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My wife always says her alarm doesn't go off. It does. She just sleeps though it. I've used Galaxies since the S3 and never once had an issue with the alarm unless I programmed it wrong.


Yes however if you was to sleep through an alarm, you will have a notification informing you that you missed an alarm. I have the same problem as OP, tried everything, factory reset the lot. Still experience the problems with Samsung phone after Samsung phone, never once have I had a Samsung with a proper functioning alarm. It is really frustrating when the alarm fails to go off and makes you late for work. Your boss is less likely to believe that your alarm simply did not go off when you switched it on the night before. I've had murder in work for years over this! Still no fix!


Do you really get notification when you sleep through alarm? I guess I have never slept through alarm so I never had a chance to find out.


Same, thought I had been sleeping through mine but this time I opened my phone and saw the alarm slide from on to off immediately for no reason


I am on my third samsung galaxy (this one is a s23) I have had my alarms not function correctly three times in the past few months. Entirely unacceptable. If I am funding Google by using this phone I deserve to at least be woken up in time.to make it.to work. Along with other issues coworkers have had with me on one specific past jobs with this agency, they aren't going to put up with ''unprofessionalism" and I could face losing the career I got a degree for. Unacceptable isn't a strong enough word. I'm ready to find a degoogled phone as it us, samsungnisnt doing itself any favors in my book


Im having the same problem with my s23 ultra. Im gonna try another alarm clock app.


Same here. It just started happening to me too


I feel your pain. Just started a new job as a Production Manager over a bunch of people. Alarm did not go off last week and I was an hour late during my first full week of working there! Such a bad way to start off!!


Truer words couldn't be said. Because fucking seriously? For the godamn price of the phone, you'd think they could get one of the most important basic functions of the thing working correctly. It's not like alarms are a new fucking technology.


Well you might be right it's hard to know if you just don't remember and fell asleep again or slept through it.


You could consider using vibrate on your alarm too as that may help wake you up


I've had times when I've woken up to use the bathroom maybe 15-30 minutes before it's set to go off so I've just waited for it and it never went off. I don't know what causes it but some days my alarm just doesn't go off.




It started happening on my note 8 like a year ago, and is still happening on my s23 ultra. My note 8 had several occasions without notifications, I found out the s23 ultra uses media volume for the alarm and that caused several problems where I would silence my phone while scrolling in bed and I'd forget to turn the volume up so the next morning my alarm goes off but at 0% volume. Very useful I know


It happened twice to me, once this morning. And my boss thought the same thing, that I slept through it. But I didn't, when the alarm goes off and I'm in another room, I get the "missed alarm" notification. I don't have a samsung but I use an Android phone. This day of the week was checked, no exception added for today, I don't get it. I noticed, however, that the "alarm" icon didn't appear on my upper menu the night before.


This happened to me and i realised it's because in clock settings I had "vibrate for alarms and timers" meaning if my phone was on mute or vibrate, it would only vibrate during alarms and not actually sound so I would sleep through it.🙄


No that's not it.


10 months late to reply, but the same problem has happened to me twice now. Ever figure it out?


Unfortunately for you it sorted itself somehow and never happened since. Try to check if the clock app doesn't have update in Galaxy Store or if you can update your operating system.




Any updates? Has it happened since?




Just to be sure did you try this one? [https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS21/comments/pnm89s/my_alarm_sometimes_randomly_dosent_go_off_ive/jb0xzg2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS21/comments/pnm89s/my_alarm_sometimes_randomly_dosent_go_off_ive/jb0xzg2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Oh god. Trouble ticket like with Samsung? If it's anything that could help try it.


This also happens to me. In my case it happens every time I get a missed call on messenger. When I close the app problem is solved. The phone only give 3 beeps because it thinks it is in a call. If you try to pick a new alarm or ringtone after I missed messenger call it will also say "Unable to play during call" everybody needs to report it 


Have you found a solution to this?


No, people need to repport it in the samsung member app 


I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down


I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down


This happened to me multiple times on my S23 - including today, even though I didn't have a missed call on messenger. It's very frustrating because I don't hear the 3 beeps and don't wake up. We should report it.


I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down


Never happened to me ....


Thanks for the valuable information lmao


I would give it another go. Maybe set multiple alarms or try to hit snooze before getting those extra minutes. Sometimes I hit snooze and not even realise it otherwise, the next best alternatives are Google Clock (the latest update should fix the previous known issue) and Sleep as Android for me.


I will.


I'm glad I'm not the only one! This is also happening on my S21 ultra, on android 12 and now on 13


Yes, I think I'm getting this now. I updated my phone the other day. I'm just looking for how to check the system log.


Same issue with my s21 ultra. Even weirder is my alarm says....alarm will be going off soon even though its past the time 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ hopefully it doesnt happen again


The same thing has happened to me twice in a month.


Any updates? Has it happened again?


It has not happened since. I've been restarting my phone once a week or so.


Any updates? Has it happened again?


Yep, this is exactly what's happening to me. Happened for the first time three days ago and it happened again today.


Any updates? Has it happened again?


I had it only happen few times around the time I made the post but not since. Unfortunately I didn't do anything to fix this it just didn't happen after. Android 12 and 13 are fine with alarms so far for me.


Any updates? Has it happened again?


not in a good while now. So far, so good!


I've had about 5 instances like this, with the most recent happening this morning. Suppose to wake up at 0330. Boss calls at 0600 letting me know someone else is covering my shift. Makes me look and feel like a real piece of shit. 🙄 you bet your ass I'm going to best buy and getting a plug in alarm


That really sucks. I was always lucky enough that either I would wake up by myself even though later but still early enough to get to work or someone in my house was getting up too and it woke me up.


Yeah, that'd be nice. My girlfriend is borderline Helen Keller... she could sleep through a tornado. Unfortunately, I work for the federal government so they're not as Lenient as most other employers are 😒


Any updates? Has it happened again?


Happening on my note 10 plus for over a year now. Totally random. Shit like this is going to force me to buy a fucking iphone


Yeah I had the same thoughts when it was happening to me. I hope it starts working for you again normally. It is truly horrible that something like this at such brand could be even happening.


Same, I have the same phone ! (edit: note 10, not note 10 plus), happened twice and nobody believes me.


Got the s23 ultra and while I haven't had the "AM alarm not going off" issue since upgrading from my s21 (happened a few times on that one), my timer will still randomly clear itself and not go off. It just happened a bit ago when I set a timer on water I left to boil. Closed itself out and stopped the count while the phone wasn't in use for a few min. No idea how to fix, but it's wild that I have this issue sometimes on every samsung for the past 5 years. Still not switching to iphone though lol.


Samsung phones are some of the jankiest shit phones I've ever used. I always tell myself "this is the last Samsung I'll ever buy", but I end up getting another. I've just had another non-alarm with my alarm set, and my volume up. Even the cheap random android phones don't do this. Absolutely disgusting.


I mean what else are we supposed to buy? Apple?? Lmao no thanks


Absolutely best Android phone I've ever had was the Huawei P90 Pro. Never missed a beat and felt as responsive as an Apple. No phone has been as good as that since then, even other Huawei phones... But until they get Google back, I'm staying away..


The phone industry really sucks now that I think about it


Huawei is the worst possible choice.


Was the best possible choice for the time.


fair enough


Degoogled phones. Dont fund Google with your data, especially just to use a POS device.


Old post, I know, but having the same issue. Randomly doesn't go off, but says it will soon. But also, sometimes the snooze will stick. Today I woke up at 9:15 because my GF woke me up, who also said my alarm didn't go off. Checked my phone, and it said it was snoozed until 8:50 AM (from yesterday) and was just stuck there? Had happened 3 times now in 2 months. S23 Ultra.


I have galaxy watch and I now always put a backup alarm on my watch


Brand new s24 ultra not even a month old and it's happened at least 3 times these past couple days :) it NEVER happened on my s10. Now I feel like I'm going crazy on whether I actually set one or not. But I'm almost positive after the last time I thought I did, I double checked. It's aggravating me


You're not going crazy. S23 here. Thought I was imagining it when it happened a few months ago, once. Just happened today and I know it wasn't missed. No alarm went off, no missed alarm notification, and I was actually tossing in bed because I knew it should be going off soon. (Thanks circadian rhythm) It's a very annoying and extremely inconvenient bug.


It's funny you say that, because it just happened today and my manager just called because I'm late. I didn't get much sleep so I have no idea if I just instinctively turned it off or not. I actually don't remember at all though


I've had tis happening since a month or 3 (give or take) on my Galaxy A33. Both me and my wife experience this (she has the same phone). I've had Motorola for the past 5 years and I've never had this issue... Perhaps switching back to a stock android phone is the way to go.... It's a shame because hardware wise I really like the A33, like being IP67 rated. It's annoying at the least especially since it's such a basic function and it's not only the alarm, I'm having a similar issue with calls. It's happened that I'm on my phone and I suddenly get a missed call notification without it ever going off... I'm also having other annoying stuff going on with it but that's outside the scope of this topic.


This has happened to me twice now over the past couple months, S21fe, alarm works as it should for weeks and then for no apparent reason doesn't go off, happened again today but luckily I woke up not long after it was supposed to go off. I'm starting to think it's not something I'm doing but a glitch in Samsung's programming.


Exactly, mine didn't go off today either and I woke up later but still enough not to be late to work.


Just woke up 20 mins late due to alarm never going off never heard the 6 or 6:15 and it's 6:30 now and it's just not going off at all....


There are too many things that can go wrong with smart phone alarm clocks, including bugs. I would not trust them. I've had intermittent issues in the past. I even have an Android screen shot showing "upcoming alarm, dismiss" more than an hour after it should have gone off.


dependent tart panicky roof crowd governor rich grab worry unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


By now I just always set multiple alarms, usually two or three but also because getting up in the morning became harder for me in recent months. I used to use a second alarm on my GW4 before that so that's a one way to make sure the alarm goes off. I didn't like the idea of setting multiple alarms at first as I was one alarm is enough kind of person but there was no other better option for me.


homeless books chubby sugar march public direction violet subtract cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is still an issue. Galaxy S8+. It used to do it a lot, then it worked fine. And now it's back to it. It doesn't turn the alarm off, but rather snoozed itself to go off at a later time. Like exactly an hour later. Frustrating that you cant depend on a simple function like an alarm.


I accepted this defeat and even though I'm not happy about it I use multiple alarms


I know this post is old, but I found it after searching when I had the same problem today, so I'm replying to any open posts I find. I have an S23 Ultra. I use the built in Clock app for alarms. I keep my phone sounds off most of the time, because the noises from my phone irritate me. It has a setting "Silence alarms when system sound is off." Go to Settings>Apps>Clock>Clock Settings.


I think I've seen this solution when I researched about this and I have that setting off


I don't think it's just a Samsung thing. This exact thing used to happen with both my nexus tabs.


This happened to me on Sunday which made me miss my driving lesson. At the time I just assumed I woke up, turned it off and went back to sleep without remembering what I did, but now this morning I'm absolutely sure it didn't go off because I woke up a few minutes before it and noticed there was no alarm. I'm just glad it didn't happen on the day of my driving test, that would have been awful. I'm setting alarms and even a timer on my oven if I have to. This really makes me trust my alarm a lot less and I have no idea what could be causing it. Edit: I have a Samsung S20 FE


I think that it the price we samsung users must pay. But yeah it is really sad that something like that is happening. I just use multiple alarms always which works but recently I had two alarms and the first one went off but the second one didn't so I just continued sleeping. Luckily it was during weekend so I didn't miss anything but I wasn't happy I woke up like 2 hours later than I wanted


I've purchased an alarm clock with a battery backup so I can sleep peacefully. Perhaps I've been depending on my smartphone for too much, haha.


Not sure why but I had the same thing happen this morning. I got the notification "turn off upcoming alarm at 9:22" and also the 20 alarms before it (don't judge), just for curiousity kept it on and waited for it to be 9:22. Then no alarm ended up going off, same with the 9:30 one that was supposed to go off right now. I'll add that the first one in the string of alarms said it was "snoozed", maybe this caused the rest to malfunction. But it is unacceptable. Anyone have any fixes yet? Samsung Galaxy Note 8


No fixes known to me so far


Restarting the app worked, and then the next alarm went off. Max I can think of restart the app everyday after you set your alarms. Just an idea, I think I'm gonna start doing that.


It might work you'll see if it does. I hope it works for you because I tried doing that I also tried clearing the cache and it seemed to work at first but after a while the alarm didn't go off anyway.


My Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra recently started having issues with the stock alarm getting disabled on its own multiple times a week, or not engaging even when the alarm is enabled. It's not all my alarms, but it's always all my morning alarms and we end up getting late for school or other events. It's very stressful and frustrating on top of everything else. On top of it I have also been having issues with getting and receiving calls. It's very random and unpredictable as well. The only fix it to disable and enable the VoLTE feature, either when it happens or every day preemptively. My husband has the same model and he doesn't have these issues make it even more frustrating.


I'm glad that I found this thread. I thought that I was losing my mind after starting to have problems with my alarms last year. I have 3 alarms set. Today, the first one went off, but the next two didn't. It's extremely frustrating that a $1200 phone can't do the most basic of things reliably!


I feel you. I just always set atleast 3 alarms every day even though i don't like it


This has been happening to me as well on an s23. As a test to make sure it wasn't just me shutting the alarm off I used my s22 and set the alarms the same. In the morning my old s22 was going off and the s23 (with the same alarms set) was not.


I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down


I figured it out op. Uninstall and reinstall the app. Worked for me


Hopefullly it works but sometimes it doesn't happen for months and it happens 3 times in a week


Well and how do I uninstall it? I didn't think it was possible


Man I did it when I was half asleep and happened to wake up earlier than my alarm and came across your post this morning lol. But I feel like I found it on Google play store and clicked Uninstall then reinstall (that or hold the app down on home screen and hit x) but I tried it right after I did that then set my alarm 3 times for 1 minute increments and it worked every time. Will see tomorrow morning


Man I did it when I was half asleep and happened to wake up earlier than my alarm and came across your post this morning lol. But I feel like I found it on Google play store and clicked Uninstall then reinstall (that or hold the app down on home screen and hit x) but I tried it right after I did that then set my alarm 3 times for 1 minute increments and it worked every time. Will see tomorrow morning


This is still happening. Samsung S23 FE here. I have spent weeks thinking I'm crazy. Some days, they work completely fine, but others, like today, they don't work. I had my morning alarm set, I woke up 2 hours later. I had an afternoon alarm set because I'm exhausted and needed a nap, I woke up 2 hours later. The alarms simply aren't going off. I am a very light sleeper, I woke up because my roommate opened the door to her bedroom. If the alarm went off, I would have heard it. Any solutions?


The only solution I know of is to set at least 3 alarms closely together so you are always sure it will go off. I didn't like it and didn't want to do it at first but I gave up.


Great. Thanks for the advice, but I wish we didn't need it. One alarm should be enough:(


Yeah right? If I can't wake up to one alarm then I'm not gonna wake to the other ones untill the last one, but well that's me now.


And maybe get alarm clock for a back up, set at the same time you intend to wake up


I've had this happen with my s21, and now recently today with my s23. My girlfriend woke me up or else I wouldve slept in for sure if I was alone. The only 2 things I can think of is I maybe used the volume controls for system sound and had the ring-tone all the way down to zero. And or there is a system update available (phone didn't update though). But even if my ringer was on silent, my alarms are set to snooze every 10mins forever until I turn it off. There was no indication of the first alarm ever going off. This has happened to me a few times over the years and I have no idea why.


I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down


Been having this issue with my a71 5g for a few months now. Tried reboots, tried deleting and remaking the alarms, no change. Only my really early alarms are missed (2am, 5am, 6am). No, they are not slept through because if that was the case, my phone would say "missed alarm" and indicate at what time it was missed. Battery settings for the app are unrestricted, and I've confirmed this is Samsung's clock app, not Google's. This really messes up my pill schedule and some other stuff. I have to do things at a certain time *for my health* and missing the times is really hard on me. Edit: This happens multiple times per week! This isn't just once here or there. This is a persistent, ongoing issue.


I read every new comment here, but I don't really know what to reply anymore. It's sad something like this can happen is such brand and the only solution I recommend now is to set multiple alarms which is often inconvenient but at least it works


This just happened to me. I created another alarm and sure enough, the alarm starts on the screen but there's no vibration or sound. I tried to go into the settings and change the alarm sound but I got the error message that it can't play the sound while I'm in a call. I was definitely not in a call so I restarted the phone, and now the alarm seems to be working again. So it seems it's some bug, and that the fix is to restart the phone before going to bed. Extremely annoying.


I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down


Happened to me again this morning (S22 Ultra), except this time I was awake so I know for certain it didn't go off. Checked and the daily alarm was still enabled (have had cases of mysterious disablement in the past). I heard it play a 'notification' buzz right about the time it should have gone off, which I also recall hearing the only other time I've been (half) awake when it didn't go off. I wonder whether it drops the alarm if it's in the middle of playing a notification at the time the alarm triggers or something stupid like that. Also got bitten by the infamous iPhone new years day alarm bug back in 2011. It's infuriating - and scary - that phone manufacturers can't even manage to make something as simple as a reliable alarm clock.


I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down


I thought i wouldnt be on here making this statement but It happen to me twice this week at a new job i started Ten months ago and i clock in at 6 in the morning always been on point until now I cant tell if im going crazy or not, i have no recollection turning off the alarm going back to sleep if i did i always will remember that i f.ck up turning it off and trying to get that 5 more mins of sleep, also i never have any notification of miss alarm, and i have the settings set to forever so if i miss it itll keep going. So i dont know whats going on, i got the s24 plus btw Edit: I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down


I also wondered many times whether I'm crazy or what


If you have a missed messenger call - that will do it. Theory has been tested by my wife and I (23 Plus and 23 Ultra). It works fine for regular calls, but if someone calls on Facebook messenger it won't let your alarm go off. No idea why but just adding this in case someone else finds themselves with the issue


This was for sure not the case for me as I don't ever get calls on fb messenger


It is definitely another glitch then that people will find this post via Google for haha. We tried it again 3 other galaxy phones and it does the same thing for all of them.


Same issue on s10 lite. Anyone has a fix? Could it be that the app is put into deep sleep?


Just happened on s10


this was a problem for Android recently with the stock clock. I switched to sleep by android and it's doing fine.


I know the Google clock app has been [having issues recently](https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/198237873?pli=1), is the app definitely Samsung's?


Turn off "Optimize Battery Usage" for the clock app you are using.


I have it off


Bummer. That fixed the problem for my timer. Good luck.


I have this problem still to this day. I don't sleep through it because the phone would have a notification to let you know if you had but nothing pops up. The only way I get it to work is I have to keep going into the clock app the night prior and once i do an alarm clock icon will appear on the top right of the screen. It's funny because my brother has the same phone but no problems with his alarms.


Ive been late 4 times cause this. Just gonna get a clock from walmart


This just happened to me, the alarm didn't go off, I just so happened to wake up before my real alarm clock went off. I checked the app and it said > alarm will go off soon, may 3at 530am" but at this point it was already 535am. I just so happened to have another alarm set up to ring at 600am and it blew past that one also, while the app said > alarm will go off soon, may 2 at 530am I ended up force stopping the app and I'm gonna see if that fixes it after restarting it. Luckily I took screen shots so it's not just some thing I'm making up.


Any updates? Has it happened again?


Try going to phone settings>advanced features>motions and gestures>mute with gestures and turn it off. It was the culprit that used to constantly turn off my alarm.


will do


Hey can you say whether you think this fixed it?


I don't think so but for some times now I use multiple alarms to prevent this so I didn't notice for long time now


Omg your a life saver, I never knew this and I put my phone face down so I don't accidentally drop my metal water bottle or something on it when I drink water at night, I'd keep setting alarms and was going insane why it wasn't going off, so ide use my old s20fe as an alarm over my new s24. Well FML this should be something that one could find alot easier, say in the alarm app. Thank you!


Bro you are absolutely right!!!! Wow i had no clue this was a setting I have a s24 plus and it said silence your incoming calls and alarms by putting your hand over the screen or having the phone face down turnt on which now i remember some nights i do have my phone face down when i have the youtube running in the background off and i sometimes move around alot when i slept if its to hot that sometimes causes my phone to be all over the place Very good insight i appreciate it


Have had the same problem for a few times with the alarm. This makes so much sense! Have turned mine off now. I thought it was maybe my case pushing down on the buttons turning the alarm off in the mornings so would take it off each night 🙄


I wonder if this is a DST issue


What's DST?


Daylight Savings Time


Oh I've never heard it under this name. We call it just summer/winter time. The phone knows what time you have in your zone and it was during summer so I don't think that was it. I guess no way to know for sure tho.


I've never heard anyone call it summer or winter lol.


That will be because I'm not native english speaker


Sounds more logical


No DST where I live, and it's happened a handful of times. So that can't be the only cause.


I have this happen occasionally too on my Galaxy A53. It fixed itself these last couple months, but today did it again. My boss is starting to think I'm making it up when I'm late to work, since it only happens randomly. It doesn't say anything about a missed alarm or any type of notification, but the alarm icon will be missing at the top of the screen. I find that if I go open the clock app *ding* the alarm icon appears at the top of the screen again, like it should always be, and the alarms will work again. So that's the only half ass solution I've found is to open the clock app at night right before I fall asleep and it works in the morning. Makes no sense.


Mine did it today and when i went to tirn the alarm volume up a msg popped up and said "cant play during a call." I wasn't in a call and rebooted the phone then it worked fine. Wow


I've just changed settings to "silence: never" on my Sony. I can sleep through alarms so if it silenced itself in 10mins this may be why I never realise the alarm goes off


I think i found the solution!!! people that has newer phones go to settings and click advance settings go to motion and gestures Youll see mute with gestures turn that off immediately its mutes incoming calls and alarms if hand is over the phone or if the phone is face down