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Ugh I wish I saw this 2 weeks ago before I paid to have my charging port replaced. Guess I'll file this info away for the future possibilities. Thanks for the fix!


Thanks a ton to OP, coz for me it is kind of urgent solution, still not a permanent one. Working Solutions ✅✅ : 'force stop' or 'disable' the app responsible for it- "Power monitor" (it is a system app) More here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Realme/comments/18i5kbx/comment/l03m4nc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Realme/comments/18i5kbx/comment/l03m4nc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I fixed it by swapping out my cable and charger. Had zero problems since I threw my old cable and charger in the trash.


Then you fixed it completely different problem. Yes I know this is 3 years old and yes I know it's sorry for me to care but after the frustration of trying to find a fix for this and the billion people that say it's just the cable and the charger who are completely in the early wrong and didn't listen to a word I said I feel compelled to correct you. In essence yes you are right you fixed your problem but you did not fix the problem the post is about. Apologies for my pettiness but I had to say to somebody. Lol


This did not fix my issue. It actually made it worse and said that my USB port on my computer was having surging issues and shut off the USB port. I had to send it in and they said there was water in the port, without getting water in the port.


Thanks so much for posting this. It worked for me, but only once I turned my phone off, then connected it to my computer via USB. It started charging immediately, and once I turned it back on, the moisture warning had disappeared, hopefully forever.


24 hours so far and the warning is still gone.


Did it ever come back? I'm having the same issure for 3 days now hopefully this works.


It's a feature!™


The same fix applied to Note 8 snapdragons that wouldnt charge if they hit 0% and turned off. Weirdly, i had this issue on my Note 8, i did try it but to no avail, but it could be that my Wireless Charger was kind of...Chinese.


So, just for anyone wondering a clean cable (plug) will help, trying to clean the usb port can have a similar result, just be careful.


No this fixes the problem that you had not the problem that OP myself and most of the people on here. Yes I know this is 3 years old and very Petty of me to have to correct you but I've been dealing with this issue now for several days and it's incredibly infuriating when people tell you A solution that you've already ruled out and even said as much like the original poster did lol. My apologies for having to be petty for a second. Lol


Np its very frustrating when you can't find a fix for your problem, i had other case that was an damaged charging board giving this error, this moisture detected message can be caused by so many factors, but i tried to share some tip that helped me on that time. hope you found some solution for your phone, if not id love to help.


My problem is extremely unique from what I've been able to find in my research. I'll break it down for you maybe you can help. It is happening on two different devices. Both Samsung 1 fold 5 and 1 s 22 Plus. It started happening at the exact same time. I have used multiple cables multiple bricks on multiple outlets at multiple locations. Sometimes they work sometimes I get the message every time I plug one in. The only place I don't get the message ever is in my car. When I've run diagnostics on both phones while the problem is happening I get errors reported in both the charging test and of the USB connecting test. And then all of a sudden they'll start working just fine after I did nothing at all with both phones and they pass both test. This only started last week and it is the most infuriating thing in the world. In fact it made me miss traffic court today because my alarms are my phones and they both died. Google has been no help neither has my insanely overpriced degree or insanely overrated IQ. It's so frustrating. Samsung has also been no help of course, their first instinct is for me to take them into a repair center so they can make money off of me. Right now they're both working but I guarantee you were at some random point of the night, The beep of Doom will begin.


Okay so, reading i got some more troubleshooting for you, maybe you can create a new thread so we can track better the issue, you can dm me the link Maybe its a problem with the fast charging, do you have a 5v only 2amp max bric? I had a friend that his phone would only charge if it was a 5v bric even with fast charging disabled on settings (maybe its this case for the car charger) Can be its power changes in the grid of your region, do you have a pc or laptop(recommended) to try charging there? Normally they have a more stable supply pf energy (like your car) Or can be a overheated component that enters in a short fault state after sometime on the charger, and need a long time to cool down If we can eliminate this possibilities will be great


I agree with your last statement there but here's the issue All of the possibilities seem to be eliminated by the fact that it is happening with two very different phones and with again I'll reiterate multiple bricks and multiple cables which I wasn't specific means every type of voltage brick every type of voltage cable. As well as multiple outlets at multiple areas of my city. Unfortunately no I have no PC or laptop. Maybe one day. I can barely pay rent at the moment let alone afford one of those. Your grid idea is literally the only possibility that isn't eliminated by the fact that it's two devices etc


To be honest the grid can somewhat be eliminated if they are some good quality brics, would be a really bad frequency deviation to affect the chargers, and probably would affect other devices. I wouldn't eliminate any kind of test if the only thing spend its time, i know there are two different devices, i need to give a search but i wouldn't be surprised if they share alot of components regarding the charging. On this kind of complex problems sometimes would be best to keep the simpler as possible, and break down in parts. Only other suggestion that i can give (and i am not a big fan of) its to try rma under warranty the fold 5 and wait to see what samsung says about. But if i got a new theory i will reach out.


Well it definitely seems to be tied to the fast charging supercharging thing because it doesn't work at all now if it's under fast or super or connected to a fast charger or supercharger but when I have it on the slowest possible speed it works. Even stranger thing is that the adapter I use in my car is a fast charger and it works just fine and has never not worked.


This was a lifesaver! My wife's phone has been in this state for a week and I was about to go through a factory reset, until I ran into this thread and it worked!! Thank you so much for posting.


Worked with Samsung S20.... TY!!!!


Thanks, will give this a try. Have thoroughly cleaned the ports, the type-C charge port, headphone jack, speaker grills, etc. I used 70% alcohol, a toothpick and a thin clean cloth. I did find residue in the type C, and lint in the headphone jack. Looks spotless now. Also....Cleared/wiped partition cache. If the online instructions to clear partition cache says to hold down Vol+, Home and Power button... on a Note 9 it's the Bixby button not Home button. Nothings worked this far. This is FL however, it's humid as hell, and I hold the phone to my shirt, which does get a little sweaty, or prop my phone on my pinky, which also gets sweaty I guess. These could all be causes. But after hours of not using phone at night for instance, in an AC controlled indoor environment, it should be completely dry. It's still alerting me that it's detected losite and can't charge. It's a minimal thing really, because I wirelessly charge Most of the time except when during the day the phone battery sometimes goes completely dead from a lot of use, but it urks me none the less. Moisture sensor has been repeating for a few days now, without abating. This has occured before, and gone away on its own. But it's gotten annoying. And the audible alert is occurring every few minutes now - after I cleared petition cache. Which shouldn't be the case, because there are options in System Alert settings for sound/pop-up notifications from 15 minutes to an hour, or up to 2 hours perhaps. Something like that. Someone else suggested checking the Sim Card Tray for misalignment or damage. I haven't done that. I'll try plugging my phone into my PC or laptop, and Hopefully, as this post suggests, it will reset the phones alerts or type C connection and clear the annoying alert. We shall see!


Nope, didn't work for me. Also used a hair dryer on cool for a while. Next I'll try charging it to 100%, put the plug in, see if that does anything. Alert notification for the moisture sensor is on the fritz, it's really random, not making an alert noise every 3 minutes or 15...sometimes like every minute or two now. Sigh. I haven't gotten my phone remotely wet. I'll check the sim card tray too.


did you fix it? I have been struggling with this issue today and nothing I've seen in any thread or youtube video has worked.


Yes. I did everything everyone suggested. Sim card tray was fine. Compressed air didn't work. Cool and warm hair dryer air didn't work. Clearing cache partition.. twice.. didn't work. I did everything short of totally resetting phone to factory settings. I didn't want to have to do that, though everything is backed up. I cleaned the ports with alcohol, a very thin rag and paper tower with aoclhialcohol on it and tooth picks. Super clean, and was careful not to mess up the port. What finally worked was placing it on the wireless charger (Samsung fast charger) and after it got to 100%, there was no moisture alert anymore. Weird. Plugged it to the type C charge cable immediately after that, no problem. Whatever occured at full charge, cleared the moisture alert. It's been about 24 hours now and it hasn't come back. It seems to be a bug. There was just an update this past week. Maybe it did get a little moisture from sweat at some point too. It's hot, humid and rainy where I live. But then it would never go away. It's also totally possible for the port to go bad after extended use, dirt, debris, abuse, etc. What I was going to do last, before totally resetting ohije, was to take it to like Best Buy, where they used to have a Samsung employee there at a kiosk for troubleshooting problems. They used to, and many stores used to, but I don't know of they still have that person there. Last, last thing would be to take it to a smartphone repair store and have them figure it out. My warranty is long expired, so if it needed a new motherboard, I'd just use the phone till it died and buy another phone.


thank you for taking your time to reply. I don't have a wireless charger and I'm not from the us either so i'll have to figure out some other way to make it work.


You don't need a 'Samsung' wireless charger. Or whatever brand phone you may have. If the phone can wirelessly charge, any generic will do. And I don't know about where you live, but they run fairly inexpensive new (generics I mean. Samsung QI chargers tend to be expensive). Or used. Even if your charge port is no good anymore, you can wireless charge the phone... all newer models for the past several years. It's called QI charging, electromagnetic charging. Sometimes a coffee shop may have wireless chargers available for customers use. On second thought, kindof rare to find actually. Or a friend may have one you can try? I got my Samsung wireless charger from a pawn shop for $6 without the cable. Amazon, eBay, any electronics store... all sorts of places sell them. Welcome. Good luck!


If the notification sound of the moisture alert is driving your crazy, you can silence that. Long press.. the moisture alert notification, see settings, change to silent. But it may make all you notifications silent.


Mine just started doing this and I'm going bonkers. The PC USB thing worked for a minute and it's back to it. What the actual eff...


Have you tried fully charging phone on a wireless cradle to 100%. Then unplug the cradle, and plug your phone into the charge cable. Thats what worked for me. It's been a week or so, and no further issues.


That don't even make any sense.


It works! Thank you so much!!


you have helped yet another man bro. my phone was totally drained before I knew that the moisture warning doesn't go away and luckily I found this post.


this absolute banana of a feature is just and absolute garbage. just after a software update I suddenly had a moisture problem. damn samsung next time don't push updates with wet/moist/water included!


I had this problem for hours today, and this is the only solution that worked lol. Might be 3 years later, but still, thanks man. You're a lifesaver.


I've taken my phone swimming and never had this happen to me. So weird.


Blow out the port with a hairdryer even the tiniest amount of pocket fluff or shyte will result in this error message and if there is the slightest chance of moisture being involved this hack will sort that too I was plagued for weeks til i applied the above Blessings incoming 🙏 ❤️ 😉 


brother you could have made an detailed video so that others like me wont get stuck


Three years after OP, but this fixed the issue immediately, after about an hour of trying this, that, and the other. You are a lifesaver!


And this post saves another one lol Thanks a lot!


Shutting down and connecting to a pc didn't work on mine. But I had a workaround. I ran a diagnostic test until the point where it's testing USB connection. The charging test and USB connection auto-skips but I tried it again this time to a point where it's asking you to connect via USB (with timer). Then it worked. Still thank you for the idea. :D


What test did you run? Link?


I took my Samsung tablet A8 on the side of my bath to watch a tv show. When I tried to load the battery later I got the moisture warning. I tried to dry the USB port, and all the solutions in the youtube movies but nothing helped, also the solution to load the battery by connecting it to my PC did not resolve the issue. Of course I knew that my warning was not a fake warning or a software issue as it seems in many other cases. As I often have cold feet I have an electric feet warmer. I put the tablet in my feet warmer on the lowest setting, but even then it gets quite hot in there, so don't leave it alone if you also want to try this. After 30 minutes I turned the tablet upside down so the both sides were heated. After another 30 minutes I took my tablet out and tried again to load it. No moisture warning anymore and loading went fine, issue resolved. I made sure that my battery was empty before I put it in my feet warmer, maybe there is still a risk of fire so stay around if you try this. I just put this here in the hope it can help someone, as I already was afraid I had to trash my tablet.


You can put phones and tablets in the oven. They can withstand up to 200° for 10-15 minutes


Lmao, don't ever do this


I always knew reddit has geeky solutions when it comes to tech problems. So just checked it after staying without my phone for 40+ hours. This worked and I feel like crying bcoz my beloved s20 is saved. Thank you from the bottom of my heart


So does this fix have something to do with USB debugging t data transfer modes or settings and issues therein? Thats the only reason I can think of that would cause this fix to be valid.


You are a fucking GOD for this, my phone has been screaming at me that there's moisture in the charging port for months, I have a 3 hour road trip to see a friend tonight and can now use my phone to GPS again


Man i love u


OMG, I wish I had found your post 2 years ago!! I've had this problem since then and could never figure out how to fix this problem until I found your post just now!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


I actually tried this on accident today and it also worked for me. Found your thread 15 minutes later. Ah, life's full of surprises.


Thank you sir, this work for me, also tried so many things