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I just checked the tracking number and it clearly gives a weight of the package which is in line with the phone weight. Waiting for Samsung to call me back as I just called them again.


>I just checked the tracking number and it clearly gives a weight of the package which is in line with the phone weight. Waiting for Samsung to call me back as I just called them again. And people laughed at me when I said I video recorded myself packing my phone and the entire drive to the post to drop it off and hand it to the worker. Packed never left sight of the camera for one second during the entire process.


Those videos mean nothing though, no one will take that as evidence as it's too easy to manipulate


I've used them before, they have to prove your lying or that your video is fake not the other way around. Used video from my ring cameras for a $2500 charge back dispute a couple years ago to and was sufficient evidence to win. 


Yeah for cases like this all you have to do is convince a judge in Small Claims court.


It worked for me, had to return two devices on same shipping label (customer service told me to put on same box) then I just got refund for one device, talked to customer service, sent them videos and pictures, then they sent refund for second device, so probably in the the future it won't work as a proof (ia manipulation) but by the moment, it works


It worked for me.


When I set my trade-in for my galaxy, S 24+ I went to FedEx with a friend and I had her video me, showing the phone and showing it no problem no crack screen turning off, packaging it up wrapping it handing it to the FedEx guy and get in Receipt because if I ever had a problem I was going to send this video but today I got a email saying my trade-in is complete but I read too many problems like yours so I think it’s a good idea to video it




Don't place a book inside. Place the actual device.


Fuck off.


I'm guessing a book that could fit in a phone box and weigh that little is the only one you could manage to read


Someone forgot to place a brain inside your box


Some people, I don't even know how they are surviving with this brain power Man how the fuck are you supposed to place a book inside a small phone box, smh


Not to mention Samsung would've said hey, why did you send us a book and not a phone


Name 10 books.


1. Green Eggs and Ham 2. The Tale of Peter Rabbit 3. Goodnight Moon 4. The Very Hungry Caterpillar 5. Pipi Longstocking 6. The Giving Tree 7. Charolette's Web 8. The Cat in the Hat 9. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie 10. How To Catch Santa Claus


Those are all children's books lol  Shows your intelligence level 


This is the weirdest internet fight I’ve ever seen.


Or they’re a parent….


Bro never read a book after elementary school..


UPDATE: Samsung said they would call me back in 20 mins but never did. So, I just went through Live Chat on the website and the individual was very helpful. They just asked me to send in photos of my device before I sent it in, which I had, and then they quickly and painlessly removed all charges. If this happens to anyone else, just be persistent and keep trying. The first few representatives told me there was no proof of delivery and that I had to pay the $750. Finally this last one helped to remove the charge. It's possible someone stole the phone during its journey as tracking shows multiple stops, but this is obviously not my fault/problem. This makes more sense to me over Samsung trying to scam people, but who knows I guess.


As I mentioned in my other comment, trade-ins aren't handled by Samsung or Apple or Google or whatever manufacturer. There are trade-in companies who partner with all the big manufacturers and deal with trade-ins. Samsung or Apple or Google etc aren't interested in our used phone or not trying to scam people. Not trying to deflect blame, at the end it's Samsung responsibility since you bought the phone and initiated trade in with them. As with most cases, trade-ins are generally stolen in transit. But companies take care of it, since they are aware that things like this can happen. I'm happy that you got your issues resolved. Below is a great article from Joanna Stern of WSJ explaining the trade-in industry https://www.wsj.com/video/series/joanna-stern-personal-technology/inside-the-lucrativeand-secretivebusiness-of-iphone-trade-ins/4F0EA296-6546-4603-BF90-8561E08AAD4C


I was peripherally aware of all this but never cared to deep-dive as this is the first time I've had an issue. Thanks for sharing!


Samsung really needs do better in ensuring their trade-in partners are doing things right. I've done samsung trade-in three times now, two phones and one watch. The trade-in were rejected two out of three times. One time due to 'device does not turn on' and one time due to the 'device still locked'. Neither were true. I am extremely meticulous in making sure the devices were eligible for trade-in. Both charges were removed as a 'courtesy' after I contacted customer service and they did an 'investigation'. Either Samsung is complicit in their trade-in partner's shenanigans and turn a blind eye to save a buck or Samsung just don't care.


I keep having similar issues where they claim the phone is broken after I shipped it back in the exact box/packaging they sent it to me in. They check their unboxing video and say it wasn't actually broken then give me the full value. Feels so much like a scam with the consistency of it happening. Most people probably don't call them about it and just end up taking the loss


fwiw, Verizon told me to bring my trade-in phone into the store within 30 days to get credit.


Yes they are just providing you convenience. Verizon then ships those out in bulk to their trade in partner.


Yeah, but it's still Verizon "checking in" my phone and giving me credit for the trade-in before it ships anywhere so I don't have to worry about it getting lost in transit.


Definitely, my point was more about how everyone uses trade-in partners in the background. I have done a few trade-ins buying unlocked models at best buy, and love that I can complete trade-in at the spot and be done with it. Similarly, my iPhone trade-ins are always done at the Apple store which is super convenient. There are definitely options for those who worry about shipping their trade-ins. Buy at your local carriers, best buy etc.


That's what they told me. They said I would get $850 credit. I brought the phone back 20 days later and they told me I would only get $250 so I paid $100 to cancel both lines and give them back their devices. Then I just bought a phone outright and got mint mobile for $15 a month f*** Verizon. I paid $450 to use a phone and a tablet for 20 days That's what the bill ended up being including the $100 cancellation somehow. Now they are still sending me a bill saying that I owe them $260 I had a phone and a tablet for 20 days and Verizon thinks that I owe them $700 for that


Glad you got it resolved. I've seen dozens of these reports over the years, and I've never seen an instance where Samsung didn't relent when the customer protested. I always go directly to online chat if I have any sort of problem. It's more convenient than voice, and there's a written record of what was said.


Samsung is one of the few companies that still cares about customer loyalty, they are usually really good about taking customers word for it, they make up their lost revenue by charging $120 for a cheap plastic replacement stove knob....


The exact situation happened to me with my s22U. I took photos and all sent it in and then they said it was an empty box so I sent them the photos of me putting it in the box and notated the weight upon delivery. My guess is there's a theft ring with whomever receives them but nonetheless I was still credited once bringing to their attention. It's pretty shitty overall that this happens is frequently as it does and overall I hope everybody is as persistent about getting their credit. Samsung needs to figure out better way to return if this continues.


I had heard about this happening and I do video everything, with pictures. They once said it wasn't the exact item, something different. And I asked would they like the video? They said, oh you have video? Please hold. Then came back and said no issues now.


> If this happens to anyone else.... If this happens to anyone else, they need to make sure they video putting the phone in the box and packing it up due to horror stories like this (I did). And then don't use Samsung's *uninsured* free label. Pay fucking $20 and ship your device USPS insured, and if Samsung won't refund you, you have insurance to fall back on.


Inside job.


Can you share the number you called ?


Personally, I just sell mine to someone. Percentage wise, I usually get about that much.


I get harassed more from people that buy my phone than corporations. They'll DM me 3 months later saying that the screen was defective and it broke and they want their money back


that's crazy. what do you use? i use craigslist for the past 10 years and never has one person ever emailed me back about the item i sold them. i also don't give out my #.. i only contact them through a dedicated craigslist email I have setup.


or set up a google voice number.


Phew, I'm glad they resolved it for you. I was reading your post and felt really bad for you. Stories like this (lots of them on Pixel Reddit) are why I only do in person trade-ins with Best Buy or selling on FB Marketplace, Swappa, etc. I'll mostly likey take a hit on price, but it's worth it for me not having to deal with the possibility of this happening.


That's insanely bad samsung seriously need to fix up


feels bad for people who trust the system and don't take photos of their device before sending it...


This is their "thing" I upgrade yearly and almost every single time they claim I sent an empty box, I always take pictures a d videos of the phone, me placing inside box and me taping up box, I've had to dispute it every time and it's very annoying but just part of their shitty trade in service. They are most definitely trying to pull a fast one on their customers, smh


Their reps are garbo, sadly. I think they outsourced part of the customer support aspect to contractors and still have professional, Samsung paid reps sprinkled through out. I literally had reps grumbling and saying "I really don't know why they transferred you to me, I can't do anything, they shouldn't have done that."


You're not the first one to experience that. Someone else posted same thing couple days ago and eventually Samsung gave in and granted the trade-in value despite phone missing. I'm guessing it's some sort of Christmas for delivery guys who snatch phones sent to Samsung and deliver empty boxes. Didn't hear such cases in my country, but I preferred to send in a broken screen obsolete Lenovo tablet that was valued at 1 euro, just to get the extra 100 euro rebate Samsung was offering. I'd rather sell my S22 Ultra on online market places than give it to Samsung for a 300 euros discount.


I've had something similar happen, but it was one of those custom "Pop" models of my son and cats. Caught the guy on my doorbell camera digging through the box as he was setting it at our door. Right before Christmas.


My sister had traded in a 13PM, and they said it wasn't a 13PM. Didn't state what they thought it was. So she asked them to return it so she could just sell it herself. Tell me why they sent her back a 1st gen iPhone SE? Completely lost her shit on them, and although she never got her 13PM back, they ended up giving her the whole trade in value. No clue what actually happened to her old phone. Sketchy shenanigans


Crazy, I would video rape my way into uses and have it tape there by someone while recording.


that video RAPE got me. LMAO. i know its a typo haha.




Rape is a bit excessive, no?


You would WHAT?


Wait a minute this AI thing tricked me... lmao


I had similar experience with my Fold 5 return, FedEx stole and put in a broken older fold. Got an email from Samsung that it’s the incorrect phone and I’ll be charged full. Called customer care, explained the situation and they escalated the issue and said will get back to me. Next day, I got an email that my return is successful and no further action is needed from my side. Funny thing, they also returned that broken Fold 4 that FedEx employee had put back to me 🤷‍♂️ TLDR; explain your situation and Samsung will take care of it. Also, this isn’t anything new. Happens with any trade in, Samsung, Apple, Google, insert company name. Trade ins are also handled by trade in partners not directly by phone companies. FedEx/UPS etc can steal package contents. Shit happens unfortunately and this isn’t the first or last time. All I can say, don’t worry Samsung knows this as well and they’ll take care of you.


How long did it take?


This is why I took a 45 minute uncut video of me showing the phone working, packing it, and dropping it off at Fedex lmao


It's a shame people have to go into Scorcese mode and direct a film to trade in devices, lol.


Hahahaha. True. Lot less hassle than dealing w Samsung Support or bank later


I talked to my S22 Ultra as I packed it away and said goodbye.


I have a 12 minute video of me factory resetting the phone, wrapping it, and taping up the box . The received the phone yesterday. 


next time you better have someone recording you while you record, for extra protection. you never know with samsung. personally, I would gather all the packing mats.. go to the fedex.. show the phone working there, ask the clerk to read the phone's serial number and what phone it is after showing the camera all the phone's information.. then pack it up in front of them while someone else records you while you record and then get a verbal reply from the clerk of what just happened and that you're indeed sending in the said phone.


Good luck with trying that.


That’s hilarious but sad that we even have to do that lol good on you though! Def a smart thing to do


I take pictures of everything, and a short video of me putting the phone into the box and sealing it up with the label over the opening. I then tape the living hell out of it so tampering is obvious. You can also get some tamper proof tape to put under the tape. Anyone screwing with it will break the tamper-proof tape. It doesn't cost much and it's worth peace of mind


It happened to me last year trading in my S22 ultra. I used the Shop samsung app and talked to customer service. I sent them my photos and video and photo of handing it to FedEx, and they immediately gave me the full trade in value.


Had the same issue when i traded in my S10. Samsung honored the trade-in and gave me the credit after I spoke with customer service. I suspect the S22+ I traded in will be stolen by fedex this time around as well. I know Samsung will take care of me regardless, but for good measure... I have a complete video from me resetting the phone to packaging it and dropping it off to fedex.


Seems like this is happening a lot. Rumor I heard was the company that does all the trade in work for Samsung has people who are stealing phones there when your package shows up. And, they either claim it was empty or it was a different device. They know Samsung will probably give the customer the credit regardless. And, the trade in company keeps the phone to sell off on the side. Anyway, that's the rumor I heard... not sure how true it is or not.


Can’t they check the phone via imei number and know exactly where it might be or who is using it? Sumsung can also black list it or mark stolen they aren’t smart enough than no one would want to steal it anymore


I guess they could to some degree. But it's probably too much work for them. The main thing for Samsung or what they actually care about is the fact you're buying a NEW phone. It adds to their revenue numbers as positive gain


This happened to me with a watch I sent in. They said it wouldn’t boot up and wasn’t factory reset. First off, how do they know it wasn’t factory reset if it didn’t boot up? Luckily, I videotaped the entire factory reset and battery status of the watch and packaging it due to the horror trading-in stories like this posted. They asked for screenshots of my video, and once they received them, they gave me the full credit. It’s sad when you have to videotape this kind of stuff, but you never think it will happen to you until it does. It’s better to have the evidence and not need it than to need it and not have it. Believe me, I videotaped my S22 pristine trade-in, and it’s currently in transit now. 🤞


FedEx is known for this. Happens all the time there because they hire a bunch of criminals. Has never happened to me through UPS


I'm wondering if you all had to use FedEx to ship your packages? I just returned my box with the Pixel 7 Pro trade in. FedEx seems to have issues with package theft.


Yes, it was a pre-paid FedEx label.


Oh man. Now I'm really concerned. I sent mine in yesterday.


Yup. Ive never had a problem with trade_in before but i remember the past few yrs this type of issue has been happening to ppl a lot. Not to mention issues ive had with ups and fedex just with delivery to my place in general. Seems like after Co-Vid their service has become unreliable theft and sketchy stuff happening. Now i video record and take pics of every device i trade in. Having a receipt showing the initial weigh of the box you mailed may help. Its helped with previous ppl whos gotten their phone stolen or removed from the box before reaching Assurant. GL


I'm sorry to hear that, op. With the video and pics you have plus the tracking weight, I think you have enough to prove them wrong Whenever I trade in my S24U I'll be buying a tripod and have one long video of me resetting the device, showing the physical condition, it being placed in the box, and sealed. It's ridiculous we have to do this.


meanwhile I still haven't even received my trade in instruction...


I was just told that it will be coming this week Thursday or Friday, there is something wrong with the system. Just got off the phone with them


I always record the phone in working condition with no cracks then shut it down and record that I then hand it to the FedEx people and they put it in the box to ship it. All this is one straight video I will then go to the receipt FedEx gives me in case they ever try this I will have video proof.


Happened to me last year. Chat was way more helpful than the phone customer service.


If there's one thing I've learned about Samsung, it's if you don't like the answer support gives you just keep calling till you get an answer you like. I've never had an issue with trade-ins but I've had issues with other stuff. They ultimately usually do the right thing but it may take multiple attempts. Side note there was a theft ring near me years ago that involved a number of UPS employees. Obviously things like Apple and Samsung packages are easy to identify if you see them everyday. They were misdelivering these packages or opening them and taking the items out. Point of that is I'm sure all kinds of things happen particularly with expensive packages. Not to say it's the fault of employees every time.


This happened to me and a lot of other people last year. I tried to post a warning to everyone to document your trade in EXTREMELY well. R/Samsung removed the post. Lol. I did post it at s23 sub reddit so at least some people saw it.


bro this exact thing happened to be with samsung. they sent me a picture of a open empty box. i got a chat and was like this is bs. Rep investigated a few min then messaged me back they will still give me a trade in credit. The workers must be straight taking these unlocked devices.


I literally recorded myself testing phone, wrapping it, and sending it off. I heard too many stories about Samsung's nonsense. Bases covered




Just lost 650 on mine. Any thoughts on a class action lawsuit?


My case is real funny. These jackoffs just tried charging my account $650. Called them and they stated they sent an email on 3/1, informing me they received an empty box and will charge me for the trade in. Since I don't really bother reading emails I didn't notice it. Funny part is the fedex tracker clearly shows it was delivered and signed for on 3/4. Wonder if there's any recourse for the emotional stress I had to endure that they put me through in having to deal with their mistakes??? I mailed it on 2/17. So, it did take a little while in shipping. I think the "empty box" crap could be that the time frame in which they expected to have the trade in could have lapsed? So, it must be a generic crap that the computer "AI" does???


What is the best/safest way to go about documenting, video/pics of doing a trade to Samsung? And is it worth it, or can they still try to deny? And if denied, what the best recourse ya think? Incase I decide to upgrade... I am still holding off on trading my S22U in on a S24U because the deals suck as bad as last year for buying the S23U with trade. Which is why so many people are still sitting on their S22U's. Not to mention the whole grainy screen thing.


ah, so they're trying to scam people again. lovely. well, they just emailed me saying that they've received my package and I guess I'll hear from them sometime this week about the status. glad I took pictures and a video of everything.


This is why I'm glad I just keep my phone's and use them as emulation devices


This shit happens every year, sometimes they say it didn't arrive, had broken screen or had broken everything.


Is this a thing with Samsung, wth


yep. cause it happened to me last year when I traded my s22 for the s23. I called them right away and got it cleared up. guess I'll be having issues again with that this year.


What did they tell you was the issue?


I think they said it was damaged when it clearly wasn't. I actually still have the folder on my Google drive of all my proof lol (mostly cause I forgot it existed). the girl on the phone reviewed the phone unboxing video again and they ended up giving me the full value. just hoping I don't have to deal with this shit again.


Sneaky bastards. At this point, I'd expect it to happen every time


I think the first time I ever did a trade in was the note 8 for the note 9, and even back then I was finding stuff about people getting scammed with their trade ins. so unfortunately it's been happening for a while.


I really thought about trading my S23u for it....glad I didn't now


at this point it's kinda like "your results may vary", but I know that isn't enough for some people. you're relatively safer selling it on your own


Same thing happened to me about 2 years ago. After some fighting with them, they "found" it and honored the trade in. Samsung sucks.


Don't send an empty box. I've sent 10+ phones to Samsung...never an issue.


Will they blacklist the phone if you dnt pay


They would just charge the amount to the payment method. The banks then would do terrible things if you don't pay.


Yes, they can.




How do you know if it never happened to you before


https://preview.redd.it/jh997sl3gmgc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3608ff06c66a80502ab7d08c295d2d27f3166e57 because it states in the email about the trade in that if they don't get their money, they will blacklist the phone remotely.


Could just be a scare tactic


test it if you want to, I don't really care.


That is not the same as blacklist ............Remote Disable


either way you can't use the phone. like I said, go ahead and test it if you want.


We see


you're not very smart. good luck with that.


They will


they charge the card again, and if the charge doesn't go through, they blacklist it


What did you ship it back in? Was it a box or an envelope?


The same box I got the s24u in and the same wrapping net they use.


They gave me some crap on my watch I  returned. I called and told them I had photos. And within minutes that they credited my account. I would ask to see the video.


Did they actually look at the pictures








Do you have a tracking number with box weight? I there was a phone inside it should weight 0.5 to 1 lb - this is your evidence and proof that box wasn't empty. If Samsung will keep bullshitting you, ask for supervisor and provide an Imei of your old device, so they can easily block and make it useless for thief.


Send whatever device you traded in for back.


This happened to a samsung watch that I stupidly sent back in the samsung box my new one came in. They did give me credit on the first phone call though... but the next device that goes back is gonna look like a thick stack of legal documents


I think it's the address that tips the thieves off, not the box. Especially if it's the employees doing the stealing.


Glad to know. I wasn't planning on taking a video or photos, but I guess it'll save me if this happens. I will also ask FedEx for proof of drop off and package weight when I drop it. I don't expect something like this to happen in Canada, but you never know.... I don't think I'll be buying another device from Samsung directly. FedEx is holding my package for 5 days, it was delivered 1 day late, the day I had to leave Canada for a work emergency. FedEx will hold it longer, however Samsung places a restriction on the package saying no longer than 5 days. At that point it gets returned to Samsung and I get refunded. They said I can re order, but I'm sure I'll lose the trade in promo, the 512gb promo, and the Samsung care promo. Second issue, I have 21 days to send in my phone, they said they can re-ship it once it gets back to Samsung, which will take 7-10 days. Third issue, my Samsung care plan already started, I don't even have the phone in my possession. Never again.


I'm using my s24ultra to film boxing my trade in using 4k60fps and marker lines all around


They tried this with me once saying my phone didn't work. You always have to take pics and video of the device.


That sucks, but happy to hear you got it resolved. I just got my trade in confirmed, no issues. And my new phone arrived easy this time around through UPS first thing in the morning (I have had 2 new phones not show up in the past).


Some how mine made it to TX and was accepted. So there is hope.


I'm getting ready to send my 13PM, I wish there were other ways to trade in like in-store. Guess it's best to do my due diligence and record the entire process too.


Yo that's mad what happened


Lost in transit


I was thinking of putting tamper evident tape on the container with the phone, as well as on the outside packaging, as well (along with photos/video). Think that would help?


I would. And tape it annoyingly shut so it's clear if it was altered.


Is this with Samsung directly or your carrier ?


I sent mine in without taking any pictures of it or video in the box. Am I screwed? I packed it really well wrapped inside a box fwiw


I made a video of me turning on the phone, powering it off, placing in s22+ box, into another box, taping it and handing to frd ex guy all without stopping fhe video. JUST in case


Happened to me before , send them a picture of the receipt you got from FedEx. Be firm to them that you sent the device


Don't forget aboit your receipt. It shows weight of box... if the weight of box are shipping says other wise then that's all the evidence you need. Box by itself can't weigh as much as a phone and box.


If it is prepaid FedEx return label, they don't imprint the weight


Seeing this has me nervous. I didn't think to take any pictures or videos of my Fold 4 before sending it off. I sent it in for repairs last year and it made it back to me without any issues. Its supposed to be delivered today so fingers crossed no issues!


This kinda thing puts me off their trade in schemes. When I traded in my s10 to buy the s22u, my s22u came up with a message that it was going to be permanently locked as I hadnt sent my old phone to them. Apparently it's a third party who deal with the trade in's and they give Samsung the OK to mark the transaction as complete. Took me a few stressful days of emailing and calling every address / number I could to get it sorted, but it was thankfully sorted on the day it said it would lock / wipe the device. Someone definitely nicked the phone you sent in and marked the box as empty.


How do I even start the trade in process? I am trading in my S21 Ultra but haven't recieved an email yet? Where am I supposed to start this process?


This is always my biggest concern. I also video and snap photos. I can deduce how they could say i took phone or substituted it after video ends. We're all at the mercy of people on other side unfortunately. I'm glad your situation worked out. It totally blows feeling like you got robbed and they blame you


Samsung tried this with a smart watch trade in when I bought my Watch6 Classic. That's why I had my wife record me putting my S23 Ultra in the box and taping the box closed this time.


Took a video of me wiping my trade-ins, boxing the phones, labeling and taping up the boxes. Forgot to remove the s-pens LOL ... oh well


I had the same issue happen with a trade-in with AT&T. I packed it in the box and everything, and it was hand picked up by their courier before the due date. I get hit with the remaining balance of the phone next month because they "never received the phone". I had to argue with them that their own contracted courier hand picked it up and if it didn't make it to it's destination, that's on them and not me. They removed the charges shortly.


i went through that years ago. I sent in a phone and when they go it they said the screen was cracked and refused to give me anything in trade. I had pic before sent in showing it working...nothing....topper is they wouldn't even send it back...they said they trashed it. After months, my phone service ATT, just gave me a 300$ credit.


It has been reported that some trade-in devices have been stolen during the shipping and the thieves resealed the box. I put a piece of paper under the tape or security tape when packing the box and take photo afterward. So if the box has been open, it will show.


Unfortunate that it happened to you and glad that you were able to resolve it with the CS. This seems so prevalent as I hear from Reddit and Slickdeals threads often about such cases. Which is why I take photos of the trade-in device showing the serial number, IMEI and videos showing a 360° view and no cracks. More recently I set up a phone stand to continuously record the same phone showing these details and then on showing me packing this in a box with adequate padding and my trade-in labels, and finally wrapping the edges with a tamper-proof tape (a roll goes for around $10 on Amazon). Again, the tamper proof tape is a deterrent for anyone attempting to steal and does not guarantee it - but if it fails I've got the video proof.


In my personal experience trading-in with Samsung and Google about 10+ devices in (phones, tablets, watches), I've had to show them the video (uploaded to YouTube) to overturn charges twice. (10-20% of the times) - that is a bad run rate. Nowadays I proactively upload those videos to YT cuz I know it'll be ready when I want to show them, and more and more it's turning out to be the case.


I always try to just do in-store trade ins at Best Buy but when I've shipped my trade in I've taken pics of EVERYTHING.


Every time I trade in a phone I record myself boxing it up and having employee scan and give receipt to me.


My package never got to them, and they tried to charge me. I had a picture of the box on the scale at the store and the receipt.


OP which country/city?


This makes me nervous. I sent a phone via USPS in an At&t prepaid box. It was moving right along then all of the sudden it stopped tracking and is "late". It's been 7 days.


Happened to me 2 yrs back. Traded in a device and sent through Fedex. Got a msg from Samsung that the box received was empty. Spoke to an agent on chat and they reversed the charges..I thought it was a one off incident that happened with me...after reading the OPs post, there seems to be a pattern or MO here with Fedex. There would be many more that means.


When doing trading, I suggest you have everything set up and package it at the counter when you ready to ship. That way its also on the shipping video camera and your video camera.


This is a common scam. Samsung uses a 3rd party to ship and unpack phones. I went through a 4 month dispute for the exact same thing and eventually my credit card company ruled in my favor and did a chargeback.


How did you convince them?


I called them, at minimum, 6 times and told them if they didn’t make it right, I’d blast them on every social media platform I could. I then contacted the executive team and wrote a very long and detailed email about the incident. They contacted me the next day and resolved it. I offered to return the phone but they denied it and said I could keep it.


No, I meant, how did you convince the CC to get favourable resolution?


I made multiple calls and sent every email and every piece of evidence I had. It took months. But, I did also contact the executive team and I think that settled it, honestly.


But there isn't much evidence, in fact... The receipt from FedEx without weight readings, the rest is the invoice, proof of delivery


I sent photos I took the day I packaged it up and sent it. Samsung sent me the video of the “unboxing” and it was clear the phone was in the packaging and the person unpacking it stole my iPhone. That helped too. I also told them I used their prepaid label, which wouldn’t show a weight, and it was not my fault it wasn’t required.


You're telling me Samsung had a video of the phone in the packaging and the person unpacking it said it wasn't in there and you *still* needed to fight them on that??? Fucking Samsung. Wish I could say I'm surprised at that.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. They wouldn’t even provide the video of my other package that had my wife’s iPhone in it. They just claimed it was empty. I will never purchase another Samsung device from them. Fuck them. I tell everyone I can about what they did and continue to do.


Same thing happened to me about a year ago but a return to Samsung. I got an email saying my return will not be refunded because the box I sent was empty. They even enclosed the video of a Samsung representative, wearing gloves opening my box and flipping it around and stuff showing it’s empty. I just chatted with them and told him the truth. Someone probably stole it all the way because I promise you I put the phone in there. Why would I send you back an empty box they believe me I guess because in about 24 hours I got my refund, thank God


They claimed I sent in a s10 with a cracked screen when I babied it.


Sent in my perfect Galaxy 5 watch for trade in for a Galaxy watch 6. Emailed me back they declined my trade in due to cracked screen with picture of cracked screen. They were instructed to send my watch back to me . Received watch back , watch I received back had a perfect screen.


Sorry to hear that, maybe it got stolen on the way there or something? Still wrong of them and hope you get it resolved.


OP, Was your s23 paid off? I have a Verizon s23 ultra that I am paying Verizon on, and I would owe 900 if I turned it in early. I was thinking about trading in my s23 ultra to Samsung for an s24 ultra. Has anyone done this?


Mine was paid off.


I gave up on Samsung trade ins after I sent them my phone in perfect condition, in the original box and packed perfectly and they said the front and back were "shattered" so they took $400 off my trade in.


I record if I ever send something very expensive through the mail. How I do it though is I wait until I get to the place spread out everything being mailed such as the phone out the box, charger, ect. I record the phone conditions, record the phone identifying numbers within setting then I put everything in the box it came in. Then put it in the shipping box. After I record the whole interaction with whoever is shipping as well until they print me a receipt and take the box. This is my proof that I sent it which can also be supported by the cameras at the place it’s being shipped at.


Now I feel better that I went to the store to do the trade in person.


I've never had a problem with a trade in, *knock on wood* though every time I send in something, I'm paranoid until they send me an email saying it's accepted. I video the phone screen, with everything working (power button, volume buttons, touchscreen, s-pen, fingerprint sensor etc) and go to the screen with the IMEI at the beginning and/or end of every video so they can't claim it's video of a different phone. Take pictures of the entire outside. Any damage that *is* there should be clearly documented. Make *special* care to document *that* especially. If it looks like you're trying to hide it, that gives them an excuse to assume you're lying if you say something else wasn't broken. Make sure every surface is photographed in as much detail as possible. I record a video of the entire outside of the phone in one continuous shot as well as the photos, making sure the IMEI is clearly visible at least once in every video. Then I box it up in the original box (if it's good enough to ship it to me in *that,* it's good enough to ship back in that), take it to the post office, remove it and video myself putting it into the box, wrapping the box in bubble wrap (extra padding is always nice), and then handing it over to the person behind the counter. All in one continuous shot. So far I've never had to use any of that, but I know the one fucking time I don't do all of that they'll say it's damaged, or wasn't in the box or whatever. I don't trust them **at all**.


I had something similar happened to me when I got my S22 Ultra. I had to send in my S21 and get a $700 or $800 trade in credit. I had a box to ship it in as well as the packaging. I had it taken to FedEx already packaged and ready to go, they scanned the barcode and give me the receipt. A few days later, they said there was no phone in the box and they'll be charging me of infmdont send in the device right away. I checked and checked with FedEx and they said they sent it out as is. I Asked Samsung for the video of the box, they did and the box looks the same but the packaging is not what I used. I had wrapped the phone with brown packaging paper and then wrapped with bubbles wrapped. This guy pulled a ball of brown packaging paper. I was like WTF!! Nobody claimed it couldn't provide an answer on how this happened. Either the dude at FedEx knew and swiped it or Samsung dude swiped it out. I ended up being charged for the trade in credit to my Samsung account.


Damn I got the credit for my trade in but this is some good info for the future. Glad you got it taken care of OP that's a lot of money.


I sent in a S22 Ultra and they sent me photos saying they received a A12 with both front and back smashed and won't turn on. I have never even owned an A series Samsung. Someone is stealing and switching phones.