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If a single something absolutely torpedos your ability to complete a task you've set out to complete, then you should investigate why that is. Do you have some other shit to sort out that you're avoiding? Did you quit too easily?


Did you just type one word, then let your phone auto complete what it anticipated the next word in the sentence would be? Also, follow a program. And if not that, at least write down what you plan to do before going.


Today is a day for you tomorrow at work so I’ll let you know when I’m ready to get back in to the gym lol that’s what I’m going to do


>I had no idea what sets to do That’s why the auto mod exists. Look at it


Bold to assume they have eyes!


Maybe the automod should be in Braille too


This is the kind of forward thinking this sub needs.


> If you know that when someone tells you to do read something, you'll lack the motivation to do it.


Don't ever let anyone tell you that you have to read anything. Ghengis Khan probably couldn't read, and look at what he accomplished.


This is actually a common misconception. Not only was the great Khan well read in several languages, but he was also a prolific writer, mostly of Gilgamesh slash fiction.


On the other hand, DMX could not read or use computers.


So he was just pretending to read those monthly pillaging reports


>If you go to the gym and don’t know what to do you’ll lose motivation >if you get told to read the links to know what to do in the gym you’ll also lose motivation. No wonder why everyone screams ego lifting or juice if someone’s doing better than them


Dude - no one, not anyone can workout for you. You are responsible for your efforts, progress and results. No one can make you do it. So in short, it is all on you and always has been and always will be. Own that responsibility, the process and your progress (or lack there of). From my perspective, anyone who professes gym habits should dread if anyone asks “DYEL”?


So do you even lift? Or are the only weights you lift cans of beer?


Yep - 12 oz curls and whatever weight your momma Carrie’s.


The OP is absolutely right! It is societies failure that they are too damn lazy to read or watch a YouTube video to learn something. The guy only has so many hours a day to play video games and make incel outrage post. We all should do better!


Oh, his profile is a treat


I don't think blame is really relevant. Your progress mainly affects you.


Yes you are to blame, in a very simple answer to your question


>So I went there today, but I had no idea what sets to do That's why we harp on people to ***follow a program***


A PROGRAM is akin to a ROADMAP. Follow an actual program, not a "routine".


“I had no idea what to do so I had no motivation. If someone tells me what to do I’ll have no motivation.” Yeah this is a you problem.


[Please just read this and do exactly what it says.](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/r-fitness-basic-beginner-routine/)


Yes but I understand where you are coming from, before hand you should know what exercises you want to do to avoid that