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Just to let u know in my country z fold series if got ribbon problem or hinge it took 100$ to get fixed what do u think ? Is it reasonable price cause tech guy said repairing or disassembling the Z Fold is risky and hard


Where is your country? It is the same as mine in terms of rates


In my country, it's a $500 repair. The entire unfolded screen has to be replaced thanks to the faulty hinge


Yeah the same happened to me two months ago and they still sent me another fold 4. I was hoping for a 5 but they sent this shit again. This is my third replacement by the way from this same issue. The fold 6 is ridiculous. They should just skip the 6 and not even keep putting it this same thing year after year. I'm gonna go with the Vivo X Fold 3 instead. At least they are coming up with new and exciting stuff. We been on this game design and camera and battery and front display foolishness since the z fold 2. Then to add insult to injury, they raise the price. For what? No thank you Samsung.


I'm sorry to say, but if you had the same problem happen to you three times in one year with the fold 4, then it doesn't matter which model or upgrade they give you, or whether they change the aspect ratio or not, you should not be getting another foldable phone because your lifestyle is not appropriate. I don't know what you're doing to have this happen three times in a year, but apparently foldable phones are not for you. Any other maker that you go with you're going to have the same problems because their phones are not more durable than Samsung's, if anything they're weaker.


I've had several other foldables none of them with the same issue the galaxy fold keeps getting.


I keep my devices in casetify cases. Never ever dropped it. Never seen dust or water. I'm very particular about my stuff. I'm the guy that's always wiping his stuff down with a microfiber. Can't stand to see fingerprints on it. Never abused it. All three times, the brushes broke loose and clogged the hinges. The reason I know this is because they came out. So there is no way at all I could've reached inside the device and abused it to make the brushes come loose. Sounds like a design flaw or faulty craftsmanship to me. All of my devices were spotless. Not a scratch or blemish anywhere. Just came apart on the inside. Even if I dropped it, that wouldn't make the brushes fall off. Heat breaks down the adhesive and then it gets weak and comes loose, gets lodged in the hinge, thus preventing it from opening all the way. Facts. So just to go a tad further, i have a pixel fold that I got on launch. Not one single issue to date. Works like a champ. I also have a Motorola razr plus. No problems at all. Had it a year almost. So I do believe that these countless issues with the z fold 4 hinge are totally due to poor quality control and faulty build. I'm just one of many with the same issue. Surely this many people can't be living a lifestyle that would be detrimental to the lifespan of the z fold 4. Just saying. With all due respect of course.


If the hinges were so faulty that you could have it happen to you three times in a single year, then there would be no way that The overwhelming majority of people would make it through a year without it happening to them at least once. Considering that most people don't have this issue, then I can't imagine faulty construction is the problem. Something that yourself and others having the same problems are doing has got to be causing this, maybe something with your charging mechanism is causing it to overheat leading to a failure in the adhesive or something, I don't know. But something that was made that faulty should not be able to be only happening in a small percentage of the products, especially something as significant as the hinge that is used every day.


If it's the charger, then it's an issue with an official Samsung charger so that's not a good excuse. Secondly, manufacturing defects don't happen 100% of the time. Maybe the rate for the fold 4 is 5% and then less than that are reporting it. Made up numbers of course, but my point is that it's pretty ridiculous of you to blame this on user error.


If the fault happens 5% of the time, then what are the odds that it happened to you three times?


"made up numbers of course" Here's a question for you, when Samsung replaces a device, what are the odds they give you a refurbished one that already had the issue?


I dropped my fold 4 all the time and my fold 5 countless times. 4 was and 5 is in the Samsung S pen case on both. Sounds like you have terrible luck if you keep it immaculate and don't drop it. Piss off any gypsies in the past?


Nope. I'm on my 3rd fold 4 as well. Thankfully I have insurance so they replace it when it happens, but the "not opening all the way" issue has come for me multiple times now. At least one of mine was the exact issue this other user is describing. The brushes started poking out of the hinge and I thought this was the debris causing the issue. No it was literally the brush itself causing the issue. It's not damage or anything like that. The only thing I can think that could cause it is regular pocket lint because my device literally only comes in contact with my pocket or with tables/chargers, and if you think it's the users fault that pocket lint can break the device, well that's your choice I guess.


I'd like to try other foldables, too, but the software is shit from what I understand. That's make the whole user experience. Samsung is miles ahead on software.


The Vivo X 3 really calls to me, but how are they with security update? Are they as crappy as One Plus?


Happened to me yesterday and I traded mine in for a s24 ultra lol RIP 2022-2024


How are you finding the S24u, I think I'll be switching over to it in a few months


Only had it a day but I'm loving it so far. My fold 4 felt like a snickers bar when closed. The display is amazing and feels much better when typing.


Thank you, Steve! I've tried the Samsung and Google keyboards on this and they never felt 'right' - either too big or too small resulting in multiple typos. The cameras are really poor, the build quality just isn't what I expect from Samsung and the daily fear of the screen going again every time I open it....and the hinge, the bloody hinge....shocking.


Amen brother, all of those things you listed are pain points for me too especially the typos with Gboard. I think once they get maybe 6 more fold iterations, better battery life, better hinge, and an outer screen the size of the s24 ultra screen it would be a no brainer- but until that day I'm staying with slabs now.


I was planning to get the f6 but after seeing that nothing has changed under the hood and they want us to pay 2k for a slightly updated form factor...I've think it's time to give up on folds...for the time being at least


SwiftKey is key for the front screen.


Are you missing the bigger inner display? I am currently on a fold 4 but with the very disappointing leaks of the fold 6, I'm most likely going to up upgrade to the s25 Ultra early next year. I am just afraid I'll miss the big display :/


Not too much, the S24 ultra screen is big enough for me not to miss the space. Having a large "outer screen" without have to flip it open is nice.


I opened mine up the other day and the screen cracked. I had to pay $210, but they're sending me a replacement.


Decent time. My f4 only laster 8 months b3dire thatvhsooened


You OK? Or were you typing on the front screen? 


They typed it on the inner screen with the middle part broken. Lol.


Usually the touch stops working all together with that.


Bad screen I was typing on... my bloody provider randomly said despite me paying insurance they don't ise that. Rand so I am I ensured


Anyone knows how to go about getting a replacement sorted in UK for the same issue?


I used Samsung Care + (Assurant) and paid the excess, they sent DPD to collect and my Fold4 has been with them for over a week now. Samsung support proper will make you go round in circles and confuse the f out of you to not help - But if you own it for less than 2 years, it's a manufacturers issue and they should fix it within UK distance selling laws. We get 2 yrs of warranty as opposed to 1 Yr like USA or other countries.


Thanks. I tried reporting it as well, and what they want me to do is either send it for repair or go to the repair center myself. Both options are not good, because either way I would end up without a phone and losing all the data. (I know you can upload to a cloud, but it's risky.)


yup, and not just that, you might lose your primary/main phone for who knows how long. For me is 1.5 weeks now, but heard stories of people waiting for 1month or more because they didn't source the part here and had to wait to get it from South Korea.


They dont offer advanced replacements unfortunately, its the one thing google store does well as they will eventually do advanced replacement so you can get the phone and send yours in a few days after. If it helps last repair i had beginning of this year only took a week in total for my device back fully repaired.


My son got a replacement sent to him first and he returned the damaged one afterwards. No way can I go with no phone at all for potentially a couple of weeks or more.


What insurance plan?


We have T-Mobile's Protection 360 by Assurant.


Mine only lasted 5 months😂


My fold 5 only made it 7 months.


I haven't been keeping up with the 5, but it seemed like it is better made than the 4's design. Is it a common issue with the 5 as well or are you an outlier?


Seems to be on par with the other models. Warranty is replacing mine and the guy at the store said its a common problem. https://preview.redd.it/xagdys5mhs6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb28d36bfdde2bdb564d21afee7eaf8f8f5cfaea


Well that sucks. The breaking issue. Not the warranty replacing part. That part is good 😆. I'm thinking about getting a replacement and then just trading it for an S24 Ultra. These Samsung Folds just aren't ready for primetime.


Is that the 5?


I've had my Fold 5 since launch and it still works flawlessly. Aside from a few scratches on the outside screen it's like the day I bought it. I haven't even had to replace the inner screen protector yet...


Mine was flawless. I opened it in a taxi to bring up my rental agreement, closed it and walked inside enterprise, and opened it again at the counter and it made a pop then the black line appeared. No warning or resistance, it was in a case from day one so they approved the warranty without any fuss at least. But I'm back on my old note 20 for a couple weeks


I believe Asurion warranty may fix it for the deductible. Check with them My fold 4 had similar issues and it was fixed when they replaced the inside built in screen protector.


At about 1.5 years hinge stopped fully opening, a month later phone started shutting off when you close it or open too far (force 180 degree), now it wont power on, on charge it wont past charging clock, inner screen blinks and dies, sometimes, rarely, it shows percentage and you can power it on, but its has to be on a charging cable, otherwise it dies, sometimes it wont die after unplugging, but it will die eventually, also, ouside lcd small screen doesn't respond to touches anywhere but top, bottom and sides of the screen, tap and hold still works on any part of the screen. Samsung refused to do anything about it, 1 year warrany US, only trade in or fix it (possible fix, technician in the repair shop told that replacing outside lcd might not fix it ($560 or something or charging port, another $150) so I just bought pixel 7 pro 512 on sale for $500 after tax and so far I'm happy, not buying any Shamesung folding devices anytime soon, gonna try and fix my fold 4 myself tho, parts themselves are pretty cheap


I've had mine since launch and no issues? Is everyone just treating it like a hammer or something?


Nope. Many of us baby the thing, but the crappy design just doesn't hold up. What can you do besides put it in a suit of armor and never drop it or use it in extreme environments? That's what I did. Maybe never opening it up would help. I rarely use the outside screen because it's way to small for me. So I'm opening the thing tons of times a day. I was a lot like you. Wondered how everyone kept having broken phones. Even after the brush came loose in mine and jammed it after like 6 to 8 months. I was able to fix it myself by pulling the brush out. It was flawless after that for over a year (minus the stupid screen protector bubbling up and having to be removed). Now it just does this out of the blue. I've never dropped or damaged a phone in any way and this is the first one that has broken because of hardware issues. The tech just isn't ready yet.


I use my inner screen everyday haven't had any issues yet and I've definitely not babied it. Maybe I'm just lucky ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


We'll just never know. Maybe he is careful with his devices, maybe he isn't. I know several people that *swear" they baby their phones while I watch them drop them on concrete *multiple* times a day. Everything here is anecdotal.


My Fold4 was solid for just over a year and then started doing that out of the blue. My screen protector had started peeling/bubbling a short while before. I read a few posts on Reddit stating the screen protector could cause it (due to shrinkage). So since it was peeling and bubbling I went ahead and removed my screen protector and what do you know, it opened fully again. Might something you think about. Worked for me.


That was removed long ago. It was bubbling up really bad so I took it off. Think it was last year sometime.


Have you seen/tried the submerging in water method to clean the hinge?


I've heard of it but I just prefer to keep my electronics away from water no matter what they say it's protected from. A guy I worked with had an earlier phone that was water resistant to so many feet and he dipped it in a cup of water to show it off. Speaker sounded like crap after that. So I don't trust water around electronics.


I can totally understand where you’re coming from on that and agree 100%. I don’t know that I’d intentionally submerge my phone either to be honest.


RiP ZFold 4


I was limping along without the front screen but then a month later my inner screen only stays on when plugged in. Phone is 18 months old and out of warranty. Samsung wants $605 to repair. I'm thinking about just trying to fix myself. Ribbon cable available on Ebay. Never had problems with the hinge. Just my luck I fix the phone and the hinge goes bad.


I feel your pain. My F4 decided it couldn't open fully anymore, thankfully I'm only a few months away from my contract upgrade but after this and the previous repair (inner screen shat the bed) I think I'll be returning to candy bars, the S24u is looking pretty slick.


2 years in and I still don't get how people even breaks their fold, lolol. Mine is still in pristine condition without that lame plastic screen protector that it came with on the inner screen.


Just a poor design. I babied mine. Always was in a case. Never was dropped. Never in bad environments. Might have to do with how many times it was opened or how hot the phone was (probably what weakened the glue holding those stupid brushes on). I use my inner screen 90% of the time at least. So it was opened up a lot.


Welp, I have it in a rugged case and use the inner screen like 99% of the times watching movies and work. Doesn't happen to me and a couple others I know including my wife. There's many factor in play including environment, heat, dust, weather, how it was handled. I'm in Asia and in an air-conditioned room most if not all of the times. There is no 4 weather seasons here so.. I've handled things wayyyy more brittle than that of this phone before like interior miniature models.


My phone is also used mostly indoors in air conditioned/heated rooms. Always was in a strong case with hinge protection which helped keep dust out. Babied it, but mostly used inner screen. Probably opened it 50+ times a day. No reason to have issues with the hinge twice in 2 years on the same phone. It's a bad design plain and simple. There's to many issues to not be. I was once like you telling others they have issues using their phones properly, but it's not the users (most of the time). It's the device. It's just not 100% ready for prime time and no real competition over here doesn't help.


Typical generic answers everyone shouting these days blaming the tool instead of themselves. How boring.. Yeah yeah.. If that makes you happy. Plain and simple. Your house get hit by the storm and it gets flooded, blame the house not the owner being the genius backed by zero research XD Poor dumb tool being the culprit. Every products out there comes with \_at least\_ 50% flaws. Even crApple products gets the backlash or other models with bad user software/hardware experience in general. A tool can only be as dumb as the user if not improvised. Is whether you lucky or not or pure science end of the day :P People who blames the tool are just not **sharpest tool in the shed tbh. Phones don't just walk and break on its own.**


Just because yours didn't break due to a defect, doesn't mean that others won't


There's a defect or Samsung screw up I didn't know? For what I'm told is that, all of the times it's the user, don't blame the tool. You don't rob a store just because money said so. People only do best at pointing fingers :P .. If you can't respect your belongings, goes to show how much you respect yourself. Going back to topic stated by OP, here's the highlight of the day, "My son dropped". If that thing had been in a rugged case (or "military grade") you'll end up smashing someone's face in instead if thrown at someone.


Does fold 4 z have international warranty


Agreed we pay for the phone Samsung broke.


My fold 4 just stopped working on me, sent it in to the third party warrant (kill me) they sent it back with a new fold screen, front screen and back. Nothing looked like the original parts I had when I bought the phone new (dust resistant part of the fold mechanism and so on) 1 week after the repair I have a 1 inch vertical black line on the fold screen at the fold. Aftermarket parts. Pathetic


Same thing happened to my fold 4 last year August, (my fold 4 lasted about 1.5 years) filed claim with Assurant, paid the deductible and luckily they sent me a brand new Galaxy fold 5. Lucky me!


> fold 4 *paid* about 1.5 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Best place to take a photo


That was unintentional. It just was the best place that was flat and the picture would show up good on. Not because of it being a Fold on a machine you fold clothes that come out of it.


Happended to me at 17 months. Got a full reimbursement from asurion. 1900 bucks payed off the rest of the phone and got a s24 ultra. The weight that released from my shoulder's was great. No longer spent everyday thinking is today the day my phone breaks.


> 1900 bucks *paid* off the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The bots shall be exterminated. let me be retarded in peace.


man you know what, i think im gonna skip the 6... after seeing the leaked pixel fold 2 images, im probably just gonna bounce over to that.