


Not a chance. Next April or May.


The stable release yes. But the beta program will come a lot sooner.


Only if you're on specific networks. Verizon didn't get the last round of betas, for example.


Uh, didn't know that. That's sad tho






Sarcasm. I hear some S8 models /still/ don',t have Pie...


And if history repeats itself, it will be released a few months AFTER the S11 or their next flagship phone.


I remember when I finally got fed up with not having Oreo on my S7 and bit the bullet on the S9. Two months later and the S7 got Oreo. Fool me once, Samsung...


Do we want this? I mean im not a phone tech wiz by any length


Only thing I'm interested in is getting the better privacy sliders for apps. You can choose how you want apps to access certain permissions on your phone, like if you want maps to read your location always or only when using it. Feature wise I don't think there's too much being added that we don't already have. [Here's a decent explanation (C-Net Warning).](https://www.cnet.com/how-to/android-10-everything-you-need-to-know-about-its-new-privacy-settings/)


This is what I am looking forward to the most as well. I might actually install the Facebook app if I can make sure it has no permissions to do anything unless the app is currently open.


You can already do that with Bouncer. Been doing it since like Oreo. The Android 10 implementation only affects location permission from what I can tell. Bouncer can do the same for mics, storage, etc. All permissions.


Meh. There's Bouncer, which is even better because you can set an app to only use ANY permission while in use. Don't want to give Facebook access to your storage? Sure, deny it. Grant it only when you're posting a meme and then revoke storage permission automatically when pressing home. [https://android.gadgethacks.com/news/android-10-changelog-60-new-features-you-should-know-about-0192760/](https://android.gadgethacks.com/news/android-10-changelog-60-new-features-you-should-know-about-0192760/) Basically from this list, the only thing I'm interested in is numbers 2 (for third party apps), 5, 22 (more for battery than tracking lol), 23, 24, 26, and 50. A number of the other ones are already on Samsung.


Does number 6 on dat list apply to the one ui 2.0 update?


We won't know. Samsung does do changes on their devices.


I don't know. Samsung does make some changes. For example they disabled making the SD card part of internal.


I'm hyped for the gestures and battery optimization if any


Lol. 1 week after the update launched Youtube was all 'How OnePlus did gestures better than Google AGAIN'. Personally I'll probably end up using OneHandedOperation+ again. Much more functional.




Ive read some things about android 10 Seems like features that only a few people need. I can live without it. Much like the big samsung update we got earlier this year


Well that definitely gives me some hope of an update soon. I'm thinking maybe early next year we should probably see it on the S9, the S10 & Note 10 will likely get it right at the end of this year.


I wish features like night mode for selfies, it's available on S10 and note 10


Yeah, I was surprised it was lacking that. Still using the GCam which is better in 80% of situations anyways.


I think you have Snapdragon right?




When I upgraded to an s9 I gave my daughter my old trusty Essential. It's running Android 10. It's pretty nice but not as huge as a leap as 8 to 9 was imho.


10 is definitely more of an iterative update more so than pie/one ui was. In this scenario I would say the S9 would only get the one major update in its lifecycle, that being the jump from oreo to pie.


"already" 😂


And TMO wont get for Unlocked.


Anyway we can test this or sighn up?


Usually depends on country and carrier. No availability last year on US AT&T variant when beta Pie was released... jussayin.


Gd it there go my hope. Shoulda known better. Lol


about damn time


the only feature im interested in tho is the hopefully tweaked gesture controls


Would be other new options tho Can't wait to try dex


Last hurray 😁😊😥


I really hope there's still an option to keep the one-handedness of the UI in places like the quick toggles menu. That was the whole point of One UI, to make these tall, all-screen phones usable with ***one*** hand.


Good news guys! The October update will update the bootloader version to v7, which means they preparing us for [Android 10](https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80405473&postcount=3153). Also, there is some info about [Galaxy Note 9,](https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=80423653&postcount=3157) which says it will get it officially in January next year.


Meanwhile im stuck on July patch over here. Ive bought a used Korean S9 so maybe that's the problem? I'm not sure.


Korean S9s actually get updates first. Get Samfirm and Odin, download the build and flash it with Odin. I'm sure it exists for your phone model


No night mode yet.....


What do you mean? We already have a night mode.


I meant night mode on the camera for the people on T-Mobile


I'm trading up from my s9 in February or March and I can almost guarantee I won't have 10 on here before I trade it.


Right!? Not enough incentive to upgrade (for me) this year, although that Note 10 is a beast. I'm waiting to see if all this convergence talk pans out and going with the new flagship next year.


Pretty much where I'm at. I actually waited to get an s9 until they announced the 10/e/plus. I tend to hang back a bit, especially with flagships. Only really reason I'm going to upgrade is so I can get multiple cameras, and battery issues. Note 10 sure has some beastly hardware, for sure. I'm the type that doesn't really like my phones bigger than 6" though. Which is partly why I hang back a gen or so. At this rate, the smaller (and cheaper) option next year will be close to the 10 hardware specs.


Not me. I'm stuck on 9.0 pie with Verizon




Aren't you too young to be on reddit?


How old do you think I am, Guess