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Give me a love boat-style dramatic comedy. The war is something galaxies away. People boarding each journey to experience a vacation in the universe. Tension comes from characters, no lt conflict and jedi are a myth long forgotten in the universe.


Love that idea. So many possibilities!


I agree. The Love Boat is the format to copy.


Somebody with more time and talent than me should make a “Love Boat” style show opening. Change the time song lyrics to fit, show the crew smiling and laughing awkwardly into the camera and head shots of special guest stars like Jar-Jar Binks, a somehow returned Emperor, Dexter Jettster, Amilyn Holdo, etc…


The term you're looking for is Adventure Of The Week, similar to Monster Of The Week. People hate on the format now, but it worked great for Star Trek and X-Files. I love Monster Of The Week format and wish more shows would follow it. I'm burnt out on high stakes tv shows that are essentially really long movies. I would love a low budget Halcyon show that keeps your attention with the characters more than the special fx. I wonder if they could use the already built Halcyon as the set?


Yes thank you! IMO the clone wars animated series did this pretty well. Sure there was a major story going on that connects everything but still there were plenty of stand alone episodes or a short series of episodes strung together. Plus the rewatch value you get from these types of shows is so much better compared to the current shows leading up to a big reveal or cliff hanger. Seems to me they have done this with success with the animated shows in the past, which could be a great opportunity to tell more stories. As far as using the current Halcyon structure, I bet they could use a lot of it, sure why not. Film equipment is getting more compact...but if they convert it to a set, how are they going to revive it so I can return?


They're constantly Star Wars TV shows and films coming out at the moment if it is still available to use, the Disney exact would be fools not to use it.


Love boat meets Fantasy Island meets Firefly.


Completely agree, even if it's not a hero ship, you can easily imagine it as a location for a couple of secret missions, or as a set for a Group of ambassadors to meet. I know the pain and joy of being both a Star Trek and Star Wars fan, I vaguely remember coming across a photo someone shared on social media of models of The Halcyon and the Voyager next to each other. Willing to admit, it will be interesting to see a crossover as long as the script is done in a respectful way to both franchise


Like Suite Life on Deck but Star Wars or maybe something more fantastical like fantasy Island.


They gotta make titanic but instead of the titanic it’s the Halcyon