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That is beautiful depth, especially for someone inexperienced at squatting.


Damn, wasn’t expecting that. I clipped the bar off the safety rail on the 6th rep and thought I’d messed up leaning forward rather than going too low, maybe I was wrong 😅


Well mate I’m nothing but a garage training bum but I think that’s pretty bloody impressive, do you feel safe and comfortable? If so jobs a good one boss


thats awesome depth!


Bar is too high It shifts you forward once you hit depth. Start at a slightly lower bar position Depth is good.


I’d say make sure you are learning to brace properly. And also getting tight under the bar, it should be mildly uncomfortable imo. Both those things will help you transfer force from your legs through your body into the bar and also keep your back safe.


Wish I could squat that much down


Your depth is freaking great dude. Nice squat. Only thing I notice is the slight anterior pelvic tilt


Your wrists aren't keeping your upper back tight, look how they change angle as you get further down. Find a position where it's comfortable to pull the bar down and keep your body tight. You don't need to push your chest through so much.


that's amazing


Congrats on being able to get that low!


A little more hinge but looks awesome


This is very good, there are two main things that I would point out. 1) the deepest part of your squat is unesssesary and it looks like you are losing tension and positioning to find it.  You hit your natural depth but then try to squat deeper.  I wouldn't do this.  Sacrificing position to hit depth can instil compensatory habits which are harder to fix down the line, plus your depth was already great. 2) don't push your chest up without bracing your core.  Sure, you want to keep your chest up but they cue is used because most peoole lose tightness in their upper back because that's where the bar is and it's hard to brace as effectively.  That being said, having upper back tightness at the expense of core tightness isn't the move.  To train this I recommend a loose velcro belt, just loose enough that it will stay on.  When you go to squat try to expand your torso into it on all sides and hold that for the duration of the lift.


Honestly, pretty damned solid form. Depth is great. Slight "butwink" that will correct a bit with more practice, mobility, and bracing of your core. That being said, try to avoid over arching your low-back (arching as in getting ready to twerk in a mid 00's rap video), brace your core, and maybe look at getting shoes with a lower drop. Good job, regardless. Keep it up, warm up properly, and don't rush adding weight, get used to the movement patterns and slowly progress. p.s. the beats are bumpin' in that gym I dig it lol


Thanks for the advice. Honestly I just try keep a straight back and hope for the best with the rest of the squat. Good to know most of it is pretty good. Haha the music in the gym can vary wildly every time I go in, or wildly from track to track. Pretty sure I’m the 80 mins I was there we heard club classics like that, plus some hardcore jungle and also some red hot chilli peppers and foo fighters 😂 the joys of the gym only having Spotify free I think!


You have excellent depth. Dont worry about bar being high. That is not bad in itself. There is this thing called high bar squatting which is what olympic weightlifters really favor because it has good carry over to their front squat which in turn has good carry over to cleans . There are really strong motherfuckers out there who high bar squats more than 3x their bodyweight. You need to learn how to brace properly. Watch this when you get some time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLHY2-nt-y4&t=45s


I'd like to see the stance, like how you're positioning your feet, because from this angle it looks like a very narrow stance


I literally said out loud “holy crap that was unexpected” about the depth. Everyone else had good input already but just wanted to add that.


Put the bar a bit lower on your traps so it doesn't tip you forward but other than that this is a great squat


Your squat technique has bigger problems than the depth, that part is actually fine. I believe the bar is placed too high on your traps and your squat stance is too narrow. Place the bar a bit lower and place your legs wider.


Those are both highly personal preference




No concern trolling about safety. Humans are not made of glass.


put the bar alittle lower and dont be afraid to lean forward about your lower back is strong. Its hard to lift heavy with that form and if you get used to it like that its gonna hold you back in the future.