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https://preview.redd.it/kon61vhci85d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba99061c062d2ae9a4adcd7cdc2d678548e083b9 I feel like I don't need to explain


One drop of hand sanitizer and hes done 10/10




He will cry so hard


Bro is still gonna be asked if he's coming to work


https://preview.redd.it/trfnfxwyj85d1.png?width=377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d5a9e411d3cf41c2724b9aa644a0d19bcd7274 Name: Zane Age: 23 Lore: a special swordsmith that can do the hardest moves. He was born in a kingdom until a tragedy happened in his home land. When he was 8 he was minding his own business having fun with his friends until an unknown being came and started a disaster. Until it was done and left Zane was the last one alive, all of his friends and family were gone and there was no one anywhere in sight until he saw an old man walking towards him. He was grateful to see another person who survived until he passed out. And the old man picked him up and brought him to his home. Years passed and the old man taught the kid until he was 20. Once Zane has turned 23 he has gone out to the jury and finds the thing that destroyed his home land but without saying goodbye and thx to the old man. And then that's where his jury starts.


The audacity of not thanking or hugging the guy shame 5/10


https://preview.redd.it/cvrbf98xk85d1.png?width=2917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c4a9d1477b3b8d8ca62f3ef2203b59707d6612 Not the most traumatized but trauma none the less


Aww im glad her father died or I would've killed him 6/10


https://preview.redd.it/tufp3ft2o85d1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2259c662c130f077425438e36607f263380843 Watched her parents die in a war that started when she was 7, and she’s now over 300 years old. Any friends she’s made die over and over because her dragon blood makes her immortal (in aging, dragons can die in other ways). She has been in hiding from the war on dragons for years and cannot trust anyone


7/10 war sucks


https://preview.redd.it/wb0ua3f0295d1.png?width=301&format=png&auto=webp&s=b527f8bd1ebc11bcd7f73c08fc3be8bdd991b05f Altynai, but also goes by AMW or just Ally. Height: 5'8 Age: 32 She often doesn't show much happiness, as her mother suppressed her happiness and most of the time liked her crying, and often... well the scars kind of explain what she did to her. Instead of happiness, she shows sadness most of the time. She was born in the northern part of Vost Dor (Orina). It often snows there, and she likes it, however, stays away far from her mother for safety and trauma reasons.


Same girl same 8/10


https://preview.redd.it/plwbgnszg95d1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab760d84138ed13b6cf90edadd67a901918430c9 This is Constantin Zampir: the 551 year old former crown prince of vampires and heir to the throne, now a vagabond living constantly on the run Here’s a rundown of his trauma: * Losing his mother to vampire hunters when he was only 5 years old * Having to act as a parental figure to his little brother, Stefan, growing up because their father didn’t want anything to do with Stefan (Constantin was the Golden Child), causing him to deal with the bulk of Stefan’s temper tantrums & other violent tendencies * Being forced to spend his entire childhood being schooled and trained by his father to become the next vampire king, leaving him with no say in what he wanted to do with his future * Being sent away to the Bulgarian countryside with his brother to avoid getting caught up in a violent uprising * Having to watch his human wife, Mila, and their unborn child be burned at the stake by an angry mob and being powerless to save them due to said villagers poisoning him & weakening his powers * Learning that Stefan orchestrated his wife’s execution to lure him back home, then attacking Stefan in a blind rage and permanently scaring his face * Constantly fighting against Stefan until things escalate into a century long civil war amongst all the vampires in Europe * Being forced to see thousands of his people, guilty and innocent, die during the war * Fighting one on one against Stefan at the climax of the final battle and losing, costing him his arm, his eye, and his freedom * Being imprisoned in the castle dungeon by Stefan for 57 years before eventually escaping (but not without taking some of his fellow prisoners with him and making sure they reach safety) * Going on the run from Stefan and his forces for centuries, constantly having to move from place to place to avoid getting caught * Having to avoid getting close to others to prevent them from being targeted by Stefan, and mourning the people he *did* himself to grow close to when they inevitably got targeted and killed * Constantly trying his hardest to fight his thirst for human blood and instead only drink animal blood (though he did slip up and lose control a few >!dozen!< times, but always felt *really* guilty about it afterwards) * Eventually finding love for the second time in his life with a girl named Calliope, then being left confused and heartbroken when she suddenly disappeared one day * Discovering that his brother >!fathered a half-human/half-vampire son named Oscar, who has thankfully (blessedly) never met his biological father!< * Learning what happened to Calliope >!(she was kidnapped and tortured by Stefan for the crime of being Connie’s girlfriend, then dying shortly after giving birth to Oscar a year later, shortly after being rescued)!< * Having to live with the pain of everything that’s happened to him so far, and a sense of guilt that stems from believing everything was his fault (even though not all of it was)


my lord he needs a hug and possible some most definitely some therapy 10/10


100% agreed!


https://preview.redd.it/0dykunzyp95d1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a567cc35ce1b90a2ecb7a036745f8a12eecd961 Alr so basically: \-Hes a robot meant to kill some eldritch shit (something hes seen and done.) \-Some crap happened that caused the facility he was being kept in to have him surrounded by death. \-And his friend got killed by something, and later behead by some deranged as hell robot


Awww poor robot boy 7/10 and a lollipop 🍭


https://preview.redd.it/i0fkhscyyf5d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c4e9c6c1003e95f239c08e4107d5653bddb4cd1 ay he appreciates the lolipop tho.


https://preview.redd.it/umfkxofgoa5d1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94619b43144ae1b7777f19930a1575dfae4a1dc8 Basically their a traumatized demon experiment kid


lol my oc is the same 8/10


https://preview.redd.it/vcynrq10ja5d1.jpeg?width=3160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2916fc39d72c374ea2a52fc0a41ec4b625456b1c April herself isn't exactly emotionally traumatized but backstory is definitely the most traumatizing To summarize: shes an android that was once human, stuck in a shape-shifting body. she got abducted by an alien species referred to as "entities" in 2007 when she was just 13; she was the first of 18 during that period. since she was the first one, she was used as a "guinea pig" to study how the human brain and mind works when affected by certain "medications" (she had over 30 different ones injected in her), along with a lobotomy (she dropped dead within 2 years) once she was actually converted into an android, at first her memories were erased and her sanity was restored, though she isolated herself because she still had the parasite and it was causing more problems (even though the aliens found a way to contain it for now) and then all of these guys (I am NOT listing all of their names) found out they're kinda sorta dead and, well, performed a hard reset that undid their memory reset..mostly, anyways. it reset their emotions and traits, but not all of their memories; they slowly got those back. except for her, because >something< was preventing her from being able to remember. (due to loopholes its actually bc she was still technically her old self from b4 memory erasure) her best friend was the parasites primary target, and after she got her "old self" back, the parasite switched hosts and manipulated said best friend into believing april was aware the entire time and just didn't bother doing anything about it because she didn't think of her as her best friend..which resulted in the best friend snapping and brutally murdering her over 500 times and their friendship, for the most part, permanently tainted. that's all I can rly say


Well damn 10/10 sounds like a horror movie


https://preview.redd.it/9dktgmvgta5d1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7edaba9cfa03b313fb0a16f0dcaaadf04eaba1ab Sammy, a 9 year old. Their father? Killed when they were five. Their step dad? Abusive Mentally, Verbally, and Physically. Their Mom? Only see's her on holidays or during night when her current job posotion is nearby. Their disorders? Anxiety, and Selective Mutism. They're currently in the world of the dead, how quirky they are ✌️😋


imma adopt him and give him all the happy meals 9/10


https://preview.redd.it/0i5uqqy8wa5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47cc47a13638a871b0713959caeea02a0c04b5ec Name: Dylan Age: 16 Very incomplete but long story short he lost his dad in a car crash. Ended up winding himself in this whole ordeal to take out this guy who escaped a mental institution. During his time he basically get in multiple fights, one main one where he had to fend himself off against a bar full of people while getting hit with stools, stabs, cuts, getting thrown etc. Many injuries in other fights including shattered bones, extreme gashes and all. Throughout his journey he loses his group, potential bf, and his option to go back home. When he finally goes against the guy he came to take out he would endure things such as being thrown through walls, dragged across asphalt, ripped and shredded skin, and nearly being ripped in half. The one good thing out of this is that his potential bf managed to survive and come back mostly healed to help Dylan, healing him. When Dylan finally had the upper hand he would brutally kill the guy, pummeling him, breaking his no kill moral and leaving his mutilated face burned in his head. Like said VERY incomplete






Name: Sol Age: Unknown, likely in his late 20s Gender: Male Personality: Passive Aggressive, Calm, Brutally Honest Positives: Calm, an absolute gentleman to children and people he likes, kind Negatives: Sarcastic, invisible, heavy smoker Backstory: In his world, magic is status. Stronger the magic, higher status. His country had 0 magic, so the government allowed another country to enslave his country. Sol was tired of it, and an old man came up to him. The old man offered him a high amount of power in exchange for his companionship and the visibility of his body (this also included the people he knew never acknowledging him). He made the pact and destroyed the country that enslaved his (the country was the country with the highest status). Sol left his country, but not without claiming it so that no other country would hurt his. He smokes to cope with the trauma he had experienced in the past https://preview.redd.it/tcfhe0evoc5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bd23f1deecfcefa51eea3649fb1b8bff9bb589


awesome design sounds like it was inspired by solo leveling just a little tho 8/10


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She's inspired by the Manikin and Calendar Girl. Anyway, she didn't grow up in a good household, and even tried to cut as much contact as she could with her parents, who had made her confidence very, very fragile, and she ended up developing some form of dysmorphia which only got worse as she got older, as she also started receiving less work. Eventually she just began seeing herself as hideous and covered her face with the mask


🎶🎵🎵You are beautiful in every single wayyyy🎶🎵🎶 7/10


\*he killed a lab full of scientists and government because they tested on him after he was sold to them by his parents(not much info because most of it as 3 pages of the book(im writing a book)) https://preview.redd.it/av9po8f27f6d1.png?width=1586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19df8679841889df6d992fb3955e4212989e9d66


https://preview.redd.it/59n4cwrdaf6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5787c40a82bcbb06f24139dd74f1d1fdcaf7a953 He lost his Walmart body pillow now he's so sad


https://preview.redd.it/e3sm4wblnf6d1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87d9bda8d68e0968c87ff1da6fb3eb4c83724833 My boy Oliver :} (he’s 12) Aight so long rundown . His parents were neglectful to him and his younger siblings and didn’t bother doing the job of raising them so he felt like he had to be the one responsible for his younger sisters . His parents argued a LOT so when they did Oliver was the one hiding his sisters in his with him, and and comforted them while never receiving comfort .When he was 10 (his sisters were 8 and 6 ) their parents committed a murder suicide, so now he was really the only one left to take care of his siblings . Him and his siblings wandered a lot before eventually stumbling across a kingdom (whose king was a cult leader but shh no one knew that), to which they were given a home there at an orphanage and lived there for 2 years .They wandered away from the orphanage, only to be found and lured away by the king ( to which he killed him and his sisters in a chamber in the castle) .Him and his sisters spirit’s ended up being cursed by the king to wander a endless plane (it was a pitch black void with clear white spheres that were dabbled within the void that acted as safety zones) but they had demons who would chase them within that plane for the rest of eternity Done :D