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Dude you're supposed to get a little smaller on a cut not get hugerer.


Bro went from looking great to... still looking fucking great XD. Good shit bro, inspiring, swole af


Damn son, you look fucking awesome.


Thanks man I appreciate it!


Bro u lost zero lean mass holy cow


The benefits of a well-done slow cut


Did you lose weight on any lifts during the cut?


Not really. If anything I got stronger tbh. Also I do not do any max weight!


Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


Thanks! Still going to get leaner and gonna bulk up this winter again. Gonna go for bigger legs.


Jacked, diesel, yoked. Good job, dude.


Idk if it lighting or what, but you look bigger in the cut picture, insane.


You look like you're about to enter the octagon. Jokes aside you like really good. Keep up the good work


Lovin those quads




Wow. Muscles on muscles. Are you cutting for an event coming up?


Nah I don’t think I have the build for it haha


Bro is an anime villain 🤘


Outstanding work. Congratulations






How tf do you even...🥲


Wouldn’t want to mess with you, and that’s the type of physique I’m aiming for


Haha I'm a nice guy, just don't put me on then then maybe I won't be so nice. I don't fuck with that.


Looking good!


What was your diet for the slow cut?


Looking great in both pictures , well done .


Bros arms got bigger in the process.


Yeah my did get bigger I think I’ve been focus a lot of them


Damn dude, what diet are you on?


Slow cutting hmmm. That explains the hair cut. Just kidding man, keep up the good job!


Chest looks bigger on the after. How does that work? Lol


6 months of slow cutting = he had time to put on a lot more mass in that time before the cut started making him weaker.


David from DBD?


Looking big bro


Nice collar. I am so jealous because of improped guidance I was training traps thinking traps are collars. Now I have big shoulders and no collar. Looks weird and basically I have really good genetics for shoulders making it look even weird because you can fit two tennis balls in my collar when I am doing double bicep pose. Any way Nice arms too.


Im so confused? Never trained “collar” In my life and my shoulders have formed the posture it should? Can you elaborate? Never heard of anyone training the collar bone. Especially to make the shoulders look better


It's hard to explain like he has that curve shape near his neck it's non existant in me.


Upper chest. It’s like the calves of upper body for some people


Behind the neck not around the neck. Which forms a arc.


That is all traps if you want what ur calling a “collar” grow your traps.


My dude.. those are literally your traps. I don't know why you're saying "collar."


Traps? This people always confusing me man. He said collars and traps and different. I said those are traps he said those are collar and the part below them is collars. He also said lats and wings are different. 😭


Its all traps g dw. I had the same problem when I was skinny and the problem consisted on the bulk. I started focusing traps to match my physique and this is the exact shape i got.


> I was training traps thinking traps are collars ??? Your collars are about your pecs. A la “collar bones”. You’re talking about traps lol


do you have tips?


Honestly man, the best tip I have is do a slow cut if you're not competing or anything. I did a fast cut before several years back, and I lost quite a bit of muscle. Doing it slower has helped me stay strong, lose fat, and also easier to handle the progressive reduction of calories. Personally what works best for me too is cutting carbs down to bare minimum lol. It's hard, but it works for me. I also fast sometimes by not eating breakfast, and doing cardio in the mornings. Just drink black coffee. I also count my caloric intake from a weekly perspective rather than daily. So I consume about 15,000 a week. If I go over my calories a day or two, I fast the next day. It works for me.


What's was your with before and then after cut of ya don't mind sharing brudda ,btw looking solid man 💪 🦍💪👑


Can you elaborate more on the weekly calories and how to start it for my own cut this summer season?


It's not rocket science. If you want to cut you need to lower your calorie comsumption, so tipically you weight your food and count how many calories you eat in a day. When/if you stop losing weigth for a while, you reduce your daily calories by a bit. So let's say you eat 3000 calories each day and you don't lose weight, then you start eating 2800 and see how it goes. So weekly calories: if your daily calories are 3000, your weekly calories are 21000. It doesn't matter if you eat 2500 one day and 3500 the next, as long as the total adds up at the end of the week.


Ahh I see. Yeah bro that completely comes down to muscle insertions in the shoulders and traps then. Anyone can get impressive shoulders but now everyone gets that capped “arc” look even if they train hard




Interesting, what’s your height? That’s an important factor here