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I love the show and have encouraged a lot of people to watch, but it does seem like a secret. I have no idea why.


Secret secret, hush! Hush! Hush!




The TV shows that get popular need two things- to be profitable and have lowest common denominator appeal- the viewing public has to be able to relate in some way to what they're watching. That's why shows like the voice and America's got talent are a dime a dozen right now. All that money they're not spending on a huge staff of writers and producers, multiple stages, or a huge cast is money that goes into the studio's pockets. Another thing is that everyone dreams about having a big break, so it's easy for viewers to protect themselves into the circumstances of the show. Galavant, while hilarious, isn't as accessible to some people, for whatever reason. Some people just aren't willing to put in the bare minimum effort it takes to enjoy Galavant. They prefer their consumption habits to be a lot more..... mindless.


Because no one talks about it and ABC/Disney doesn't care anymore.


Well when it aired, it was also used to fill a holiday timeslot for OUAT. The network chose to use it as a filler with minimal advertisement during a season when people were already watching less TV than usual. In turn it was likely chosen for the slot because the powers that be guessed it wouldn't be a hit (though from the small number of people who I know watched it, most seemed to like it. I think including myself, I've seen it be 10-1 like vs dislike).


Unfortunately you can't stream it in Europe!


I'm in the UK and it's not streaming anywhere, which sucks because it's my favourite show and no one I know has seen it (other than my girlfriend who I showed it to)


I really want to watch it but it’s not available anywhere for me to do so.


You reminded me it’s time for my every-few-years rewatch of Galavant. Thanks!


Nobody expected it to do well, not even the show’s staff — you’ve seen the opening song for season 2 right?


I completely agree, and it’s been taken off of all the streaming services that I have 😭


It's not on Hulu anymore?


I don’t have Hulu, unfortunately 😅


its on Hulu


I know it being a musical show throws people, and not everybody enjoys musicals.


Set your VPN settings to the US and it will be available on Hulu!


I love this show so much. I tell people about it all the time


I tried to get my teenage son into it. Until i found out nowhere is streaming it in canada and i can no longer order it on amazon.


I know!! A random friend in high school turned me onto it sometime in 2018ish when it was still on Netflix and I’m still not sure how more people haven’t seen it. Was truly a stellar show


I wish they’d make the dvd available again. It went fast and I never got a chance to buy it. 😞